By John McRobert
I didn’t vote Green [in the recent Queensland State election] because of their unrelenting and unjustifiable efforts to destroy the coal industry, the industry that afforded the lifestyle we all enjoy today; the industry that delivered the electrified railway system on which Greens generously offer cheap tickets to those close enough to use them, subsidised by the working country people unable to access this localised largess.
Greens promote free lunches for schoolchildren – what an abrogation of parental responsibility, what a logistical and legalistic nightmare. What are they thinking of?
Greens support subsidising rooftop solar panels, at the expense of everybody, rich or poor, in increased electricity costs. This is an unbelievable transfer of wealth from the homeless have-nots to the haves who own houses on which they can mount these imported, short-life toys that parasitically live off and undermine the efficiency of a once efficient coal-fired grid.
It takes a good person to admit he was wrong, but in so admitting, can inspire others. The road to Damascus is an enlightening story.
Greens have the drive, may they soon see the light.
John McRobert BE (Civ)
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Indooroopilly Q 4068