Category: Green New Deal
Green Mania Hits the Wall of Nothingness
By David Wojick
It is now clear that none of Biden’s radical green promises are going to be kept. More broadly the wild green fantasies are going nowhere. There will be some action, but nothing much.
None, nowhere, nothing much — welcome to the wall of nothingness. I for one am celebrating it, at least for now. The fight is not over by any means, but it is going pretty well.
The Green New Deal is dead in the water, maybe even sunk out of sight. Its $10 trillion a year is a glaring fantasy. There is no prospect of a gruesome Great Reset, nor for the incredibly stupid Building Back Better. These draconian slogans are trash, for the next few years anyway. The called for Wrenching Social Reconstruction is not in the offing. We can all breath a little easier. Continue reading “Green Mania Hits the Wall of Nothingness”
Six Issues the Promoters of the Green New Deal Have Overlooked
By Jonathan DuHamel
Although the Earth’s climate has been changing for more than 4 billion years all by itself, we are now told that we can stop climate change simply by reducing carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels.
Ignorance-based plans such as the Green New Deal propose that we terminate electricity generation by fossil fuels and replace all of it with renewables such as wind and solar. Proponents of such plans have not considered the environmental nor economic implications.
“Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” – Martin Luther King Jr. Continue reading “Six Issues the Promoters of the Green New Deal Have Overlooked”
Green New Deal Disruption and Destruction
Not just energy, but every aspect of our lives, living standards, history, culture and freedoms
By David Wojick and Paul Driessen
Kamala Harris co-sponsored the Senate resolution to support the Green New Deal. Now Joe Biden has endorsed the plan. Naturally, people want to know what the GND will cost – usually meaning in state and federal government spending. But that is the wrong question.
The real question is, how much do Green New Dealers expect to get out of it, at what total cost? Mr. Biden says he wants the feds to spend nearly $7 trillion over the next decade on healthcare, energy and housing transformation, climate change and other GND agenda items. But that is only part of the picture. Continue reading “Green New Deal Disruption and Destruction”
The Global Warming Movement and the Green New Deal
by John Droz
It is not about Climate, it is not about science – it is a political movement to totally transform our way of life.
See here for the Background [PDF, 80 KB] of the US Climate Change 30± year history (and how the Presidential Committee on Climate Science fits in).