Geoffrey Blainey on “The Voice”

The Uluru Statement from the Heart is a vulnerable document. It is sometimes silent when Aboriginal failures are visible, but vocal in condemning Australian people for misdeeds that never happened.

Without doubt, the Indigenous people have had many legitimate grievances about their sufferings and slights ever since British convicts and marines arrived in 1788. Hosts of Aboriginal people were killed in frontier conflict, though the historians’ statistics of death tend to contradict each other. Most Indigenous people died from diseases to which they had no immunity, and such deaths far exceed those suffered in warfare since 1788. Continue reading “Geoffrey Blainey on “The Voice””

Would You Ask the CSIRO or the BOM for Reliable Information about Climate Change?

Dr John Happs

By Dr John Happs

Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) started life as the Advisory Council of Science and Industry in 1916 and has long been respected for its innovations in science, such as the Hendra vaccine, Barleymax, polymer heart valves, WiFi, insect repellent, to name just a few of its outstanding achievements – (

Unfortunately, it appears that the CSIRO is fast losing respect when it comes to reporting on climate science with problems starting some time ago when a number of CSIRO scientists actually praised the climate alarm nonsense that was kick-started with Al Gore’s discredited movie An Inconvenient Truth.

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