Bushfires in Australia – Royal Commission Submission

A submission to The Royal Commission into
National Natural Disaster Arrangements

Presented by Viv Forbes
On Behalf of The Saltbush Club

PDF version: https://saltbushclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/bushfire-enquiry.pdf

The Landscape and wildlife of Australia was shaped and then maintained by frequent mild burning for at least 40,000 years. This reality must be recognised and it dictates that there are only two futures for Australia:

A healthy safe landscape that maintains sustainable vegetation, wildlife and people. This requires that we re-establish the successful fire regimes of the past.


A dangerous and destructive landscape with too many people cowering in suburban and rural enclaves surrounded by a tinderbox of pest-ridden weeds, scrub and litter – a threat to trees, wildlife and property. This is today’s fire regime in Eastern Australia.

Our submission focusses on Bushfires. Continue reading “Bushfires in Australia – Royal Commission Submission”