Green Mania Hits the Wall of Nothingness

By David Wojick

It is now clear that none of Biden’s radical green promises are going to be kept. More broadly the wild green fantasies are going nowhere. There will be some action, but nothing much.

None, nowhere, nothing much — welcome to the wall of nothingness. I for one am celebrating it, at least for now. The fight is not over by any means, but it is going pretty well.

The Green New Deal is dead in the water, maybe even sunk out of sight. Its $10 trillion a year is a glaring fantasy. There is no prospect of a gruesome Great Reset, nor for the incredibly stupid Building Back Better. These draconian slogans are trash, for the next few years anyway. The called for Wrenching Social Reconstruction is not in the offing. We can all breath a little easier. Continue reading “Green Mania Hits the Wall of Nothingness”

A Dark Day in Dubai

By Alistair Pope. From

This short memoir is about the reality of life without electricity, that dream of the Dark Greens, which I lived in Dubai during the power outage of June 2005. The reports that followed made light of the reality as just a minor inconvenience. That is not what I experienced.

By 2005 Dubai had undergone a decade-long building frenzy and such an expansion of the population that they had outstripped the infrastructure’s electricity-generating capacity—but nobody stopped the developers.

I had been in Dubai for ten days and was due to fly out on a 2 a.m. flight for London. As I had a lazy day to kill, I woke at about 9 a.m. I had woken up, not because it was time to get up but because my hotel room was uncomfortably hot. My sweat was soaking the bed sheets. (I usually sleep with the air-conditioning set to “Igloo”—13°C—as I find that snuggling under a doona in the cold air leads to a better and deeper sleep, but that’s just me.) Clearly we had a problem, so I called reception and was told that the air-conditioner was off due to an electrical fault, but it should be OK in an hour or so. Continue reading “A Dark Day in Dubai”

The Blackout Agenda

By Viv Forbes

Solar power fails every day from sunset to sunrise as well as during rain, hail, snow or dust storms. No matter how much land we smother in subsidised solar panels, they will still fail.

Wind power fails often and unpredictably, sometimes for days, especially in quiet cold winter weather. It also shuts down during cyclones, heavy winds or icy conditions. No matter how many hills we uglify with their subsidised roads, transmission lines and bird-slicers, they will still fail.

No one notices when green energy fails (as it often does) because coal, gas and hydro keep our lights and heaters on, trains running, petrol pumping, batteries charging and dairies, abattoirs and hospitals operating. Continue reading “The Blackout Agenda”

Richard Lindzen on Climate Change

What historians will definitely wonder about in future centuries is how deeply flawed logic, obscured by shrewd and unrelenting propaganda, actually enabled a coalition of powerful special interests to convince nearly everyone in the world that CO2 from human industry was a dangerous, planet-destroying toxin. It will be remembered as the greatest mass delusion in the history of the world – that CO2, the life of plants, was considered for a time to be a deadly poison.

Future generations will wonder in bemused amazement that the early 21st century’s developed world went into hysterical panic over a globally averaged temperature increase of a few tenths of a degree, and, on the basis of gross exaggerations of highly uncertain computer projections combined into implausible chains of inference, proceeded to contemplate a roll-back of the industrial age.

~ Richard Lindzen

Time for Employees and Shareholders of Resource Companies to “FIGHT BACK”

The oil, gas and resource industry in Australia has shown itself to be pathetic in the face of criticism. Board room responses to virtuous criticism are ridiculous self-destructive woke company policies, even though the employees work hard to produce essential goods. They run advertisements showing wind turbines or solar panels which could never provide the power required for their operations but, apparently, reality doesn’t matter. The electrical power generation industry is different in that it’s focus is to co-opt politicians to force consumers to subsidise uneconomic inefficient intermittent unreliable renewable energy schemes.

Politicians, but for a very small number, lack a backbone and are readily captured by nonsense rather than stick up for Australia and the community at large. Perhaps I’m wrong and they actually believe all the “global warming/climate change” and “green energy” nonsense and think it’s worth destroying the economy to get their own warm inner glow. Parties.

Every now and then someone actually stands up to the nonsense. Northface an outdoor clothing manufacturer, in a virtue signalling exercise, criticized the oil and gas industry, going so far as implement a product boycott on one company. Here is a response from Chris Wright CEO of Liberty Oilfield Services.

If only we had more company CEOs with a spine, and more politicians who acted in the best interests of Australia.

Andrew Chapman
Victoria, Australia

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Sir David Attenborough: National Treasure Or Climate Scaremonger?

By Dr. John Happs ~

“We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, law-breaking, withholding and concealing truth. We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, scorn, and the like, towards those who disagree with us.”– Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870-1924). From “Reflections on the Failure of Socialism” by Max Eastman.

The above could well have been written by today’s climate alarmists who seem determined to ignore empirical evidence. They refuse debate and shout down anyone who might challenge their unfounded messages of climate disaster.

There is little doubt that, for many years, Sir David Attenborough’s wildlife documentaries have provided information and entertainment for millions of viewers around the world. It is such a pity that, in his twilight years, we have witnessed his transition from nature communicator to little more than a mouthpiece for the green zealots and others that seek to benefit from climate alarmism.

It appears that Attenborough has moved from being an objective presenter of facts about flora, fauna and their ecosystems to a promoter of (imaginary) catastrophic anthropogenic global warming. Without any empirical evidence, but with ample exaggeration and downright deception, he has blown the climate change non-problem out of all proportion.

“Exaggeration and deception from Sir David Attenborough – surely not!” I hear you say.

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