The Dismal Economics for Offshore Wind

By Jonathan A. Lesser
Key Manhattan Institute


1. Offshore wind is not cost-effective, and the forecasts of rapidly declining costs through increasing economies of scale are unrealistic.

2. Absent continued subsidies—such as state mandates for offshore generation and renewable energy credits, which force electric utilities to sign long-term agreements with offshore wind developers at above-market prices—it is unlikely that any offshore wind facilities will be developed.

3. These subsidies, along with the need for additional transmission infrastructure and backup sources of electricity, will increase the cost of electricity for consumers and reduce economic growth. The actual costs of offshore wind projects borne by electric ratepayers and taxpayers are likely to be greater than advertised. Continue reading “The Dismal Economics for Offshore Wind”

CO2 Data Reveals Current CO2 Starvation

Two great sequestration periods occurred since the mid-Paleozoic and both appear to coincide with evolution of plants. The first woody plants and trees arose in the Middle Devonian and fueled the large coal swamps of the Carboniferous Period. Later explosion of the flowering plants (angiosperms) occurred in the Cretaceous. All the while additional C was being locked up in limestones. Also in high TOC (Total Organic Carbon) muds that were converted to the shale/mudrocks that we are now liberating with fracking.

Gregory R. Wrightstone
Executive Director
CO2 Coalition

Are We Indigenes Yet?

By Viv Forbes

Reference: “Indigenous Voice to Parliament to include regional voices to address local issues”:

The UK has seen many waves of invaders and colonisers – Neanderthals, Celts, Romans, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Danes, Norsemen, Normans and more recently Indians and Pakistanis. Only Irish, Welsh and Scottish inhabitants have had the strength to get special recognition today. All are treated as ordinary citizens.

No human race evolved in Australia so we are all colonists or invaders. Several races walked, paddled, sailed or flew here over the past 60,000 years. Some displaced earlier arrivals, others mixed with locals and some became extinct. Some left rock art distinctly different from that of later arrivals and some destroyed or hid evidence of earlier tribes. Some were cannibals, some brought domesticated animals with them and all hunted native animals, sometimes to extinction. None can claim moral superiority. Continue reading “Are We Indigenes Yet?”

Why this Frenchman regrets buying an electric car


Mayday! Mayday!!  A Miller’s tale from La Belle France !!  Allez le diesel !!!
Here’s a guy who bought an electric car! (Article from the Spectator).
He starts out really enjoying his new car, but then…

Why I regret buying an electric car

I bought an electric car and wish I hadn’t. It seemed a good idea at the time, albeit a costly way of proclaiming my environmental virtuousness. The car cost 44,000 Euros, less a 6,000 Euro subsidy courtesy of French taxpayers, the overwhelming majority poorer than me. Fellow villagers are driving those 20-year-old diesel vans that look like garden sheds on wheels.

I order the car in May 2018. It’s promised in April 2019. No later, promises the salesman at the local Hyundai dealer. April comes and goes. No car. I phone the dealership. No explanation. The car finally arrives two months late, with no effort by Hyundai to apologise. But I Iove it. It’s quiet, quick and with the back seats down, practical with plenty of room for the dogs. It does insist on sharply reminding me to keep my hands on the steering wheel, even when they’re on it. And once alarmingly slamming on the brakes for no discernible reason. Continue reading “Why this Frenchman regrets buying an electric car”

The Climate Con

By Dave Ball

Beware Global Warming!  Not because it will consume our planet in fire but rather because it is a Trojan horse concealing a much more real threat, one that will consume our economy, our democracy and our way of life.

Ever since Michael Mann’s fantasy “hockey stick” temperature graph was thoroughly discredited and since Climategate outed institutional scale phony climate data a decade ago, the existence of actual global warming has been rendered null.  The same is true for the impact of CO2 on climate.  No experiment can confirm its impact, models can’t predict its influence and collateral data (sea level, animal populations etc.) do not confirm a correlation. Continue reading “The Climate Con”