The 2024 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: facing record-breaking threats from delayed action – a critique

By Dr D Weston Allen MBBS, FRACGP, Grad Dip Phys Med

The Lancet pre-empted the Paris Agreement climate targets at COP 21 with its Commission on Health and Climate Change in June 2015. It has since released annual Countdown reports of progress before every COP. This 139 page Romanello et al report by “122 leading researchers from UN agencies and academic institutions worldwide” claims to reveal “the most concerning findings yet in the collaboration’s 8 years of monitoring.” The first of its 6 Panels focuses on 15 health indicators, the second on 56 climate change indicators, the third on indigenous knowledge, cultural and spiritual practices, colonisation and dispossession, the fourth on nature- based solutions, the fifth on limits to adaptation, and the sixth on health impacts of the energy production cycle.

Read the full document: [PDF, 546 kB]

Hopefully, Lancet Personnel Know More about Medicine than They Know about Climate Science

By Dr. John Happs

A “Lancet Commission on Health and Climate Change” report was published in 2015, with 46 signatories contributing to a document that claimed:

To map out the impacts of climate change, and the necessary policy responses, in order to ensure the highest attainable standards of health for populations worldwide.”  Continue reading “Hopefully, Lancet Personnel Know More about Medicine than They Know about Climate Science”