Fight-Back for Farmers

An urgent message for all Farmers, ex-Farmers, their Families, their Friends, their Politicians and their Media in all Australian states and in other countries:

Greens have declared war on cattle farmers and graziers and on real meat and milk using their endless global warming lies.

The Saltbush Club wants to see a tidal wave of protest from farmers, families and friends to politicians and the media. We ask everyone who sees this to on-send the Saltbush link widely to at least 10 others, and so on.

The Green/ALP/ABC axis has already used the same discredited climate scare stories to strangle coal miners, explorers and electricity generators in Red-Green Tape. That was easy as most coal miners are concentrated in a few electorates and they have few friends in the leafy green suburbs.

But farmers are different – there are many of them in most electorates and they have friends and family in the cities. (One powerful trade unionist once had a sign on his white-board that said “Don’t Fight Farmers”.)

Sadly no farmer can rely on help, climate truth or good science from industry organisations like the National Farmers Federation or once-trusted media such as the ABC or Fairfax. They all sing in the green climate-alarm choir these days. Even big retailers will happily promote Fake Meat and Fake Milk. If plant-based margarine cannot be labelled as “butter” why is an artificial product manufactured mainly from legumes and additives allowed to use the word “meat”, or a product made from soybeans or oats allowed to be called ‘milk”?

Please send a link to this post to every contact you have, especially farmers and their friends. Send to individuals, media and politicians – send by email, snail mail and post on blogs and every social media.

Viv Forbes
Executive Director
The Saltbush Club

Real Meat is Green – it Eats Grass

By Viv Forbes

The Green Wreckers who destroyed Australia’s cheap reliable electricity are now targeting our cattle industry.

They use fake science and false advertising to threaten our right to produce and consume real meat.

This stupidity relies on a totally false argument that grazing animals cause global warming by releasing carbon dioxide and methane to the atmosphere.

However, grazing animals have already reached “Net Zero”. They add ZERO carbon to the environment – they just help to recycle the same carbon products, endlessly. Continue reading “Real Meat is Green – it Eats Grass”

Will we have an EU Revolt?

Václav Klaus, previous president of the Czech Republic, comments on the European Commission’s ‘climate package’:

This EU climate package is not bold. It is stupid and nonsensical. It is unrealistic, and if it were to be implemented, it would be a completely destructive package. Completely destructive to the lives, freedom and living standards of the people of Europe.

Read more:

Statement by CLINTEL and ICSF on Release of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6)

August 9, 2021
Recognition at last for scientists challenging climate alarmism

Climate scientists from IPCC‐circles have admitted that their new generation of climate models – referred to as CMIP6‐models – are ‘overheated’ and therefore too alarmist. This groundbreaking concession was made the week before the highly‐anticipated release of the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) ‐ the flagship 6‐year product of UN’s climate agency, IPCC.

The concession also raises questions on the reliability of temperature forecasts of IPCC’s previous generation of models (CMIP5), which used the extremely high RCP8.5 emissions scenario. Results were often falsely touted as a business‐as‐usual case and used to promote extreme climate action. Continue reading “Statement by CLINTEL and ICSF on Release of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6)”

An Inconvenient Event?

When one unit of the twenty year old Callide coal-fired power station in Queensland failed recently, that bad news was all over the Woke green media.

Source: Fire Rescue Victoria

But when a Tesla Lithium Battery caught fire on its first day of testing at the Big Battery facility in Victoria, it hardly rated a mention (maybe fierce fires in lithium batteries are no longer newsworthy?)
Viv Forbes

Tesla Battery Catches Fire at Utility Storage Project in Australia

Crews battle Tesla battery fire at Moorabool, near Geelong

Tesla big battery fire in Victoria under control after burning more than three days

Another Lithium Battery Fire