By Cliff Reece

Public funding is not resulting in “aboriginal people living longer lives and getting educated and in jobs and housing.”

Nothing much of value was achieved by Prime Minister Albanese’s disastrous attempt to corrupt our Constitution by inserting a race-based and divisive ‘Voice’.

If it had been successful, it would most certainly have led to the disruption of government processes and huge additional taxpayers’ costs.

However, what it did achieve is to open our eyes to the massive waste of taxpayers’ money that has been allocated to indigenous groups but clearly never made its way to the people who most need it.

Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders still live in abject poverty despite all the billions of dollars allocated to Indigenous groups, so the question we all need to have answered is: “what happened to all that money?”


Time to Punish the Big End

By Viv Forbes

18th October 2023

Australia’s Big End of Town gambled heavily in the Voice Cup last weekend.

They lost.

Only the Nanny “State” (Canberra) voted “Yes”. But their horse ran last in every other state and territory and now has to be put down.

This costly ($400M) and divisive exercise showed that Australians do not want politicians meddling with their federal constitution. We have learned to distrust proposals supported by big government, big business, trade unions, woke celebrities and the ABC. And the more we heard of this racist proposal, the less we liked it.

Continue reading “Time to Punish the Big End”

A Better Way

Kerry White spoke publicly at the Adelaide Convention Centre on June 23, 2023 about “The Voice” referendum. Transcript is below the video.


I am a Narrungga leader and Native Title holder. My grandfather, mother and extended family come from the Point Pierce Mission here in SA. I also have ties through extended family to the Utnamutna, Kaurna, Nukunu, Warlpiri and Pitjantjatjara Aboriginal people. l served on boards and committees, both Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal. My area of expertise is in health and small business, I have worked in both public and private sectors, including the Welfare system. I am going to share a few facts with you this evening.

Continue reading “A Better Way”


By Cliff Reece

Indigenous Minister Linda Burney together with hate-filled racist Senator Lidia Thorpe and communists like Thomas Mayo and Marcia Langton together with activist Noel Pearson are leading the charge, vilifying everything relating to British colonialism.

Thorpe’s insane outburst at a Melbourne rally said it all when she screamed out to a cheering crowd: “This is a war! They are still killing us! They are still stealing our babies! They are killing our men! And they are still raping our women!”


James Cook … the Great Colonial Invader!

By Cliff Reece

James Cook is being demonized by activists as a coloniser and instigator of the so-called ‘invasion’ that took place from 1770. Is there any truth in their claims?

Some of you are probably already smiling as a result of my obviously humorous heading ‘the great colonial invader’ – it’s so preposterous that it’s hard not to laugh out loud !

And yet, that is exactly what so many ignorant and racially biased Australians consider him to be – and that appears to include our Prime Minister, Tony Albanese.

Continue reading “James Cook … the Great Colonial Invader!”

Our Sacred Land?

By Viv Forbes

My wife and I were both born in Australia, as were two children and four grandchildren. Our parents were born in Australia as were all of their parents. And some ancestors go back much further in this land.

I feel rage every time I have to sit through another patronising “welcome to country” charade, designed to make me feel an intruder in my own land. Indigenous history on this continent is the same as our family story – it just goes back a bit further.

The first aboriginals probably walked here over a land bridge and Europeans came later in sailing clippers. All caused displacement of prior inhabitants. They brought dingos which are now “protected” – we brought cattle, sheep, horses and ploughs which are increasingly condemned. They mined ochre, quartzite and basalt, which are now heritage sites – but our coal mines are widely condemned. They brought spears and boomerangs – we brought guns and swords.

Racial referenda, indigenous “Welcomes”, talk of Treaties and special land rights for some Australians just create and maintain division. How long before we are one people with the same rights and responsibilities?

Two centuries is surely time enough?


By Cliff Reece

The above is what Prime Minister Albanese and Indigenous Affairs Minister Linda Burney and their colleagues in government and all the ‘Yes’ vote activists are telling us is the full extent of the Uluru Statement from the Heart. They are trying to deceive voters into thinking that this is the full statement that the Prime Minister has referred to on numerous occasions and promised to implement “in full”.

However, the real Uluru Statement from the Heart most definitely comprises 26 pages. It is titled ‘Document 14’ and starts on page 87 of a much larger series of documents and continues without a break and in exactly the same format and print font until page 112 – that’s 26 pages! The major heading on page 87 states: ‘ULURU STATEMENT FROM THE HEART. All the following 25 pages have sub-headings only. It is clearly one document.

Following these 26 pages there are additional notes, record of meetings etc. that are obviously attachments. These are the pages Albanese referred to in his radio interview with Neil Mitchell at 3AW. He also stated during that interview that he had not read any of these pages – only the poster! As amazing as that is, he also went on to ask “Why would I?” suggesting there is nothing of importance to read.