What is happening with our Universities?


The letter below by Prof. Berkhout was published recently in the largest Dutch daily, de Telegraaf:

In recent years we have seen the strangest things happening to our universities. Professors must be extremely careful about what they teach. If they present scientific results that do not fit the ideology of activist movements, their lives are made difficult and they even run the risk of being excommunicated. Joining the consensus is by far the safest. The Boards of Governors do not protect their professors; on the contrary, they are solidly behind the activists.

The University of Amsterdam believes that every student should become ‘woke’. It is no longer about developing talents, but about making white, heterosexual, serious students feel guilty. After all, their ancestors have blood on their hands and they are the new generation of oppressors. Radboud University in Nijmegen has bowed to climate activism and has just decided that all students must be taught the sustainability narrative. The climate crisis is central to this, whether that is scientifically correct or not, that does not matter in Nijmegen.
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Climate Derangement Syndrome

It’s the hysteria about climate change that poses the greatest threat to humanity.

By Brendan O’Neil

Climate change is going to be worse than the Holocaust. It will give rise to a global epidemic of gang rape. There’ll be murder, war, slaughter. Your friends will die. Your children, too. The carbon-fuelled heating of the planet will bring ‘human life as we know it’ crashing to a violent, fiery end. It will be nothing less than doomsday.

These are just some of the hysterical claims that have been made in the discussion around COP26. As world leaders private-jetted their way to Glasgow for the latest UN gabfest on how to save the planet from mankind’s dirt, hubris and avarice, there was a severe outbreak of Climate Derangement Syndrome. Prime ministers, bishops, princes and noisy greens all tried to outdo each other with their apocalyptic warnings. It has been a grim competition of catastrophes, an orgy of hyperbolic prophecies that wouldn’t look out of place in the Book of Revelation.

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Where is today’s additional atmospheric carbon dioxide coming from?

By Andrew Kenny

We need to be careful. Climate alarm is nonsense. The idea that rising CO2 will cause dangerous change is nonsense. Actually, it will have no [significant] effect on the climate but a wonderful effect on plant life.

But the recent rise in CO2 (since about 1850) is because of man burning fossil fuels. (It is not because of volcanoes.) We can see that by the fact the extra CO2 contains no C14. We can also see that in the graphs of temperatures and CO2 levels over the last ten thousand years. We must not only accept that but be proud of it. Rising CO2 has done the planet a power of good. Continue reading “Where is today’s additional atmospheric carbon dioxide coming from?”

Message of CLINTEL to National Politicians and World Leaders at COP26

1. Hard facts show that global warming is NOT catastrophic, and therefore, there is NO climate crisis. Stop your fear-mongering messages. Fear leads always to wrong decisions and above all, it destroys the minds of our youth. Instead, inspire them with a positive outlook!

2. The big climate picture tells us that we are slowly moving via ups and downs to the next ice age. The recovery from the Little Ice Age has been very beneficial for mankind and nature. Enjoy today’s relatively benign climate! Sometime in the future we will again move to a colder phase and ultimately into the next ice age. Continue reading “Message of CLINTEL to National Politicians and World Leaders at COP26”