Welcome the Warmth

By Viv Forbes

At dawn today (30th July) mid-winter in sunny Queensland, it was zero degrees on the lawn outside our kitchen and the small water tub for our chooks was iced over.

Every morning, as soon as it gets light, Judy puts a winter coat over her jamas, adds gloves, glasses, rubber boots, a beanie and a walking stick (icy grass is very slippery). She then trudges down the hill to check any new-born lambs and then lets the sheep out of their dingo-proof night-camp into their paddock for the day. As soon as they are let out, they dribble into a long line and, led by the wisest old ewe, they wend their way across the frosty flat and then make their way up the hill to the highest point facing the morning sun.

Continue reading “Welcome the Warmth”

Solar Panels and Snow Don’t Mix

Solar panels have compounds that are semiconductors, the physics that governs these components do not “like” extremes in temperature.

And the solar energy has to get to the semi-conductors. Who is going to clean off the snow?

The Institute for Energy research (IER) reports:
“Record cold temperatures have hit parts of Europe and Asia causing electricity prices to spike as the normal generating supplies of electricity could not keep prices in check. Spain registered its coldest temperature on record, at -35.6 degrees Celsius, and several areas of the country, including Madrid, are under 18 inches or more of snow and may get record-breaking snowfalls. The electricity price in Spain soared to nearly €95 ($116) per megawatt hour—up 123 percent from prices the previous week and nearly three times higher than the 2020 average.”

From: https://www.instituteforenergyresearch.org/renewable/extreme-cold-and-lower-renewable-energy-output-spike-electricity-prices-in-europe-and-asia/

“Let the Ski Resorts Burn!”

By Dr Tim Fatchen

It’s ironic that a former Olympic alpine skier should be the one offering a private bill on climate change when climate change has long been cited as a reason for removal of alpine skiing, at least in Victoria (“Independent MP Zali Steggall pushes forward with private bill on climate change” The Australian 9/1/20).

On Mt Buffalo, the small family-aimed Cresta ski area was burnt in December 2006.  Eminently defensible, the resort was intact when the then Department of Sustainability and Environment (now Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning–DELWP) ordered its crew to abandon it for a crew change an hour or more away in the valley.  On return of the next crew, the buildings were alight, and became a total loss. Continue reading ““Let the Ski Resorts Burn!””

Warming Came Before Coal

If human use of coal and oil is causing the Modern Warming, what caused the Minoan Warming, the Roman Warming and the Medieval Warming, all of which were warmer than today?

Every warm era was followed by a mini-ice age – a time of blizzards, iced rivers, starving stock, failed crops and hungry humans.

Only fools would try to kill the warmth by reducing aerial CO2 plant food.

And only idiots would destroy their reliable electricity supply in this futile crusade.

By Viv Forbes

Snow Job


Dr. John Happs

Many readers will remember the famous predictions about snowfalls from Dr David Viner when he was a senior research scientist at the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia. (Yes – that’s the same CRU where Dr Phil Jones withheld climate data requested under Freedom of Information laws.)

In March, 2000, Dr Viner confidently predicted that within a few years:

“Winter snowfall will become a very rare and exciting event.”

He added: “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.”


Read the full document: https://saltbushclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/snow-job.pdf [PDF: 663 KB]