By Dr. John Happs

Wat: “You have been weighed.”
Roland: “You have been measured.”
Kate: “And you have absolutely…”
Chaucer: “Been found wanting.”
A Knight’s Tale, Geoffrey Chaucer (1340’s – 1400)

A knighthood is a title given to a man by a British king or queen for his achievements or service to his country. Founded by King Edward the Third in 1348, the knighthood is regarded as the highest British civil and military honour obtainable and one would expect recipients to be persons of honesty and integrity.

There are at least 4 English knights who appear to have strayed from the path of honesty and integrity when it comes to relating information about climate change to politicians, the media, business and the general public.

The first Knight’s Tale is about Sir David King, former Professor of physical chemistry at Liverpool University, Fellow of the Royal Society, Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He was knighted in 2003 and made the UK’s Chief Scientific Advisor (2000 – 2007).
In 2008 King became the Director of Oxford University’s Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment established by generous funding from the Martin Smith Foundation of which the Vice-Chancellor of the university, Dr. John Hood, said:

Oxford University is enormously grateful for the generous benefaction from the Martin Smith Foundation that has ensured this exciting project can be made a reality. Martin Smith and his wife, Elise, have devoted great energy and enthusiasm to this initiative to combat global climate change. –

Read the full article:


This is a follow-up book by Dr. John Happs. It further exposes the questionable behaviour of the political/ideological Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), its United Nations supporters and those who stand to benefit from the continued promotion of climate alarmism.

The book looks closely at the way in which respected organisations, such as NASA, and celebrities such as Sir David Attenborough have pedalled climate pseudoscience and alarmism to their many followers. We now know that many of our school teachers are shamelessly promoting climate fear in the minds of trusting children.

Most criticism is levelled at those Green zealots who have worked assiduously to prevent the widespread use of DDT and Golden Rice at the cost of millions of lives in developing countries. In Australia Green activists have opposed prescribed burning in our forests, leading to the accumulation of understorey fuel, catastrophic bushfires and the loss of property and lives. At the same time, they foolishly blame anthropogenic global warming for bushfires, floods and drought.

Australian supporters of the website can obtain copies of Climate Change: How Politics and Self-Interests Have Debased Science, directly from the author, for the special price of twenty-five dollars ($25). This includes postage within Australia.

Contact Dr. John Happs at

“Human Induced Climate Change” – Fraud of the 21st Century

By Dick Reaney

This is a huge and a very complex subject. The literature surrounding climate change is enormous, diffuse and profoundly contradictory. The reason; climate scientists have not exactly been lily white in their recording and reporting of information. A considerable amount of data has been distorted or altered to give them the results they desire.

My approach to this subject is factual and as accurate as my research has allowed in several years of study. The last forty years have seen massive multinational scientific studies costing millions of dollars. The scientific backing for the Global Warming scare comes from climate science, not politicians. Climate science is a weak science. The atmosphere is chaotic and difficult to define with scientific theories. Many of these studies attempt to predict the future of the climate and to quantify the effects of change on the world’s populations. The effects of Carbon Dioxide are speculative and influenced by ideological biases of the various scientists. This then produces strong elements attempting to enforce uniformity of opinion. The climate scientific community now say there is ‘consensus’ among scientists supporting anthropological climate change. This is a nonsense. In science there is no such thing. Either the scientific evidence proves the hypothesis or it doesn’t. The opinion of the scientists is irrelevant without factual and repeatable evidence.

Read the full article at:

The Profound Junk Science of Climate

By Norman Rogers

Climate change prophecy hangs its hat on computer climate models. The models have gigantic problems. According to Kevin Trenberth, once in charge of modeling at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, “[None of the] models correspond even remotely to the current observed climate [of the Earth].” The models can’t properly model the Earth’s climate, but we are supposed to believe that, if carbon dioxide has a certain effect on the imaginary Earths of the many models it will have the same effect on the real earth.

Read the full article:

Beneficiaries Of The Climate Fraud: Green Groups, Scientists And Politicians

By Dr. John Happs ~

Marcus Cicero (106–43 BCE) was a Roman lawyer, statesman, philosopher, skeptic and writer.

Cicero was also a senator who wanted a Republic that better served all the people. He was deeply involved in the political conflicts of Rome and questioned the motives behind a number of decisions made by some Roman politicians, asking the question “Cui bono” or “To whom is it a benefit?”

Marcus Cicero

Cicero was of the opinion that political decisions were often made to benefit the decision-makers and their friends rather than the people who they are meant to serve. Unfortunately his outspokenness ultimately led to his exile, from where he urged:

“If our voices are no longer heard in the Senate and in the Forum,
let us follow the example of the ancient sages and serve our country through our writings…”

Were Cicero alive today to witness the huge amounts of money that continue to fuel the climate change fraud, he would soon find the answer to his question: Cui bono.”

The low level of scientific literacy in the community has allowed vested interest groups to promote unfounded climate alarm until it gained enough traction to become an almost unstoppable force. This has happened despite the complete lack of empirical evidence to support the promotion of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming, aka climate change aka extreme or weird weather.

Continue reading:

Reality Check on Climate Change, Global Warming, Renewable Fuels, Green New Deal

By Glen Brown


Hydrocarbons are environmentally safe and can carry the energy load in the world, now and for centuries to come. The Green New Deal and Biden’s Energy 2020 Plan ignore the past failures in green energy and want to double down on those failures. These plans, if implemented, would take away our prosperity as a nation and raise family energy costs to unaffordable levels. Continue reading “Reality Check on Climate Change, Global Warming, Renewable Fuels, Green New Deal”

Reversibility of Droughts, Fires, & ‘Climate Change’

An attempt to understand the mind-set of climate alarmists/activists who believe that our politicians can now control climate & droughts & perhaps even prevent bushfires.

By Graham Williamson, November 2019
Updated December 2019

No Link Between ‘Climate Change’ & Droughts

According to Professor Andy Pitman:

…this may not be what you expect to hear. but as far as the climate scientists know there is no link between climate change and drought…….there is no reason a priori why climate change should make the landscape more arid……So the fundamental problem we have is that we don’t understand what causes droughts. Much more interesting, We don’t know what stops a drought. We know it’s rain, but we don’t know what lines up to create drought breaking rains.

Climate Change is a Trillion Dollar Opportunity Continue reading “Reversibility of Droughts, Fires, & ‘Climate Change’”


Consultant geologist Dr Geoff Derrick was invited to present this talk to a conference held in Brisbane at the Pullman Hotel, 22-23 July 2019. The conference was organised and hosted by DANA, a New Zealand-based group of Forest Industry Advisors. The conference was titled “Innovations in the Australian Forest Industry Sector”, and featured 2 days of lectures and workshop discussion, followed by a half-day field trip to Woodchip export facilities at the Port of Brisbane. Continue reading “HUMAN-INDUCED CLIMATE CHANGE – A Geoscientist’s View”