Australia’s ‘Green’ Politicians Spew Climate Alarmism As They Sabotage Water Conservation

By Viv Forbes

Almost every river in Eastern Australia is now pouring surplus water into the sea. But only two dams have been built in Queensland in the last 20 years—the Wyaralong Dam, built 13 years ago, and Paradise Dam, built 19 years ago.

Droughts will come again and we will wish for another dam-builder like Joh Bjelke-Petersen, whose government built at least eight dams in Queensland—the Burdekin, Wivenhoe, Hinze, Beardmore, Haig, Fairbairn, Bjelke-Petersen, and Eungella. [emphasis, links added]

But that all came to a halt in 1988 when the plans to build the Wolffdene Dam were scuttled by all the usual suspects.

Continue reading “Australia’s ‘Green’ Politicians Spew Climate Alarmism As They Sabotage Water Conservation”

The Failure of all their Dam Plans

By Viv Forbes

Malcolm Turnbull’s Murray Darling Basin plan has failed and must be abolished.

We need to change the way we manage what is our most abundant renewable resource, and the only obstacle to this is politics.

The immediate action must be to stop wasting water on “environmental flows” that are doing more harm than good. Then we need to build more dams and weirs; and restore natural flushing to the mouth of the Murray. Continue reading “The Failure of all their Dam Plans”

Australia’s Growing Dam Crisis

“The food we eat the water we drink and the power we use for most of our endeavours, are available only because previous generations invested their know-how and money for the future.
It is time this generation did the same.”
– Ron Pike.

Australia is a dry continent – that is a fact of geography and global climate.

However, per head of population, we have abundant fresh water resources in rivers, lakes, dams, soils and underground. But we do not conserve enough of it, and much of what is conserved is wasted by foolish policies. Continue reading “Australia’s Growing Dam Crisis”