Post List with Summary

  • Wildfires – Climate or Criminal?
    By Dr Graham Pinn The year 2024 produced much anguish over fires, with attempts made to blame the regular events on “unprecedented” climate change. The season is just kicking off here but elsewhere, in the Northern winter, things are hotting up early! Just a few days into January 2025, the season has already started, with a major fire in Los Angeles; typically, the usual “catastrophic” fire season begins around May. Seven fires, including on the iconic Sunset Boulevard, have created significant damage, with tens of thousands evacuated, and only two under control (am 9/01). The city, with a population of 4 million has a massive urban sprawl, resulting in an area 50% bigger than New York. The cause is yet…
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  • Heat Stroke!
    By Dr Graham Pinn Heat or cold, it’s always climate time! As yet another, supposedly,” unprecedented” summer comes around, sensationalising social media look to create another crisis; in reality, the heat is nothing new. Working, or exercising in a hot climate, without adequate fluid or electrolyte replacement, can lead to problems, problems which have been known since the beginning of time. The current emphasis is always on climate change, with fictitious melting icecaps, the destruction of the Great Barrier Reef, sinking Pacific Islands, and extinction of polar bears, all indicating the end is nigh. A factual assessment shows that both temperatures and carbon dioxide levels have, in the past, been higher, without our world coming to an end. In climate…
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  • Australia The Dumb Country – can we get lucky again?
    By John Mikkelsen A few short years ago, Australia was known as The Lucky Country; now in the eyes of the developed world, we are rapidly becoming The Dumb Country. Much of that is down to the fact that our Labor Federal Government refuses to acknowledge the rest of the world’s industrialised nations are rapidly embracing clean, reliable nuclear energy under bi-partisan agreements, while our leaders seem incapable of even having a rational debate about lifting the current totally irrational ban. Opposition leader Peter Dutton, flanked by Nationals leader David Littleproud, Energy spokesman Ted O’Brien and Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor, last week finally released the long-awaited costings of their plan to integrate nuclear plants into the energy grid with a…
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  • Wind and Solar Are Fragile
    By Steve Goreham Originally published in MasterResource Wind and solar have been growing as a share of US electrical power generation over the last two decades. State and federal mandates and subsidies have driven the expansion of renewables. But it’s clear that renewable electricity sources are fragile and prone to weather damage and destruction. Twenty-three states now mandate Net Zero electricity by as early as 2035. Their aim is to replace coal- and gas-fired power plants with wind and solar generators. Wind and solar have grown from near zero in 2000 to 14.1% of US electricity generation in 2023 (10.2% wind and 3.9% solar). Wind and solar systems are located on ridge lines, on plains, and offshore, and are exposed…
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  • Dreamtime: a cruel delusion of British anthropologists
    This was first published by cairnsnews 25th September 2015.Source: The Catalyst, Volume 1, Issue 2. September 1999, pp. 10-12.Copyright:© First published in Cairns News in 2015by Robert J Lee, investigative journalist Aboriginal land claims, native title and land rights are based on a false anthropological premise and are totally fraudulent according to astounding new Australian archaeological discoveries and recent linguistic studies. The delusion of 40,000 years of dreamtime mantra is the product of untruthful anthropologists. According to Alfred Cort Haddon, a turn of the century figure revered today as the ‘founding father’ of British anthropology, the aborigines were clearly “pre-Dravidian” people from South India. In Haddon’s 1909 book, The Races of Man, he asserts that Australia was originally inhabited…
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  • What is the Real Cost of Net Zero?
    Australia is in the middle of an energy revolution, but it is a road to nowhere. Weather dependent electricity has a huge cost – it is unpredictable, unreliable and is destroying and sterilising enormous tracts of farmland, hilltops and forests with solar panels, turbines and power lines. It is not cheap, not green, and not reliable. Watch here Chris Uhlmann on Sky news as he outlines the energy disaster looming up for Australia.
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    By Rafe Champion The government has initiated an enquiry into the market reforms that will be “fit for purpose” to support the suicidal net  zero  program. That is the wrong question because the so-called transition from coal has run its course and we need to start planning an exit from net zero. We need a plan well ahead in case a government comes to power with the desire to exit, only to find they are short on time and they have no idea what to do. The plan will have to be sustained by a new narrative about energy that is  based on realism and concern for the welfare of people and the planet. Let’s be energy realists and responsible…
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  • The 2024 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: facing record-breaking threats from delayed action – a critique
    By Dr D Weston Allen MBBS, FRACGP, Grad Dip Phys Med The Lancet pre-empted the Paris Agreement climate targets at COP 21 with its Commission on Health and Climate Change in June 2015. It has since released annual Countdown reports of progress before every COP. This 139 page Romanello et al report by “122 leading researchers from UN agencies and academic institutions worldwide” claims to reveal “the most concerning findings yet in the collaboration's 8 years of monitoring.” The first of its 6 Panels focuses on 15 health indicators, the second on 56 climate change indicators, the third on indigenous knowledge, cultural and spiritual practices, colonisation and dispossession, the fourth on nature- based solutions, the fifth on limits to adaptation,…
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  • Don’t They Teach Any Chemistry In Medical Schools?
    By Dr John Happs It was both surprising and alarming to learn that a group called “Doctors for the Environment, Australia” were actually calling for members of the public to contact their local Member of Parliament and deliver the message: “To protect the health of the Australian people I call on you as my elected representative to ban all new coal, oil and gas projects.” This silly appeal is also promoted by some members of the American Medical Association who foolishly claim: “Extreme heat, powerful storms and floods, year-round wildfires, droughts, and other climate-related events are caused by “fossil fuel combustion, which is said to be the “primary driver of climate-change.” The AMA argues that we should be: “transitioning away…
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  • When Green Energy Failed in Broken Hill
    By Jo Nova On October 17th a storm blew seven transmission towers over, disconnecting the Broken Hill area [in Australia] from the national grid. About 19,000 people live there, and with a 200MW wind plant, a 53MW solar array and a big battery, plus diesel generators it was assumed they’d be OK for a while without the connection to the big baseload plants. But instead it’s been a debacle. They had nearly a week of blackouts with intermittent bursts of power, barely long enough to charge the phone. The fridges in the pharmacies failed, so all medications had to be destroyed and emergency replacements sent in. Schools closed. Freezers of meat are long gone…  Emergency trucks finally brought in food…
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  • The ‘Aunt Dolly Bushfire System’ is doomed to fail
    By Roger Underwood AM Environmental activists and green academics in Western Australia are pushing the government to make radical changes to bushfire policy and operations. In place of the current approach, which integrates pre-fire mitigation with post-fire response, the activists are pushing for “response only”, otherwise known as ‘the Aunt Dolly Bushfire System’. Specifically, they want the government to abandon the program of mild-intensity prescribed burning, a strategy aimed at reducing fuel levels in a mosaic pattern across south-west forests so as to make it easier, safer and cheaper to control fires under the worst case scenario situation. The burning program is strongly supported by bushfire scientists and firefighters. Over time it has helped to ensure that wildfires do less…
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  • Why I did not vote Green
    By John McRobert I didn’t vote Green [in the recent Queensland State election] because of their unrelenting and unjustifiable efforts to destroy the coal industry, the industry that afforded the lifestyle we all enjoy today; the industry that delivered the electrified railway system on which Greens generously offer cheap tickets to those close enough to use them, subsidised by the working country people unable to access this localised largess. Greens promote free lunches for schoolchildren - what an abrogation of parental responsibility, what a logistical and legalistic nightmare. What are they thinking of? Greens support subsidising rooftop solar panels, at the expense of everybody, rich or poor, in increased electricity costs. This is an unbelievable transfer of wealth from the…
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  • The Broken Hill Blackout
    By John McRobert Al Jolson introduced Talkies with, “You ain’t seen nuttin’ yet”.The recent Broken Hill blackout where Wind and Sun failed to provide power when needed, demonstrates we ain’t seen nuttin’ yet. That blackout is a harbinger of big blackouts for big cities when they become reliant on unreliable green energy sources.I have experienced what that will be like.On St Valentine’s Day 1985, during a Union-strike power blackout, my office was on the 24th floor of a building in Brisbane CBD. After navigating roads with no traffic lights and reporting for work, lifts didn’t work and the fire-escape access staircase was unventilated. Trudging up to an unairconditioned, unlit, unpowered office, windows would not open and no power points worked.I…
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  • Why I’m Voting the Way I Am
    By John Droz jr. Someone recently asked me why I like Trump. My answer was that I don't really like a lot of things about Trump, but this election is not about choosing the most likable person. We are voting between two vastly different ideologies. We are voting for the country we want to leave our children and grandchildren. Trump has proven that he can deliver. He is a patriot to the core and even served his country for four years without pay. When someone says, "I can't believe you're voting for Trump," I simply reply, “I'm NOT voting for Trump!” I'm voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech. I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion…
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  • If Green Energy is the Future, Bring a Fire Extinguisher
    By Steve Goreham A version of this article was recently published in The Wall Street Journal. Alternative energy is exploding─literally. Lithium battery fires are breaking out on highways and in factories, home garages, and storage rooms. The rise in battery fires is amplified by government efforts to force adoption of electric vehicles and grid-scale batteries for electric power. Lithium batteries have high energy density, making them valuable for phones and portable appliances. But when they catch fire, these batteries burn with high heat and can even explode. That’s why airlines prohibit lithium batteries in checked baggage. On June 24, a battery factory in South Korea caught fire, triggering explosions and killing 22 workers. The fire broke out in Hwaseong at…
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  • Blind Freddy on Green Hydrogen
    By Geoff Derrick Everyone knows “Blind Freddy”. He’s the man who sees problematic issues with extreme clarity, who identifies projects based on humbug, who calls out scams and wrong-doings, who is our quiet protector on many controversial social and business issues, and who keeps many of our radical politicians, businessmen and policy makers in check.  It is Blind Freddy who could see that “Green Hydrogen” was set to fail (“Writing on wall for green hydrogen”, Weekend Australian,  5-6 Oct), simply because making green hydrogen by passing an electric current through water is extremely expensive and energy consuming. It is Blind Freddy who sees that this process uses more energy than hydrogen can produce, and that it costs more to make…
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  • Tipping Points
    By Graham Pinn The Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) describes a tipping point as a “critical threshold beyond which a system reorganises, often abruptly, and/or irreversibly”. Their examples include melting polar ice with sea-level rise, increasing extreme weather events, and release of methane from thawing permafrost; currently nine potential such events have been identified, none currently occurring. When initially discussing such events, the IPCC believed a temperature rise of 4C would be necessary for these events to occur, this figure was progressively revised down, to a 1.5C rise making them more probable, the latest figure is 1.5 – 2.5C. When looking back, to what we know has occurred historically, even the concept of temperature increase depends on the starting…
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  • Politicians: If Net Zero is Achievable, Why Not Give Us A Small-Scale Demonstration?
    By Dr. John Happs Imagine a company that claimed to have a battery-powered airliner that would carry 200 passengers over a distance of several thousand kilometres. Imagine also that the government funnelled a few million taxpayer dollars into the development of such an aircraft, politicians and the public would demand a demonstration of its capabilities and safety before anyone boarded for a flight. By the same token, if anyone makes the claim that a constant, reliable, zero emissions electricity supply, based on wind and solar, is achievable, surely it’s essential that we verify this claim before rushing into such an expensive, untested nation-wide scheme. The claim was made in the 1950’s that nuclear energy was a viable source of reliable energy…
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  • The Web of Deceit
    By John McRobert Farms grow food. Solar panels, wind turbines, transmission lines and access roads sterilise land, locking it away from real farming. To call these installations ‘farms’ is a travesty. And to read that 182,000 solar panels have been approved to cover 393 ha of land near Canberra despite the overwhelming objections from nearby landholders, demonstrates the Government agenda of net-zero targets will stop at nothing. These Net Zero targets must be challenged. They will do nothing to change the climate for better or worse but they are impoverishing our nation by closing down a reliable energy source in favour of a logistically impossible network of dilute energy collectors interconnected by a web of transmission lines – a shocking…
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  • Eat your Veg, and Save the Planet!
    By Dr Graham Pinn After reaching an impasse with fossil-fuel bans, the COP 28 conference in Dubai, moved on to a new climate and life-threatening target; the latest activists’ mission, to save the planet, is to stop us eating meat. It is apparently a win/win, with less land required for animal husbandry, and reduced methane output from cows. The conference, coming from the desert sands, discretely failed to mention that camels, although not ruminants like cows, have multiple stomachs and also produce large amounts of methane. This development is now being inappropriately incorporated into the National Health and Medical Research (NHMRC) official guidelines, on the grounds of environmental sustainability, rather than human development; the NHMRC has no mandate to involve…
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  • Green  Foods  Fail  Olympics
    By Viv Forbes The first occupants of the Olympics village in Paris quickly taught the caterers that athletes did not favour their “climate-friendly” diet of things like avocados on toast plus almond-milk coffee. The athletes demanded more meat and eggs. Paris Olympics CEO, Etienne Thobois, told reporters they suddenly needed more animal protein, causing them to order “700 kilos of eggs and a ton of meat, to meet the demands of the athletes.” The Olympic caterers should have read a bit of French history – Vikings brought cattle to Normandy in the 10th century and valued them for both meat and milk. The Paris organisers could also have also looked at some French cave paintings, such as the one in…
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  • Snowy 2.0 Digging into Debt
    By John McRobert Into the valley of debt rode the encumbered. Kamala-nomics is already being practised in the land Down-Under. 'What can be, unburdened by what has been' can only explain the news that Snowy 2.0 has ordered another tunnelling machine, at a probable cost of over $100m - for delivery hopefully next year – hopefully in time to help the struggling boring machine, Florence reach the fault zone. Who knows what will happen then? The price has already escalated from $2b to $12b, and no one mentions another $10b or so for transmission lines. Shareholders of a private company faced with such an appalling record of expenditure with no guarantee the project can be completed without more calls for…
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  • The SunCable Gambit
    By John McRobert Refreshing to read Nick Cater’s exposé of the SunCable gambit ‘Sun sets on renewables superpower fantasy’ (The Australian, 26/8/2024). The ‘green tick’ given to the project had the usual weasel-word caveats of strict conditions to completely avoid important species such as the greater bilby and critical habitat. But clearing and cladding with imported glass panels 12,000-hectares of land, would be more devastating to native wildlife and ecosystems than a wildfire, and with far greater long-term damage inflicted on the landscape and our economy. One might ask what has this fanciful project already cost the Australian taxpayer in subsidies and so-called ‘carbon credits’?
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  • Welcome the Warmth
    By Viv Forbes At dawn today (30th July) mid-winter in sunny Queensland, it was zero degrees on the lawn outside our kitchen and the small water tub for our chooks was iced over. Every morning, as soon as it gets light, Judy puts a winter coat over her jamas, adds gloves, glasses, rubber boots, a beanie and a walking stick (icy grass is very slippery). She then trudges down the hill to check any new-born lambs and then lets the sheep out of their dingo-proof night-camp into their paddock for the day. As soon as they are let out, they dribble into a long line and, led by the wisest old ewe, they wend their way across the frosty flat…
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  • The chronology of the Climate Change / Global Warming debate
    By R. G. McKellar Early Science. The Swedish chemist Arrhenius published a significant advance toward the mathematical treatment of global climate in a paper published in 1896. Until that time the dynamics of a rotating planet with the familiar passing of daylight into night had defied scientists. Aarhenius devised a simplified model with the surface area of the Earth converted to a flat disc receiving solar energy at the rate of one-quarter of the incoming flux at the equator (at the equinox). All temperatures were treated as global averages----a very difficult thing to do when most stations recording temperature were in the northern hemisphere & on land. The method employed an Ideal Atmosphere, which unfortunately did not include water vapour.…
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  • Olympic Dam’s Gold Medal Performance
    By Bob Day It is exactly 50 years since Western Mining first discovered the massive gold, silver, copper and uranium ore body at the aptly-named Olympic Dam in South Australia. A golden anniversary indeed! But discovering the ore was just the beginning. The fight to allow uranium mining at Olympic Dam was brutal. The ruling Labor Party, under then SA Premier Don Dunstan, was vehemently opposed to uranium mining and particularly opposed to uranium mining at Olympic Dam. One of the key opponents of Olympic Dam, calling it a ‘a mirage in the desert’, was one Mike Rann, an anti-uranium campaigner from New Zealand who had come to South Australia to work for Dunstan. Rann eventually became Premier of South…
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  • Canton Cabbage or China Revisited
    By Howard Dewhirst After memories of WWII began to fade, Australians began to drift away from the mother country’s culinary habits, from meat and two veg, beans on toast and spam and chips to more exotic dishes such as Canton Cabbage. Almost every town of any size had a Chinese restaurant and a Greek café, and little else that was ‘exotic’. However, when Mao united China under his northern umbrella, Peking, the Cantonese name for the city, was replaced by the Mandarin language Beijing, and Canton became Guangzhou, even though Cantonese is its inhabitant’s first language. So, now that Canton is no more, do we need a new name for this exotic dish? While naming places is China’s business, there…
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    By Cliff Reece In 1947, the Australian Labor Party Prime Minister Ben Chifley (pictured above left next to Bob Hawke) - famous for his ‘The Light on the Hill’ speech, which has resonated down the years as epitomising the Labor philosophy - first guided the thinking of Australians towards nuclear power. The establishment of the Australian Atomic Energy Commission was well on the way when the Chifley Government was defeated in 1948. At no stage during the earlier years of the Labor Party were they against nuclear technology. The Uranium-Australian Policy which was formulated by the Australian Labor Party (ALP) during those years included the following: “To this end Labor will establish a National Fuel and Energy Commission to assist the Australian…
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  • A Pilot Plant for Net Zero
    By Viv Forbes Both solar and wind energy have fatal flaws – solar stops when the sun goes down or if a cloud blocks the sun; wind fails if the wind is too strong or too weak. But every day we hear of some fantastic and expensive plan to keep the lights on when these unreliable energy twins stop work. The latest thought bubble from Mr Bowen (the Australian Minister for Generating Blackouts) is for him to be able to drain the energy from electric car batteries to back up a failing grid. He suggests that batteries could also power the house or sell energy into the grid. (They are already scheming on how to use smart technology to prevent…
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  • The Titanic scale of floating wind turbines quantified
    By David Wojick Source: My regular readers know that I have often referred to the huge size of floating wind turbine assemblies. They are much bigger than fixed offshore wind turbine assemblies because there is a big float attached. This makes floating wind far more expensive than fixed wind, which is already far more expensive than reliable fuel-fired electric power. Simple physics says that if you want to put a 2,000-ton generator on top of a 500-foot tower with three 300-foot wings attached on a boat and have it still stand up in hurricane-force winds, it will have to be a mighty big boat. Happily, Philip Lewis from strategic analyst Intelatus has put some numbers on this nonsense in…
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  • New US-EU Methane Rules Won’t Affect Temperatures
    By Steve Goreham Originally published by MasterResource. In March, the US Environmental Protection Agency published new methane emissions regulations for the oil and gas industry. The European Union enacted new rules to reduce methane emissions from the energy sector in May. Agriculture is also being targeted regarding methane. But methane regulations, even if established worldwide, won’t have a measurable effect on global temperatures. However, they will raise costs for energy and food, impacting consumers and businesses. On March 8, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized its rule on methane emissions for the oil and gas sector. The rule is intended to “reduce wasteful methane emissions that endanger communities and fuel the climate crisis.” The new policy will require companies to…
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  • Battery Baloney, Hydrogen Hype and Green Fairy Tales
    By Viv Forbes How low Australia has fallen - our once-great BHP now has a “Vice President for Climate”, the number of Australian students choosing physics at high school is collapsing, and our government opposes nuclear energy while pretending we can build and operate nuclear submarines. Our Green politicians want: “No Coal, No Gas, No Nuclear” while Our ABC, Our CSIRO and Our Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) are telling us that wind and solar energy plus a bit of standby gas, plus heaps of batteries and new power lines can power our homes, industries AND the mass electrification of our vehicle fleet. This sounds like Australia’s very own great leap backwards? There are two troublesome Green Energy Unions –…
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  • When Climate Alarmism Enters The Courtroom And Climate Facts Are Left Outside
    By Dr. John Happs “Climate lawfare is now a well-established route to avoid the checks and balances of democratic legislation. It subverts the legal system of a country, often with the help of activist judges, to impose the ideological preferences of an elite of the climate industrial complex on wider society. The total number of climate change court cases is growing worldwide and has more than doubled since 2017 ….” Continue reading:
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  • Beyond Mad Max with Dystopian AI
    By John Mikkelsen The dystopian future predicted in the Mad Max movie franchise may be closer than ever and it won’t take World War 3 to make it a reality. To me the only ones worth watching were the original and its sequel starring homegrown hero Mel Gibson. Those drab desert landscapes from Mad Max 2 on, were traversed by fast supercharged fossil fuel powered vehicles without a single EV on the horizon. So while the Teslas pile up unwanted at Port Melbourne and sales of EVs are declining globally, they represent just the tip of the iceberg on which the Western world seems destined to founder in its mad rush to offset climate change “driven by CO2 emissions.” The…
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  • Climate Activists Are Wrong About Which Energy Source Reduces Air Pollution
    By Steve Goreham Originally published in the Washington Examiner. Today’s media are filled with concerns about air pollution. But few people know which energy source has produced the greatest modern reduction in air pollution. The answer isn’t wind or solar energy. During the 1950s, my grandfather had a coal furnace in his basement, like many homes in Chicago. Five days after a winter snowfall, the snow was covered with a visible black film of dust from coal furnaces. Our younger generation does not know the original reason for “spring cleaning.” Every spring, homeowners would wash their inside walls to remove coal dust. It was the rising use of gas fuel, primarily natural gas along with propane, that produced the greatest…
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  • Climate Stupidity
    By James T. Moodey The specific gravity of carbon dioxide is 1.52 relative to dry air, and is the same weight as propane. It is even heavier in relation to our humid atmosphere, ranging around 1.61. It falls through the atmosphere about like a cotton seed. Wind can blow it upward, but it falls right back down. It acts like rainwater, seeking low points. We do not need to build pipelines to inject it into the ground. It sinks into to the ground all by itself. Photosynthesis (CO2 + Sunlight + H2O) cannot exist without carbon dioxide. Photosynthesis uses sunlight to transform carbon dioxide into glucose and other organic compounds that make plants and it transforms water into oxygen which…
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  • The Carbon Capture Con
    By Viv ForbesCarbon-capture-and-underground-storage “(CCUS)” tops the list of silly schemes “to reduce man-made global warming”. The idea is to capture exhaust gases from power stations or cement plants, separate the CO2 from the other gases, compress it, pump it to the chosen burial site and force it underground into permeable rock formations. Then hope it never escapes. An Australian mining company who should know better is hoping to appease green critics by proposing to bury the gas of life, CO2, deep in the sedimentary rocks of Australia’s Great Artesian Basin. They have chosen the Precipice Sandstone for their carbon cemetery. However the chances of keeping CO2 gas confined in this porous sandstone are remote. This formation has a very large…
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  • Winter Without Your Gasoline Car?
    By Steve Goreham Originally published in MasterResource. January of this year brought near-zero temperatures to Chicago and other northern cites, producing an electric vehicle (EV) charging nightmare. National media showed images of owners pushing dead EVs around charging stations and waiting for hours to try to charge their vehicle. Drivers lucky enough to connect to a charger sat in their freezing-cold automobile, unable to run the heater while the car tried to charge. Nevertheless, the federal government and many states continue to push to eliminate gasoline vehicles. On March 20, 2024, the Environmental Protection Agency announced a final rule, Multi-Pollution Emissions Standards for light vehicles sold in model years 2027 to 2032. The rule includes restrictions on the amount of…
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  • The Looming Electrical Power Shortage
    By Steve Goreham Originally published in Washington Examiner. People in developed nations take abundant electricity for granted. When asked where electricity comes from, most will point to their wall outlet. But many states in the US are headed for a serious and prolonged shortage of electrical power not seen in decades, driven by rising demand from the artificial intelligence revolution and mandates to adopt green energy. For 20 years, US electrical power policy has been dominated by efforts to try to “mitigate” global warming, believed to be caused by human greenhouse gas emissions. In 2021, President Joe Biden called for achieving a 100% carbon-free electric sector by 2035. Twenty-three states have enacted statues or issued executive orders to achieve Net…
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  • A Diesel in the Shed
    By Viv Forbes You can have your solar panels              and your turbines on the hills;You can use the warmth of sunshine              to reduce your heating bills. You can dream you’re self-sufficient              as you weed your vegie bed;As long as you make sure to keepA diesel in the shed. When I was a kid living on a small dairy farm in Queensland, we relied on green energy - horses and human muscles provided most motive power; fire-wood and beeswax candles supplied heat and light; a windmill pumped water and the sun provided solar energy for drying clothes and growing crops, vegies and pastures. The only “non-green” energy used was a bit of kerosene for the kitchen lamp and the dairy lantern,…
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  • Laughs, lies and lights out
    By John Mikkelsen Oh the irony. Here I was reading our local Noosa newspaper last Saturday morning and laughing when the power started to blink off and on half a dozen times before finally cutting out completely and staying off for about five hours in our beachside suburb. No lightning strike, no strong winds, just rain. Back to the newspaper and what I found unintentionally amusing - a long rambling letter from a local perpetual climate worrier attacking another correspondent for having the temerity and good sense to defend nuclear energy in the quest for “net zero”, then a regular column from Zero Emissions Noosa (ZEN) plugging its guide “ Rewiring Noosa - Electrify Everything”. This group, with the backing…
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  • Catastrophic Global Warming: It Must Be Hiding!
    By Dr. John Happs  We keep hearing that the planet is under threat because of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming and that our goal must be to limit that warming to 1.5oC or else! Serial alarmist Al Gore told us in 2006, that we had 10 years left before the Earth: “turns into a total frying pan.” before-earth-cooks/  This is the same Al Gore who displayed the Dr. Michael Mann fraudulent graph to say the planet is warming dangerously, when it isn’t. It would appear that we have to put up with even more global warming scare nonsense from the United Nations (UN) Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, as he drones on about the imaginary climate crisis and how the planet is “in intensive…
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  • The Return of the Hungry Horses
    By Viv Forbes When I was young (many decades ago) we lived on a small family farm at Wheatvale near Warwick on the Darling Downs in Queensland, Australia. Our lifestyle was close to the organic self-sufficient nirvana that today’s green zealots babble on about – we produced much of what we needed and needed most of what we produced, using mainly solar power plus a bit of hydrocarbon and wind energy. But life was no picnic. Our farm supported our family of four, 30 dairy cows, one bull, eight draught horses, two stock horses, a cattle dog, two cats, two ponies, plus a few pigs, calves and chooks and, at times, a returned service Uncle recovering from the malaria he…
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  • The Age of Underpopulation is Here
    By Steve Goreham. Originally published in WND. The age of overpopulation is over. The age of underpopulation is here.  After decades of warnings and fear about an overpopulation crisis, population is now rapidly declining in most of the world. The overpopulation disaster predicted by world elites did not occur. Total fertility rate is the average number of children born per woman. Demographers tell us that a country’s fertility rate must be at least 2.1 children per woman to sustain the current level of population. According to data from the United Nations, total world population still continues to rise, but population is declining in all major nations, where fertility rates have fallen below the minimum population replacement rate. Africa is the…
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  • CO2 – The Good Gas
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  • The Cold Truth on Global Warming This is the dramatic story of how an eccentric environmental speculation grew into a powerful global scare industry; it is the story of the corruption of science, the defrauding of taxpayers, the destruction of reliable energy, the bullying of anyone who dares question the narrative and a hidden agenda for shortages, rationing, environmental destruction and global control. The film exposes the climate alarm as an invented scare without any basis in science. It emphatically counters the claim that current temperatures and levels of atmospheric CO2 are unusually and worryingly high. In fact, we are currently near the end of a warm interlude in an ice age and there is no evidence that changing levels of CO2 (it has changed…
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  • Ad-free Media? No Such Thing
    By Viv Forbes There is no ad-free media. Commercial media promotes goods, services, functions and political messages for those prepared to pay for this service. The government-owned ABC also runs incessant ads. However, ABC ads promote the ABC, its own programs, and its black-red-green-rainbow political agenda. This agenda does not serve most of the net payers of tax who fund their propaganda. Since the days of the gold rush and the wool boom Australia has relied on mining, grazing, farming, forestry and fishing. Then processing, refining and manufacturing industries were developed with our cheap reliable coal and hydro-powered electricity. We even built our own cars and lawn mowers. But their ABC opposes our backbone industries and promotes the globalist agenda…
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  • Grand Land Grab: Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Needs 70% of Australia’s Prime Farmland
    Australia’s prime agricultural land is being carpeted with endless seas of solar panels and thousands of these things are being speared everywhere the panels can’t go. Dilute and diffuse, wind and solar require a staggering amount of space, and way more than their occasional, weather (and/or sunshine) dependent power generation can ever hope to justify. Taking up vast tracts of farmland with solar panels means that that land produces nothing else. While the solar panels are lucky to produce power for 5-6 hours every day (ie 20-25% of the time). Spearing hundreds of 300 tonne, 280m high turbines into productive farmland brings its own range of special ‘challenges’ for primary producers. Continue reading:
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  • Exploding Energy Prices in Costly California
    By Steve Goreham. Originally published in Master Resource. Energy prices are skyrocketing in California. The state’s electricity, gasoline, and natural gas prices are amongst the nation’s highest and rising. Green energy policies are the primary cause for high and escalating California energy prices. California electricity prices increased by 98.2 percent over the last 15 years, the highest rise in the nation. No other state comes close in terms of price increases. US average electricity prices rose 30.6 percent over the same period. California power prices rose to a level that is the second highest in the nation, only lower than Hawaii. In contrast, prices in Texas have actually declined since 2008 due to a focus on retail competition and a…
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  • Graphene, the material that could change the world
    By Graham Pinn The invention of plastics changed the world in the Twentieth Century, graphene a form of carbon, will do the same in the Twenty-first. It is light and very strong (estimated at up to 200 times stronger than steel) - strong enough to stop a speeding bullet! It is heat and electricity conducting, and is believed to be the future of electronics, with applications in computers, batteries, solar panels, sensors, and medical and military devices. A recent development has suggested the possibility that graphene can even produce its own low- energy output, coming from the motion of its molecules. The problem has been how to economically manufacture it on a commercial scale. Carbon exists in nature in two…
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  • Pious Greenies Making Matters Worse
    By Howard Dewhirst ONCE upon a time in the West, anxious Greenies tied themselves to trees in the path of bulldozers to prevent the building of a new road, or dam, or anything that might improve the lot of human residents at the expense of nature. By the 1970s, Tasmania’s industrial and residential development had spawned the construction of 40 or so dams to provide water and power, but by 1978 more were needed, and the Tasmanian Hydro Electric Commission announced its intention to build a new dam on the Gordon River below the existing Gordon dam. Two years later, 10,000 people marched in the capital Hobart to protest, and in 1981 Aboriginal cave art was discovered within the lake catchment…
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  • Can the Government Create a Green Hydrogen Fuel Industry?
    By Steve Goreham. Originally published in Washington Examiner. World leaders promote hydrogen as a possible low-emissions fuel for transportation and industry. Nations have announced hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidies to support development and supply of hydrogen. But will governments be able to create a new green hydrogen fuel industry? When hydrogen burns, the only combustion product is water vapor. Net Zero advocates, such as the International Energy Agency (IEA), propose that green hydrogen be used as fuel in place of natural gas and coal in industry and transportation. But the problems with existing hydrogen technology are many. For all practical purposes, a hydrogen fuel industry does not exist today. Ninety-five million tons of hydrogen are produced annually by…
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  • Australia’s ‘Green’ Politicians Spew Climate Alarmism As They Sabotage Water Conservation
    By Viv Forbes Almost every river in Eastern Australia is now pouring surplus water into the sea. But only two dams have been built in Queensland in the last 20 years—the Wyaralong Dam, built 13 years ago, and Paradise Dam, built 19 years ago. Droughts will come again and we will wish for another dam-builder like Joh Bjelke-Petersen, whose government built at least eight dams in Queensland—the Burdekin, Wivenhoe, Hinze, Beardmore, Haig, Fairbairn, Bjelke-Petersen, and Eungella. [emphasis, links added] But that all came to a halt in 1988 when the plans to build the Wolffdene Dam were scuttled by all the usual suspects. Taxpayers also spent some $460 million on preliminaries for the Traveston Dam, before the project was scrapped…
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  • How Times Change
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  • Carbon “facts” and Green Dream Believers
    By John Mikkelsen I’VE seen the light, the truth about “carbon pollution” in simple terms as explained by some Green Dream Believers and disciples of the new Climate Change religion. So why am I still in the dark? I’ve always wondered how Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen, Greens leader Adam Bandt, the nowhere-near-independent Teals and a host of other climate change advocates keep banging on about “carbon pollution” and how we must eliminate it to save the planet while creating thousands of new Green Renewables jobs. I thought they were talking about carbon dioxide or CO2, an essential trace gas which now measures slightly over 400 parts per million or a miniscule 0.04 percent of the…
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  • Brilliant Test
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  • Desalination, Will it Work this Time?
    By Graham Pinn In 2022, SEQ water advised that the population growth had brought forward likely water shortages for South East Queensland to as early as 2024. The Labor Government is considering decisions to expand the rarely used Gold Coast desalination facility, and build a new plant on the Sunshine Coast, with completion by 2035. As was the case, with droughts in the early 2000’s, the knee-jerk response, has been undermined by major floods. Relying on faulty Bureau of Meteorology El Nino forecasts, predictions which may now turn into La Nina!! Australia has throughout its history been a land of drought, floods, and fire, it is recognised as the driest inhabited continent in the world. With another El Nino event…
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  • Former Greens candidate now warns wind turbines are lunacy and a scam
    Steve Nowakowski was a Greens candidate in Cairns in 2006. He was a co-founder of Rainforest Reserves Australia, and was hired as a photographer, but he didn’t like what he saw. Two years ago he was concerned at the environmental damage of the Emerald Wind farm, now he’s filming the destruction in the hope of stopping wind farms being built in Queensland. He’s calling it lunacy, and arguing we need nuclear power. In a big leap, he even realizes the green groups are “colluding” with the government and the money making environmental vandals in the greatest land grab of the age. Mark my words, eventually this issue will split the Greens. First Bob Brown former Greens leader, and now foot soldiers like Nowakowski and…
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  • The Tantalising Bradshaw Rock Art in Australia
    Graham Walsh was a park ranger who became fascinated by some very ancient rock art in the Kimberley Ranges in Australia. He spent years recording this art in over 1.2 million photographs. He identifies at least 3 types of art painted by a mysterious race at least 20,000 years ago. He believes they are evidence of a pre-aboriginal culture. Walsh found 3 different schools of art with eleven different styles. Many wore skirts and head-dresses never seen in current aboriginal cultures or recent paintings. One painting suggests an ocean-going boat with high prows and rudders. Here is a recording made by the Australian Nine Network's “Sunday” program, introduced by Jim Waley and reported by Paul Ransley. [The date of the…
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  • When the Ice Returns
    By Viv Forbes, with help from friends A long time ago              the universe was made of ice. Then one day the ice began to melt,              and a mist rose into the sky. Out of the mist came a giant made of frost,              and the earth and heavens were made from his body. That is how the world began,              and that is how the world will end. Not by fire              but by Ice. An Ancient Scandinavian Legend, quoted by Robert W Felix in his great book: “NOT BY FIRE BUT BY ICE”. Earth is living in the latter days of the Holocene Warm Era. This is the latest short, fertile, warm interlude within the long, barren, Pleistocene Ice Age. From: John…
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  • Marc Morano Comments on COP28 Proposals
    The following links, and more, are available here:
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  • Get Ready for Another Pointless United Nations Climate Conference
    By Steve Goreham Originally published in Washington Examiner. The United Nations Climate Conference begins November 30 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE). More than 70,000 delegates are expected to attend from almost 200 nations. The COP28 event will emit large amounts of carbon dioxide but is unlikely to have any measurable effect on global temperatures. COP28 is the 28th meeting of the Conference of the Parties, an annual event that has been going on since 1995. The Conference of the Parties is the decision-making body of the Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC), which is an international agreement that was established in 1994 by the UN, with the intention of “preventing dangerous human interference with the climate system.” Pope Francis,…
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    By Cliff Reece The PVV (Party for Freedom) led by Geert Wilders (pictured above) emerged victorious in a seismic election in the Netherlands last week that resulted in fears from left-wing climate activists’ groups that it will adversely impact on the country’s global warming objectives.The party is projected to win 37 seats in the 150 seat Dutch parliament, putting it in the driver's seat to form a new government.“We are shocked,” Extinction Rebellion Netherlands says. “This outcome will likely mean a rollback of climate measures, new fossil investments, exclusion of marginalised groups, and more.”Friends of the Earth Netherlands spelled out what PVV’s rule could mean for Dutch society: “A Wilders government will mean four years of climate change denial, exclusion and a…
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  • The Net Zero Lemmings Rush
    By Viv Forbes Australia’s ALP/Green government and their media mates are using subsidies, taxes and propaganda in a suicidal attempt to move the whole country to 82% “renewable” energy by 2030 and “Net Zero Emissions by 2050”. Canny Aussies are buying diesel generators. If they persist in their rush to Net Zero, we have a few “Net Zero” suggestions for them. 1. “Net Zero Immigration”.Every migrant adds to Australia’s emissions by consuming food, electricity, transport fuels and housing. Thus, to reach net zero emissions, the rest of us must be rationed further to cope with these additional emitters. 2. “Net Zero Tourists”.Every tourist adds to our emissions for transport, food, electricity and accommodation. To achieve net zero emissions in the…
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  • Greening Earth
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    By Cliff Reece CORAL REEFS AND POLAR BEARS ARE IN NO DANGER DESPITE CLIMATE ACTIVISTS’ CLAIMS National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Coral Reef Locations As can be seen in the map above, corals choose to live and thrive in the warmest of Earth’s waters between 30° north and 30° south latitudes Corals have existed continuously for at least the past 60 million years. The primary reasons for coral bleaching events, which vary significantly depending on the time and location, include sediment and fertilizer pollution from nearby coastal lands, chemicals found in sunscreen (oxybenzone), fertilizer and nitrogen loading from agriculture, and cold temperature events.  The argument that corals are being destroyed by man-created carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions is easily disproven by…
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  • California Aims to Force Adoption of Electric Trucks, but 19 States Sue to Block
    By Steve Goreham Originally published in Master Resource. Earlier this year, California passed regulations that would turn the trucking industry upside down. New mandates for zero emissions trucks would disrupt the industry, raise shipping costs, and put trucking companies out of business. A group including 19 states and several trucking organizations recently filed suit to block the California regulation. California’s Advanced Clean Fleets (ACF) Regulation goes into effect on January 1, 2024. The ACF requires that truck operators buy only Zero Emissions Vehicle (ZEV) trucks for medium-duty and heavy-duty trucking operations as early as January 2024. The ACF also requires that trucking companies transition their fleets to 100 percent ZEV trucks by 2035 to 2042, depending upon class of truck.…
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  • Climate Alarmism Is a Cult
    By Dr. John Happs The word “cult” comes from the Latin cultus, a noun with meanings ranging from “tilling, cultivation” to “training or education” to “adoration.” If climate alarmism is based on science, then challenging climate alarmism is also science since that is exactly how science has advanced over the years. However, if climate alarmism is a cult and challenging that cult brings about derision and threats, which it often does, then we know for certain that climate alarmism is a cult and is not based on scientific methodology and facts. Although there is no general consensus about how a cult is different from any other religious organisation, cult members are exploited by fanatics and/or vested interests within the cult…
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  • Bogus Global Warming Claims by Pacific Islands. Australian PM Takes the Bait, Sinker and all.
    By Cliff Reece Global warming activists routinely argue that numerous Pacific Islands will soon be under water due to rising sea levels caused by climate change. But recent population patterns suggest Pacific Islanders know they are not facing substantial threats from sea-level rise. Some allegedly “endangered” islands have even built or made plans to build new airports or resorts. Even more importantly, objective scientific evidence debunks claims that global warming is causing small islands to disappear. Rising seas bring sand and sediment, which build up coastal shorelines, often offsetting higher-than-usual sea levels.An important example is the island of Tuvalu. Climate activists often claim the island nation of Tuvalu is sinking because of rising seas. However, a recent peer-reviewed study found…
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  • Green New Deal Collapsing
    Jesse Watters and Marc Morano tell of the collapse of Biden's Green New Deal. Nobody is buying it. If this is happening in the US now, it will catch on elsewhere.
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    By Cliff Reece Public funding is not resulting in “aboriginal people living longer lives and getting educated and in jobs and housing.” Nothing much of value was achieved by Prime Minister Albanese’s disastrous attempt to corrupt our Constitution by inserting a race-based and divisive ‘Voice’. If it had been successful, it would most certainly have led to the disruption of government processes and huge additional taxpayers’ costs. However, what it did achieve is to open our eyes to the massive waste of taxpayers’ money that has been allocated to indigenous groups but clearly never made its way to the people who most need it. Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders still live in abject poverty despite all the billions of…
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  • Green, Powerless and Defenceless
    By Viv Forbes,As net zero strangles Australian industry, Australia is becoming green, powerless and defenceless.History holds lessons which we ignore at our peril.Japan was opened to trade with the US in the 1850’s. They were daunted by the naval power of Britain and the US but were determined to catch up.In the 1930’s Japan attacked China, Mussolini attacked Ethiopia and Hitler planned how to avenge WW1 in Europe. Britain’s PM Chamberlain negotiated with Hitler and proclaimed he had achieved “Peace in our Time”.But Churchill warned: “Britain must arm. America must arm. We will surely do it in the end but how much greater the cost for each day’s delay.” In November 1938, just after the signing of the Munich Pact,…
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  • Arctic Ice Alarmists Display Either Ignorance or Their Deceptive Tendencies
    By Dr. John Happs One might think that all those failed predictions from so-called “experts” about the disappearance of sea-ice, ice sheets and glaciers, because of rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide connected to (imaginary) catastrophic anthropogenic global warming, would convince politicians and the media that such monotonous messages of climate doom should be ignored.  In 2007, we had palaeontologist Dr. Tim Flannery predicting that global temperature could rise by much more than the IPCC’s prediction of three degrees. He said:  “It could be worse than this – there’s a 10 per cent chance of truly catastrophic rises in temperatures, so we’re looking at six degrees or so.”  He followed up on this nonsense by predicting that Arctic sea ice…
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    Albanese’s Misinformation Bill attacks our Freedom of Speech By Cliff Reece George Orwell’s classic dystopian novel 1984 is nearing reality in Australia with the Albanese government’s Misinformation Bill being the first step. For those of you who haven’t read it, Orwell painted a grim picture of how life on our planet might become if totalitarian rulers were allowed to deprive their citizens of all freedoms in order to maintain control. We are, of course, witnessing this already in many countries including North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan and China. Interestingly, the novel has recently become a bestseller in Russia presumably because Russians can see the direction in which their country is heading under Putin. Orwell’s book was first published in 1949, so…
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  • Time to Punish the Big End
    By Viv Forbes 18th October 2023 Australia’s Big End of Town gambled heavily in the Voice Cup last weekend. They lost. Only the Nanny “State” (Canberra) voted “Yes”. But their horse ran last in every other state and territory and now has to be put down. This costly ($400M) and divisive exercise showed that Australians do not want politicians meddling with their federal constitution. We have learned to distrust proposals supported by big government, big business, trade unions, woke celebrities and the ABC. And the more we heard of this racist proposal, the less we liked it. Heads should roll, salaries of responsible ministers should be capped and bonuses and pay rises for chief executives and board members should be…
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    By Cliff Reece He’s managed to divide the country in a manner never seen before in Australia’s history but you can guarantee that our illustrious leader, PM Tony Albanese, has many more bright ideas in store for us. The mess he is making of industrial relations and the economy in general will be ongoing, as you’d expect from a socialist government. But then there’s climate change that he and his little mate Chris ‘Blackouts’ Bowen still have much to work on. Their obsessive rush to turn Australia into an energy-starved third world nation will undoubtedly continue. And if you want to see how that might well turn out, study the result of socialism in the once rich nation of Venezuela.…
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  • Why I will vote “NO” – by G.M Derrick
    By Dr G. M. Derrick “It sounds like a Voice to me” Basic Principles – The Voice as proposed is racist. James Allen – Spectator 2 May 23“the Voice will undermine the core concept of equal citizenship that lies at the heart of any liberal democracy. Some will get rights others do not, and on a group-rights basis.” Continue reading the document [PDF, 813 kB]:
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  • Why I will vote “No”
    By Viv Forbes and many friends Australians are being asked to approve a permanent change to our constitution. Their proposal is racist in intent and divisive in effect. No humans evolved here in Australia - our ancestors all came from somewhere else. The literal meaning of "indigenous" is "born here", so most of us are indigenous. To try to divide indigenous Australians on the basis of skin colour or length of ancestry is more about politics than justice or good government. We are all Australians and we should never contemplate constitutional changes that promote and solidify racial division. I am voting "No" because this proposal is going in the wrong direction and is serving other agendas. There are many reasons…
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  • The Uluru Statement Explained The document [PDF, 2 MB]:
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  • Alan Jones on the Ingratitude of Indigenous Activists
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  • A Better Way
    Kerry White spoke publicly at the Adelaide Convention Centre on June 23, 2023 about "The Voice" referendum. Transcript is below the video. Transcript: I am a Narrungga leader and Native Title holder. My grandfather, mother and extended family come from the Point Pierce Mission here in SA. I also have ties through extended family to the Utnamutna, Kaurna, Nukunu, Warlpiri and Pitjantjatjara Aboriginal people. l served on boards and committees, both Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal. My area of expertise is in health and small business, I have worked in both public and private sectors, including the Welfare system. I am going to share a few facts with you this evening. Some information you may be aware of, and some information…
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  • What is this Referendum about?
    Please review the link below to understand the two options.This man is articulate and logically unravels what our Yes/No Referendum is about.
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  • We Have the Voice Already [You may need to unmute the audio.]
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    By Cliff Reece Marcia Langton, the prominent ‘Yes’ campaigner, and key Voice architect accused ‘No’ voters of being either racists or plain stupid while speaking to a forum in Bunbury, Western Australia. And it was said with pure hatred on her face and in her voice. She later claimed that she wasn’t referring to ‘No’ voters but only those promoting the ‘No’ case – presumably people like Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price and Nyunggai Warren Mundine. I don’t think either of them are racist or stupid – do you? Her outrageous comments were then deleted from social media platforms just minutes after they were reported on Sharri Markson’s Sky News program. This reversal of earlier comments made by ‘Yes’ advocates seems…
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    By Cliff Reece Indigenous Minister Linda Burney together with hate-filled racist Senator Lidia Thorpe and communists like Thomas Mayo and Marcia Langton together with activist Noel Pearson are leading the charge, vilifying everything relating to British colonialism. Thorpe’s insane outburst at a Melbourne rally said it all when she screamed out to a cheering crowd: “This is a war! They are still killing us! They are still stealing our babies! They are killing our men! And they are still raping our women!” She was referring primarily, of course, to British people in the early days of the nation we now call Australia. However, by using the word “still”, her remarks clearly also include many of the non-indigenous people living in…
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  • James Cook … the Great Colonial Invader!
    By Cliff Reece James Cook is being demonized by activists as a coloniser and instigator of the so-called ‘invasion’ that took place from 1770. Is there any truth in their claims? Some of you are probably already smiling as a result of my obviously humorous heading ‘the great colonial invader’ – it’s so preposterous that it’s hard not to laugh out loud ! And yet, that is exactly what so many ignorant and racially biased Australians consider him to be – and that appears to include our Prime Minister, Tony Albanese. As George Orwell stated in his best-selling book ‘1984’ “In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” So, let’s be true revolutionaries and look at…
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  • Carbon Language: Error on a Global Scale
    By Steve Goreham Originally published in Master Resource. Political and business leaders, educators, and the news media endlessly talk about “carbon.” Newscasters repeatedly warn about “carbon emissions” and “carbon pollution.” States and provinces announce “zero carbon” goals. The United Nations and environmental groups push for a “low-carbon” and a “carbon-neutral” society. But instead, they should all be talking about “carbon dioxide,” not carbon. Labeling carbon dioxide “carbon” is as foolish as calling salt “chlorine.” Carbon and carbon dioxide (CO2) are completely different substances. The term “carbon” conveys an image of black pencil lead or soot, but CO2 is an invisible gas. It appears that CO2 is deliberately being misnamed to convey a negative image. Emissions of carbon dioxide by industry…
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    By Cliff Reece The Australian Greens leader, Adam Bandt (pictured left), has called on his comrades to join disruptive climate protests to pressure the Albanese government into stopping the opening of new fossil fuel mines, saying he plans to personally participate in blocking the country’s largest coal port in Newcastle. He said more people needed to “get in behind” groups that engaged in civil disobedience, naming Disrupt Burrup Hub, Rising Tide and Extinction Rebellion. Bandt sees himself as a latter-day Vladimir Lenin who, like Bandt, was a Marxist and the architect of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution that led in turn to the formation of the Communist Party in the USSR. The latter was deposed in 1991 by the Russian people and others…
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  • Our Sacred Land?
    By Viv Forbes My wife and I were both born in Australia, as were two children and four grandchildren. Our parents were born in Australia as were all of their parents. And some ancestors go back much further in this land. I feel rage every time I have to sit through another patronising “welcome to country” charade, designed to make me feel an intruder in my own land. Indigenous history on this continent is the same as our family story – it just goes back a bit further. The first aboriginals probably walked here over a land bridge and Europeans came later in sailing clippers. All caused displacement of prior inhabitants. They brought dingos which are now “protected” – we…
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    By Cliff Reece The above is what Prime Minister Albanese and Indigenous Affairs Minister Linda Burney and their colleagues in government and all the ‘Yes’ vote activists are telling us is the full extent of the Uluru Statement from the Heart. They are trying to deceive voters into thinking that this is the full statement that the Prime Minister has referred to on numerous occasions and promised to implement “in full”. However, the real Uluru Statement from the Heart most definitely comprises 26 pages. It is titled ‘Document 14’ and starts on page 87 of a much larger series of documents and continues without a break and in exactly the same format and print font until page 112 – that’s…
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  • The Voice & the Constitution
    Here is a short measured and eloquent statement by John Anderson on why you should vote “NO” in the Voice Referendum.
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  • Net Zero Nonsense
    By Bryan Leyland Net Zero electricity by 2030 using wind and solar power is an impossible dream: the technologies and resources needed to carry it out don't exist. (“Net Zero” means that we do not burn gas and coal for electricity generation except, maybe, in dry years.) The report by the Interim Committee on Climate Change stated correctly that we would need fossil fuels for the foreseeable future to keep the lights on during windless nights and during dry hydro years. This report was shelved by the government and superseded by a Climate Commission report that had minimal (if any) input from experienced power system engineers. The available "emissions free” options other than wind and solar are hydropower, geothermal and…
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  • The Great Wind and Solar Land Grab
    By Steve Goreham [caption id="attachment_2511" align="aligncenter" width="840"] US Fish and Wildlife Service. Public Domain[/caption] Which is more environmentally friendly — an energy source that uses one unit of land to produce one unit of electricity, or a source that uses 100 units of land to produce one unit of electricity? The answer should be obvious. Nevertheless, “green” energy advocates call for a huge expansion of wind, solar and other renewables that use vast amounts of land to replace traditional power plants that use comparatively small amounts of land. Vaclav Smil, professor emeritus at the University of Manitoba in Canada, extensively analyzed the power density of alternative sources used to generate electricity. He defined power density as the average flow of…
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  • The Voice – I’m Over it!
    By John Mikkelsen The Voice debate - like many Australians I’m over it, and I decided a long time ago it’s a big NO from me. I’m reminded of a question posed decades ago by American physicist, Professor Julius Sumner Miller in TV ads promoting a famous brand of chocolate, “Why is it so?” There's an easy answer. The Voice is a move to enshrine an unelected advisory body in the Australian Constitution which will further divide our great nation on racial grounds. QED, Julius, to sum up: It’s racist. I can hear the howls of protests from the “Yes” camp, from PM Anthony Albanese and Minister for Indigenous Affairs Linda Burney down through Voice advocates and architects such as…
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  • Geoffrey Blainey on “The Voice”
    The Uluru Statement from the Heart is a vulnerable document. It is sometimes silent when Aboriginal failures are visible, but vocal in condemning Australian people for misdeeds that never happened. Without doubt, the Indigenous people have had many legitimate grievances about their sufferings and slights ever since British convicts and marines arrived in 1788. Hosts of Aboriginal people were killed in frontier conflict, though the historians’ statistics of death tend to contradict each other. Most Indigenous people died from diseases to which they had no immunity, and such deaths far exceed those suffered in warfare since 1788. Countless Aboriginal people died from the excessive consumption of alcohol: rum and brandy rather than beer and wine were their temptation. Moreover, most Aboriginal people preferred novel…
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  • A Potential Consequence of The Voice?
    Read the items on this Canadian receipt. They have the equivalent to our proposed "Voice". This is a small part of what you can expect.
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  • Would You Ask the CSIRO or the BOM for Reliable Information about Climate Change?
    By Dr John Happs Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) started life as the Advisory Council of Science and Industry in 1916 and has long been respected for its innovations in science, such as the Hendra vaccine, Barleymax, polymer heart valves, WiFi, insect repellent, to name just a few of its outstanding achievements – ( Unfortunately, it appears that the CSIRO is fast losing respect when it comes to reporting on climate science with problems starting some time ago when a number of CSIRO scientists actually praised the climate alarm nonsense that was kick-started with Al Gore’s discredited movie An Inconvenient Truth. Continue reading here:
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  • Energy Density Concepts
    Click the image, or here for the PDF version:
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  • Save the Children
    By Graham Pinn Something is going seriously wrong with our children; standards are declining in education, manners and respect are forgotten, ignorance, expectation and entitlement abound. Where have we gone wrong? The US Surgeon-General has announced that social media are harming children’s development, the recent “copycat” gun assault at a Perth school is a reality-check for the future. Even at an early age, the concept of play has now been taken over by activism, requiring it gender neutral; boys playing with tanks and girls with dolls encouraged stereotypes and has become unacceptable to academia. Some bizarre parents are even choosing to cross-dress their children, from an early age, to encourage diversity – surely child abuse? In any case, playtime has…
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  • Green Australia: where Industry is on Edge, the grid “precarious” and electricity prices up 25%
    By Jo Nova The land that is the Renewable Crash Test Dummy is holding its breath. This time last year, the Australian energy market turned into a kind of Hunger Games spectacle with daily feeding-fest at dinner time where prices were so burning hot that unhedged smaller retailers begged their own customers to leave them and then the whole market was suspended. The bonfire was so big we’re still paying for it, and retail electricity prices are set to rise another 25% in a few weeks. So it’s no surprise that as the cold weather arrives downunder, everyone involved in energy is “on edge”. Suddenly Australian corporate leaders are telling it like it is — the Alinta Gas chief says there is…
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  • The Past and Future for Coal Ports in Queensland
    By John McRobert BE (Civ) In looking to the future, we must first understand the past. The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) was well named. Queensland's coastline is over 5,000 km long, further than the distance from London to Newfoundland. For approximately half of the Queensland coastline, the GBR provides a barrier not only to the dreaded tsunamis, but to invasion - one of the decisive events of WW II was fought and won outside the GBR in the Battle of the Coral Sea. But the GBR doesn't provide total protection from huge ocean waves - these can be generated inside the reef by severe tropical cyclones - and the current selection of offshore ports is not only ill-prepared for future…
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  • Should You Really Be Alarmed About The Climate?
    By Michael Spencer Click the image above, or this link [PDF, 7 MB]: to access the full document. Other files referenced by the document: Reconsidering Climate Change [PowerPoint format, 113 MB] Should You Really be Alarmed? [PDF, 20 MB] Should You Really Be Alarmed Addendum [PDF, 19 MB] Should You Really Be Alarmed Extra [PDF, 21 MB]
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  • A Voice? No all about power
    By David Barton In 1983, as a naïve youth worker and concerned by what I had been reading since the early 1970s about what was happening with Aborigines in Alice Springs, I moved there to see what I could do to help. All told, I spent six years in Central Australia, leaving both depressed and convinced that the situation could never be fixed. One thing that bothered me then and still does is the constant calls for ‘self-determination’, not so much by Aborigines but by whitefella activists, some I later learned to be card-carrying members of the Communist Party and others who now hold senior positions in academia and the bureaucracy. The contemporary definition of ‘Aboriginal self-determination’ is not about…
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  • Announcing a New Clintel publication: “The Frozen Climate Views of the IPCC”
    Thorough analysis by Clintel shows serious errors in latest IPCC report Amsterdam, 9 May 2023 * IPCC hides good news about disaster losses and climate-related deaths * IPCC wrongly claimed the estimate of climate sensitivity is above 2.5°C; it is more likely below 2°C * IPCC misleads policy makers by focusing on an implausible worst-case emissions scenario * Errors in the AR6 report are worse than those that led to the IAC Review in 2010 The IPCC ignored crucial peer-reviewed literature showing that normalised disaster losses have decreased since 1990 and that human mortality due to extreme weather has decreased by more than 95% since 1920. The IPCC, by cherry picking from the literature, drew the opposite conclusions, claiming increases…
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  • The Great Reset
    This is a video presented by Marc Morano. Topics discussed: You will own nothing and be happy. A Rare opportunity to reset our world. Manmade food shortages. Stay at home, rent what you want. Meat must be an occasional treat. Lab meat to be printed on a 3-D printer. The planned car shortage. Stop High yield agriculture to create the great food disruption. Covid Lockdowns lead to Climate Lockdowns. Give up your freedom and we will look after you. Lockdowns - the road to one party rule. The worship of dictatorship. Authoritianism in Australia. Demonisation of sceptics. The need for a permanent climate crisis. Digital cash to control spending of your own money. The carbon footprint card – personal carbon…
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  • The Peak-Stupid Australian Budget
    An open letter to the Prime Minister of Australia Good Morning Prime Minister, I have grave concerns over the long term damage that your Government is inflicting on our country and our manufacturing Industry. I am going to now list for you three flows of money which are dictated by your Government to demonstrate quite simply that your budget has in fact reached the status of "peak stupid". Firstly consider the absolute torrent of taxpayers' money busy building “renewables”.  This torrent has many constituent streams including the clean energy finance organisation and similar where taxpayers' money is given/loaned cheaply to rent seekers so they can build their wind turbines, solar farms and batteries.  This is highly inflationary!  Another renewables constituent…
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  • Michael Mann: You Cannot Be Serious!
    By Dr. John Happs “Apart from being a tetchy, hotheaded, rude, bullying, cackhanded, ignorant, malevolent and embarrassingly useless excuse for a scientist, Professor Michael Mann – the guy behind the serially-discredited Hockey Stick – is also the most outrageous liar.” (journalist James Delingpole) In 2023, Dr. Michael Mann was interviewed on campus for the Pennsylvania State University publication Penn Today. That interview established 3 things: That Penn Today is prepared to believe and publish just about anything Mann says about climate change, without checking the facts; Mann is in complete denial about his “hockey stick” temperature graph that was initially displayed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and later removed when it was shown to be fabricated;…
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  • The Practical Impossibility of Large-Scale Carbon Capture and Storage
    By Steve Goreham Originally published in Master Resource. The Environmental Protection Agency is working on a new rule that would set stringent limits on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from US power plants. Utilities would be required to retrofit existing plants with carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology or to switch to hydrogen fuel. Others call for the use of CCS to decarbonize heavy industry. But the cost of capture and the amount of CO2 that proponents say needs to be captured crush any ideas about feasibility. Carbon capture and storage is the process of capturing carbon dioxide from an industrial plant before it enters the atmosphere, transporting it, and storing it for centuries to millennia. Capture may be accomplished by…
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  • Consensus
    "97% of scientists agree with whoever is funding them. The other 3% are banned from social media." - author unknown.
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  • One More Indigenous Voice?
    By Viv Forbes Australian Aboriginals already have many voices funded by taxpayers. The loudest is their ABC - just watch Landline, or see: Look up NIAA for a start. And listen here: And at least one state (South Australia), aims for its own Indigenous Voice: Divisive Voices: Australia already has an Indigenous Voice to Parliament: Giving Racism an Aussie Voice:
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  • Achieving Net Zero
    By Viv Forbes According to the clerics of the Green Cult, once we blow up our last coal mine, send all diesel engines to the wreckers, stop using concrete, reinvent sailing clippers, cover the grasslands with solar clutter and the hills with wind machines and then slaughter all of our cattle. . . global climate will become serene - not too warm, not too cold. Wild weather will cease, and there will be no more droughts, floods, cyclones or snow storms and no more plant and animal extinctions. But the records written in the rocks tell a far different story about climate changes. Even when nature was in full control, it was not a serene place. Long before the first…
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  • The Fatal Flaw of Net-Zero: EROI
    By Nick Hubble Renewable energy is not renewable, it is rebuildable. And the energy cost of building, rebuilding, and recycling means that renewable energy often does not provide enough electricity to sustain itself, let alone power civilisation. The Australian Government has joined the global push to net-zero by 2050. Well, sort of global. But what does this really mean for us in practice? And is it even possible to achieve that goal? Continue reading:
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  • Wikipedia’s Climate Change Bias: A Response
    By Dr. John Happs According to Wikipedia the scientific method involves careful observation, rigorous scepticism about what is observed … formulating hypothesis … testing and refinement etc. A number of entries in Wikipedia appear to display an absence of the above principles when it comes to reporting about climate change, with little criticism of the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGW) narrative. Thus, we have excellent examples of why this online source should be closely examined for possible bias when providing information about climate change and influencing factors. Close inspection suggests that Wikipedia has deleted a list of the many well-qualified scientists who have rejected the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming meme: William Connolley was noted for promoting Wikipedia’s…
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  • The Night the Leaves fell from the Bullshit Trees
    By Joanna Hackett It was a clear and balmy night when the first stirrings of revolt began. It was the sort of night when dreams could come true and the leaves fall like dandruff from the bullshit trees. This is what happened. All the people in Australia who thought Chris Lilley’s shows were hilarious went outside, waved Australian flags in the air and flashed torches into the night sky. They didn’t know how else to protest at the poor treatment of this great Aussie comedian. Then all the people who loved ‘Gone with the Wind’ and believed it to be a fine example of a particular movie genre also went outside to wave and flash. This was after they’d bought…
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  • A Second Voice?
    Sky News host Kel Richards says people in favour and against all call the Voice to Parliament “the Voice” but they are “wrong”. “The truth is it will not be 'the Voice' but 'the Second Voice' that Indigenous Australians will have to our parliament,” Mr Richards said. “Because Indigenous Australians already have the same voice to parliament you have. “What they are asking for is a second Voice, over and above our democracy.”
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  • The Climate Religion
    Woke Inc. author Vivek Ramaswamy said that the left’s climate religion “has about as much to do with the climate as the Spanish inquisition had to with Christ which is to say nothing at all.” The Strive Asset Management Executive Chairman blasted climate extremists for their hypocritical “religious” agenda that has nothing to do with their supposed care for the planet and everything to do with the push for woke global equity. “Here’s the dirty little secret about the climate religion: It has nothing to do with the climate and everything to do with making the West, and America in particular, apologize for its success, which it views as a sin,” Ramaswamy said on the Feb. 10 edition of Tucker…
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    October 19, 2022 Russian scientists, in the relevant fields, have long predicted cooling due to low solar activity. Russia knows where global temperatures are headed. It could be argued that their recent geopolitical maneuverings are tied to this. “The Sun defines the climate, not carbon dioxide,” so says eminent Russian space scientist, Habibullo Abdussamatov (Dr. Sc. – Head of Space research laboratory of the Pulkovo Observatory). Observations of the Sun show that carbon dioxide is “not guilty” for the steady increase in temperature observed over the past few decades, he continues, and that what lies ahead in the coming years is not warming but a global and very prolonged bout of cooling. “We should fear a deep temperature drop —…
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  • How Much Energy Will the World Need?
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  • Carlos Conquers Carrington
    A Fact, a Forecast, and a Story by John Haller The Solar Storm of 1859. Nobody living today can remember two significant events that occurred in September 1859.  These events were separated by a 24 hour break.  Our ever-dependable friend the sun, sent two "death rays" our way, sometimes referred to in technical jargon as CMEs, or Coronal Mass Ejections. Solar storms. Humankind had not noticed, nor had they ever been affected by these regular solar events in the past, because they didn’t have a noticeable effect upon a world without electrical technology.  CMEs were a hitherto unknown electromagnetic hazard waiting to shake hands with humanity, just as soon as we gained a certain level of electrical technical ability. By…
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  • Those Attacks on Gas Stoves Aren’t Really about Health
    By Steve Goreham Earlier this month, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) announced that indoor gas stoves emitted harmful pollution. Several studies claim that the use of gas can cause respiratory illness. The CPSC is considering restrictions on gas stoves, including possible bans in new residential construction. But attacks on gas stoves are based on questionable science and are largely driven by concerns not related to health. The CPSC has reportedly been considering actions on gas stoves since October. Richard Trumpka, Jr., a CPSC commissioner, stated “This is a hidden hazard. Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.” Two recent studies figure prominently in agency concerns. The first, published in January last…
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  • Glaciers And Ice Sheets: Here Today and Here Tomorrow
    By Dr. John Happs How often do the climate alarmists tell us that few glaciers still exist because of (imaginary) global warming and those that remain are rapidly melting away?  Not surprisingly, the alarmists, particularly those from the media and vested interest groups, always point to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) computer model projections, referring to one in particular–the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP8.5.) Even the political/ideological IPCC has sensibly branded RCP8.5 as “Highly Unlikely” So, what are the glacier numbers? There are more than 200,000 alpine/valley (land-based) glaciers and many others stemming from the ice sheets of Antarctica and Greenland. Glaciers have advanced, retreated and halted many times over the last 400,000 years being influenced not only…
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  • Let Them Eat Bugs
    By Viv Forbes They started a war on our cattle Which led to a hell of a battle. Our burgers are now made of crickets, And buying real beef needs their tickets, Imprinted with silly Green prattle. Real Food for Thought: The Battle for our Grasslands and Livestock: (There is a cartoon there which you may use.) Let them Eat Bugs: Viv and Judy Forbes breed meat sheep, eat beef, lamb and pork, and feed crickets to their insect-eating hens.
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  • ‘Chalming’ no one: Labor romances communism
    By Alan Moran Jim Chalmers is proving to be the most iconoclastic Treasurer since the Whitlam government’s Jim Cairns, a man who only joined the Labor Party after his application to join the Communist Party was rejected. Cairns spearheaded a previous assault on conventional capitalist economic theory and, like Chalmers, sought to borrow, spend, and regulate the nation into prosperity with fairness. Both Chalmers and Cairns came into politics with doctorates in economic history – that of Chalmers was a hagiography of Paul Keating, whose policies he now wants to reverse. Read the full article at the Spectator:
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  • Climatologist David Dilley: ‘We’re Going Into A Global Cooling Cycle Now’
    Government agencies say that carbon dioxide levels are rising entirely due to human activity and the burning of fossil fuels. But are they? Professor Dilley will show that today’s temperatures and carbon dioxide levels are very close to where they should be based on historical cycles. [emphasis, links added] He will also show that we are sliding into a long-term global cooling cycle. Global warming begins and ends at the poles—and global cooling is now occurring in the Arctic and Antarctic. Professor David Dilley is a Meteorologist-Climatologist-Paleoclimatologist and a former NOAA National Weather Service Meteorologist. Professor Dilley is the founder and CEO of Global Weather Oscillations (GWO), a company heavily involved in the research and development of technology for the prediction…
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  • Billionaires Climate Lobby
    By Barry Brill There was once a time when climate change was about science. No longer. It is now about money and politics. Not just some of it. All of it. The peak event of the worldwide money-politics intersection is the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland. The 2023 “Global Risks” meeting is being held this week – with a dominant theme (again) being the campaign to eliminate the use of fossil fuels. Like COP meetings, the Davos meeting is the very epitome of hypocrisy. More than a thousand private jet aeroplanes serviced last year’s meeting. As Greenpeace says: “The rich and powerful flock to Davos in ultra-polluting, socially inequitable private jets to discuss climate…
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  • Climate Agencies and Extremes
    Thanks to Graham Lloyd, (Letters to the Editor, Weekend Australian 14 Jan), many more people will now be aware of the biases embedded in our climate reporting agencies like BOM and the CSIRO. It is without doubt that they would rather report on ‘extremes’ of weather without much reference to historical records that show such extremes are within the bounds of natural variation. The bar was set very low when Michael Mann introduced the world to his ‘hockey stick’ in 2007, showing unprecedented warming from 1920, only for it to be exposed as a figment of creative use of statistics, and cherry picking of tree rings in a single tree. When one sees data away from urban development, such as…
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  • Big solar goes Big Bust: Largest solar plant in the world dies before it can be built
    From Jo Nova. Jan 11, 2023 Today the massive Sun Cable project collapsed into voluntary administration four years after promising to build the world’s largest solar power plant in the Northern Territory. Sun Cable was a $35 billion project supposedly to collect those sacred green electrons on a 12,000 hectare “farm” in Australia (120 square kilometers) and send them to Singapore via an 800 km land cable and then a 4,200km undersea cable. It was theoretically going to be nine times bigger than the largest solar plant in the world, and use a cable 6 times longer than the longest one ever built. Full article: See also:
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  • Gas Power Saves Texas From Blackouts, As Wind Power Collapses Again!
    By Paul Homewood From: Over the weekend the US declared a Grid Emergency in Texas, as temperatures plummeted. The emergency order from the US Energy Department allowed the state’s grid operator to exceed certain air pollution limits to boost generation amid record power demand in the state. The Electric Reliability Council of Texas, whose service area includes 90% of electric customers in Texas, requested the emergency order Friday, warning it may need to resort to blackouts. TRANSLATION  – fire up more coal and gas plants! Fortunately a repetition of the blackouts last year was avoided. But as we can see, it was gas power which came to the rescue, as wind power collapsed to virtually nothing at…
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  • Australia’s Aboriginal Industry: Always Was, Always Will Be About Power
    By David Barton In 1983, as a naïve youth worker and concerned by what I had been reading since the early 1970s about what was happening with Aborigines in Alice Springs, I moved there to see what I could do to help. All told, I spent six years in Central Australia, leaving both depressed and convinced that the situation could never be fixed. … Unfortunately, much of what passes for Aboriginal ‘culture’ today is an invention of the last 50 years. Fortunately, much authentic Aboriginal culture of the past has vanished. The gruesome initiations, genital mutilation, inflicted cicatrices, burns, ritual spearings, sorcery and payback murders have by and large disappeared. Nevertheless, inter-tribe clan grievances often remain, as can be seen…
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  • English Heritage And The BBC Say Threats To Castles Are from Human – Induced Climate Change
    By Dr. John Happs English Heritage may have found a novel way of generating more funding, aided and abetted by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). The claim is made that a number of castles in the UK are now under threat from – you guessed it – human-induced climate change.  They state that: “Castles that have stood for hundreds of years are at risk of being damaged by climate change.” English Heritage implies that human activity is leading to increasing storms, rising sea levels, more coastal erosion and threats to historic buildings, as if those processes haven’t always been happening. Read the full article at:
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  • The Coming Crash of the Climate Cult
    By Viv Forbes The Climate Cult worships two green idols – electric vehicles and wind-solar energy. This is part of a futile UN scheme promoting “Net Zero Emissions” which aims to cool the climate of the world by waging war on CO2 plant food. Green worship is the state religion of all western nations. It is promoted by billionaires with other agendas, and endlessly repeated by the UN, the bureaucracy, all government media, state education and most big business leaders. The promotion of electric cars and trucks will cause a great increase in the demand for electricity to replace diesel, petrol and gas. We live beside a busy highway connecting Ipswich to Boonah in Queensland and we can hear the…
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  • Piers Corbyn on Climate Change and Climate “Science”
    A 2010 interview with Piers Corbyn:
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  • Has CSIRO Passed its Use-by Date?
    Letter to the Western Australia Chief Scientist, by Dr John Happs 10th February 2022 Dear Professor Klinken I would like to respond to your talk on ABC radio (9 th February 2022) in which you appeared to promote the idea that the planet is warming as a result of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions, resulting in a number of climate-related extremes. Now retired from academia and consulting work, I have respectable qualifications in the geosciences (M.Sc. 1st Class; D.Phil.) including climate and paleoclimate and feel confident about providing opinions in these disciplines. Additionally, it is always prudent these days to add that I have never been employed by, or have had any financial interest in any energy provider. Perhaps of more…
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  • “Finding Porites” – Windsor Cinema Nedlands, Perth, 1st December 2022
    By Jennifer Marohasy It is often reported that the Great Barrier Reef is half dead, specifically that the corals are bleached, and the water quality is degraded with pesticides and plastics. If I didn’t know better, I might never want to visit a coral reef, lest I be confronted by this reality – apparently all our fault, because we drive cars. Except the coral reefs on the way to Myrmidon made me feel so alive. Every day, I dived into crystal clear warm water, to be greeted by little fishes. Every day, I wondered if we would make it all the way to Myrmidon – an ancient and detached coral reef that juts out into the South Pacific Ocean on…
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  • The Biggest Public Policy Disaster in a Lifetime
    By Ian Plimer The 27th COP event is preceded by breathtakingly shrill predictions of forthcoming disasters from speculated catastrophic climate change. Here are a few cold hard facts: No one has ever proven that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming. For more than two decades I have been asking scientists for this proof. If proven, it would also have to be shown that natural carbon dioxide emissions, 97% of the annual total, don’t drive global warming. This also has never been done. Furthermore, if had been proven that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming, there would be endless citation of the dozen or so seminal scientific papers demonstrating this proof. Instead, there is obfuscation and deafening…
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  • Living in the Latter Days
    How to Defend Australia By Viv Forbes Australians are living in the latter days of the Anglo/American Empire. For centuries now, world power centres have been moving west – from Mongolia, to Europe, to Britain, to North America, and now Asia beckons. The Anglo/American Empire today resembles the decadent dying days of Rome. Europe is becoming a green energy wasteland, the British Empire died with Churchill, and America has dodderers and adolescents in charge. Australia plans to defend the outback with battery-powered Bushmasters (good for battlefields with plenty of power points). The new defence minister has restored “rainbow morning teas” (banned by Peter Dutton). And an Australian iron oligarch and green hydrogen speculator, Andrew Forrest, aims to de-power Xi Jinping…
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  • The UN’s Antonio Guterres: Misinformed About Climate Change Or Serial Liar?
    By Dr. John Happs [Originally published at:] “When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the losers.” (Socrates: 470–399 BC) António Guterres António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres is a Portuguese politician and former secretary-general of the Portuguese Socialist Party from 1992 to 2002. He has served as secretary-general of the United Nations (UN) since 2017, being re-appointed to a second term in June 2021. When it comes to climate change, UN officials have made their socialist intentions clear in that they want to use the issue of imaginary “catastrophic anthropogenic global warming” aka “climate change” aka “extreme weather” to bring about the collapse of industrialised nations, establish global governance and oversee the transfer of wealth from developed countries…
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  • Women in Combat
    There is one Western, liberal democracy that remains in constant danger of being overrun by its neighbours, neighbours who have been taught to hate it with their mother’s milk. That is Israel. Israel has an interest in maximising the number of people who can be applied to combat so it trialled using women in combat. That wasn’t successful for two reasons. Firstly, troops are trained to keep advancing despite the injuries and screams of their comrades who have been hit by enemy fire. If they don’t, the attack might break and you end up with a worse situation – troops held down in exposed positions and the wounded and dying needing attention. Troops can be trained to happily ignore males…
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  • Problems in Climate Science
    A destructive trail left by climate models. Presentation to The Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia by Dr Howard Brady Sydney 13th September 2022 Click/tap the link or image to download the complete presentation: (large PDF, 22 MB)
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  • Climatic Impacts of Submarine Volcanic Eruption El Hierro
    Climatic impacts of the October 2011 to March 2012 El Hierro submarine volcanic eruption El Hierro By Professor Wyss Yim. First published in Imperial ENGINEER, Autumn 2013 Ocean has three main climatic impacts. First, the hot and low density seawater immediately beneath the surface speeded up the tropical Atlantic currents, rushing the tropical waters northwards. Second, the hot seawater warmed the atmosphere above causing a fall in air pressure to generate depressions. Th ird, the polar jet stream was drawn further south than normal in the North Atlantic Ocean. Consequently both the ‘normal’ oceanic circulation and atmospheric circulation were drastically altered. Th e combination eff ect is an extremely negative NAO including the development of a ‘Greenland block’. Read the…
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  • Poisoning people to save the planet
    By Ian Plimer. First published at The Spectator Australia: The blades from environmentally friendly subsidised bird- and bat-chomping inefficient wind turbines have a short life and cannot be recycled. They weigh 10-20 tonnes, are 40-60 metres long, need to be replaced every 15 years or less and are composed of plastic, fibreglass, balsa wood and resins. Balsa wood is produced by chopping down Brazilian rainforests, in an environmentally friendly way of course. Fibreglass is impregnated with epoxy resins to increase blade strength and are made from petroleum. Previously blades were disposed of in Third World countries for a pittance until these countries ungraciously decided not to be the dumping ground for First World toxic rubbish. The wind industry was…
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  • Green Propaganda – Senator Gerard Rennick
    Listen to Senator Gerard Rennick in the Australian Federal Parliament on “Green Propaganda”.
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  • Ruled by Fools
    By Viv Forbes Australia has become a nation ruled by fools. We have surrendered power over every aspect of our lives and industry to fifteen debating chambers in eight ruling cities. These assemblies are controlled by lawyers, unionists, centralists, green dreamers, power seekers and tax consumers. Their direct cost alone is horrendous. There are 837 politicians (ignoring local government). Each has a salary (say $200Kpy), travel and office costs (say $150Kpy), and staff costs (say $200Kpy) – a billion here, plus a billion there and pretty soon you’re talking real money. Now add all the state and federal governors, the cabinets with their limos and press corps, eight armies of tax collectors and the accountants and lawyers trying to protect…
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  • Crusading Hypocrites Look Forward To The Next (COP27) Junket In Egypt
    By Dr. John Happs Much criticism has rightly been levelled at the many Conferences of the Parties (COPS) that have seen politicians, celebrities, royals and green activists travel to 26 annual climate conferences, with more to come. No doubt, those self-opinionated people will always want to meet at expensive locations around the world, dining in style and with many arriving by private jet to save the world from climate doom. The United Nations Climate Change Conferences are annual meetings within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). They are formal gatherings to discuss progress being made towards “addressing climate change” with the UN attempting to establish legally binding obligations from developed countries to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions.…
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  • Green Deal Compliant Car
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  • The Plague of Green Elephants
    By Viv Forbes Legend says that if you displeased the King of Siam, he would give you a white elephant. These rare and protected elephants were incredibly expensive to keep. So a “White Elephant” came to mean a possession that is useless, troublesome, expensive to maintain and difficult to dispose of - like a Sacred Cow, but much bigger. Today the deluded rulers of the Western world are gifting us and future generations with plagues of Green Elephants – useless, expensive, protected, green rubbish. The biggest green elephants in Australia are the five desalination plants built hurriedly when climate catastrophist Tim Flannery forecast that burning hydrocarbons would create perpetual drought. He forgot La Nina with its cycles of rain and…
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  • An Overview of the Capital Costs of Firming Wind Farms with Pumped Hydro
    By Michael Bowden; IEng(Electronics-UK);CPL;CQP and Craig Brooking; MBA; BE(Civil); FAIC, Dip; formerly FIEAust; CPEng. The Conclusions: Over the next 15 years, NSW will decommission four of its five coal fired power stations which will dramatically reduce the availability of reliable and dispatchable electrical power. According to the NSW Government, the reduced capacity will be replaced by wind and solar farms firmed with batteries, gas and pumped hydro. This paper has demonstrated that renewables firmed by pumped hydro is massively expensive and high-risk commercially and technically. The most cost-effective and technically feasible solution is to replace the four decommissioned coal fired power stations with modern HELE USC coal plants which would deliver significant advantages over the firmed renewables strategy. Read the…
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  • Germany’s Energy Catastrophe
    [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="1385"] Lignite Power Plant in Neurath, Germany. Shutterstock[/caption] By Lea Booth Germany may be the only nation that has based its energy policy on absolution. Germans call it Energiewende (“energy transition”), and they aim to decarbonize their economy and lead the world by replacing their fossil fuel and nuclear plants with renewable energy. Germany is the first major nation to undertake such an effort, and, as hoped for, their early adoption of renewables has catalyzed a spectacular drop in costs for those technologies. A reporter summed up German attitudes towards the Energiewende, writing, “Germans would then at last feel that they have gone from being world-destroyers in the 20th century to world-saviors in the 21st.” Continue reading…
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  • Under Sea Volcanoes – The Axial Seamount
    By Jim Le Maistre 300 kilometers off the coast of Oregon there is an undersea volcano, The Axial Seamount. It erupted in 1982, 1998, 2011 and 2015. New Scientist July 9 th , 2007 suggests that there are roughly 3 million volcanoes under the oceans of the world, this one is the only under sea volcano ever, regularly, studied. It is estimated that about 80 % of all volcanic activity on Earth occurs under the oceans. Almost nothing is known about these volcanoes. Scientists do not even have a scale by which to measure volcanoes that erupt under the sea. No system has ever been developed to describe or rate their magnitude like the systems rating Volcanoes above land. [caption…
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  • Geology and Climate
    By James Edward Kamis For many years it has been obvious that geological forces influence the planet’s climate in many specific and measurable ways: they melt the base of polar glaciers, abruptly change the course of deep ocean currents, influence the distribution of plankton blooms, infuse our atmosphere with volcanic sulfur rich ash, modify huge sub-ocean biologic communities, and generate all El Niño / La Niñas’ cycles. Given all of this very convincing information, many of today’s supposedly expert scientists still vehemently insist that our climate is completely / exclusively driven by atmospheric forces. Well that atmospheric bias is about to change! Read the full article:
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  • NOTHING WORKS – Lamentations of a home owner using solar power
    By James Kunstler The solar electric I installed on the house nine years ago is down. It’s supposed to feed that monster called the grid. Since April, I noticed that the electric bill is creeping up way beyond the usual seventeen bucks that the electric company charges home solar producers for the privilege of feeding their system — which, let’s face it, has a downside for them because the intermittency of so-called alt-energy disorders their operations. It’s counter-intuitive. Many people, I’m sure, assume that the more solar units feeding the grid, the better. Strangely, not so. Electric companies work much better when the production and flow of current is absolutely predictable and under their control — like, when they decide…
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  • The Target on Australia’s Back
    By Viv Forbes Congratulations to Ted Dwyer in “Spectator Australia” (25/6/22) for asking why Australia has bet-the-house on the US/NATO adventurism in Ukraine. There are few innocent parties in Ukraine today - an undeclared civil war has been simmering for this whole century. Since the Mongol destruction of Kiev in 1240, almost everyone has invaded Ukraine – its flat fertile lands and mineral resources attract plunderers. Russia has a long memory of invaders from the west including Napoleon, the Austrians, the Poles, the Swedes and Hitler’s Nazis. Russia’s Catherine the Great annexed the Crimea in 1783 and established the Black Sea Fleet. Ukraine was one of the founding Soviet Republics in 1922, and Russian is the mother tongue for several…
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  • Monster Hydrothermal Field Discovered in The Dark Depths of The East Pacific
    By Michelle Star A massive field of hydrothermal vents on the seafloor in the dark depths of the East Pacific ocean is the hottest and largest discovered in the region yet. [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="700"] A vent monitored with a temperature logger. (WHOI/NDSF/ROV Jason/NSF)[/caption] Not only that, but it's in a place scientists didn't expect to find active vents, never mind an entire system of them, hundreds of meters from the axis of a volcanic ridge. The discovery, scientists say, could have a significant impact on our understanding of vent systems, and the role they play in ocean ecosystems. Read the full article: See also: 2021-2022 Tonga Volcanic Eruption and Record Rainfall in Eastern Australia and New Zealand:
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  • Biden’s Destructive “De-Growth” Policies on the road to Net Zero
    Mark Levin explaines why President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party are responsible for destroying the economy and why they want America reliant on foreign power.
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  • Back to Coal
    From Jo Nova The threat of the Russians cutting off gas completely through Nord Stream 1 has focused Europe on the blessings of coal and the reality of surviving winter with only windmills and solar panels to keep warm. Germany, France, Austria, Netherlands, and the UK have already changed plans to shut coal plants or have plans to revive old ones. Poland is buying coal directly for homes. Hungary has now also declared a state of emergency and said it will boost gas production and stop exports. No sharing allowed now. Only two years ago Greece was going green — phasing out brown coal but now the Greek power corporation has been told to stop the phase out of coal. Last year lignite provided…
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  • Climate change driven by the Sun – Prof Ian Plimer
    The same video on Facebook:
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  • Solar power plus Batteries – Will it work?
    Richard Blayden discusses solar power intermittency and the cost of batteries to store power (the image and link refer to the full article, PDF 471 kB):
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  • Stop the Climate Stupidity
    Here (and the above image) is a link to a presentation of a lecture given by David Archibald (8 MB PDF):
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  • The $100 Million Selfie in Ukraine
    By Cory Bernardi Political virtue signalling is one thing but spending $100 million of our money on a selfie is inexcusable. I've tried really hard to refrain from criticising the Albanese government. They've only been in the role for a few weeks and a lot of the problems they are encountering aren't directly of their making. Sure, they made things worse by pushing the former government to the Left but that's their job. The real failing is with the Morrison team failing to stand their ground. However there are areas that Albanese and his team need to be held to account because those decisions are entirely of their making. One was the $100 million selfie opportunity he took this week.…
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  • 2021-2022 Tonga Volcanic Eruption and Record Rainfall in Eastern Australia and New Zealand
    By Alvin Wong and Wyss Yim. Volcanoes Study Group, Hong Kong. Summary During late 2021, the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai submarine volcano erupted creating a new island which erupted sub-aerially on 15th January, 2022 sending a plume 58 km above sea level penetrating the mesosphere. The study of observation records including satellite data has revealed warming of the ocean-surface layer followed by atmospheric cooling caused by the release of geothermal heat and volcanic materials entering the atmosphere respectively. Environmental factors influencing weather include the development of a relatively 'short' life-span South Pacific Blob; the transfer of large quantities of water vapour from the ocean into the atmosphere; the low-pressure condition on the ocean surface; the formation of clouds; the reduction of…
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  • Coal Fairy Tale
    By Graham Pinn The 2021 census for the first time reported on health, it revealed that 1 in 10 had a mental health problem. Surveys during the COVID period have shown that the young are particularly at risk, a risk compounded by the apocalyptic predictions of climate change. The combination of the two has undermined resilience and led to an increase in depression and suicidal attempts. The news and social media, aided and abetted by “our ABC”, have contributed, there is also no doubt that climate negativity at school has been a factor, strongly influenced by both teachers and the curriculum. The newly announced intention of NSW and Victoria State Governments, to provide early learning from the ages of 3…
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  • I’m Fed Up
    By P Gosselin I can no longer stand the people who shout this into microphones and cameras every day or print it in newspapers. I suffer from having to witness how natural science is turned into a whore of politics. I am tired of being told what to be ashamed of by abused, pubescent children. I am tired of being told by some deranged people that I am to blame for everything and everyone – but especially as a German for the past, present and future misery of the whole world. Prof. Dr. Knut Löschke, Member of the University Council at the University of Leipzig, Member of the Board of Trustees of the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the…
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  • Rushing Towards the Wall of Blackouts
    Planned Chaos in Power Generation By Viv Forbes Politicians are inviting electricity chaos in Australia by promoting closure of coal-fired power stations, but also promoting more electric cars – more demand, less supply. And Green energy is a wild bull in the electricity china shop. Around mid-day on most sunny days, millions of roof-top solar panels pump electricity into the grid, often pushing prices too low for rational generators to continue supplying power. With booming subsidised green energy, more Australian coal generators will be forced to close. Demand for electricity peaks twice per day – once for toast and coffee at breakfast time, and again for air conditioners, dinner and TV at night. Solar contributes ZERO to this demand, and…
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  • Australia’s Great Green Energy Gamble
    By Viv Forbes Australians took a great green gamble in the recent election. Green millionaires and other left-wing activists supported slick campaigns promoting a gaggle of well-off women who won 6 seats in the leafy-green suburbs. Being rich blue-bloods with dark green policies they adopted Teal-coloured uniforms. Dark Greens also grabbed some inner city electorates. The Liberal-National “conservatives” got their lowest vote for over 70 years, losing control of parliament. The left-wing ALP also got their lowest vote for over 70 years but won a slim majority in the lower house of federal Parliament. This Teal-Green-ALP lurch to the left promises a disorderly rush into green energy – their aim is to cover this huge continent with solar panels, wind…
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  • Warm or Cold?
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  • The Australian Broadcasting Corporation: The Climate Alarmist’s Mouthpiece
    By Dr. John Happs “Several years ago, I stopped listening and watching the news and current affairs on the ABC.  I was sick of being consistently fed what I believe was biased and unbalanced reporting.” Robert Onfrey ( The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) was established in 1932 and is required to be politically independent since its charter is enshrined in legislation under the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act, 1983. The ABC provides radio, television (since 1956) and online services throughout metropolitan and regional Australia. Unlike other Australian broadcasters, the ABC is privileged in that it receives more than $1 billion in annual funding, courtesy of the Australian taxpayer. Those taxpayers rightly expect the public broadcaster be fair, balanced and impartial in…
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  • India and China Coal Production Surge
    India and China Coal Production Surging By 700M Tons Per Year: That’s Greater Than All U.S. Coal Output By Robert Bryce If you think the world is moving beyond coal, think again. The post-Covid economic rebound and surging electricity demand have resulted in big increases in coal prices and coal demand. Since January, the Newcastle benchmark price for coal has doubled. And over the past few weeks, China and India have announced plans to increase their domestic coal production by a combined total of 700 million tons per year. For perspective, US coal production this year will total about 600 million tons. The surge in coal demand in China and India – as well as in the U.S., where coal use jumped by…
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  • Intermittent Energy – Wind and Solar
    By Richard Blayden Although much lauded as the future “clean” power generation, wind and solar present serious problems in their unavoidable variation in performance on every time scale. The extent of that constant variation is hidden neatly (and deeper and deeper) as time-series data are summated into weekly/monthly/annual power generation reports. Hidden or not, that variation is a serious problem and a major source of inflated costs as more and more “renewables” are added to the grid. The reality of that variation is glaringly obvious in the base data recorded in the NEM web-site. That source provides a detailed list of every power generation facility connected to the grid together with maps showing precise location and hour by hour performance…
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    By Dr Tim Fatchen Now that the election is done, if not dusted, the Government and the cross-bench are committed to huge changes in a mere eight years in renewable power generation. Just taking the new Government promise and ignoring the much more spectacular demands of the Greens & Teals, it might look a big ask. But it's actually very easy to demonstrate, in a real and immediate sense, how successful such changes will be. Consider these two statements: "To meet the climate change promise that Labor took to the federal election, the Albanese government must boost renewable energy to 82 per cent of supply by 2030" writes Graham Lloyd in The Australian (23/5, online). and "South Australia is at…
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  • The Bottomless Black Hole in the Great Barrier Reef
    By Viv Forbes. In 2012 Malcolm Turnbull snitched $440 million from taxpayers to “save the Great Barrier Reef”. In 2022 Scott Morrison promised to pour another billion into the Barrier Reef Black Hole. Then last week Anthony Albanese promised another $220 million “to save the reef from yellow-crazy ants”. A million here, a billion there and pretty soon you are talking real money. Clearly The Great Barrier Reef has a bottomless black hole that demands regular sacrifice of tax payers. Or maybe the Crown of Thorns Starfish is now on a diet of dollars? Corals have survived for millions of years. They laughed off ice ages and warm eras, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and dramatic changes in sea levels. They will…
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  • Vote Green for More Blackouts
    Vote  ALP/Green  for more  Blackouts and more  WASTED WATER Saltbush Advice on Election Eve By Viv Forbes For ages now in SE Queensland, it has been cloudy, rainy and largely windless. No sun electrifies the solar panels, intermittent winds play with the prayer wheels, and backup batteries are going flat. For just a while on some afternoons, wind and solar produce a trickle of power. Gas and hydro try to help, but none of these can bear the whole power supply load. But even on these gloomy days, our electric lights, fridge, stove, battery chargers and water pumps work. And down in the city (even on still nights) trains, traffic lights, fuel pumps, cold stores, hospitals and lifts keep working.…
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  • Barrier Reef Scares
    “IF YOU WANT TO MAKE SOME EASY MONEY, JUST SAY THE GREAT BARRIER REEF IS ABOUT TO DIE BUT YOU CAN SAVE IT.” By John Happs Already, millions of taxpayer dollars have been poured into “saving the Great Barrier Reef” scams schemes. On top of the $440 million the Turnbull government poured in to save the reef that doesn’t need saving, the Morrison government has promised $1 billion and not to be left out, Anthony Albanese if elected, would pour in $220 million. Dr. Terry Hughes is the director of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies at James Cook University which, according to its website (2017), has a funding budget of $28,000,000 over 7 years.…
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  • Urgent Election Action
    By Viv Forbes Libs and ALP are both on the nose. It looks unlikely that either of them will hold a majority of seats. But if voters are not disciplined in how they vote, a bunch of deep greens posing as independents will grab enough seats to hold the balance of power. This would be a disaster. So voters must ensure that Liberals can form the next government, providing they have adult supervision. We explain why and how below. Voters must ensure there are new sensible people holding the balance of power in Australian parliaments. We need people who understand that: The “Man-made Climate Crisis” is a fraud. Natural cycles control the climate. “Net Zero Emissions” is a destructive, impossible…
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  • How And Why The British Broadcasting Corporation Spreads Climate Alarm
    By Dr. John Happs ~ Sir Humphrey Appleby (Cabinet Secretary): I have returned with the answer to all your problems. Global warming. Jim Hacker (Prime Minister): I thought you were against it? Humphrey: Everybody’s against it, Prime Minister. I suddenly realised that is the beauty of it. We can get a unanimous agreement with all of our European partners to do something about it. Jim: But how can we do something about something that isn’t happening? Humphrey: But it doesn’t matter what we think. If everyone else thinks it’s real, they’ll all want to stop it. So long as it doesn’t cost too much. So the question now is, what are we going to do about it? Jim: But if…
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  • Time to Vote for Change in Australia
    by Viv Forbes of the Saltbush Club Australian politicians have drifted a long way to the left since the days of Robert Menzies and Arthur Fadden. Starting with Gough Whitlam, Malcolm Fraser, Don Chipp and Bob Brown, there has developed a monotonous uniformity in main-stream Australian politics. Over the years, a green slime has infected all major parties - they now differ in details but not in principle. This greening of politics has reached the stage when a politician like Malcolm Turnbull has trouble deciding whether to join the Greens, the ALP or the Leafy-green Liberals. The green revolution started with support for preserving cuddly wild-life, then progressed to “No-Dams”, “Lock-the Gate” and “Save-the Reef”. Then they added “global warming”…
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  • Be Careful Who You Vote for
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  • The Absurd, Costly and Pointless Crusade against Global Warming
    There is not a single fact, figure or observation that leads us to conclude that the world‘s climate is in any way ‘disturbed‘. It is variable, as it has always been, but rather less so now than during certain periods or geological eras. Modern methods are far from being able to accurately measure the planet‘s global temperature even today, so measurements made 50 or 100 years ago are even less reliable. Read more from extract-from-2015-french-global-warming-whitepaper which is itself an extract from a much more comprehensive paper here:
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  • “Climate” by co-winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics
    Dr. Robert B. Laughlin, Stanford University Physicist, Nobel Prize (shared) for physics in 1998, former research scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Please remain calm: the Earth will heal itself — Climate is beyond our power to control…Earth doesn’t care about governments or their legislation. You can’t find much actual global warming in present-day weather observations. Climate change is a matter of geologic time, something that the earth routinely does on its own without asking anyone’s permission or explaining itself. Excerpts from the article, What the Earth Knows, The American Scholar, June 2010:
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  • Earth Day truth: Fossil fuels make Earth BETTER
    By Alex Epstein Fossil fuels are making Earth a better and better place by providing uniquely low-cost, reliable energy to billions of people--and are needed by billions more. We need a Fossil Future. See:
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  • The Red Line of Death
    Earth is suffering a plant food crisis. The climate crazies will make it worse:
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  • The Power of Moonbeams
    Australia’s alternative Prime Minister Albanese discovers “The Power of Moonbeams”.
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  • Dr Benny Peiser Australian Visit
    Dr Benny Peiser who heads up the London based The Global Warming Policy Foundation, is visiting Australia and speaking at three major events in Sydney 26 April, Brisbane 27 April and Melbourne 28 April. With Lord Lawson, Benny Peiser launched the GWPF in 2009 in the run-up to the Copenhagen Climate Summit. It provides a platform for educational research and informed debate on measures to cut greenhouse emissions and thereby limit anthropogenic climate change. Dr Peiser has written extensively on domestic and international climate policy and has appeared on numerous media outlets to contest global warming alarmism and demonstrate the cost of policies being proposed to address it. His visit is especially timely given the European - indeed global - energy…
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  • Same Garbage – Different Flies
    A comment on the Australian Federal budget by Viv Forbes of the Saltbush Club. The Australian Budget was a profound disappointment. Not one useless law was repealed, not one tax was abolished and not one bureaucracy was eliminated. Here are three essentials that were missing from the budget: Firstly, we hear a lot about "Build Back Better". The quickest way to start re-building Australia is to abolish capital gains tax. Far too many properties and businesses are held by aging owners, fearful of selling because of capital gains tax. New owners are always enthusiastic on how to use the assets better – they will expand, renovate and upgrade. Abolishing capital gains tax would kick-start this rejuvenation process. Secondly, all federal…
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  • The politics of climate: what a difference a war makes!
    By Alan Moran President Trump, in July 2018, warned Europe about the dangers of relying on Russian energy. For this he was ridiculed, as illustrated by the supercilious faces of the German delegates. Global investment markets have noticed that the world has changed. Read more:
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    By Dr. John Happs Wat: “You have been weighed.” Roland: “You have been measured.” Kate: “And you have absolutely...” Chaucer: “Been found wanting.” - A Knight’s Tale, Geoffrey Chaucer (1340’s – 1400) A knighthood is a title given to a man by a British king or queen for his achievements or service to his country. Founded by King Edward the Third in 1348, the knighthood is regarded as the highest British civil and military honour obtainable and one would expect recipients to be persons of honesty and integrity. There are at least 4 English knights who appear to have strayed from the path of honesty and integrity when it comes to relating information about climate change to politicians, the media,…
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  • The Great Reset
    By Michael Rectenwald Chief Academic Officer, American Scholars Is the Great Reset a conspiracy theory that sees a vast left-wing plot to establish a totalitarian one-world government? No. Despite the fact that some people may have spun conspiracy theories based on it—with some reason, as we will see—the Great Reset is real. Indeed, just last year, Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF)—a famous organization made up of the world’s political, economic, and cultural elites that meets annually in Davos, Switzerland—and Thierry Malleret, co-founder and main author of the Monthly Barometer, published a book called COVID-19: The Great Reset. In the book, they define the Great Reset as a means of addressing the “weaknesses of…
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  • How Green is your Electric Car?
    Morano: "When you go and plug in your electric car and you pat yourself on the back for being nice and green, you're powering that battery, you're recharging that battery with fossil fuels. That's the first thing, and that doesn't even bring into how they put the batteries together. "All the rare earth mining is giving China the world monopoly on this. China is buying up Africa. They're going in places like Congo, where 70% of the world's cobalt. They are using underage labor. They're using Uyghur slaves in China. They are the ones we have to turn to and they are making us more reliant on them to dig up the Earth without our higher environmental standards. We're outsourcing…
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  • Power not Poverty
    By Viv Forbes The past was green and fuzzy - the future is black and ominous. Richard Sebrof The green fairy-tale is over. Even the green cheer squad in the bureaucracy and the media can sense the change. The sudden end was signalled by rolling columns of Russian tanks, quickly followed by surging prices for oil, gas, coal, wheat and barley. For decades, one-worlders and greedy industrialists have sung the green songs – lauding wind/solar energy, worshipping hydrogen, and condemning coal, oil, gas and nuclear. Their doomsday chorus was taken up by tweeting teenagers and trendy adults in the green leafy suburbs – most of them supported in soft-chair jobs in media, bureaucracy and big woke corporations. John Kerry (a…
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  • The Stampede of the Green Lemmings
    By Viv Forbes No country on Earth relies entirely on wind/solar energy, but Australian politicians aim to achieve this miracle. They are leaders in the Stampede of the Green Lemmings. Solar energy has a huge problem. Even on sunny days almost nothing is generated to meet the demand peaks around breakfast time and dinner time - the solar energy union only works a six-hour day, goes on strike with little warning, and takes quite a few sickies. So, for at least 18 hours of every day, electricity must come from somewhere else. Then around noon, the millions of solar panels pour out far more electricity than is needed, causing electrical and financial chaos in the electricity grid. Naturally our green…
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    This is a follow-up book by Dr. John Happs. It further exposes the questionable behaviour of the political/ideological Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), its United Nations supporters and those who stand to benefit from the continued promotion of climate alarmism. The book looks closely at the way in which respected organisations, such as NASA, and celebrities such as Sir David Attenborough have pedalled climate pseudoscience and alarmism to their many followers. We now know that many of our school teachers are shamelessly promoting climate fear in the minds of trusting children. Most criticism is levelled at those Green zealots who have worked assiduously to prevent the widespread use of DDT and Golden Rice at the cost of millions of…
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  • Net Zero Madness
    Brexit Leader Farage Launches Crusade Against ‘Net Zero Madness’ ‘Mr. Brexit’, Nigel Farage, has launched a new campaign with Britain’s ‘net zero madness’ in his crosshairs, calling for ruinous green policies to be put to a referendum. British political firebrand and Brexit pioneer Nigel Farage has turned his sights on what he calls the UK government’s “net zero madness”, and will now campaign for a referendum on green policies championed by Boris Johnson. Read More:
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  • Why “cheap” Solar Increases the Price of Power
    By David Wojick I keep hearing that since solar power is cheap it pays to add it to the generation mix. Sometimes this claim is caveated, saying that it only pays up to a certain fraction of total generating capacity. Typical limits range from 30% to 60%. Moreover this claim that it pays to add solar is made by conservatives as well as liberals. We are, after all, just talking about money, not principles. In reality this “solar pays” claim is like saying it pays to add a small, high mileage car as a second car. It ignores the added cost of buying two cars instead of one. With two car payments to make, you would only save money under…
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  • One Step at a Time
    [The Jordan Peterson interview is from November 2016, The Joe Rogan Experience #877. The segment is at 53 m 53 s. (may require free membership with Spotify)]
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  • “Human Induced Climate Change” – Fraud of the 21st Century
    By Dick Reaney This is a huge and a very complex subject. The literature surrounding climate change is enormous, diffuse and profoundly contradictory. The reason; climate scientists have not exactly been lily white in their recording and reporting of information. A considerable amount of data has been distorted or altered to give them the results they desire. My approach to this subject is factual and as accurate as my research has allowed in several years of study. The last forty years have seen massive multinational scientific studies costing millions of dollars. The scientific backing for the Global Warming scare comes from climate science, not politicians. Climate science is a weak science. The atmosphere is chaotic and difficult to define with…
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  • Greenism Destroying Australia’s Ancient Grasslands
    It’s the electoral season for green-money showers in Australia – the Coral Community got one billion dollars of green bribes from PM Morrison (this after $141M from ex-PM Turnbull just over 3 years ago). Koalas got $50M from Morrison whilst the Queensland Government bought a huge grazing property for yet another national park. And of course the Green Broadcasting Commission got an extra $3.3Billion over 3 years to promote their green agenda. This flood of green graft aims to bribe green voters by molly-coddling trees and corals, both of which are among Australia’s long-term survivors. However, today’s greatest environmental destruction is being inflicted on Australia’s once-magnificent grasslands by those same urban greens. When Europeans first saw Australia, much of the…
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  • Solar Update
    By David Archibald 2 February 2022 Reports from the current Northern Hemisphere winter include plenty of low temperature records broken, frozen seas off Greece, etc., suggesting that the world is cooling. A correspondent in Missouri writes: Nearly 800 chill hours here so far … cold forecast for the next 2 weeks. Will hit 1000 easily. The average when we moved here not quite 20 years ago was 5-600 … for the entire winter. (Chill hours refer to the total amount of time a fruit tree needs to be exposed to cold winter temperatures to allow them break dormancy so they will flower and set fruit normally.) So that is good news for Missouri — they will now be able to…
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  • Charging Electric Cars
    This report was sent to the Saltbush Club by an engineer who checked an apartment block in an Australian capital city to see if charging points for electric cars could be installed. It is word-for-word as received except for concealing things that could identify the author (fully qualified) or the specific apartment building. Viv Forbes 1st February 2022 I recently did some work for the body corporate at the XXX Apartment Building in XXX to see if we could install a small number of electric charging points for apartment owners to charge their electric vehicles. Three owners had enquired before the job started. Our research discovered: 1. The building had no non-allocated parking spaces ie public ones. This is typical…
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  • Much Ado About Methane
    By Dr. John Happs It would appear that climate alarmists and associated vested interest groups might have decided that an increasing number of politicians and members of the public no longer see the trivial amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide as having much of a role to play in our ever-changing climate and the weather extremes the planet has always experienced. This realisation might have dawned on them after 26 pointless Conferences of the Parties (COPS), during which thousands of hypocritical delegates flew hundreds of private jets to locations around the world to achieve absolutely nothing. Despite those many COP talk-fests, most developed nations have shown no inclination to reduce their industrial activity and lower their standards of living. Developing nations,…
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  • Enjoy our Wonderful Climate
    There is no Climate Crisis, Just an Climate Education Crisis. More from the same creator, John Shewchuk:
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  • The Profound Junk Science of Climate
    By Norman Rogers Climate change prophecy hangs its hat on computer climate models. The models have gigantic problems. According to Kevin Trenberth, once in charge of modeling at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, “[None of the] models correspond even remotely to the current observed climate [of the Earth].” The models can’t properly model the Earth’s climate, but we are supposed to believe that, if carbon dioxide has a certain effect on the imaginary Earths of the many models it will have the same effect on the real earth. Read the full article:
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  • Federal Review of Fire and Biodiversity
    The Bushfire Front Inc has produced a submission to the Federal government in relation to their inquiry into the impact of fire regimes on biodiversity in Australia. The paper the government attached to the call for submissions was terrible. If this represents the level of impartial scholarship and understanding of bushfire science in the Commonwealth public service, then the country is in a worse position than I thought. Please feel free to circulate this submission as you see fit. We regard it as a public document. Roger Underwood Chair, The Bushfire Front Inc Submission document: [PDF, 170 kB]
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  • Batteries by NMC532-X
    Some amusing lagniappes with some good information on the subject. By Bruce Haedrich When I saw the title of this lecture, especially with the picture of the scantily clad model, I couldn’t resist attending. The packed auditorium was abuzz with questions about the address; nobody seemed to know what to expect. The only hint was a large aluminium block sitting on a sturdy table on the stage. When the crowd settled down, a scholarly-looking man walked out and put his hand on the shiny block, “Good evening,” he said, “I am here to introduce NMC532-X,” and he patted the block, “we call him NM for short,” and the man smiled proudly. “NM is a typical electric vehicle (EV) car battery…
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  • Australia’s Giant Green Gamble on Solar Energy Toys
    By Viv Forbes By the time solar energy reaches Earth’s surface it is spread very thin – even midday sunshine will not boil the billy or make toast. And solar collectors will only convert about 20% of that weak energy into electricity. Thus thousands of solar panels are needed to collect significant energy, and lots more to charge the expensive batteries needed to maintain electricity supply overnight and during cloudy weather. Despite these disadvantages, force-feeding of “green” energy by all levels of government has given Australia nearly three million solar collectors (mainly imported from China). It requires scads of land to generate significant electricity from the sun’s weak rays. But even in sunny weather they produce nothing for 16 hours…
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  • Whirling Triffids are now Invading our Seashores
    By Viv Forbes "I saw them now with a disgust that they had never roused in me before. Horrible alien things which some of us had somehow created, and which the rest of us, in our careless greed, had cultured all over the world. One could not even blame nature for them." - Bill Masen, in “The Day of the Triffids” Wind turbines need a huge area to generate significant electricity. An area the size of Wales would need to be covered in wind turbines just to meet one sixth of UK’s daily energy needs. So for years now, subsidised wind energy investors have been razing ridge-lines, felling forests and slicing birds, bats and insects.  They trash the landscape to…
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  • “Green Murder” by Ian Plimer
    An Interview with Professor Ian Plimer on his latest book “Green Murder”:
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  • The Sun’s Influence On Climate – Why The Evidence Is Ignored By The IPCC
    By Dr John Happs I’m often asked: “Why do so many people still believe that we are facing a climate crisis?” And: “Why is so much money being spent on reducing carbon dioxide emissions when many other factors control climate change?” My answers to these questions rest with the following facts: The general public has little understanding of science and do not appreciate the complexity of climate science. Few understand that climate alarmism is essentially driven by politics and financial opportunism. Media reporters (there are few investigative journalists) are always looking for alarmist headlines. Unfortunately, the public largely obtains its (dis)information about climate change through newspapers, radio and television. Politicians are always “sniffing the breeze” to see which way public…
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  • The Electric Highway – A Fuelish Policy
    By Viv Forbes Scott Morrison has had another green brainwave – spend a zillion dollars to build Australia’s electric/hydrogen highway. Naturally this Fuelish Policy will be supported and accelerated by the Greens/ALP coalition. They all need to study the history of transport in Australia. Soon after the First Fleet landed, explorers, prospectors and settlers headed inland seeking grasslands, timber and minerals. Often they followed ancient aboriginal trade routes to discover the best waterholes, river crossings and gaps in the ranges. No governments surveyed their routes, graded their roads, or established stores of hay, grain, water and billy tea along the tracks to re-charge the batteries of their horses, donkeys, bullocks, passengers and drivers. Feeling left out of this exuberant private…
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  • What is happening with our Universities?
    By PROF. DR. IR. GUUS BERKHOUT The letter below by Prof. Berkhout was published recently in the largest Dutch daily, de Telegraaf: In recent years we have seen the strangest things happening to our universities. Professors must be extremely careful about what they teach. If they present scientific results that do not fit the ideology of activist movements, their lives are made difficult and they even run the risk of being excommunicated. Joining the consensus is by far the safest. The Boards of Governors do not protect their professors; on the contrary, they are solidly behind the activists. The University of Amsterdam believes that every student should become 'woke'. It is no longer about developing talents, but about making white,…
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  • GLOBAL GREENING: Dr Patrick Moore
    Dr Patrick Moore has Ph.D. in ecology and is a veteran of peace and environmental activism having faced down the harpoons of whaling ships as a founding member of Greenpeace. In this video explains the benefits of increasing levels of CO2 in the environment.
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  • Words of Wisdom on Sea Level
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  • Climate Derangement Syndrome
    It’s the hysteria about climate change that poses the greatest threat to humanity. By Brendan O'Neil Climate change is going to be worse than the Holocaust. It will give rise to a global epidemic of gang rape. There’ll be murder, war, slaughter. Your friends will die. Your children, too. The carbon-fuelled heating of the planet will bring ‘human life as we know it’ crashing to a violent, fiery end. It will be nothing less than doomsday. These are just some of the hysterical claims that have been made in the discussion around COP26. As world leaders private-jetted their way to Glasgow for the latest UN gabfest on how to save the planet from mankind’s dirt, hubris and avarice, there was…
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  • Where is today’s additional atmospheric carbon dioxide coming from?
    By Andrew Kenny We need to be careful. Climate alarm is nonsense. The idea that rising CO2 will cause dangerous change is nonsense. Actually, it will have no [significant] effect on the climate but a wonderful effect on plant life. But the recent rise in CO2 (since about 1850) is because of man burning fossil fuels. (It is not because of volcanoes.) We can see that by the fact the extra CO2 contains no C14. We can also see that in the graphs of temperatures and CO2 levels over the last ten thousand years. We must not only accept that but be proud of it. Rising CO2 has done the planet a power of good. CO2 certainly is a GHG.…
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  • Message of CLINTEL to National Politicians and World Leaders at COP26
    1. Hard facts show that global warming is NOT catastrophic, and therefore, there is NO climate crisis. Stop your fear-mongering messages. Fear leads always to wrong decisions and above all, it destroys the minds of our youth. Instead, inspire them with a positive outlook! 2. The big climate picture tells us that we are slowly moving via ups and downs to the next ice age. The recovery from the Little Ice Age has been very beneficial for mankind and nature. Enjoy today's relatively benign climate! Sometime in the future we will again move to a colder phase and ultimately into the next ice age. 3. The big climate picture also tells us that extreme weather, consisting of heat waves and…
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  • Renewable Energy Crunch Comes To The UK
    By Francis Menton Anybody who looks with a critical eye at the madcap push toward increasing amounts of intermittent renewable electricity generation in the U.S. and Europe quickly realizes that eventually this has to hit a wall. But when will the crunch come? Theoretically, with 100% fossil fuel backup you can keep an electricity system of majority renewables functioning indefinitely, albeit with consumers bearing the unnecessary costs of two fully redundant generating systems. But then politicians pledge to reduce and then eliminate the fossil fuel backup, and by dates that are rapidly approaching. Backup plants get closed and decommissioned. For how much longer can this really keep going? Continue reading:
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  • Would Einstein be a global warming skeptic if alive today?
    By Will Happer Albert Einstein would almost certainly have been a global warming skeptic if he were alive today. Many distinguished, contemporary scientists are skeptics too. We are lucky that Einstein left a rich legacy of pithy quotes that reveal how he would probably relate to today’s cult of global warming alarmists. Take the oft repeated propaganda that 97 percent of scientists support global-warming alarmism. Quite aside from the falseness of the claim, Einstein would have remembered the famous attack on himself, “A Hundred Scientists Against Einstein,” published in Germany in 1931. His response was, “If I were wrong, one would have been enough.” His view of groupthink was summarized in another comment: “In order to be a member of…
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  • The Last COP-Out
    By Viv Forbes For 26 futile years, the net-zero maniacs have wasted fuel, energy and taxpayer’s money to bite the hands that provide their food, energy, welfare and public sector jobs. Led by EU and AUKUS dreamers, they destroy reliable energy from coal, oil, nuclear, gas and hydro while forcing us to subsidise net-negative dreams like solar, wind, wave-power, CCUS, hot rocks, pumped hydro and hydrogen. All such speculative ventures should be funded by speculators, not taxpayers. COP-Out-26 illustrates to the realists of China, Russia, India and Brazil that the West has lost its marbles and is in terminal decline. For Scott Morrison to surrender Australia to these green wolves betrays an army of miners, farmers, truckies and workers in…
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  • PM Morrison should take some Aussie Coal to Chilly Glasgow
    By Viv Forbes The Saltbush Club, Australia’s defenders of coal, cattle and cars, says that PM Morrison should not attend COP26 unless he also takes some high-energy Australian black coal to show the energy-starved Europeans the best source of stored solar energy. (In 2017, Scott Morrison took a lump of black coal into the Australian Parliament to show those members wearing green goggles what a real solar energy storage battery looked like.) As European winter approaches, just a few days of cold, quiet, cloudy weather will see electricity rationing or blackouts. Already, old coal plants are being fired up as wind, biomass and solar under perform and gas supply is limited. What happens to COP26 if France cuts the…
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    By Viv Forbes November’s Climate Alarm meeting (COP 26) should be shifted from Glasgow in Scotland to Reykjavík in Iceland. Twenty-five previous meetings of this very expensive travel club have achieved nothing useful, having wasted millions of dollars while industries are destroyed, CO2 levels continue to grow and global temperatures go nowhere. These climate tourists gather in plush hotels for parties, eats and drinks, propose more destructive energy policies for the Western World, agree to meet again, and then fly home. Holding the next meeting in Iceland would give them three useful lessons. Firstly Iceland is cold, and growing colder. They should look at the Myrdasjokull glacier which has recently had a significant addition of ice. The Hofsjokull, Langjokull, Myrdasjokull…
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  • Fake Meats
    Fake Meats The Greens are promoting Fake Meats, With claims that our cattle make heat. But fake meat was not liked And meat prices were hiked, So the Greens promptly lost all their seats. Viv Forbes
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  • Net Zero Checklist for Australia
    Based on the article Logistics and Costs for Australia to Achieve Net Zero Carbon Dioxide Emissions by 2050 by Kenneth Schultz (at, G.M. Derrick has developed a checklist for the progress. Click the image to see the PDF version.
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  • Drought Alarmism – Ignorance Or Deliberate Deception?
    By Dr. John Happs The reality is that climate is a hugely variable and hopelessly complicated thing, that it is actually meaningless to attempt to identify anthropogenic climate change through climate events like floods or droughts.”  –  (Professor Stewart Franks) Contrary to available evidence, a number of media outlets and vested-interest groups seem determined to attribute any extreme weather event, including droughts, to human-induced climate change. Those deceitful individuals who promote climate alarmism for personal gain know full-well that most politicians and members of the public have little scientific understanding and will swallow much of the climate nonsense served up by media reporters who care little for evidence whilst thriving on alarmism. It would appear that the many vested…
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  • The Pseudo-science of Consensus Science
    The new Climate Consensus is just a junk keyword survey. Climate change is a branch of science that’s immature, complex, and has error bars a hundred miles wide. If 99% of scientists say the same thing, it’s a cult, not a science. The climate is not man-made but the irrelevant consensus surely is. By studying words in industry publications, Mark Lynas thinks he’s discovered a scientific truth. Instead he has just shown that skeptics get purged from peer review. It’s official now, 99% of peer reviewed articles have to say they believe in order to get published. Continue reading:
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    If you agree that the Prime Minister should not go to the COP 26 UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow (31 October to 12 November 2021), please add your name to the DO NOT GO TO GLASGOW letter at or click on the illustration below. If you are able to invite others to follow your example, that would be excellent.
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  • First it was wind, then it was solar…
    First it was wind, then it was solar. Now they've put the two together and it's hydrogen. They're trying to skin us alive forever. - Professor Ian Plimer Two weeks ago, Energy Minister Angus Taylor announced he’ll subsidise our coal-fired power plants to offset the unreliability of our already subsidised wind turbines and solar panels – a policy “worthy of a Yes Minister show or Monty Python skit” as described by the National Civic Council. Now, Minister Taylor has knocked back an Australian nuclear energy industry in favour of hydrogen fuel because “hydrogen can do things that nuclear could never do anyway. It’s not only a source of energy, it’s a feedstock”. Really, Angus? We’ll listen to the experts on…
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  • New Book by Ian Plimer: “Green Murder”
    Click the image to download the PDF which includes an order form. Or visit
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  • Science and Anti-Science: the Net Zero debate
    By G M Derrick The Net Zero steamrollers are now flattening all in their path, driven by global business and financial interests, the Business Council of Australia, a future king of England and compliant media groups that include the unlikely bedfellows of the ABC and now News Corp. None of these would have the foggiest idea of any actual science. They parrot slogans that start with false claims of a globe on fire, and end with an equally false claim of a globe under water, spreading fear and exaggeration through an unknowing populace. But knowledge of actual science?? None really. These groups barely understand the difference between the element Carbon, a basic building block of mankind and plantkind, and the…
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  • Time for Truth-Telling in Glasgow
    By Viv Forbes For 26 long years the UN and their tame media have promoted their expensive annual climate carnivals. This month they will flock to Glasgow for COP 26 but they will not arrive on Shetland ponies, penny farthings or sailing boats - hydro-carbon energy will get most of them there and keep them warm and well fed. These jamborees are designed to spread climate lies and green energy propaganda. In the beginning, the witch-doctors of the global warming religion spread lurid tales of drowning polar bears, rising sea levels, dying corals and spreading deserts - all blamed on the wicked coal, oil, cattle and cars that they claim are destroying our green planet. Those disasters never happened. Now…
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  • The Spectrum of Climate Debate
    [Click the image for full size view.]
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  • Energy Destruction and Waste
    by Alan Moran Australia is spending some $19 billion a year in subsidies and subsidised private investment in wind and solar. This is close to 15 per cent of the private non-dwelling investment. Not only is this gross waste but it also has a negative effect of undermining the efficient energy supply we once had. More subsidies and assistance are piled on almost daily. We have become a subsidy nation with politicians intent on fulfilling a death wish. Read more from an article published by the Spectator: [PDF, 278 kB]
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  • Weather, Climate and Model Madness
    “The assumptions are suspect, the relationships are far more complex than the models assume, and the scary forecasts are worthless.” By Viv Forbes Weather or climate? It pays to know the difference before we slaughter our economy on the climate alarm altar. “Weather” describes atmospheric conditions at any location – temperature, humidity, clouds precipitation and winds. Every place has its own weather which depends on the time of day, the season, the latitude, local topography and the surface temperature of the nearest ocean. Meteorologists need a good knowledge of weather records, atmospheric physics, geography, oceanography and solar cycles. Weather is mainly about wind – is it hot or cold, moist or dry, strong or weak? Surface atmospheric pressure gradients control…
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  • Villian or Hero: CO2 Beats Net Zero – John Robertson
    Villian or Hero: CO2 Beats Net Zero: The True Story of CO2, by John Robertson. The message of this book is that atmospheric CO2 is, on balance, very good for Mankind and for Nature. We should have more of it. A hero indeed! Young David defeats huge Goliath. Net Zero CO2 by 2050 is, in my opinion, an idiotic aim which will, because it contradicts the real world, collapse long before its due date. Demonizing CO2 is just as mad and even more harmful than the 16 th , 17 th , and 18 th century villainy of hanging, drowning, or burning countless thousands of defenceless old women because they were deemed to be ‘witches’ blamed for bad weather and…
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  • The Relationship Between Mid-Ocean Spreading Zone Seismic Activity and Global Temperatures Remains Strong Through 2018
    By Arthur Viterito, College of Southern Maryland (retired) Abstract In this short communication, the relationship between mid-ocean seismic activity and global temperatures is extended through 2018. As in previous studies, the relationship remains strong and is statistically significant. Regional disparities in mid-ocean seismic activity are emerging and will be monitored going forward. Keywords Mid-ocean seismic activity; Global temperatures; Regional seismic disparities Introduction The papers titled The Correlation of Seismic Activity and Recent Global Warming (CSARGW), The Correlation of Seismic Activity and Recent Global Warming: 2016 Update (CSARGW16), and Have Global Temperatures Reached a Tipping Point? (HGTRTP) [1 - 3] document the link between mid-ocean spreading zone seismic activity (MOSZSA) [4] and global temperatures (GT) [5] over the past 40 years.…
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  • Europe’s ‘unprecedented man made floods’
    By Paul Driessen Deadly floods in Germany and Belgium have put climate change back in the news in time for the COP-26 climate gabfest in Glasgow. Not surprisingly, government officials again blamed fossil fuels, greenhouse gases and man made climate change for the calamities, to deflect attention from their official incompetence - as they did with SuperStorm Sandy and recurrent wildfires. They're blaming the very fossil fuels that power Europe's economy; build, heat and electrify homes; and power the boats, ambulances and other equipment that were used to rescue people, recover bodies, and nurse survivors back to health. They're the same officials who could and should have prepared their communities for floods like those that hit Germany and Europe every…
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    By Dr. John Happs Climate alarmists have attempted to dismiss the role of volcanism as a major source of global carbon dioxide whilst arguing that anthropogenic carbon dioxide is the main source and key driver of global climate change. Volcanism, as the possible prime source of global carbon dioxide should be given closer attention since increasing numbers of research papers are highlighting the important contribution that volcanoes make in providing this life-giving gas. Although we occasionally hear about recent well known volcanic eruptions that have interrupted aircraft schedules and encouraged people to vacate areas close to erupting volcanoes, I suspect that few people would be able to relate to few, if any, of the relatively recent eruptions such as Mount…
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  • Fight-Back for Farmers
    An urgent message for all Farmers, ex-Farmers, their Families, their Friends, their Politicians and their Media in all Australian states and in other countries: Greens have declared war on cattle farmers and graziers and on real meat and milk using their endless global warming lies. The Saltbush Club wants to see a tidal wave of protest from farmers, families and friends to politicians and the media. We ask everyone who sees this to on-send the Saltbush link widely to at least 10 others, and so on. The Green/ALP/ABC axis has already used the same discredited climate scare stories to strangle coal miners, explorers and electricity generators in Red-Green Tape. That was easy as most coal miners are concentrated in a…
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  • Real Meat is Green – it Eats Grass
    By Viv Forbes The Green Wreckers who destroyed Australia’s cheap reliable electricity are now targeting our cattle industry. They use fake science and false advertising to threaten our right to produce and consume real meat. This stupidity relies on a totally false argument that grazing animals cause global warming by releasing carbon dioxide and methane to the atmosphere. However, grazing animals have already reached “Net Zero”. They add ZERO carbon to the environment – they just help to recycle the same carbon products, endlessly. Grasses and crops extract CO2 from the atmosphere and add minerals, water and nutrients from the soil. They then use solar energy to create plant sugars and release oxygen. All grasses are either eaten by grazing…
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  • Will we have an EU Revolt?
    Václav Klaus, previous president of the Czech Republic, comments on the European Commission's 'climate package': This EU climate package is not bold. It is stupid and nonsensical. It is unrealistic, and if it were to be implemented, it would be a completely destructive package. Completely destructive to the lives, freedom and living standards of the people of Europe. Read more:
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  • Statement by CLINTEL and ICSF on Release of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6)
    August 9, 2021 Recognition at last for scientists challenging climate alarmism Climate scientists from IPCC‐circles have admitted that their new generation of climate models – referred to as CMIP6‐models – are ‘overheated’ and therefore too alarmist. This groundbreaking concession was made the week before the highly‐anticipated release of the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) ‐ the flagship 6‐year product of UN’s climate agency, IPCC. The concession also raises questions on the reliability of temperature forecasts of IPCC’s previous generation of models (CMIP5), which used the extremely high RCP8.5 emissions scenario. Results were often falsely touted as a business‐as‐usual case and used to promote extreme climate action. Observations had already indicated that CMIP5‐models were too sensitive to greenhouse gas increases, probably by…
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  • Climateers Immune from COVID Rules?
    The president of the UK's upcoming climate change conference is under fire for travelling to more than 30 countries in seven months. Several places visited by Alok Sharma were on the Covid red list - but he used an exemption for ministers to avoid quarantine on his return. See more:
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  • Keep Calm and Ask More Questions.
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  • An Inconvenient Event?
    When one unit of the twenty year old Callide coal-fired power station in Queensland failed recently, that bad news was all over the Woke green media. [caption id="attachment_1941" align="alignright" width="862"] Source: Fire Rescue Victoria[/caption] But when a Tesla Lithium Battery caught fire on its first day of testing at the Big Battery facility in Victoria, it hardly rated a mention (maybe fierce fires in lithium batteries are no longer newsworthy?) Viv Forbes More: Tesla Battery Catches Fire at Utility Storage Project in Australia Crews battle Tesla battery fire at Moorabool, near Geelong Tesla big battery fire in Victoria under control after burning more than three days Another Lithium Battery Fire
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  • Green Politicians, Stop Blaming Climate Change for Your Failures
    By Guus Berkhout. The huge floods in Europe show that the EU water drainage has fallen short in protecting citizens. Even in the South of my country (The Netherlands), with an excellent record of water management, there is a huge amount of damage. How could this happen? Citizens blamed The situation along the coast and major rivers of my country is pretty much in order and ensured there were no casualties. However, still a lot of work need be done on the canals, tributaries and local streams. In Southeast Netherlands life is totally disrupted for some time. We already took note of this shortcoming during the major floods in the early 1990s. We also saw at that time that responsible…
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    By Dr John Happs. Men only care for science so far as they get a living by it and that they worship even error when it affords them a subsistence. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. (1749-1832) To persuade nations to cut back on their economic growth and transfer their wealth to developing countries, the UN had to persuade politicians from developed countries that their industrial carbon dioxide emissions were causing the Earth to heat up dangerously. Guilty developed nations would then be penalised financially. Not all politicians were fooled by the UN's claims. Canada's former Prime Minister Stephen Harper said: "Kyoto is essentially a socialist scheme to suck money out of wealth-producing nations." Other politicians and the public remained blissfully…
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  • Toyota Warns (Again) About Electrifying All Autos. Is Anyone Listening?
    By Bryan Preston. Depending on how and when you count, Japan’s Toyota is the world’s largest automaker. According to Wheels, Toyota and Volkswagen vie for the title of the world’s largest, with each taking the crown from the other as the market moves. That’s including Volkswagen’s inherent advantage of sporting 12 brands versus Toyota’s four. Audi, Lamborghini, Porsche, Bugatti, and Bentley are included in the Volkswagen brand family. GM, America’s largest automaker, is about half Toyota’s size thanks to its 2009 bankruptcy and restructuring. Toyota is actually a major car manufacturer in the United States; in 2016 it made about 81% of the cars it sold in the U.S. right here in its nearly half a dozen American plants. If…
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  • It’s Time to Unplug the Hype Over Electric Vehicles
    By Robert Bryce. For more than a century, the promise of electric vehicles (EVs) has been parked just beyond the nearest traffic light. In 1901, the Los Angeles Times declared “The electric automobile will quickly and easily take precedence over all other” types of motor vehicles. "If the claims which Mr. Edison makes for his new battery be not overstated, there is not much doubt that it will make a fortune for somebody.” In 1911, The New York Times declared that the EV “has long been recognized as the ideal solution” because it “is cleaner and quieter” and “much more economical.” And yet today, 110 years after EVs were dubbed the Next Big Thing, they account for just 2% of…
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  • Use Foresters to Save the Forests
    By Viv Forbes Green extremists plan to convert Australia into "tree heaven". They will bully this through, no matter what the cost. Huge areas of forest are already converted to "locked-up-land" - national parks, world heritage areas, Kyoto protected trees, remnant vegetation, aboriginal reserves, wildlife habitat and corridors etc. Many lock-ups are so large and so poorly managed that they have become extreme bushfire hazards and a refuge for wild dogs, cats, goats, camels, pigs, lantana, groundsel and other weeds and pests. Australia Importing Timber Now Australia faces a shortage of timber for farms, industry, homes and furniture. While our vast forests lie idle or burnt, we import timber. Aboriginals and early settlers used forest timbers without asking permission from…
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  • Raising a Generation of Junior Jackbooters
    By Tony Thomas. Australian schoolkids get multiple forms of green/Left indoctrination (for a partial list click here). Conservative state and federal governments do nothing about this and even promote it. But how well are kids actually absorbing the green/Left narrative? Very well indeed, is my guess. Judging from copious material I’ve been sifting, schools are training a generation of horrid little eco-tyrants hot to embark on the mightiest state planning and control makeover since Stalin destroyed private agriculture and re-introduced mass slavery. “Young Australians’ Plans for the Planet” — an astounding trove — involves myriad pages of kids’ takes on social issues. They were organised by local climate zealots to support the United Nation’s 17 “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs) for 2030. The…
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  • Hydrogen Hype and Hurdles
    By Viv Forbes. Green Hydrogen is the latest “energy” fad from the global warming warriors. It is mainly hot air. Hydrogen will NEVER be a source of energy. Unlike coal, oil or natural gas, hydrogen rarely occurs naturally – it must be manufactured, and that process consumes far more energy than the hydrogen “fuel” can recover. And the heat content of natural gas is over three times that of hydrogen. “Hydro-gen” means “born of water”, but the first commercial fuel containing hydrogen was born of coal. Maybe it should be called “Carbo-gen”? “Town Gas” was manufactured by heating coal to produce hydrogen, methane and oxides of carbon. The resultant mixture of flammable gases was used for street lighting and domestic…
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  • Green Mania Hits the Wall of Nothingness
    By David Wojick From: It is now clear that none of Biden’s radical green promises are going to be kept. More broadly the wild green fantasies are going nowhere. There will be some action, but nothing much. None, nowhere, nothing much — welcome to the wall of nothingness. I for one am celebrating it, at least for now. The fight is not over by any means, but it is going pretty well. The Green New Deal is dead in the water, maybe even sunk out of sight. Its $10 trillion a year is a glaring fantasy. There is no prospect of a gruesome Great Reset, nor for the incredibly stupid Building Back Better. These draconian slogans are trash, for…
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  • A Dark Day in Dubai
    By Alistair Pope. From This short memoir is about the reality of life without electricity, that dream of the Dark Greens, which I lived in Dubai during the power outage of June 2005. The reports that followed made light of the reality as just a minor inconvenience. That is not what I experienced. By 2005 Dubai had undergone a decade-long building frenzy and such an expansion of the population that they had outstripped the infrastructure’s electricity-generating capacity—but nobody stopped the developers. I had been in Dubai for ten days and was due to fly out on a 2 a.m. flight for London. As I had a lazy day to kill, I woke at about 9 a.m. I had woken…
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  • The Blackout Agenda
    By Viv Forbes Solar power fails every day from sunset to sunrise as well as during rain, hail, snow or dust storms. No matter how much land we smother in subsidised solar panels, they will still fail. Wind power fails often and unpredictably, sometimes for days, especially in quiet cold winter weather. It also shuts down during cyclones, heavy winds or icy conditions. No matter how many hills we uglify with their subsidised roads, transmission lines and bird-slicers, they will still fail. No one notices when green energy fails (as it often does) because coal, gas and hydro keep our lights and heaters on, trains running, petrol pumping, batteries charging and dairies, abattoirs and hospitals operating. But everyone noticed when…
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  • Richard Lindzen on Climate Change
    What historians will definitely wonder about in future centuries is how deeply flawed logic, obscured by shrewd and unrelenting propaganda, actually enabled a coalition of powerful special interests to convince nearly everyone in the world that CO2 from human industry was a dangerous, planet-destroying toxin. It will be remembered as the greatest mass delusion in the history of the world - that CO2, the life of plants, was considered for a time to be a deadly poison. Future generations will wonder in bemused amazement that the early 21st century's developed world went into hysterical panic over a globally averaged temperature increase of a few tenths of a degree, and, on the basis of gross exaggerations of highly uncertain computer projections…
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  • Time for Employees and Shareholders of Resource Companies to “FIGHT BACK”
    The oil, gas and resource industry in Australia has shown itself to be pathetic in the face of criticism. Board room responses to virtuous criticism are ridiculous self-destructive woke company policies, even though the employees work hard to produce essential goods. They run advertisements showing wind turbines or solar panels which could never provide the power required for their operations but, apparently, reality doesn’t matter. The electrical power generation industry is different in that it’s focus is to co-opt politicians to force consumers to subsidise uneconomic inefficient intermittent unreliable renewable energy schemes. Politicians, but for a very small number, lack a backbone and are readily captured by nonsense rather than stick up for Australia and the community at large. Perhaps…
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  • Sir David Attenborough: National Treasure Or Climate Scaremonger?
    By Dr. John Happs ~ “We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, law-breaking, withholding and concealing truth. We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, scorn, and the like, towards those who disagree with us.”– Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1870-1924). From “Reflections on the Failure of Socialism” by Max Eastman. The above could well have been written by today’s climate alarmists who seem determined to ignore empirical evidence. They refuse debate and shout down anyone who might challenge their unfounded messages of climate disaster. There is little doubt that, for many years, Sir David Attenborough’s wildlife documentaries have provided information and entertainment for millions of viewers around the world. It is such a…
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  • The Dismal Economics for Offshore Wind
    By Jonathan A. Lesser Key Manhattan Institute Findings: 1. Offshore wind is not cost-effective, and the forecasts of rapidly declining costs through increasing economies of scale are unrealistic. 2. Absent continued subsidies—such as state mandates for offshore generation and renewable energy credits, which force electric utilities to sign long-term agreements with offshore wind developers at above-market prices—it is unlikely that any offshore wind facilities will be developed. 3. These subsidies, along with the need for additional transmission infrastructure and backup sources of electricity, will increase the cost of electricity for consumers and reduce economic growth. The actual costs of offshore wind projects borne by electric ratepayers and taxpayers are likely to be greater than advertised. 4. Experience in Europe over…
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  • CO2 Data Reveals Current CO2 Starvation
    Two great sequestration periods occurred since the mid-Paleozoic and both appear to coincide with evolution of plants. The first woody plants and trees arose in the Middle Devonian and fueled the large coal swamps of the Carboniferous Period. Later explosion of the flowering plants (angiosperms) occurred in the Cretaceous. All the while additional C was being locked up in limestones. Also in high TOC (Total Organic Carbon) muds that were converted to the shale/mudrocks that we are now liberating with fracking. Gregory R. Wrightstone Executive Director CO2 Coalition
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  • How Ice Ages Happen – the Milankovitch Cycles
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  • Are We Indigenes Yet?
    By Viv Forbes Reference: “Indigenous Voice to Parliament to include regional voices to address local issues”: The UK has seen many waves of invaders and colonisers – Neanderthals, Celts, Romans, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Danes, Norsemen, Normans and more recently Indians and Pakistanis. Only Irish, Welsh and Scottish inhabitants have had the strength to get special recognition today. All are treated as ordinary citizens. No human race evolved in Australia so we are all colonists or invaders. Several races walked, paddled, sailed or flew here over the past 60,000 years. Some displaced earlier arrivals, others mixed with locals and some became extinct. Some left rock art distinctly different from that of later arrivals and some destroyed or hid evidence of…
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  • Why this Frenchman regrets buying an electric car
    From: Mayday! Mayday!!  A Miller’s tale from La Belle France !!  Allez le diesel !!! Here’s a guy who bought an electric car! (Article from the Spectator). He starts out really enjoying his new car, but then… ____________ Why I regret buying an electric car I bought an electric car and wish I hadn’t. It seemed a good idea at the time, albeit a costly way of proclaiming my environmental virtuousness. The car cost 44,000 Euros, less a 6,000 Euro subsidy courtesy of French taxpayers, the overwhelming majority poorer than me. Fellow villagers are driving those 20-year-old diesel vans that look like garden sheds on wheels. I order the car in May 2018. It’s promised in April 2019. No…
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  • The Climate Con
    By Dave Ball Beware Global Warming!  Not because it will consume our planet in fire but rather because it is a Trojan horse concealing a much more real threat, one that will consume our economy, our democracy and our way of life. Ever since Michael Mann’s fantasy “hockey stick” temperature graph was thoroughly discredited and since Climategate outed institutional scale phony climate data a decade ago, the existence of actual global warming has been rendered null.  The same is true for the impact of CO2 on climate.  No experiment can confirm its impact, models can’t predict its influence and collateral data (sea level, animal populations etc.) do not confirm a correlation. The conclusion must be that man-made climate change and…
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  • China’s Strange Endorsement of ‘net zero’
    The Chinese path to supposed decarbonization starts with a lot more coal By Duggan Flanakin You have to hand it to Xi Jinping. The Chinese “president for life” schmoozed United Nations royalty last September with his unexpected pledge that his country aims “to have CO2 emissions peak before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality (Net Zero) before 2060.” Xi also urged other nations “to pursue innovative, coordinated, green and open development for all” through rapid deployment of new technologies, to “achieve a green recovery of the world economy in the post-COVID era and thus create a powerful force driving sustainable development.” Confident that the mantle of world leadership was passing from the United States to him and China, Mr. Xi concluded…
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  • Beneficiaries Of The Climate Fraud: Green Groups, Scientists And Politicians
    By Dr. John Happs ~ Marcus Cicero (106–43 BCE) was a Roman lawyer, statesman, philosopher, skeptic and writer. Cicero was also a senator who wanted a Republic that better served all the people. He was deeply involved in the political conflicts of Rome and questioned the motives behind a number of decisions made by some Roman politicians, asking the question “Cui bono” or “To whom is it a benefit?” Marcus Cicero Cicero was of the opinion that political decisions were often made to benefit the decision-makers and their friends rather than the people who they are meant to serve. Unfortunately his outspokenness ultimately led to his exile, from where he urged: “If our voices are no longer heard in the…
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  • DARK EMU – A Review
    A review of aspects of the book DARK EMU by Bruce Pascoe 2014. Reviewed here by Clyde Brown. In his book "Dark Emu", Bruce Pascoe argues that pre-colonial aboriginals were much more than simple hunter-gatherers and were, living in towns and villages, building houses and dams, altering the course of rivers, tilling the land, sowing crops, which they harvested and stored as well as sewing their own clothes. At the same time, he claims that they had a system of pan-continental government that generated peace and prosperity. The book has been widely acclaimed and considered factual by a large body of readers, who in the main have little or no knowledge of aboriginal archaeology and have not bothered to research…
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  • It Takes Scads of Reliable Energy to Back up Wind and Solar
    By David Wojick Source: Power system design can be extremely complex, but one simple number is painfully obvious. At least it’s painful (and terribly inconvenient) to advocates of wind and solar power – which may be why we never hear about it, why it too often gets deliberately hidden from view. It is a big, bad number. To my knowledge, this big number has no name, but it should. Let's call it the “minimum backup requirement” for wind and solar, or MBR. The minimum backup requirement is how much generating capacity a system must have if it is to reliably produce the electricity we need when wind and solar don't. For most places, the magnitude of MBR is very…
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  • New York Can’t Buy its Way out of Blackouts
    By David Wojick New York City will soon be home to the world’s biggest utility-scale battery system, designed to back up its growing reliance on intermittent renewables. At 400 MWh this batch of batteries will be more than triple the 129 MWh world leader in Australia. The City of New York’s director of sustainability, Mark Chambers, is ecstatic, bragging: “Expanding battery storage is a critical part of how we advance momentum to confront the climate emergency while meeting the energy needs of all New Yorkers. Today’s announcement demonstrates how we can deliver this need at significant scale.” (Emphasis added) In reality the scale here is incredibly insignificant. Read on here:
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  • Flood Plains are for Floods
    By Viv Forbes Natural flood plains form where floods spread silt and mud in river valleys. Being flat, fertile, picturesque and usually supplied with surface and underground water, they attract farms, orchards and gardens. These are inevitably followed by roads, houses and businesses. Despite all the planners with their rules, the pressure of people plus a bit of corruption has always resulted in population clustering on fertile flood plains and deltas beside scenic rivers. There is no point trying to stop or reverse this tide of history but those who choose to build on flood plains must bear the costs of the occasional flood. Community groups will always help those stricken by floods but taxpayers and insurers should not be…
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  • Emissions Confusion
    By Viv Forbes What parallel universe are our politicians living in? Their Net-Zero policy says we must reduce carbon dioxide emissions to induce global cooling. Then their COVID closures and lockdowns destroyed the travel industry, thus slashing travel emissions. Success - one industry approaches their zero-emissions goal. Are they pleased? No, those who were locked down yesterday are today promised Queensland government travel vouchers to visit Cairns. And the feds have already offered 50% air fare subsidies. All travel subsidies increase emissions. And now three levels of government collaborate to promote another travel emissions extravaganza – the Queensland Olympic Games. Maybe tourists will ride bicycles to Cairns and the Games buses, trains and planes will run on political hot air?…
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  • Ad-Free ABC? (Australian Broadcasting Commission)
    By Viv Forbes In recent decades “our” ABC has become a pampered left-wing mega-phone. And it is NOT ad-free. It runs continual free-to-air ads for itself and all its leftie, one-world, anti-industry, first-nation causes. Ratings show that taxpayers don’t want to support it. It is a billion-dollar business living on welfare. It should be shut it down, sold or donated to those who love it. Most Australians believe that ABC television is not worth paying a single cent for: [$] Time to sell the ABC:
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  • Lessons from Fukushima
    Introduction The world just marked the tenth anniversary of the tragic Fukushima earthquake, tsunami, nuclear power plant meltdown and hydrogen explosion. The name ‘Fukushima’ is clearly etched in our collective memories, and we are frequently urged to learn lessons from what happened there. But what did actually happen – and which lessons should we learn? In other words, how do citizens, governments and the news media avoid learning the wrong lessons? As Africa’s foremost nuclear power expert, Kelvin Kemm is especially knowledgeable about Chernobyl and Fukushima. In the article below, he lays out what actually happened in Japan a decade ago – and what lessons we would be well advised to learn from that tragedy. There were three main lessons:…
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  • Polar Bears are Thriving
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  • The Green Hobby
    From Heinz Dähling Source: [in German; “translate to English” button in the top right] For millennia, the use of energy sources beyond muscle strength was limited to mechanical energy from flowing air and water and chemical energy from renewable sources. The limitations of these then also limited the human population, which for millennia barely exceeded a billion. In the middle of the 19th century, around 1.5 billion people settled on earth. Only with the utilization of fossil energy sources, with technical progress in the industrialized countries and the associated increase in food production, the world population rose by leaps and bounds, to 2.5 billion by the middle of the 20th century. However, this is still moderate compared to the…
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  • Six Issues the Promoters of the Green New Deal Have Overlooked
    By Jonathan DuHamel From: Although the Earth’s climate has been changing for more than 4 billion years all by itself, we are now told that we can stop climate change simply by reducing carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels. Ignorance-based plans such as the Green New Deal propose that we terminate electricity generation by fossil fuels and replace all of it with renewables such as wind and solar. Proponents of such plans have not considered the environmental nor economic implications. “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” – Martin Luther King Jr. 1)The Enormous Land Requirements of Wind and Solar Electricity Generation The enormous land requirements for enough wind and/or solar to…
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  • Taking the Wind Out of Climate Change
    Taking the Wind Out of Climate Change The proponents of Climate Change insist that we are facing an imminent existential threat to our very existence. To prevent this catastrophe they assert that we must make immediate, impactful changes — particularly regarding our energy policies. The primary solution advocated by the major Climate Change advocates (e.g. the IPCC and the scientists comprising the so-called 97% consensus) is industrial wind energy. The climactic question is: if we accept the Climate Change contention and then spend Trillions of dollars to assiduously implement their wind energy solution, will the existential threat be extinguished in the short time-table they say we have? The answer is an unequivocal NO, for at least the following five (5)…
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  • Reality Check on Climate Change, Global Warming, Renewable Fuels, Green New Deal
    By Glen Brown Abstract: Hydrocarbons are environmentally safe and can carry the energy load in the world, now and for centuries to come. The Green New Deal and Biden’s Energy 2020 Plan ignore the past failures in green energy and want to double down on those failures. These plans, if implemented, would take away our prosperity as a nation and raise family energy costs to unaffordable levels. Earth day was first held in 1970, and their sensationalistic predictions of the planet’s demise did not happen. False predictions followed that were tied to fundraising efforts of multimillion-dollar environmental firms. Current environmental claims that the world will end in 12 to 30 years if temperatures are not limited to a 1-1/2 degree…
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  • The Brick Generator
    By Viv Forbes The Australian Snowy 2 hydro scheme plans to use electricity to pump water up hill to get some of that energy back by running the water downhill again. Some Australian mining companies are planning a dry version of Snowy 2 - a huge brick-powered battery using the force of gravity to drive a generator when solar and wind energy are on strike. Each unit of this brick-powered battery would comprise a 30 storey tower enclosing a 35 tonne brick which is hauled up using surplus renewable energy (around noon on any clear windy day) and then released to turn generators when there is no renewable energy being produced (every still night or calm cloudy day). These flint-stone…
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  • Carbon Dioxide and the Oceans – temperature controls carbon dioxide, not the reverse.
    71% of the earth’s surface is covered by water and large areas of the land are covered by frozen water. Water and water vapour are also significant components of the atmosphere. The atmosphere and its trace component of carbon dioxide is a very thin skin in close contact with the surface of all of this water. Carbon dioxide is very soluble in water and Henry’s Law says that as the temperature of water changes the quantity of carbon dioxide dissolved in that water will change. Thus if the sea surface temperature increases, carbon dioxide will be expelled to the atmosphere just like carbon dioxide bubbles are expelled from a warming beer. And as sea surface temperature falls, carbon dioxide will…
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    Electric vehicles might be okay for suburb hopping in big cities, but I doubt there is a farm in Australia that would be able to run without any petrol or diesel. The Greens’ calls to ‘rapidly transition to electric vehicles‘ for their net zero economy by 2035 shows they have no clue of the energy requirements in transport, industry and agriculture. Following is Malcolm Robert's speech to the Australian Senate:
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    By Dr John Happs “The history of any one part of the Earth, like the life of a soldier, consists of long periods of boredom and short periods of terror.”  Dr Derek Victor Ager, British paleontologist (1923-1993) in his book:  “The Nature of the Stratigraphical Record” (1973) There are more species around today than at any other time in Earth’s history yet it is widely accepted that, of all biological species that have lived on Earth, more than 90% became extinct long before humans came along. Today, there is an acknowledged rate of ongoing extinctions called the background rate whereby species naturally disappear over time. Dr Philip Stott, Professor of Biogeography at the University of London, has dismissed alarmist claims…
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  • When Bushfire Destroyed the Town of Dwellingup
    Here is a dramatization of the events surrounding the destruction of the town of Dwellingup in Western Australia in January 1961. It was written and narrated by Roger Underwood. Other voices are provided by professional actors. The stories are by real people, and are taken from Roger Underwood’s book Tempered by Fire. It was broadcast as three episodes by Perth community radio station Capital Radio FM. This is a unique production, with real people recalling real events in the real bushfire world. It also has some underlying messages. One of these is that the so-called “unprecedented weather” on the eastern seaboard last summer was nothing new in Australian history at all. Another is the futility of trying to control bushfires…
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  • Waiting for Wind
    By Viv Forbes Australia’s elected appeasers Push mad energy plans, just as teasers. But while coal powers Asians And nukes help Caucasians Dumb Aussies sit praying for breezes! Read More? China Loves Coal more than Wind: Electricity generation in China: China’s Coal output Surges: U.S. electricity generation by energy source: The Green Road to Blackouts: After Wind Speeds Dropped, UK Electricity Prices Rose 10,000%:
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  • Zero Emissions
    By Viv Forbes “Zero emissions” requires no diesel, petrol or gas-fuelled cars, trucks, tractors or dozers and no burning of coal or gas for electricity generation. But without nuclear power or a massive increase in hydro-electricity, green energy will not support metal refining or manufacturing, and domestic electricity usage will be rationed. “Zero emissions” will also force closure of most cement plants, mechanised farms and feed lots and will demand nuclear or wind-powered submarines, destroyers and bulk carriers. In the Zero Emissions world there can be no diesel buses, oil-powered cruise liners or jet aircraft (except fleets of climate comrades attending endless UNIPCC conferences). Moreover, 7.8 billion humans continuously emit a lot of carbon dioxide – maybe they plan to…
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  • Solar Panels and Snow Don’t Mix
    Solar panels have compounds that are semiconductors, the physics that governs these components do not "like" extremes in temperature. And the solar energy has to get to the semi-conductors. Who is going to clean off the snow? The Institute for Energy research (IER) reports: "Record cold temperatures have hit parts of Europe and Asia causing electricity prices to spike as the normal generating supplies of electricity could not keep prices in check. Spain registered its coldest temperature on record, at -35.6 degrees Celsius, and several areas of the country, including Madrid, are under 18 inches or more of snow and may get record-breaking snowfalls. The electricity price in Spain soared to nearly €95 ($116) per megawatt hour—up 123 percent from…
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  • Coal Powers China (while the west waits for winds to blow)
    By Viv Forbes While the West wages war on coal, hydro-carbons power China’s industrial and military might. China uses massive amounts of coal to generate electricity, smelt metals and manufacture cement - they generate almost twice as much electricity as the USA, and two thirds of that is coal-powered. In China, wind power is a token 5% (probably earning carbon offsets from western shysters). But the stop-start power from wind/solar is not allowed to interrupt reliable base-load generators like coal. In Australia, wind and solar are promoted, protected and subsidised. Their variable output requires quick-start electricity from gas, hydro or batteries to maintain supply. And the sudden surges of power from wind and solar send short-term electricity prices so low…
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  • Renewable Struggles and Deceptions in California:
    By David Wojick The renewables scam is breathtaking, and not just in California. Nationwide we are spending untold billions of dollars on huge batteries, trying to keep the erratic nature of renewables from crashing the electric power system. But these stabilization efforts are routinely portrayed as storage for when renewables do not run. Stabilization is the opposite of storage. We are being lied to about renewables. Read the full article:
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  • Groupthink, Pal Review and Climate Fraud
    By Dr. John Happs A little over two decades ago, Dr. Irving Janis, professor of psychology at Yale University, published Groupthink in which he explained how a group of like-minded people could share a common belief or goal whilst completely ignoring any evidence that challenged that belief. Groupthink occurs when members of a group share a feeling of solidarity and a desire to maintain relationships within the group. Janis pointed out that the “superglue” of solidarity within the group often causes their thinking to be impaired. Climate alarmism driven by a number of activist scientists, stands out as a prime example of groupthink. The emails leaked from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia pointed to…
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  • Federation Failures
    By Viv Forbes Colonial Australians voted for Federation for four key reasons – Defence, Foreign Affairs, Quarantine and the maintenance of Free Trade between States. Our Federation is failing in all four areas. In Defence we send our soldiers into un-winnable foreign wars, and then spurn and short-change the veterans who come back. The media and some top brass have smeared all soldiers because a few have been accused of war crimes (probably while attempting to stay alive themselves). And while the Indo-Pacific prepares for war, we play gender games and climate games instead of war games, and waste zillions on inferior submarines and fighter aircraft. Our mis-management of Foreign Affairs has given China (our biggest foreign customer) an excuse…
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  • China Loves Coal Far More than Wind
    By David Wojick Source: We have all heard about China building a lot of coal plants, but the central role coal plays in their booming economy is amazing. It is a big reason they are the world’s leading manufacturer. China generates almost twice as much electricity as the U.S. they generate more from cheap coal than we do from all sources. This makes them very competitive industrially. China has some wind power but they are smart enough not to let it get in their way (unlike us). Renewables are driving our power costs through the roof, while China wisely wallows in cheap juice. By way of scale, not too long ago the U.S. burned about a billion tons of…
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  • The Great Green Leap… Backwards
    By Viv Forbes The Green Virus is on a rising curve in the Anglo-Sphere. Boris, Biden, Kerry, Trudeau, Arden and Australia’s Morrison are all competing to be the first to destroy all industries reliant on coal, cattle, petrol and diesel. Hydrogen, solar, wind, pumped hydro, bio-fuels, carbon cemeteries and batteries are hyped everywhere, especially in academia, Hollywood, most media and the bureaucracies. Big business is widely supportive – they see big profits in supplying metals for this Green Revolution and mining more coal to power Carbon Capture plants. The forlorn hope is that if we spend enough money on green indulgence payments it will end floods, fires, droughts, cyclones and “super-storms”. These green shackles will certainly cool the economy, but…
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  • New York Can’t Buy its Way Out of Coming Blackouts
    By David Wojick Even if battery backup worked, its astronomical cost puts the idea in Fantasyland New York City will soon be home to the world's biggest industrial-scale battery system. It's designed to back up the city's growing reliance on intermittent "renewable" electricity. At 400 megawatt-hours (MWh), this cluster of batteries will be more than triple the 129 MWh world leader in Australia. Mark Chambers, NYC's Director of Sustainability (I am not making this title up), is ecstatic."Expanding battery storage is a critical part of how we advance momentum to confront the climate emergency," he brags," while meeting the energy needs of all New Yorkers. Today's announcement demonstrates how we can deliver this need at significant scale."[Emphasis added] In the…
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    THE FEDERATION CROSS Away back in the good old days when men could find a job; When money was as good as gold and tax was just two bob; When men would work and say with pride that they weren’t on the dole; T’was then that politicians came to play an active role. “We must unite,” the statesmen said “in case we have to fight; We need a central government to maximise our might. We’re all Australians too, you see, not rough colonial folk; We need a sign to show the world this nation is no joke.” “We’ll plan a grand new Commonwealth of which we can be proud; We’ll build a national capital with lakes and parks endowed; For…
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    By Dr. John Happs When it comes to telling whoppers about climate change, weather extremes and any number of climate-related catastrophes, the United Nations has no equal. Their latest (2020) report proves this beyond any doubt. Recently released is the UN's report, dramatically titled: "Human Cost of Disasters: An Overview of the Last 20 Years (2000-2019). This report stems from the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) and its Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED). The report Foreword tells us that: "This report focuses primarily on the staggering rise in climate-related disasters over the last twenty years." This is followed by the not unexpected attack on developed nations: "But the odds continue to be…
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  • Will Germany Become a Third World Country?
    By Anonymous German Author - D December 17, 2020 At the moment I'm quite sure that Germany will end as a third world country. The closing of coal-fired power stations and nuclear power plants is a done deal by end of 2022 (for nuclear power) and 2030 (for coal power). To compensate for the tremendous loss of energy, many wind turbines and solar power plants are planned and realized near the North Sea coast. Politicians of the Green Party are howling that these plans are too late for the Earth to survive. But the power from wind and sun in Germany is only 10% for solar and 25% for wind. The rest of the power will be bought from coal…
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  • Unobtainium: What’s Wrong with Wind and Solar?
    "Have you ever heard of unobtainium? It's the magic energy mineral found on the planet Pandora in the movie Avatar. It's a fantasy in a science fiction script. But environmentalists think they have found it here on earth in the form of wind and solar power." Watch:
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  • A Geologist’s Explanation of Why Nuclear Power Advocates Should not use the “CO2 is a Pollutant” Argument
    By Gregory Wrightstone As a member of the CO2 Coalition and incoming Exec Director, I reject blanket subsidies for nuclear generation using false climate change and CO2-driven warming as the pretext for artificially propping up one energy form over another. The modest warming of the last 100 or so years combined with increasing CO2 is leading to an Earth and humanity that are thriving and prospering. It is just is. By nearly every metric. And we should all be thankful of that today. If you want to advance nuclear energy, please don’t use the same climate misinformation of the supposed dangers of increasing CO2 that are used to advance the renewable energy scam. Read the full article: [PDF, 1…
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  • The Utter Failure of Yet Another Bushfire Panel
    By Roger Underwood When Prime Minister Morrison announced that there would be a Royal Commission into the 2020 bushfires in NSW and Victoria, my first reaction was ‘It’s not needed’. People who know about bushfires already knew precisely what caused the disaster and what needs to be done to ensure it does not happen again. Read more:
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  • Real Meat is a Natural Product Fuelled by Solar Powered Bio-Mass
    by Viv Forbes, with help from our editors Wandering recently through an arcade popular with the green smoothie set, I saw a sign boasting: "Plant Based Meat". Someone should advise those nutritional dunderheads that all real meat is plant-based. Real beef and lamb are built from live plants like grasses, lucerne and mulga, plus salt, minerals and clay; the best chicken is built mostly on seeds and shoots of wheat, corn and grasses plus a few worms, insects and gizzard-grit; and when I was a kid our bacon was built by porkers from pollard, whey and vegetable scraps. Cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, deer, bison, rabbits, turkeys and kangaroos have a long history of providing meat for our ancestral hunters and…
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  • Get Ready for Nationwide Blackouts Under Biden
    California’s climate and energy policies will bring thousands of blackouts to entire country Dr. Jay Lehr and Tom Harris The power disaster unfolding in California will soon occur across the country, if Joe Biden gets his way. The Golden State has been sweeping away the forms of energy that have provided reliable electricity for decades, under the same agenda the former Vice-President is planning for America as a whole. Power outages are now commonplace in California. Last summer, the state suffered its first rolling blackouts in nearly 20 years. Imagine if this happened in Chicago in the middle of winter. California’s trouble is explained by officials who now openly admit to an over-reliance on wind and solar power. The governor…
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    By Dr. John Happs Climate alarmists often argue that the "greenhouse effect" threatens all life on Earth should carbon dioxide emissions continue to increase. They warn that we face a "runaway greenhouse effect" pointing to Venus as the torrid future on Earth if we don't stop burning hydrocarbon fuels. But do the alarmists even know what the greenhouse effect really is? Dr. Ian Plimer lays out the problem: "Everyone knows what the greenhouse effect is. Well ... do they? Ask someone to explain how the greenhouse effect works. There is an extremely high probability that they have no idea. What really is the greenhouse effect? The use of the term 'greenhouse effect' is a complete misnomer. Greenhouses or glasshouses are…
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  • Why Worry about Warming? Cold is the Killer
    By Viv Forbes Green alarmists are fanning a firestorm of fear about man-made global warming. Earth always cycles between warmth and cold. Every recent warm period (Medieval Warming, Roman Warming etc) was a time of plenty for all life on Earth, whilst cold periods like the Little Ice Age saw crop failures, famine, migrations, invasions, disease and death. [caption id="attachment_1688" align="aligncenter" width="842"] Data from Greenland Ice Core (GISP-2 (Greenland). From “The Inconvenient Skeptic” 2011, p 137, by John Kehr[/caption] Sea levels rise as ice sheets melt, and fall as they rebuild. Coastal dwellers and offshore coral reefs must always migrate landward or seaward, or north/south, following the climatic environment they prefer. Warming/cooling phases are triggered by solar system cycles which…
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  • New Video Reveals Netflix Faked Walrus Climate Deaths
    Polar Bears mar the Attenborough Walrus Climate Story A new video narrated by Canadian zoologist Dr. Susan Crockford provides new evidence that the 2019 Netflix documentary film ‘Our Planet’ is a “manipulative sham with no resemblance to reality.” The film showed walruses falling off a cliff in order to blame their deaths on climate change. Polar bears actually were the cause of walrus falling to their deaths from a Siberian cliff. A Russian photographer has released independent video of the event that clearly shows polar bears driving walrus over the cliff to their deaths. “Narrator Sir David Attenborough blamed the tragedy on climate change, insisting that lack of summer sea ice due to climate change was to blame for the…
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  • Meet The Dutch Climate Refugees Fleeing ‘Unbearably Noisy’ Wind Farms
    Meet The Dutch Climate Refugees Fleeing ‘Unbearably Noisy’ Wind Farms. And wood power pollution: The first Dutch climate refugees are a fact. Not because of wet feet, but because citizens cannot cope with the noise of wind farms. Residents close to biomass power stations also complain bitterly. Are health and the environment in the Netherlands subordinate to our climate goals? Read more:
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  • Climate Miracle: a Book by Ed Berry
    Climate Miracle – 8 years to develop, 3 months to write – gives you clear proof, in non-scientific language, that climate alarmism is based on fraudulent pseudoscience. Alice’s dog Toto pulled back the curtain so everyone could see the fraudulent Wizard. Climate Miracle pulls back IPCC’s curtain so everyone can see IPCC’s climate fraud. Climate Miracle is a beautiful 6”x 9” paperback book, only ¼ inch thick. You will be proud to keep it on your desk. Its eight short chapters total only 70 pages. You may have to stop and think in a few places but that will be to your benefit. Climate Miracle teaches you how to think which is something many PhD scientists never learned. Truth is simple.…
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  • And You Thought Smoking at the Pump was Risky
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  • An Answer that Cannot be Questioned?
    By David Brennan I attended the IPA’s book launch of Climate Change The Facts 2020 at Sunshine Beach last week. Jennifer Marohasy, the editor, came up with the following quotation which was new to me: Better a question that cannot be answered than an answer that cannot be questioned. Attributed to Richard Feynman, American theoretical physicist (1918-88), but may not be an entirely original thought by him. It does rather sum up the state of contemporary climate science, does it not? If you would like to buy a copy of Climate Change The Facts 2020 go here: David Brennan
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    Experienced land and fire managers from eight community groups across Australia have jointly written to the Prime Minister urging the restoration of healthy and safe rural landscapes. The grass-roots organisations represent more than 6,000 members and 14 regional councils. They have called for an end to the ongoing loss of human life and the socioeconomic and environmental destruction caused by extreme bushfires. Former Chief of CSIRO Bushfire Research, Phil Cheney, says that a focus on emergency response at the expense of land management has created an unstoppable monster. Expenditure on fire fighting forces is ever-increasing whilst volunteers are being cynically used to deflect criticism away from failed government policies. Land management agencies no longer have primary responsibility for suppressing wildfires.…
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  • Letter to the Australian Prime Minister: The Bushfires Royal Commission – providing no hope for the future
    From the Howitt Society: Dear Prime Minister, The Bushfires Royal Commission – providing no hope for the future The Royal Commission’s interim observations and the draft propositions give cause for grave concerns. Conditions leading to Black Summer were not unprecedented. Equally atrocious conditions have been recorded periodically since the Settlement Drought, starting in 1790, when thousands of flying foxes and lorikeets dropped dead at Parramatta during three days of extreme heat and searing winds. Aboriginal fires were constantly burning, but Europeans were able to contain any that reached their settlements, because fuels were light and discontinuous. Our first known megafire occurred about 1820 in the Strzeleckis, after local Aborigines were decimated by smallpox. When Aboriginal management was disrupted across Victoria,…
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  • Cold Kills, and Green Energy Does More Harm than Good
    The Australian Journal of General Practice (AJGP) promotes climate alarm By Dr D Weston Allen (MBBS, FRACGP, Grad Dip Phys Med) The August edition of the AJGP published a dreadful article authored by members of the Doctors for the Environment Australia (DEA), linking climate change to increased mortality from extreme weather events, bushfires, infectious diseases, water insecurity and reduced crop yields.1 The AJGP editor found the following letter "informative and interesting" but rejected it for publication. The health impacts of climate change are mixed. Cold weather has more prolonged effects than heat2 and a much greater global mortality.3 Anthropogenic warming may be saving over a million lives annually.4 Cold-related deaths are projected to exceed heat-related deaths for some decades across…
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  • EU electricity Cost vs. Solar Plus Wind 2019
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  • The Coming Carbon Lockdown
    By Viv Forbes The Covid Lockdown is a practice run for the big one – the Carbon Lockdown. If climate alarmists win the elections, our freedoms and prosperity will evaporate like CO2 from a warm beer. The fact that their green energy program is madness will be irrelevant to the new WCO (World Carbon Organisation). To meet UN Paris targets there will be no more petrol cars, diesel trucks, reliable electricity, beef burgers or Christmas ham, but bio-fuelled battleships, hydrogen-fuelled planes and sail-powered bulk carriers will be decreed (except in the BRICS world). Diesel submarines will be scrapped and NATO will mandate battery-powered battle tanks. Pit ponies will return to the mines, and farmers will plough with Clydesdales. Soon they…
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  • British Prime Minister Announces 200% Rise in Electricity Prices
    From: London, 6 October: Ignoring clear evidence that the underlying economics of renewables are disastrous, the Prime Minister has today committed the UK to a further expansion of offshore wind power by 2030, with frightening implications for electricity prices, which would have to treble to pay the real costs. This is not only economically foolish, but incoherent climate policy since today's decision will ensure that other low emission goals, such as the electrification of vehicles and domestic heating, become unaffordable for most Britons. Despite the wind industry's smoke and mirrors, offshore wind remains an extremely expensive way of generating electricity. Meeting the Prime Minister’s target will actually increase current costs still further because of the need to build turbines…
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  • Watch an Aussie Politician Squirm as Malcolm Roberts demands Evidence Climate Change is a Problem
    Eric Worrall / September 1, 2020 One Nation Senator Macolm Roberts Guest essay on WUWT by Eric Worrall One Nation federal senator Malcolm Roberts wants a simple answer from the Aussie CSIRO: what is the evidence that anthropogenic CO2 emissions are causing dangerous climate change? So far, the answer appears to be CO2 is a problem, because other people think other people think CO2 is a problem. Read More:
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  • British Astrophysicists: “Mini Ice Age is Accelerating – New ‘Maunder Minimum’ Has Begun” + the Beaufort Gyre
    “We are plunging now into a deep mini ice age,” says British astrophysicist Piers Corbyn, “and there is no way out”. For the next 20 years it’s going to get colder and colder, on average, says Corbyn who holds a B.Sc. in Physics and an M.Sc. in Astrophysics. The jet stream will be wilder: there will be more wild temperature changes, more hail events, more earthquakes, more extreme volcano events, more snow in winters, lousy summers, late springs, short autumns, and more and more crop failures. “The fact is the sun rules the sea temperature, and the sea temperature rules the climate,” explains Corbyn. “What we have happening now is the start of the mini ice age … it began around…
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  • Letter to a nuclear energy professional in New England: Autumn, Forests, Government
    By John Shanahan Denver, Colorado, USA Dear friend, I am glad that you are having a beautiful autumn in New England. Across the drier American West (Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington State, and Wyoming), we are dealing with natural wildfires complicated by decades of catastrophic extreme environmentalist interference to fight natural fires, prohibit controlled burning and let dead biomass accumulate for decades. People have built towns and homes close to or in forests. On top of that, pine and spruce trees naturally grow too close together. See photo below of trees in Yellowstone National Park as it recovers from wildfires. Extreme environmentalists in Australia are doing the same. See Viv Forbes’ articles, click here. Why…
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  • Wind Turbines Generate Mountains of Waste
    Blade waste, other factors prove wind is no more green than solar By Duggan Flanakin Environmentalists and wind energy opportunists (entrepreneurs who take advantage of overly generous tax credits and multiple other subsidies) want you to believe wind energy is as pure “green” as newly driven snow is white, and as cheap as Taco Bell. They never tell you about the costs – or the environmental destruction – that they have hidden from you for decades. But neither do most governments, news media or social media. Ars Technica science editor John Timmer says wind hardware prices are dropping, even as new turbine designs are increasing the typical power generated by each turbine. Timmer did admit that “wind is even cheaper…
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  • A New Cold Record set at International Falls: Should we be Surprised?
    By David Archibald News has come from the Duluth office of the National Weather Service that both International Falls & Hibbing broke their records for low temperatures on the morning of September 17. The Falls got to 23°, breaking the old record of 24° set in 1959, and Hibbing to 24°. We shouldn’t be surprised because the Canadian prairies have been cooling for decades now. Also, President Trump, while in California on September 14, had predicted cooling, saying “It’ll start getting cooler. You just watch.” Three days later a new cold record is set at the iconic International Falls weather station. Either President Trump actually has some control of the weather or he is getting very good advice. The paper…
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  • ‘Climate arson’ and Other Wildfire Nonsense
    Real goal is to avoid responsibility for policies, and increase control over energy, lives, property By Paul Driessen In what has become an annual summer tragedy, wildfires are again destroying western US forests. Millions of acres and millions of animals have been incinerated, hundreds of homes reduced to ash and rubble, dozens of parents and children killed, and many more people left missing, injured or burned. Air quality across wide regions and entire states is so bad people are told to stay indoors, where many have hibernated for months because of the coronavirus, but indoor air is also contaminated. Acrid smoke and soot have been carried to Chicago and beyond. Firefighters are profiles in courage, as they battle the blazes…
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  • Solar Panels Generate Mountains of Waste
    They also heat the planet, blanket wildlife habitats and cause other ecological damage. By Duggan Flanakin The problem of solar panel waste is now becoming evident. As environmental journalist Emily Folk admits in Renewable Energy Magazine, “when talking about renewable energy, the topic of waste does not often appear.” She attributes this to the supposed “pressures of climate change” and alleged “urgency to find alternative energy sources,” saying people may thus be hesitant to discuss “possible negative impacts of renewable energy.” Ms. Folk admits that sustainability requires proper e-waste management. Yet she laments, “Solar presents a particular problem. There is growing evidence that broken panels release toxic pollutants … [and] increasing concern regarding what happens with these materials when they…
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  • CLINTEL Letter to Mr. Bill Gates
    Mr. Bill Gates, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation 500 Fifth Avenue North Seattle, WA 98109 USA September 14, 2020 Dear Mr. Gates, CLINTEL Respectfully Challenges Your Article: 'COVID-19 is awful. Climate change could be worse' The Climate Intelligence Group (CLINTEL) represents 900 scientists, engineers and other professionals from 33 countries in climate and related fields. One of the questions we are working intensively on is climate sensitivity - how much global warming is natural and how much is caused by our enterprises and industries. Contrary to what current theoretical models project, we have concluded that the actual climate sensitivity to doubled CO2 is far from alarming, in fact at less than half of the IPCC value. Our conclusion fits with…
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    By Dr. John Happs Venus is named after the ancient Roman Goddess of love and beauty, also called Aphrodite by the Ancient Greeks. Presumably, the "love and beauty" term came from the fact that Venus is the brightest of all the planets in the night sky. The Italian Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) was the first astronomer to observe Venus through a telescope and he observed that the planet had phases like our Moon. This observation supported the revolutionary (and politically dangerous) idea that Venus and other planets orbited the Sun. [caption id="attachment_1609" align="aligncenter" width="163"] Galileo Galilei[/caption] Venus is similar in structure and size (slightly smaller) when compared to the Earth. It has the longest rotation period (243 days) of any…
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  • Not So Green
    By Viv Forbes Solar energy is very dilute, so solar collectors usually cover huge areas of flat arable land, stealing farmland, starving wild herbs and grasses of sunlight and creating “Solar Deserts”. [caption id="attachment_1601" align="aligncenter" width="859"] A Solar Desert expanding at Gannawarra in Victoria, Australia. Picture Credit ARENA[/caption] Wind turbines steal energy from winds which often bring moisture from the ocean. These walls of turbines then create rain shadows, producing more rain near the turbines and more droughts down-wind. Turbines work best along ridge lines where eagles also seek thermals, so birds and bats get chopped up by these whirling scythes. They also annoy neighbours with noise and increase bushfire risk. They even spread their wall of wind towers offshore,…
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  • Book: Climate Change: A Politicised Storm in a Teacup
    Dr. John Happs has put together a collection of articles that expose the politics and deception behind unsubstantiated claims that the trivial emissions of human-produced carbon dioxide will lead to catastrophic global warming and a host of other imaginary problems. Climate Change: A Politicised Storm in a Teacup traces the deliberate corruption of climate science by vested interest groups that stand to gain politically, ideologically and financially from their pointless attempts to reduce the trivial levels of life-giving atmospheric carbon dioxide. For political/ideological/financial benefit, bodies such as the United Nations, science academies, many governments, Green NGO’s, wind and solar power investors have all contributed to what is now being seen as the biggest deception in the history of science. Australian…
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  • Green New Deal Disruption and Destruction
    Not just energy, but every aspect of our lives, living standards, history, culture and freedoms By David Wojick and Paul Driessen Kamala Harris co-sponsored the Senate resolution to support the Green New Deal. Now Joe Biden has endorsed the plan. Naturally, people want to know what the GND will cost – usually meaning in state and federal government spending. But that is the wrong question. The real question is, how much do Green New Dealers expect to get out of it, at what total cost? Mr. Biden says he wants the feds to spend nearly $7 trillion over the next decade on healthcare, energy and housing transformation, climate change and other GND agenda items. But that is only part of…
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  • Australia Following California to a High Cost Unreliable Electricity Supply System
    By Alan Moran Matthew Warren in the AFR (August 16, 2020) was highly critical of the electricity market manager’s proposed spending on new transmission lines. The proposals involve a centrally planned network with over $17 billion of new transmission lines plus a further $10 billion for the Snowy pumped storage scheme. This spending is designed to shore-up the inherently inefficient and high cost wind and solar generators that regulatory subsidies have made possible. There is an irony in Warren’s attack since, in a previous life as head lobbyist for the renewable energy industry, he was instrumental in having the Rudd/Gillard government accept the slogan “20 per cent renewables by 2020” with the fourfold expansion in subsidised renewables this entailed. It…
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  • Green California Has the Nation’s Worst Power Grid
    By Steve Goreham Originally published in Washington Examiner. More than a million Californians suffered power blackouts last Friday evening. When high temperatures caused customer demand to exceed the power available, California electrical utilities used rotating outages to force a reduction in demand. The California grid is the worst in the nation, with green energy policies pursued by the state likely furthering reduced grid reliability. At 6:30 pm on Friday, Pacific Gas and Electric, California’s biggest utility, began shutting off power in rolling outages to force a reduction in demand. Southern California Edison also denied power to homes, beginning just before 7 pm. Shutoffs impacted a rotating group of up to two million customers until 11 pm. The California Independent System…
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  • The Green Road to Blackouts
    by Viv Forbes California leads the way to electricity blackouts, closely followed by South Australia. They both created this problem by taxing, banning, delaying or demolishing reliable coal, nuclear, gas or hydro generators while subsidising and promoting unreliable electricity from the sickly green twins - solar and wind. All supposed to solve a global warming crisis that exists only in academic computer models. Energy policy should be driven by proven reliability, efficiency and cost, not by green politics. Wind and solar will always be prone to blackouts for three reasons. Firstly they are intermittent, producing zero power when winds drops or sunlight fails. Secondly, green energy is dilute so the collection area must be huge. Both solar panels and wind…
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  • No Fuel = No Fire
    By Viv Forbes A NSW Bushfire Enquiry concluded: “Hazard-reduction burns should be greatly increased”. What a breath of good sense. If there is no fuel, there can be no fire. They also urge a return to indigenous fire management. Aboriginals burnt anything and everything, at any time, for any reason. They had no water-bombers and seldom tried to put fires out, but they did understand back-burning. Their vegetation management created the vast and productive open forests and grasslands that supported large populations of marsupials and birds. But tree huggers would never support this. They prefer scrub, weeds, pests and occasional fierce wildfires.
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  • Pure and Sterile
    By Viv Forbes Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef is once again the excuse for extending Green control of all land and waters. Their current scare concerns the quality of water draining into the Coral Sea. Their hidden agenda is to eliminate coastal agriculture, mining and commercial fishing. They would surrender the land to kangaroos, cassowaries, lantana, cane toads, wild cats and feral pigs and the seas to marauding sharks, cruising whales and aboriginal fishermen. Reef Warriors will never be satisfied until pure water drains from farms, mines, ports and rivers along the Queensland coast. This is an impossible and misguided dream. Pure water is sterile and nothing flourishes in it. Vibrant offshore life needs winds, rivers and creeks to deliver minerals…
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  • Bernie Scolds Elon Musk for Taking Government Subsidies that Sanders Made Possible
    By Steve Goreham Originally published in WND. In a twitter battle last week, U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders criticized Elon Musk for accepting billions of dollars in government support. The exchange erupted over Sanders’ new bill to impose a wealth tax on Musk and other billionaires. But most of the payments received by Musk’s companies came from electric vehicle and solar energy programs that Sanders, green advocates, and state governments established to promote green energy. The coronavirus pandemic caused the stock market to plunge in February and March of this year. The subsequent market recovery between March and August increased the wealth of U.S. billionaires by more than $700 billion. Last week, Senators Bernie Sanders, Ed Markey, and Kirsten Gillibrand introduced…
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  • Coronavirus Accelerates the Trend of Declining US Transit Ridership
     By Steve Goreham Originally published in Washington Examiner. Public transit systems play an important role in transporting people within our major cities. Buses, trains, streetcars, and ferry boats transport more than 27 million people each day in the United States. But U.S. public transit ridership has been declining for the last five years and the coronavirus pandemic is accelerating the decline. Public transit ridership is measured by “unlinked passenger trips,” with a trip defined as whenever a person boards a transit vehicle, including transfers. Since 1970, the number of unlinked passenger trips grew about 37 percent to almost 10 billion trips in 2019. Transit miles grew more than 15 percent from 2000 to 2018, keeping pace with total U.S. vehicle…
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    By Dr. John Happs It is now widely known that there is a complete lack of empirical evidence to show that atmospheric carbon dioxide drives global temperature. Dr. Horst-Joachim Ludecke has demonstrated this fact from readily available data: Perhaps not as widely known is that, on those rare occasions when atmospheric carbon dioxide and global temperature have tracked closely, it is temperature that drives carbon dioxide levels. Despite these facts, we are increasingly encountering media reports about how the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns that we are heading for climate catastrophe if we fail to reduce our carbon dioxide emissions and continue with so-called "business as usual." The media inevitably emphasise the IPCC's computer model projections,…
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  • The Hydrogen Strategy to NOWHERE
    The European Commission presented its hydrogen strategy in July 2020. It is convinced that it will be possible to make ‘clean’ hydrogen a viable solution for a climate-neutral economy and to build a dynamic value chain for this resource in the EU. It is even convinced to do that over the next five years. The European Commission is convinced that “from 2025 to 2030, hydrogen needs to become an intrinsic part of our integrated energy system, with at least 40 GW of renewable hydrogen electrolysers and the production of up to 10 million tonnes of renewable hydrogen in the EU”. For 2030 hydrogen produced with renewable energy should be deployed across all the EU. In doing so, it follows the example…
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  • Covid will now Empty the Dams
    By Viv Forbes “Wash your hands as often as possible” says Canberra’s Covid Chief. This could flush away 25 litres of water per person per day. Suppose ten million obedient Australians wash hands thoroughly “as often as possible”. The water used would total 250 Mega litres per day – enough to empty Australia’s biggest dam, Lake Eucumbene, in just 20 days. [caption id="attachment_1542" align="alignleft" width="840"] We acknowledge an un-named cartoonist who gave us the idea for this cartoon.[/caption] Now add water used to supply the Covid demand for alcohol-based sanitisers to wipe every knob, rail, handle and bench. Distilleries are already diverting production from grog for drinking to alcohol for sanitisers. How long before kids and alcoholics are tasting hand…
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  • Cold Comfort
    By Viv Forbes, 30 July 2020 Before sunrise yesterday, the grass temperature in Washpool, “Sunny Queensland” was minus 1.7 deg. There was no wind or sunshine. Wind turbines were becalmed and not even moonbeams energised our solar panels. In that still, frosty darkness, green energy failed again. Not a watt came from becalmed wind “farms” or from subsidized solar panels cluttering many roofs (including ours). But we didn’t need our diesel in the shed - we were saved by trusty Old King Coal, with maybe a dash of gas or hydro. Reliable 24/7 generators provided pre-dawn power-by-wire for lights, heaters and coffee before we checked the frosty flats for new-born lambs. [caption id="attachment_1539" align="alignleft" width="391"] Needs Some Warming here too…
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  • Three Costly Aussie Wars – Climate, Covid and China
    By Viv Forbes Australian politicians are trying to maintain their never-ending Climate War on carbon fuels while waging a Lockdown War on the elusive Covid virus and also provoking a Trade War with China, our biggest trading partner. We cannot afford three hopeless and costly wars at once. One would be too many. The political war on carbon fuels has damaged the environment with forests of “green” power poles, flats of ground-sterilising solar panels, hills of bird-slicing wind turbines plus spider-webs of new power lines and roads. This mess produces unreliable expensive electricity, sterilizes land, and wastes water to keep solar panels clean. And imagine the debris when a cyclone sails through a “farm” of panels or a “forest” of…
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  • The Singapore Extension Cord
    by Michael Darby Sunday 2 August 2020 Australia has granted major project status to AU$22bn solar, storage and transmission project which intends to sell unreliable energy to Singapore by undersea cable from Darwin. Here is the LINK to that story. Ways to profit from a gigantic scam include milking subsidies & tax benefits and ramping shares. No government should bestow Major Project Status on a doomed “project” where no profit will ever be made from selling a product to a willing buyer. Australians call on the Prime Minister to guarantee that not one cent of public money will be committed to any fraudulent plan aimed at subsidies and lurks. Any government which endorses a scam deserves to be brought down. …
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  • Aquatic Plants also need Carbon Dioxide
    (Click image for larger version.)
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  • The Rising Costs of the Climate War
    By Alan Moran Rio Tinto’s [Paywall] announced closure of its aluminium smelter in New Zealand due to uncompetitive power prices is a reminder of the vulnerability of Australia’s four remaining smelters, all of which face sharply higher prices courtesy of government energy policies. With energy costs comprising about a third of their total costs, smelters are industry’s bellwethers of future energy competitiveness and all four of Australia’s are on national suicide watch. As a result of subsidies to wind and solar, these expensive and unreliable energy sources have caused high customer costs, both directly and indirectly, while also diverting the nation’s investment resources into avenues that actually damage the economy. Commonwealth and state subsidies to wind and solar energy are…
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  • Greens Deliver US Security to China
    By Paul Driessen and Dr. Ned Mamula Excerpt from The United States is also beholden to China for metals and minerals in energy, aerospace, defense, telecom and other industries. Joe Biden, AOC, Democrats and environmentalist groups would not just shut down fossil fuel production, pipelines and fuels for power generation and manufacturing. They would effectively turn our energy systems, manufacturing, defense, livelihoods and living standards over to China. Chinese computer chips are in countless products – and Trojan horse viruses or backdoors for hackers could enable steady information theft, take over GPS systems or crash electrical grids. Minerals, metals and components essential for aircraft, night vision goggles, computers, wind turbines, solar panels, rechargeable batteries, electric vehicles and other technologies…
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  • All Sheep and Cows are Green
    By Professor David Bellamy From As a youngster in a post war London I was brought up on lamb and anchor butter from New Zealand. My first dabble into TV commercials was with WOOLMARK NZ, in what became a successful attempt to slow down the ingress of synthetic fibre into the carpet market. I still meet sheep farmers around the world who greet me their thanks and a pint of beer. I still delight in your butter and lamb which I can buy in my local supermarket, the latter at half the price of the local product sold in our village butchers shop. What a strange world we live in now bombarded with the rhetoric of food miles let…
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  • Locked Down and Taxed to Death
    Ayn Rand saw it coming when she wrote in “Atlas Shrugged”: ... when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing—when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors—when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you—when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice—you may know that your society is doomed. (Chapter II, "THE ARISTOCRACY OF PULL".)
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  • Environmentalist Apologises for Climate Scare
    Environmentalist Michael Shellenberger was named Time magazine Heroes of the Environment (2008). He wrote an article for Forbes entitled On Behalf Of Environmentalists, I Apologize For The Climate Scare. According to Shellenberger, "Forbes has censored my article." ( 30 June 2020) The article has  been reposted here: Alternate PDF version: [303 kB]
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    By Dr. John Happs United Nations officials knew there would be a number of environmental groups waiting in the wings to assist them in promoting climate alarmism and achieving the UN's goals. The UN wanted to provide a platform for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO's) since they are essentially about radical environmental restrictions. Attending the UN's climate sessions were a number of environmental activists with links to organisations such as Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, the David Suzuki Foundation, the Earth Liberation Front (ELF), Conservation International, Nature Conservancy, Earth First, Sierra Club, Al Gore's Alliance for Climate Protection, the Environmantal Defence Fund, Natural Resources Defense Council, Friends of the Earth, the UN Green Climate Fund and the World Wide Fund for Nature…
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    By Ron Pike It was the succinct Ronald Reagan who gave us the quote: "A Government Department is the nearest thing to eternal life we will ever see on earth." This quote became very relevant to me in recent weeks as I have been discussing the failed Murray-Darling Basin Plan with several members of Parliament and specifically with advisors to Federal Water Minister, Keith Pitt. Here is a map of the massive Murray-Darling Basin: Although there have been over 100 inquiries into this Government initiated disaster, all of them scathing as to what is happening with our water (including its sale to overseas entities) the Minister and the Government are still extolling its virtues, while most of the one…
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  • The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: The United Nation’s Trojan Horse at Work
    By Dr. John Happs "One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we've been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We're no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back." Carl Sagan : The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark. The media and many politicians from around the world actually believed and proclaimed that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is an independent scientific body comprising the world's best climate scientists. We were told: "The IPCC is…
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  • The Sneaky Covid War on Cash
    The modern road to Mulberry Money, Shin Plaster and Cubic Currency. Today's world is awash with Fiat Money. "Fiat" means "let it be so". Fiat money is token currency supplied and regulated by governments and central banks. Its value relies on a government decree that it alone must be used as "legal tender" in paying for anything in that country. Its value falls as its supply increases. Fiat money is not new - Marco Polo described its use in China over 700 years ago. Travellers and traders entering China were forced by Kublai Khan to exchange their real money (gold and silver coins and bars) for his coupons, made from mulberry bark, each numbered and stamped with the Khan's seal.…
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  • Sowing the Seeds of Climate Corruption
    By Dr. John Happs "Searching for truth at the United Nations is like looking for kernels of wheat in a mountain of horse dung." Attributed to: "A playground for the vile and dangerous." By Piers Akerman, Daily Telegraph, September 30, 2009) Perhaps Piers Akerman was a little harsh over his criticism of the United Nations (UN) although there is no doubt that current climate hysteria had its origins within that organisation. To its credit, the UN initially focused on nuclear arms control, disarmament, the protection of human rights, securing the independence of colonized countries and the economic development of poor countries. Starting its journey for world peace and human rights, the UN has now morphed into a massive…
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  • The Green New Deal Dress Rehearsal
    The Covid-19 lockdown as a blueprint for a permanent economic  shutdown to ‘save the Earth’ By Paul Driessen More than 1.4 million cases of Wuhan Coronavirus and 106,000 deaths in the United States alone have accompanied stay-home lockdowns, businesses bankruptcies, over 40 million unemployed workers, plummeting tax revenues and unprecedented debt. Ongoing rioting, vandalism, arson and looting are compounding problems for many cities and minority communities. But where many see disaster, others see opportunity. Some want to use the crises to enact laws and welfare programs they could never get otherwise. More ambitious activists see the lockdown as a blueprint or dress rehearsal for a total energy, economic and lifestyle transformation to “save the planet.” If three months of Covid…
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  • No Sign that Extreme Weather Events are Getting Worse
    London, 4 June: A new review of the scientific literature on extreme weather events published today by the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) confirms what IPCC assessment reports have concluded: There is little evidence of any significant changes in most indices. The paper, by physicist Dr Ralph Alexander, looks at trends in hot and cold weather extremes, floods and droughts, hurricanes and wildfires and finds only a minor increase in cold weather extremes. According to Dr Alexander, weather extremes is one area where the IPCC has been reasonably empirical and scientific in recent years. As he explains: “The IPCC stands out, among those who believe that global warming is primarily due to human activity, as a voice of restraint on…
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  • Thought Bubbles from Canberra – more useless energy policies
    By Viv Forbes The Australian Minister for Promoting Useless Energy thinks that hydrogen fuel, carbon capture and storage, soil carbon and biofuels are priorities for energy policy and greenhouse gas reduction. If that’s the best our leaders can come up with, Australia should have voted Green last election to speed the inevitable recession and blackouts that will eventually kill this tsunami of energy nonsense. [caption id="attachment_1458" align="alignnone" width="560"] Pixabay :[/caption] “Hydrogen” does not supply net energy – burning it can return some of the energy used to produce it from hydrocarbons or electrolysis of water. It is an expensive explosive gas that makes less sense than Snowy 2 - more energy in than out! Moreover, we have no infrastructure…
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  • Sawmills Save the World
    By Allen Horrell The Nationals oppose the idea of planting more trees to reduce our Carbon emissions. Their objection is that subsidised tree planting will consume arable farms and threaten food security for Australia. It's a fair point. So, if we think carbon dioxide is bad and we want to reduce it, we can either reduce our output or lock more carbon away in carbon sinks, where it cannot get back into the atmosphere. If I can describe to you a plan that will lock vast amounts of carbon out of the atmosphere for hundreds of years and will consume no arable land or threaten food production and will create new jobs and exports for Australia, do you think that…
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  • German officials threaten Naomi Seibt with prison for “denialism”
    By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley 18 May 2020 The response to our appeal for Naomi Seibt has been splendid - but more of us need to help her, because the State Media Authority in North Rhine Westphalia, in the hope of interfering with Naomi's right to post YouTube videos critical of the Party Line on climate, have menaced her not only with two enormous fines and two sets of costs but also with prison. Naomi really, really needs our help. If you have already donated, many thanks for your generosity. More than $1000 a month has been pledged in just 24 hours. Keep it coming - she'll need every penny. Just donate to Naomi directly. Do it now, if not…
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  • Locks and Chains, Hobbles and Handcuffs
    By Viv Forbes The Lockdown Depression is rushing towards us. Many in politics, media and industry are digging the hole deeper, some through panic and ignorance, others cynically pushing anti-industry agendas or serving vested interests. We will never rebuild our industries and jobs with locks, chains, hobbles, handcuffs or handouts. We need to recognise the realities of history, geography, geology and economics. Australia is a huge dry continent with an empty heart - over 70% is desert, indigenous land or national parks. Outback mines provide some income and employment but a huge area does little to employ, feed or clothe Australians. Too much land is a haven for weeds, pests and bushfires, a no-go zone for water conservation or mineral…
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  • The Green Elephant in the Snowy Mountains
    Canberra breeds many white elephants, but now they are breeding a gigantic new breed of pachyderm in Australia’s Snowy Mountains – a Green Elephant. Grandly named “Snowy 2.0 Hydro-Electric”, it has the compulsory green skin, but it is just another big white elephant under a thick layer of green paint. Snowy 2.0 plans a hugely expensive complex of dams, tunnels, pumps, pipes, generators, roads and powerlines. Water will be pumped up-hill using grid power in times of low demand, and then released when needed to recover some of that energy. To call it “hydro-electric” is a fraud – it will not store one extra litre of water and will be a net consumer of electric power. It is a giant…
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  • Renewables Hit a Record High of Global Energy Production – 3.6%. The World Still Runs on Coal, Oil and Gas
    After 20 years of subsidies, intermittent renewables account for just 3.6% of total energy generation. That’s the tiny purple sliver in the graph. Global power means not just electricity, but also fuel used in transport. And this is where wind and solar power are respectively old and slow, or modern but useless. Read More:
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  • The Choke Point in the Wind Supply in South Australia
    The SA story in pictures. Given the “choke” problem no amount of good days save the grid from dying on a bad day. No feasible storage is in sight to get over the troughs between the peaks of wind and sun. Much talk of our great resources of wind and sun. Great land resources as well, but how much is arable? The BOM records probably indicate limits to farming, were they consulted to check the continuity of wind and solar supply? Australia on the cliff approaching the shuttering of Liddell power station. AEMO data demonstrate that wind and solar cannot work without storage and should never have been subsidised to increase the cost of power and destabilize the…
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  • Revisiting Al Gore’s Convenient Untruths
    By Dr. John Happs "I believe it is appropriate to have an over-representation of factual presentations on how dangerous it is, as a predicate for opening up the audience to listen to what the solutions are, and how hopeful it is that we are going to solve this crisis." Quote by Al Gore, former U.S. vice president, and promoter of climate alarm: After a period of 14 years, it's worth reflecting on Al Gore's movie An Inconvenient Truth (AIT) to see if Gore's collection of predicted climate catastrophes have borne any fruit. After all, AIT was lauded by the media and politicians around the world and taxpayers have paid a hefty price as I noted in my article posted…
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  • Michael Moore Presents: Planet of the Humans
    Michael Moore Presents: Planet of the Humans - a Documentary directed by Jeff Gibbs. This presentation is a bit long but is one of the few I have found worth every minute. It is a devastating exposé of the Green Energy story. Even if you do not listen yourself please spread this link around. Viv Forbes Here is Rafe Champions review: Planet of the Humans is a hauntingly beautiful production, not being a film buff I can’t grade the camera work but I suspect it is gold standard – see the shots of rusting windmills, the desolate ruins of a gigantic billion dollar solar farm and the wasteland of tree stumps created to provide “sustainable” power from “biomass”. Moore himself…
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  • 2019-2020 South Pacific Blob and Antarctica Warming in February 2020
    By Alvin Wong and Wyss Yim Volcanoes Study Group, Hong Kong Hot blobs beneath the sea surface formed by the release of geothermal heat through submarine volcanic eruptions and/or sub-aerially erupted hot volcanic materials including lava flows into the sea are an underestimated natural cause of ocean heat waves 1. Recent examples include the 2013-2016 North Pacific Blob 2,3and the 2018-2019 Southwest Indian Ocean Blob 4. The present study on the development of a blob in the South Pacific Ocean referred to as the 2019-2020 South Pacific Blob 5 has provided evidence to account for the observed recent warming in Antarctica including a new hottest temperature record on February 6, 2020 6 and heat wave conditions dramatically changing Antarctica in…
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  • Re-build Muscle not Flab
    By Viv Forbes In order to kill Corona-wasps in the ceiling, politicians have knocked our economic house down. Now they dream of rebuilding the house by driving at full speed into the borrow-and-spend swamp. National Cabinet will soon find that Australia-after-Corona can’t afford a bloated public service, an overmanned and overpaid academia, throngs of able-bodied people on long-term welfare, too many tax-exempt foundations, endless donations to worthless UN fiefdoms and talk-fests, and a huge import bill to pay for all the things we once made here. Nor can we afford all the resources being wasted on dysfunctional submarines designed in Canberra, power systems mandated by the UN, Snowy 2 Green elephants, climate alarmism, emissions targets and green energy molly-coddling. We…
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  • Lessons from the West German Economic Miracle
    After WWII Germany was devastated, its factories and infrastructure destroyed. A brilliant leader, Ludwig Erhard, seized an opportunity and literally overnight reformed the tax system to allow individual motivation to work its magic - the West German economic miracle resulted. Read the extract from Understanding Personal and Economic Liberty by Ronald Kitching: [PDF, 172 KB (the beginning of the first page is deliberately blank)]. Available from
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  • Coming soon – the Oz-bat Epidemic
    By Viv Forbes PM Morrison warns of health risks from China’s wet markets. He should also check Wuhan virus labs. And cull fruit bats in Australia. Many Australian towns and parks are infected by millions of messy, noisy fruit bats that can carry three viruses dangerous to animals and humans – Hendra-virus (flu etc), Lyssa-virus (like rabies) and Nipah-virus (encephalitis). [caption id="attachment_1402" align="alignnone" width="299"] Image Credit: Pixabay[/caption] These bats wear Green “Protected Species” badges, but unprotected humans are exposed to their noise, smell, droppings, virus dangers and damage to trees and orchards. Do we want the next world plague to be called “The Oz-Bat Epidemic? A few of the Australian towns coping with bat invasions:…
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  • The Greenland Ice Sheet Might Disappear – Probably When Hell Freezes Over
    By Dr. John Happs The Greenland ice sheet is the second largest body of ice on Earth after the Antarctic ice sheet and to say that Greenland's ice sheet is big would be an understatement. It is about 2,400 km long, 1,100 km wide and covers an area of around 1,710,000 square km. It has a volume of about 2,850,000 cu. km and ice cores have been taken from a depth of around 4 km. The public read and hear only about Greenland's short summer melting events with exaggerated media reports routinely providing alarmist messages. In July 2019,The Guardian newspaper reported that: "More than 250 news outlets worldwide have signed on to Covering Climate Now, a project to improve coverage…
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  • Bushfires in Australia – Royal Commission Submission
    A submission to The Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements Presented by Viv Forbes On Behalf of The Saltbush Club PDF version: The Landscape and wildlife of Australia was shaped and then maintained by frequent mild burning for at least 40,000 years. This reality must be recognised and it dictates that there are only two futures for Australia: A healthy safe landscape that maintains sustainable vegetation, wildlife and people. This requires that we re-establish the successful fire regimes of the past. OR A dangerous and destructive landscape with too many people cowering in suburban and rural enclaves surrounded by a tinderbox of pest-ridden weeds, scrub and litter - a threat to trees, wildlife and property. This is today's…
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  • The Virus Slowdown was Successful – but the Depressed Patient Died in Poverty
    By Viv Forbes In their frantic attempts to delay the spread of the Wuhan virus, governments are sowing the seeds of economic depression and currency destruction, which will blight Australian lives for a generation. They are adding financial stress to the medical stress. The ordinary flu virus kills many people every winter despite vaccines. And both viruses are more lethal for the old and the sick. We do not close the whole country every flu season but this year’s crisis is being exploited by scare mongers, centralists and globalists whose slogan is “never let a decent crisis go to waste”. Whole industries are being destroyed before our eyes - airlines, shipping, the whole tourism and entertainment industry, sport, small business,…
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  • Zero Emissions Almost Here?
    By Viv Forbes Planes parked up, cruise ships anchored, airports deserted, tourists not touring, supermarket shelves bare, Disneyland shut, borders closing, motor races cancelled, no fans in the stands, smelters and factories closing, travel banned, oil and coal prices crashing, stock markets plunging, businesses closing, bankruptcies rising, hotels and motels unoccupied, politicians panicking, barbies cold - - looks like zero emissions is almost here.
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  • Open Letter from CLINTEL to World Leaders: “Fight Virus not Carbon”
    The Hague, March 23, 2020 Professor Guus Berkhout President of CLINTEL Your Excellencies, LESSON IN HUMILITY ­- UNPREDICTABLE NATURAL FORCES CHANGE THE WORLD The world is in the middle of a serious health crisis. Today, the people of the world face a true emergency - a health crisis in the form of the COVID-19 pandemic. People need an inspiring narrative that promises them a hopeful future. Today, for instance, it is totally inappropriate that the billion-dollar Green New Deal focused on climate is still on the agenda of leaders such as Mr. Antonio Guterres of the UN and Mr. Frans Timmermans of the EU. Your Excellencies, compared to COVID-19 climate change is a non-problem! It is based on computer models…
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  • The Enormous and Continuing Cost of Canada’s Climate Policies
    By Robert Lyman In this PowerPoint presentation, I have tried to answer a question about climate policy that is too rarely asked in Canada. How much does it cost? Only those with a profound ignorance of economics, or a contempt for it, would say that the answer to this question is unimportant. The central economic fact of life is that there are always more things that we want and need than we can afford; when we fail to understand what our choices cost, we indirectly deprive ourselves of things that may be far more important to our overall wellbeing. Read the article at: The article includes the following video and links to the downloadable presentation:
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  • New Investments Outlive Confetti Money
    By Viv Forbes Governments seek to revive “the economy” by scattering gifts of our own money wrapped in red tape. This encourages immediate consumption. But this stimulation stops dead when the money tap is turned off. Three simple measures from the three levels of government will create more long term jobs than discriminatory and complicated political handouts that have no lasting effect. Firstly, abolish the federal Capital Gains Tax. Fear of CGT has constipated private property transfer and investment for decades. Most new investors in houses, businesses or farms soon start making improvements – alterations, extensions, a granny flat or new sheds, yards, dams, fences, factories or workshops. But after a few years, owners become satisfied or inactive and capital…
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  • Are We Really in a New Climate Era?
    By Howard Thomas Brady The Federal Gallery journal has published this article by Dr Brady in its March 2020 edition. Dr Brady says that “politicians on both sides of the climate debate are making statements that are actually false. In good faith they think that certain propositions are correct”, so he needs to show otherwise. Read the full article: [PDF, 311 kB] Howard Thomas Brady has written the book Mirrors and Mazes: a guide through the climate debate (2016). He has post-graduate degrees in Philosophy, Theology and Antarctic science. He also has a climate website listing various talks and YouTube presentations:
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  • Delingpole: Wikipedia Airbrushes List of Climate Sceptic Scientists Out of History
    From: RIA-NOVOSTI/AFP PHOTO (Photo by - / RIA-NOVOSTI MOSCOW / AFP via Getty Images) Wikipedia has deleted its ‘List of Scientists Who Disagree with the Scientific Consensus on Global Warming’.Stalin — who set the template for airbrushing inconvenient people out of history — would no doubt have heartily approved of this wanton act of censorship. But what would probably have pleased him more is the magnificently twisted justification offered by the editor responsible. “The result was delete. This is because I see a consensus here that there is no value in having a list that combines the qualities of a) being a scientist, in the general sense of that word, and b) disagreeing with the scientific consensus on global…
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  • The Carbon Capture Con
    By Viv Forbes Carbon-capture-and-storage “(CCS)” tops the list of silly schemes “to reduce man-made global warming”. The idea is to capture carbon dioxide from power stations and cement plants, separate it, compress it, pump it long distances and force it underground, hoping it will never escape. Smart engineers with unlimited money could do all this. But only green zealots would support the sacrifice of billions of dollars and scads of energy to bury this harmless, invisible, life-supporting gas in the hope of appeasing the global warming gods. The quantities of gases that CCS would need to handle are enormous and capital and operating costs will be horrendous. For every tonne of coal burnt in a power station, about 11 tonnes…
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  • How Michael Mann Helped the IPCC Erase 1,000 Years of Climate History
    By Dr. John Happs Dr. Michael Mann will be in Australia for 6 months during 2020 as Visiting Professor at the Climate Change Research Centre (CCRC) at the University of New South Wales. [caption id="attachment_1336" align="alignnone" width="193"] Dr. Michael Mann[/caption] This is the same university that awarded an honorary doctorate to the late Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, former chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Investigative journalist Donna Laframboise, in her book: Into the Dustbin: Rajendra Pachauri, the Climate Report and the Nobel Peace Prize, described Rajendra Pachauri, the former chairman of the IPCC, as an environmental activist, habitual liar on climate matters and a "non-stop train wreck." Tony Thomas has certainly done his homework on Pachauri…
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  • The “anti-Greta” Thunberg debuts on Fox News with a message of hope for young people
    From Watts Up With That: It is nice to see this. Unlike high-school dropout Greta Thunberg, Naomi Seibt is an accelerated student and has a background in science and psychology. She received a degree in BA (Business Administration). She went to St. Mauritz School and won first place in the youth competition research in physics. She graduated from high school at the age of 16 in 2017. She has now been engaged by The Heartland Institute to reach out to young people around the world. She was a guest Thursday, February 27 on “The Daily Briefing with Dana Perino” on the Fox News Channel, the top-rated cable show in its time slot in the United States. She was invited on…
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  • The Parable of Gospers Mountain, or how aboriginal burning changed the face of Australia
    By Vic Jurskis Lieutenant Watkin Tench arrived at Warrane (Sydney Cove) with the First Fleet in 1788. Tench described a diversity of birds and animals, present in small numbers: The country, I am of opinion, would abound with birds, did not the natives, by perpetually setting fire to the grass and bushes, destroy the greater part of the nests; a cause which also contributes to render small quadrupeds scarce. Tench and Judge David Collins observed fire behaviour during drought and extreme weather. Aboriginal fires were, as always, burning in bushland northwest of Parramatta in February 1791. Over three days of extreme temperatures (>430 C) and searing northwesterly gales, flying foxes and lorikeets were dropping dead in what is now Parramatta…
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  • Pests need Predators
    By Viv Forbes Australian camels are well-adapted to thrive in the dry heart of Australia but landowners have been unable to harvest them profitably for meat, leather, racing or genetics. With no real predators, camel numbers ballooned. They did reduce wildfire risk in parks by consuming excess vegetation, but during drought, starving, thirsty camels become pests, invading neighbouring pastures and water supplies and destroying fences. So the federal government pays helicopter sharp-shooters to shoot hundreds of them, leaving carcasses to rot. A similar fate awaits Kosciusko Park brumbies. At the same time, nearer to the coast, hungry kangaroos trash irrigated pastures and help themselves to dwindling water supplies, but landowners are forbidden to cull them and red tape and quotas…
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  • The Looming Collision between Electric Vehicles and Green Energy
    by Viv Forbes Two green-dream fantasies are heading for a massive and costly collision. Firstly they dream of generating all grid power from wind/solar propped up by battery storage (such as lots of giant Tesla batteries and pumped hydro). Secondly they dream of replacing all petrol/diesel/gas cars, trucks and buses with electric vehicles, powered by more batteries. But wind farms do well if they can average about 35% of their rated capacity with low predictability, while solar panels average just 25% of their capacity, produced intermittently. To generate zero emissions energy for Australia, we would need hills covered with turbines, flats covered with solar panels, the countryside spider-webbed with access roads and transmission lines, and much more hydro. To stabilise…
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  • Aerial Dreams
    By Viv Forbes Entrepreneur Barrie Rogers is planning to import and then manufacture electric aircraft in Australia which he says “. . . don’t rely on fossil fuels.” The Australian 21 Feb 2020. Where will he get steel, aluminium, lithium, copper, nickel, graphite, cobalt, rare earths, plastics and lubricants for his motors, batteries, aircraft bodies and recharging stations without the hydro-carbons so necessary to mine, refine and manufacture them?
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  • Net-Zero by 2050? Albanese Goes for Broke
    From: There’s no great mystery about what Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese’s net-zero-by-2050 emissions announcement last weekend will cost. The answer: trillions galore. How do I know? Because Dr Brian Fisher, former head of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, who has no political allegiance and no vested interest, last May in the run-up to the federal election costed a much weaker version of Albanese’s plan. These costs were astronomic: a maximum $540 billion by 2030. Then-opposition leader Bill Shorten’s plan was for a 45 per cent cut in CO2 emissions on 2005 levels by 2030. Note, firstly, how much less stringent is this compared with Albanese’s net-zero by 2050, especially as the initial work plucks the low-hanging fruit and thereafter…
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  • CLINTEL Plans a Grand Climate Debate
    By David Wojick |February 23rd, 2020 The fast growing Climate Intelligence Foundation (CLINTEL) is planning a major debate on climate change. The event will coincide with the COP 26 UN climate summit in Glasgow this November. Unlike previous attempts at decisive debates, this one has an excellent chance of really happening. CLINTEL President, Professor Guus Berkhout, explains the plan this way: “We are starting to organize the ‘debate of all debates’ just prior to COP 26 in Glasgow. More specific, CLINTEL will organize a constructive high-level meeting between world-class scientists on both sides of the climate debate. The meeting will give effect to the sound and ancient principle that both sides should be fully and fairly heard. Audiatur et altera…
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  • Hydrogen Hype
    By Viv Forbes Dr Finkel (Australia’s Chief Scientist) is wrong - hydrogen will never be a “hero fuel source”. Australia has no gas wells producing hydrogen – every bit of hydrogen we use must be generated by electrolysis of water or manufactured from natural gas or coal. These processes consume energy some of which could be recovered by using the hydrogen as a fuel to power cars or generate electricity. We could use solar or wind energy to generate hydrogen, but then they cannot generate electricity for consumers, industry and the millions of electric cars our political scientist also supports. Burning hydrogen fuel is not even a zero-sum energy game – it is a negative-sum game, Dr Finkel. We can…
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  • Petitions from Climate Realists
    By Dr. John Happs The term "climate denier" continues to be used by those promoting catastrophic global warming from the trivial emissions of anthropogenic carbon dioxide. It is a derogatory term, first coined by the journalist Ellen Goodman. In 2007 she wrote for the Boston Globe: "I would like to say we're at a point where global warming is impossible to deny. Let's just say that global warming deniers are now on a par with Holocaust deniers, though one denies the past and the other denies the present and future." Dennis Prager responded to Goodman's vitriol: "The Ellen Goodman quote is only the beginning of what is already becoming one of the largest campaigns of vilification of decent people…
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  • Do ‘Green’ Buses Pass the Performance Test?
    By Duggan Flanakin Should Americans follow China in a massive commitment to supposedly eco-friendly battery-electric buses (BEBs)? California has mandated a "carbon-free" bus system by 2040 and will buy only battery or fuel cell-powered buses after 2029. Other states and cities are following suit. Vehicle decisions are typically based on cost and performance. Cost includes selling price plus maintenance, while performance now includes perceived environmental impacts - which for some is the only issue that matters. But that perception ignores some huge ecological (and human rights) issues. China today has 420,000 BEBs on the road, with plans to reach 600,000 by 2025. The rest of the world has maybe 5,000 of these expensive, short-range buses. However, the Chinese still get…
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  • Professor Ian Plimer book launch – “Not For Greens” (2014)
    The Institute of Public Affairs launch of Ian Plimer's book from Connor Court Publishing, 'Not For Greens', in Melbourne on Tuesday 22 July 2014.
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  • Brave German Teenager Speaks Out on Climate Change
    YouTuber and climate realist, Naomi Seibt says she became “passionate” about the topic of climate change after she “looked into the science of both sides of the spectrum” and realised “what climate skeptics say” made “a lot of sense scientifically." Watch the video from Sky News: See also Naomi's presentation to The Heartland Institute in Madrid, Spain, the site of the UN's COP25.
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  • Providing 100 Percent Energy from Renewable Sources Is Impossible
    By David Wojick. First published by Lately, many politicians at the federal, state, and local levels have unthinkingly bought into the talking points of radical environmentalists, pushing policies to require 100 percent of the electricity used in the United States to come from politically favored renewable energy sources, primarily wind and solar power. Generating all of America’s electric power through wind and solar industrial facilities is an expensive pipedream. Intermittency Is Renewables’ Hallmark One main reason the 100 percent renewable goal is impossible is the extreme intermittency of wind and solar power. Industrial wind facilities have been pushed the hardest by politicians as a source of “cheap,” renewable power, so it is important to realize they commonly generate little…
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  • Farmers Take Legal Action After Fires
    'We saw this coming for years': Farmers take legal action after fires. Six farmers are preparing to take legal action against the NSW state government, arguing a massive bushfire in northern NSW could have been prevented if more hazard reduction had been allowed. In what could be the first class action after this summer's horror bushfire season, graziers hit by the August blaze in the Guy Fawkes National Park, west of Coffs Harbour, say it was "a disaster waiting to happen". Read More:
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  • There is NO Climate Emergency – Guus Berkhout, Clintel
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  • Prescribed Burning Myths – the Academics vs the Bushies
    By Viv Forbes, Executive Director, The Saltbush Club. Considerable publicity is being given to an article by Byron Lamont and Tianhua He titled “Why prescribed burns don’t stop wildfires” (published in New Matilda, and also WAToday 22 January 2020). Lamont and He are academics from Curtin University in WA, the former a botanist and the latter a molecular biologist. They argue against the use of fuel reduction burning in bushfire management because it does not "stop bushfires". The article should be filed among works of fiction. A destructive wildfire needs three things: A heavy fuel load Hot, dry, windy conditions Ignition Of these, the only factor humans can control is the fuel load, which can be reduced by grazing,…
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  • Fire Triangles
    By Roger Underwood Introduction Anyone who has studied elementary physics, or basic fire science, is familiar with the Fire Triangle. For a fire to occur three things must be present: Oxygen, to enable oxidation or combustion (or, in everyday terms "burning"); Fuel, which is the substance that burns; and Heat, or a source of ignition, to ignite the fuel in the presence of the oxygen. If any one of these elements is absent, a fire will not occur. I first remember seeing this demonstrated in a laboratory when I was a high school student. Our physics teacher had a glass container from which all the air had been removed. When a lighted candle was inserted into the vacuum, it immediately…
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  • Stop using Misleading Computer Models
    This essay is by Guus Berkhout, President of CLINTEL. It is based on the text and the explanation of The World Climate Declaration (see: A global network of more than 800 prominent scientists and experienced professionals has signed the World Climate Declaration. The statements of the Declaration contain a clear message: ‘There is NO Climate Emergency’. The Declaration also states that CO 2 is NOT a pollutant but a blessing for our planet and that current computer models of climate – on which international policy is founded – are unfit for their purpose. Therefore, it is unwise to advocate spending trillions of dollars on the basis of speculative results from such immature models. Current climate policies not only dangerously…
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  • Australian Bushfires Ignite Climate Emergency Propaganda
    A Briton’s perspective on the Australian bushfires. The bearded bushman at the three-minute mark reveals how people living in the countryside really feel (language warning).
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  • Environmentalists Responsible for Most of Australia’s Bush Fire Problem
    By Tom Harris Recent climate change has not caused Australian bushfires. Besides the fact that many of the fires are set by people, either intentionally or by accident, a major cause of Australia’s fire problem has been the high ‘fuel loads,’ underbrush that, left to accumulate over years, acts as a tinder box for bushfires. Craig Kelly, Liberal member of the Australian House of Representatives (Hughes, New South Wales), told ITV’s Good Morning Britain on January 6: “Now, we have record fuel loads on the ground, … and every single royal commission we have had from our past bushfires have said that we have to reduce those fuel loads. And that is the main issue. And yet we have failed to do so.” Kelly went on…
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  • “Let the Ski Resorts Burn!”
    By Dr Tim Fatchen It's ironic that a former Olympic alpine skier should be the one offering a private bill on climate change when climate change has long been cited as a reason for removal of alpine skiing, at least in Victoria ("Independent MP Zali Steggall pushes forward with private bill on climate change" The Australian 9/1/20). On Mt Buffalo, the small family-aimed Cresta ski area was burnt in December 2006.  Eminently defensible, the resort was intact when the then Department of Sustainability and Environment (now Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning--DELWP) ordered its crew to abandon it for a crew change an hour or more away in the valley.  On return of the next crew, the buildings were…
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  • Six Shades of Fire-Lighters
    By Viv Forbes 24 January 2020 Australian Fire-lighters come in six colours – yellow, black, white, blood red, dark green, and light green. All are relevant to bushfires and forest management. “Yellow” is the Fire-lighter that has been with us forever. It is the yellow flash of lightning which has always ignited the Australian bush. We’re dreaming to think we can lock yellow fire out of parks, forests and heritage areas. But good forest management can reduce the ferocity and destruction of lightning-strike fires. “Black” Fire-lighters came with the first Australians. Without matches or tinder boxes they probably captured the fire genie from a lightning fire. Or they carried it here on clay hearths on the floor of their canoes.…
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  • Government by Enquiry
    By Viv Forbes 20 January 2020 Politicians hide behind enquiries – their magic answer to all problems, especially bushfires. Announcing enquiries give the impression of decisive action, they generate fees for armies of barristers, lawyers and bureaucrats, and provide momentary excitement for the media. The proposed 2020 Australian Bushfires corrobboree will provide a grandstand for the Climate Rebellion Mob who will get starring roles on ABC/Fairfax. Big business will probably propose a carbon tax to fight bushfires while foresters and land owners will hardly be heard. When the final report is ultimately delivered, the media will be off trumpeting some new climate “emergency” to scare the public. The expensive new report will be quietly filed with all the others. We’ve…
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  • Time for Climate Sense
    By Viv Forbes 23 December 2019 Svante Arrhenius (1859-1927) was a Swedish scientist who first claimed that the burning of hydro-carbons like coal, oil, gas, peat and wood may cause global warming. In 1895 he calculated (incorrectly) that a doubling of the atmospheric CO2 concentration would lead to a 4-5o C rise in global temperature. However, Arrhenius suggested that this increase could be beneficial, making the various climates on Earth “more equable" and stimulating plant growth and food production. Then a showman/politician, Al Gore, gave life to the theory that extra carbon dioxide due to human activities will cause dangerous global warming. But temperatures refused to obey the alarmist computer model forecasts. So they switched to the universal bogey-man -…
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  • National Parks Breed Bushfires
    By Viv Forbes 20 December 2019 Too many recent headlines say: “A fierce new bushfire is burning in the XYZ National Park. Nearby residents should prepare to evacuate.” Neglected, overgrown, weed and log infested, un-grazed, unburnt, government-protected parkland is a danger to all neighbours. All it needs is a fire-bug, a fearful neighbour attempting a too-late back-burn, or a lightning strike, and a wildfire is inevitable, especially when the weather is hot, dry and windy. Wild-fires will not stay in their National Park. Never before in Australia’s long history of black and white occupation have such large areas of bush been quarantined from annual burn-offs, cultivation, slashing or grazing. Four policy changes are needed to fix this problem: Firstly, a…
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  • Brexit Done – Now for Clexit
    By Viv Forbes 16 December 2019 Thanks to Boris Johnson, Brexit will now occur. And thanks to Donald Trump, the US will exit the destructive Paris Climate agreement. And the UN alarmists made little progress at the big climate-fest in Madrid. It’s now time for Clexit (Climate Exit) - the great climate escape from all UN/IPCC alarmism and entanglements. Australia should join this rush for the exits. Australia is a huge island continent whose prosperity was built on mining, farming, grazing, transport, hydro-carbons and cheap reliable electricity. Australians have much to lose from the UN/Paris shackles, carbon taxes and globalist agenda. The war on coal, oil, gas, diesel, cattle, exploration and mining has harmed Australia’s backbone industries resulting in reduced…
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  • Creating Bushfires
    9 December 2019 By Viv Forbes No one should be surprised that our bush is ablaze and our cities are smothered in smoke. For decades now we have been locking up land, banning burn-offs and encouraging eucalypt fire-trees. On a hot day, the blue haze on distant timbered hills is intensified by highly-flammable eucalypt oil vapour, waiting for a spark. The Australian landscape of open forests and treeless grasslands was developed and maintained under an aboriginal regime of continual small fires. This was followed by planned cool-season burn-offs by European graziers. But a few decades ago this safe black and white fire regime was replaced by green-worshippers who continually expanded the area of locked-up protected parks (now over 11% of…
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  • A Message from Madrid – NO CLIMATE EMERGENCY
    Media Release/Opinion Piece 7 December 2019 This week Clintel attended the Heartland COP 25 conference at the Marriott Hotel in Madrid. The hotel was full of champagne-drinking COP delegates who were clearly enjoying themselves (‘climate business model in action’). To be sure they were not disturbed by demonstrators, Clintel had a recording room somewhere at the back and we heard about its coordinates on the same morning. Guus Berkhout was the first speaker at the event that was live-streamed from the Marriot Hotel. It was not an official COP25 event but a Heartland side-event with the aim to sound a different message to the world. Heartland had arranged several excellent speakers, such as Will Happer (who for the past year…
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  • Tempered by Fire
    Tempered by Fire: Stories from the firefighters and Survivors of the 1961 Western Australian Bushfires is a book published by the Bushfire Front, edited by Roger Underwood, 2011. See: These 1961 fires razed four towns and wiped out hundreds of thousands of hectares of forests and farmland. The stories are from people who fought these fires, were forced to flee from them, or who lost everything in their paths. Here is part of the foreword by Bruce Beggs, ISO, Patron The Bushfire Front Inc: A few weeks after the fires, I visited Compartment 10 in Holmes State Forest a few kilometres south of Dwellingup. This forest had special significance to me because my father had worked as a faller…
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  • A Nation Charred
    House of Representatives - Select Committee Report into the 2002-03 Australian bushfires. During the Summer of 2003, a total of almost four million hectares in the Australian Capital Territory and across five Australian states, were severely burned from wildfire. The Committee heard a consistent message right around Australia:- 1) There has been grossly inadequate hazard reduction burning on public lands for far too long; 2) Local knowledge and experience is being ignored by an increasingly top heavy bureaucracy; 3) When accessing the source of fires, volunteers are fed up with having their lives put at risk by fire trails that are blocked and left without maintenance; 4) There is a reluctance by state agencies to aggressively attack bushfires when they…
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  • The NSW Far South Coast Fires in Review
    By Ian Hitchcock, Dalmeny. On New Year’s Eve, I woke early to the sound of television reports on the building fire risk. My wife, was worried about the worsening fire reports and the location of our residence in Eucalyptus Drive Dalmeny, in the middle of a eucalyptus forest. At 9 AM our electricity supply failed. By 1 PM we had no Internet or mobile phone service. By 3PM our land line went down. We then turned to local radio for fire reports from the ever-reliable ABC South East. The station was nowhere to be found. A local commercial radio station did it’s best to disseminate useful information, but referred us to information available on an Internet that had failed hours…
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  • Ex-NSW Fire Chief Joins Climate Crazies
    Greg Mullins’ [former Fire & Rescue NSW Commissioner] came out the closet about a year ago and joined Flannery’s Climate Council. Greg Mullins was reported in the papers on all the things his father had told him about 1939 when “the sky seemed to be on fire every night”. John Mulligan lived through the Black Friday fires that burnt two million hectares of Victoria and killed 71 people. There were hundreds of fires in East Gippsland at that same time, but no major problems because the bush was kept clean by burning and grazing. John’s family weren’t worried, even when his uncle’s car repeatedly stopped because of vapour locks in the fuel lines with the extreme heat. John has formed…
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  • Climate Change Dreams vs Real Action to Reduce Fuel Loads and make Roads Safer
    by Jacob Rebek, January 2020 SBS and ABC news are claiming that bushfires are definite proof that Climate Change is real. This one-sided focus on Climate Change has overlooked the urgent work needed to prepare for the next bushfire season. Bushfire risk can be reduced by Reducing Fuel Loads on Bush Floor and making Roads Safer: in the next 9 months at a fraction of the cost of Action on Climate Change. The main objective for 2020/2021 bushfire season must be to reduce loss of human life to zero. This can be achieved by works implemented on all roads in bushfire areas, removing trees that could block the road in case of bushfire, so that all roads remain open and…
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  • Forests, Fuel, Fires and Fauna – Ignorance Increases Bushfire Risk
    by Dr David Blackall January 2020 Over four years, from 2013 to 2017, before retiring from teaching university-based journalism, I worked in the field with an ecologist and her Masters of Science students. We were using remote cameras and other data collection techniques, at my rain-forest wildlife refuge in Kangaroo Valley (NSW). [caption id="attachment_1205" align="aligncenter" width="480"] An Australian Wallaby. Image Credit:[/caption] Though I had seen them thirty years ago, we found no apex predator, the native quoll (Eastern Quoll and the Tiger Quoll [extinct]). However - there were foxes, feral cats, European rats, and mice, galore. This was bad, as the apex predator (the native quoll) is crucial to forest management and indicative to ecological health. This data also…
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  • Fuel Loads for Fires are 10 Times Greater than before European Settlement
    By Rado Jacob Rebek - Geologist - 12 Jan 2020 According to an article in The Weekend Australian 11-12.1.2020, page 13, CSIRO bushfire expert David Packman, speaking on Sky News, said that fuel loads for fires are 10 times greater than before European settlement and that there is urgent need to reduce fuel loads on the bush floor through control burns (also called prescribed burning - or backburning when done in an emergency). As a geologist working in the field, I have observed local earthmoving contractors using modern machines to remove vegetation to clear sites for the drill rig and I was impressed by their skill and amazing speed at which they clear large sites. [caption id="attachment_1199" align="aligncenter" width="777"] Photos…
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  • Royal Commission into the Bush Fires of January, 1939
    It has all happened before: In the State of Victoria, the month of January of the year 1939 came towards the end of a long drought which had been aggravated by a severe hot, dry summer season. For more than twenty years the State of Victoria had not seen its countryside and forests in such travail. Creeks and springs ceased to run. Water storages were depleted. Provincial towns were facing the probability of cessation of water supply. In Melbourne, more than a million inhabitants were subjected to restrictions upon the use of water. Throughout the countryside, the farmers were carting water, if such was available, for their stock and themselves. The rich plains, denied their beneficent rains, lay bare and…
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  • Do these Bankers Really Care about the Poor?
    By Dr. John Happs If you want to witness cases of scientific illiteracy, selfishness and hypocrisy, look no further than the attitudes, actions and comments from a number of banking personnel. When it comes to uninformed opinions about climate change and the lack of concern about delivering affordable energy to the poor in developing countries, some of them appear to have no equal. Judge for yourself. Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England in his (29th September, 2015) speech on climate change said: "There is a growing international consensus that climate change is unequivocal." [caption id="attachment_1178" align="aligncenter" width="265"] Mark Carney[/caption] A silly statement about the obvious. He then added: "In the Northern Hemisphere the last 30 years…
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  • Fires Expose Green Folly
    Green Folly locked up 11% of Australia in a tinder-box of bushfire fuel, much of which is now burnt or burning. Green Folly closed forest tracks and gates, expelled foresters and timber-workers and prevented property owners from removing flammable fuel from their own land and adjacent roads, parks and forests. Those responsible for these follies should face Class Action. Green Folly promotes electric vehicles but not one fire truck, dozer, water bomber, helicopter, ambulance or naval vessel ran on batteries. They all used hydro-carbon fuels - diesel, petrol or avgas. And with so many power lines down, electric toys could not have recharged their batteries anyway. Green Folly believed that widely scattered wind turbines, solar panels and their spider-webs of…
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  • Where is George Orwell?
    Where is George Orwell? The notion that the world’s fate hinges on four one hundredths of one per cent of a gas that has never been known to force anything more than a champagne cork was imaginative, but absurd; that this could be parlayed into a realistic attempt by the UN to acquire a Sovereign State – and thereby political relevance – is truly frightening. George Orwell, where are you when we need you? Douglas Panther Lightning Ridge
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  • Professor David Bellamy – a Sad Loss
    A bit of very sad news. Professor David Bellamy OBE died recently at the age of 86 and it's fair to say he goes down in history as one of the first victims sacrificed on the altar of the new religion of climate change. David Bellamy was a prolific broadcaster, respected authority on botany of the natural world. He wrote and appeared in, or presented, hundreds of television programs on botany, ecology, environmentalism and other issues. But was ultimately disowned by the BBC, never to appear again within their hallowed halls once his declared stance against the new religion of CAGW became known. I never met him but we corresponded and both appeared on an Australian TV interview. He was…
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  • The Bush Fire – Henry Lawson, 1905
    The Bush Fire Henry Lawson, 1905 Ah, better the thud of the deadly gun,    and the crash of the bursting shell, Than the terrible silence where drought is fought    out there in the western hell; And better the rattle of rifles near,    or the thunder on deck at sea, Than the sound — most hellish of all to hear —    of a fire where it should not be. On the runs to the west of the Dingo Scrubs    there was drought, and ruin, and death, And the sandstorm came from the dread north-east    with the blast of a furnace-breath; Till at last one day, at the fierce sunrise,    a boundary-rider woke, And saw, in the place of the distant haze,…
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  • Put Foresters Back in the Forests
    by Viv Forbes, Executive Director, The Saltbush Club There was a time when Australian foresters kept Australian forests safe and productive. They maintained access tracks bridges and fire breaks, undertook prescribed burning, cleared flammable litter from the forest floor, cut suckers, manned fire lookouts and maintained their own fire-fighting crews in decentralised districts. University-trained professional foresters were supported by tough experienced rangers who learned their job in the bush. Almost every advance in bushfire management in Australia, from the science of fire behaviour to aerial burning was thanks to our foresters. Into the 1980’s they were regarded as international leaders. To pay for good forest management, sections of the forest were logged, allowing ground space and sunlight for the swift…
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  • Inferno on Black Friday 1939
    Those who don’t know history… On Black Friday 1939, on a day of high wind and savage 45 degree heat (110 Fahrenheit) many separate fires joined forces in Victoria to make mass conflagrations, one of which burned most of the western flanks of the Snowy Mountains all the way to New South Wales. In the end the conflagration burned through two million hectares, 3,700 buildings, 69 mills and killed 71 people. Five towns were completely destroyed –  never to be rebuilt. At the time, the atmospheric content of carbon dioxide was 310ppm and 90% of all human emissions were yet to be made. Climate Change has nothing to do with it. Read more on Jo Nova's blog:
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  • Australian Bushfire History
    From the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, State Government of Victoria, a document listing historical bushfires, deaths, losses and areas covered. Click the image to read the PDF [141 KB].
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  • Bushfires are Nothing New
    The following is an excerpt from Jennifer Marohasy's blog: The historical evidence indicates fires have burnt very large areas before, and it has been hotter. Some of the catastrophe has been compounded by our refusal to prepare appropriately. Expert Dr Christine Finlay explains the importance of properly managing the ever increasing fire loads in an article in The Australian. While there is an increase in the area of national park with Eucalyptus forests, there has been a reduction in the area of hazard reduction burning. The situation is perhaps also made worse by fiddling with the historical temperature record. This will affect the capacity of those modelling bushfire behaviour to obtain an accurate forecast. We have had an horrific start…
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  • Wild Fires were Preventable
    Listen to a man who has been fighting fires for 52 years. Brian Williams, the captain of the Kurrajong Heights brigade, called the 2GB Nights program on Tuesday 31st December, 2019:
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  • Inaction has Consequences
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  • Bushfire Management: Wisdom versus Folly
    Originally published: By Roger Underwood Many years ago, still a young man, I watched for the first time the grainy, flickering black & white film of the British infantry making their attack on the opening day of the Battle of the Somme. The terrible footage shows the disciplined soldiers climbing from their trenches and, in line abreast, walking slowly across no-man’s land towards the enemy lines. They scarcely travel a few paces before the German machine gunners open up. They are mown down in their thousands. They are chaff before a wind of fire. I can still remember being struck nerveless by these images, & later my anger when I realised what that calamitous carnage represented. It spoke of…
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  • Fighting Fires with Fire
    By Viv Forbes The Power of the Torch “There can be few if any races who for so long were able to practice the delights of incendiarism.” - Geoffrey Blainey “Triumph of the Nomads – A History of Ancient Australia.” Macmillan 1975. The Fire-lighter was the most powerful tool that early humans brought to Australia. Fires lit by aboriginal men and women created the landscape of Australia. They used fire to create and fertilise fresh new grass for the grazing animals that they hunted, to trap and roast grass dwelling reptiles and rodents, to fight enemies, to send smoke signals, to fell dead trees for camp fires, to ward off frosts and biting insects, and for religious and cultural ceremonies.…
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  • Has Australia just had its Hottest Day Evah?
    Maybe, but only if you ignore our history: Read more on the 1896 heatwave: [PDF, 360 KB] And how to adjust the records: [Paywall]
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  • The Climate Debate Bellingham, Washington USA
    By Karen & Marc Johnson I just came across your web site. Here in the City Bellingham the politicians want to force us to not replace our Gas heat or Gas hot water tanks replacing them with all electric. Furthermore the city wants to force us to either cover 50% of our roof tops with solar PV or pay a higher utility bill to fund an off site location for a large solar PV site. All this in the name of human caused climate change. I am reaching out to you for scientific data debunking this human caused climate change claim as the main cause of climate change. I want to use  information to educate citizens in my community to…
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  • The Counter Summit at the Failed COP25 in Madrid, Dec 2019
    Skeptical Climate ‘Talking Points’ – 36 Page Report Released at UN Climate Summit in Madrid Paper copies of the report were distributed at the UN Climate Summit in Madrid on December 10, 2019. Read More:
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  • More Water Bombers? No – Fight Fire with Fire.
    By Viv Forbes (Background: Australian Government promises A$11M for more flashy water bombers.) In a furious firestorm with high winds, extreme temperature and big loads of dry fuel, water bombing is usually just wasting water and avgas. In hot winds, water will evaporate quickly, embers will start glowing and blowing, and soon the fire will be raging again. And with few dams getting built, and much stored water released to irrigate the oceans, where will they get the water? Too often they will steal it from private dams, leaving even prudent landowners with inadequate water in a drought. Water can extinguish house fires, and protect homes and towns, but is useless for raging forest fires. The only solution here is…
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  • Where were the “fire chiefs” when this bushfire epidemic was incubating?
    By Roger Underwood The sudden outcry in the media from "fire chiefs", asserting that the current bushfire crisis is the result of climate change, begs an embarrassing question. Embarrassing for the "fire chiefs" that is. "Where were you when the root cause of this crisis was being laid down in the bush over the last 20 years, while you were in charge?" Although the "fire chiefs" do not seem to be facing up to it, the reality is that, far from being the result of climate change, these fires are result of the deadly combination of drought and heavy fuel loads. This combination is hardly unprecedented. It has been associated with every bushfire disaster over the last 100 years. Anyone…
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  • Pelosi, Casten, and Dems: Wasting Taxpayer Money at the Madrid Climate Conference
    Originally published in Energy Central. By Steve Goreham Fourteen Democrat members of Congress have arrived at the United Nations Climate Conference in Madrid. Speaker Nancy Pelosi leads the US delegation, which includes Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island and Representative Sean Casten of Illinois. However, there is little evidence that the conference will have any effect on the climate, but Ms. Pelosi's delegation will spend a lot of taxpayer money. Speaker Pelosi describes the delegation and the conference as an effort to "combat the existential threat of our time: the climate crisis." More than 25,000 attendees and 1,500 members of the media have joined the conference. After flying halfway around the world on private or commercial jets, Ms. Pelosi and…
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  • Bushfires in National Parks – the Peregian Fires
    By John Mikkelsen, Noosa The Noosa Mayor Tony Wellington blames "climate change" for the spate of fire emergencies recently facing our area and other parts of Queensland and New South Wales. (Courier Mail, November 18). Cr Wellington makes no mention of the fact a number of the fires have been deliberately lit, or that climate change did not provide fire bugs with matches or cigarette lighters. He says his council "works closely with Queensland Fire and Emergency Services and Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service on a comprehensive preparatory burning regime during the cooler months". "That work is useful during 'normal' fire conditions. But no amount of hazard-reduction burning can prevent fires in unprecedented extreme fire conditions. "What’s more, hotter, longer…
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  • Hopefully, Lancet Personnel Know More about Medicine than They Know about Climate Science
    By Dr. John Happs A "Lancet Commission on Health and Climate Change" report was published in 2015, with 46 signatories contributing to a document that claimed: "To map out the impacts of climate change, and the necessary policy responses, in order to ensure the highest attainable standards of health for populations worldwide."  The executive summary reported: "The effects of climate change are being felt today, and future projections represent an unacceptably high and potentially catastrophic risk to human health." And: "The direct effects of climate change include increased heat stress, floods, drought, and increased frequency of intense storms, with the indirect threatening population health through adverse changes in air pollution, the spread of disease vectors, food insecurity and under-nutrition, displacement, and…
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  • Greens to Blame
    By Viv Forbes Congratulations to Graham Lloyd (Aus 12 Nov) for pointing out that Greens are responsible for the incendiary state of the Australian countryside. And shame on those same Greens for continually riding their climate alarm hobby-horse. There is nothing new about droughts, heatwaves or fires in Australia. What is unusual is the scale and ferocity of recent bushfires caused by Green worship of trees and locked up land, and their opposition to hazard reduction burn-offs. Some Reading: Journalism's Ashes: Fire and folly: Bushfire policy: “We saw either smoke by day or fires by night.” - James Cook as he sailed past eastern Australia in 1770. “In the whole country (Australia) I scarcely saw a…
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  • 1946 Weather Flashback
    Flashback to 1946 when man-made emissions of carbon dioxide were very low and there were no droughts, heatwaves or climate emergencies. [caption id="attachment_1101" align="aligncenter" width="840"] Click the image for much larger image (10 MB)[/caption]
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  • Renaissance in Climate Physics and Political Reform
    By Bob Hoye December 6, 2019 From time to time, physics with a burst of discovery has enjoyed a renaissance. Regrettably, there have been times when it has been repressed by control freaks. One of the most daunting was the Church-mandated doctrine that the Solar System revolved around the Vatican. In the early 1600s, it was risky to your freedom and life to doubt the official word. Which consensus was based upon the authority of scripture--the most convincing peer review of the day. Almost as threatening has been today’s state-sponsored notion that bureaucrats can and must “manage” the temperature of the nearest planet. Indeed, this week a Danish professor suggests that his personal anxieties could be relieved by military hostilities…
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  • “Yes Minister” on Global Warming
    Yes Prime Minister Global Warming etc Part 2 from Aris Motas on Vimeo.
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  • Bushfires in Victoria
    Author and Source Unknown Probably if you are from Melbourne you will know this history….. Black Thursday Bushfires - 6th Feb 1851 Australia’s most extensive Bushfires were known as the ‘Black Thursday’ Bushfires, where on the 6th Feb 1851 (CO2 levels 285ppm) when the temperature hit an incredible 117°F (47.2°C) at 11am in Melbourne. A quarter of Victoria, 5 million hectares in total were burnt out (10 times more than from the current Bushfires in NSW). 12 lives were lost and one million sheep and thousands of cattle where lost. Thomas McCombie recorded the scene in Melbourne on that day: "For two months preceding, the country had been under the desiccating winds, which appeared to be highly charged with electricity.…
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  • “The Lancet” on Health and Climate Change: A Tale of Editorial Bias
    By Professor Timothy Florin and Dr Wes Allen The public has every right to expect that scientific medical journals should impartially quest after truth. However, even the respected journal, The Lancet, has difficulty with maintaining impartiality when it comes to the subject of climate change. Who would have expected this? We lay before you a tail of apprehended bias by its Editor-in-Chief, supported by an impotent ombudsman. The story begins with a 35-page document on health and climate change, The Lancet Commissions (2015), which Dr Allen critiqued and sent to the lead author, Nick Watts. The Lancet has since published annually a Countdown Report on health and climate change. In response to the November 2018 Countdown Report, Prof Tim Florin and Dr Allen…
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  • Extremes Go Down as the Deception Goes Up
    By Dr. John Happs Climate alarmists often make the claim that (imaginary) global warming is already resulting in more extreme weather events. They cite escalating insurance claims following fire or flood as evidence. The link between extreme weather and an increasing number of insurance claims can easily be examined to determine if, in this particular case, correlation actually does mean causation. From England, Nick Oldridge writes in his article "Insurance and Climate Change" "With climate change set to be one of the greatest risks of them all, insurers stand to be impacted in significant and far-reaching ways. The Bank of England's Prudential Regulation Authority has identified three key areas of risk for the insurance industry, many of which are already…
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  • No Climate Emergency
    By Viv Forbes Leaders of the Clintel Group of world scientists and professionals will attend the UN Climate Change Conference (COP25) which starts in Madrid today (2 December) and runs for twelve long days. (The Climate Summit was shifted suddenly to Spain after Chile cancelled because of violent riots in Santiago.) Clintel will present their “No Climate Emergency” petition at the Climate Reality Forum. This petition has already been presented to the UN Secretary General, the European Commission and the European Parliament. Voting on a motion promoting a climate emergency declaration (in opposition to the Clintel statement), over one third of the members of the EU Parliament voted for “No Climate Emergency”. This shows there is a significant opposition to…
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  • CLINTEL letter to European Parliament to Reject Motion of Climate Emergency
    The CLINTEL group has sent the attached letter in which more than 700 prominent scientists call on the members of the European Parliament to reject a motion to announce a state of climate emergency in the European Union.
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  • Global Warming from the Little Ice to the Modern Warming, mainly Natural
    We live in the coldest period of the last 10,000 years", says glaciologist, Jørgen Peder Steffensen, who takes us back in time to the Greenland ice cores and reveals the secrets from the past. Watch this short interesting video:
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  • Reversibility of Droughts, Fires, & ‘Climate Change’
    An attempt to understand the mind-set of climate alarmists/activists who believe that our politicians can now control climate & droughts & perhaps even prevent bushfires. By Graham Williamson, November 2019 Updated December 2019 No Link Between ‘Climate Change’ & Droughts According to Professor Andy Pitman: …this may not be what you expect to hear. but as far as the climate scientists know there is no link between climate change and drought…….there is no reason a priori why climate change should make the landscape more arid……So the fundamental problem we have is that we don’t understand what causes droughts. Much more interesting, We don’t know what stops a drought. We know it’s rain, but we don’t know what lines up to…
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  • The “New Energy Economy”: An Exercise in Magical Thinking
    This was originally published by “The Manhattan Institute: A movement has been growing for decades to replace hydrocarbons, which collectively supply 84% of the world’s energy. It began with the fear that we were running out of oil. That fear has since migrated to the belief that, because of climate change and other environmental concerns, society can no longer tolerate burning oil, natural gas, and coal—all of which have turned out to be abundant. So far, wind, solar, and batteries—the favored alternatives to hydrocarbons—provide about 2% of the world’s energy and 3% of America’s. Nonetheless, a bold new claim has gained popularity: that we’re on the cusp of a tech-driven energy revolution that not only can, but inevitably will,…
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  • Highest Temperature on Record in Perth? Don’t Believe a Word of It
    By Dr. John Happs Channel 7 and Channel 9 news were quick to announce that Perth experienced its highest temperature on record on Saturday, 16th November 2019. We were told that the temperature reached 40.8oC and a record temperature was claimed. Of course we were not told exactly where that particular temperature was taken and why that "record temperature" was not recorded in neighbouring suburbs. Interestingly, that"record temperature" of 40.8oC was measured at Perth Airport at 2.00 pm. Also at 2.00 pm, the temperature in Perth City was 38.6oC. Still hot, but 2.2oC lower than Perth Airport. So what about the temperature in suburbs further west of the airport? Hillarys for instance recorded 24.30oC at 2.00pm on the same day…
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  • The Silly Notion of “Speed Limits for Ships”
    By Steve Goreham Originally published in TheTandD. Occasionally a report appears which claims to be wisdom, but after careful analysis, offers solutions that don't make much sense. Such a report was issued earlier this month by United Kingdom consulting firm GL Reynolds, titled "The multi-issue mitigation potential of reducing ship speeds." The report proposes that we can reduce global warming by imposing speed limits on ocean-going ships. The GL Reynolds report concludes that a 10-20 percent reduction in ship speeds would have a "highly positive potential impact" on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and nitrous oxide (NOx) and sulfur oxide (SOx) pollutants. The report also projects that a ship speed reduction may reduce fatal collisions with whales. The report is actually…
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  • The Venice Floods – Blame Climate Change?
    Late on Tuesday, Nov. 12, high tides from the surrounding lagoon surged onto the more than 100 islands that make up Venice, flooding 85% of the city and damaging artwork and many historic sites. The mayor blamed climate change for the flood. Jim Steele wrote an excellent article about the event and climate change. The Great Flood of 1966 was the worst on record. Since then, Venice has been working on the long-delayed MOSE project which was supposed to prevent flooding. High inflows to the Venice Lagoon from the Adriatic Sea are driven by the strength of the Sirocco and Bora winds that cause local sea level to surge. There has been no trend in the winds. Steele wrote “Dwarfing…
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  • World Climate Declaration – There is no Climate Emergency
    From the CLINTEL Foundation ( A global network of 700 scientists and professionals has prepared this urgent message. Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures. Read the full report (updated to 15 Sep 2022 version):
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  • Can the Plan Rally
    A Convoy to Canberra protesting the Disasters caused by the Murray Darling Basin Plan. On Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd December 2019, people from across the Murray Darling Basin will be converging on Canberra to tell Federal politicians face to face that the Basin Plan is an absolute disaster. Both Federal and State Water Ministers know the devastating impacts of the man-made drought, that has been created  by Basin Plan government policies, but will do nothing to halt the destruction immediately. On every level the Basin Plan is failing. Farmers are being denied access to water that is available, but restricted to environmental use only. Consequently, regional communities are seeing high unemployment with the collapse of dairying and cropping industries,…
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  • Green Policies Destroy the Forests
    By Viv Forbes Australia is a land of deserts, droughts, floods, bushfires, flammable forests and fire-prone grasslands – these conditions have developed since the start of the Holocene Warm Era about twelve thousand years ago. All previous Australian bushies, both black and white, have recognised the key principle of fire management in Australia – you can have many small managed “cool” fires in early spring or a few unplanned disastrous “hot” fires consuming a heavy fuel load in hot dry winds in late spring. (Arsonists have other priorities and light their fires at these most dangerous times.) Every generation of Australians sees its fire disasters and the worst ones get names – “Black Thursday” in 1851, “Black Friday” in 1939,…
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  • Killing the Forests with Green Energy
    What follows is an example of how German decision makers go about protecting the environment: chop down hundreds of acres of forests and pour thousands of tons on concrete reinforced with hundreds of tons of steel on huge beds of gravel, all hauled in by hundreds of truck loads. Then install skyscraper tall industrial bird-killing monstrosities. Result: an idyllic forest gets turned into an industrial complex that can be seen and felt from miles away – in order to protect the climate. Full story:
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  • The Ghosts of Black Thursday 6th February 1851
    By Peter L Ellis. November 2019 My great-grandfather's brother, Nehemiah Bartley born in London in 1830, was a consummate adventurer who arrived in Hobart at age 19. He immediately entered into business arrangements with his Uncle Edwin Tooth the brewer and the dynastic Tasmanian medico and later, Premier of Tasmania, Dr William Lodewyck Crowther. This involved sailing in the Eudora for the frontier gold-rush town of San Francisco to test the market. There the young man helped fight the horrendous San Francisco fire of 1850. Later in life he graphically recorded his adventures in his book "Opals and Agates" (Gordon and Gotch, Brisbane 1872). Back in Tasmania and advised by his relatives to gain "colonial experience" he was given letters…
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  • The Great Barrier Reef is Fine
    The Institute of Public Affairs has released a new short film by Senior Fellow Dr Jennifer Marohasy which contradicts everything you’ve heard about climate change threatening the Great Barrier Reef. In February this year, The Economist reported that “rising temperatures are killing the coral” at the Great Barrier Reef and “if this goes on too long, the reef will die”. Claims of catastrophic coral bleaching have been terrible for local tourism, driving people away. Agriculture is also being blamed, as a result the Queensland government is adding even more red tape for farmers. IPA urges people to watch the short film so you can see for yourself that claims of the Great Barrier Reef in crisis are not true. It…
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  • Are Green Zealots Fuelling Our Bushfires?
    By Dr. John Happs Australia has always experienced droughts, floods and bushfires and it is immoral for those with vested interests, political or otherwise, to blame (imaginary) global warming for bushfires that occur in Australia or other parts of the world. Climate alarmists will point to the need for a tax on carbon dioxide emissions or the closure of coal-mines, the banning of fracking and a shift to unreliable, inefficient alternative energy sources such as solar and wind farms. These measures, they argue, will somehow combat bushfires that have always been part of Australia's history. There is no evidence to show that reducing carbon dioxide emissions will have any impact on global temperature or bushfire frequency. Following the tragic Queensland…
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  • Your SUV Did Not Cause the California Wildfires
    By Steve Goreham Originally published in Washington Examiner. California nears the end of another disastrous wildfire season. Governor Newsom and others blame human-caused climate change for California fire destruction. But causes for the destructiveness of these fires appear to be dominated by other factors, not emissions from power plants or sport utility vehicles. Data from the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection shows 2019 to be another year of fire disaster. As of November 3, more than 6,000 California fires burned almost 200,000 acres, destroyed 730 structures and claimed three lives. The Kincade fire in Sonoma County north of San Francisco did the most damage, burning over 77,000 acres to date. As of November 3, this fire was 80…
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  • Time to Sack the “Minister for No Water”
    The Minister for Wasting Water, DAVID LITTLEPROUD, must resign. The Saltbush Club today called for the immediate resignation of Mr. David Littleproud from his position as Minister for Water on the grounds of incompetence in his management of the Murray-Darling Basin Authority. The call was made by Mr Ron Pike, the Saltbush Club Water Adviser with a lifetime of experience and information on Murray Darling Basin water supply, storage and use. “Under Mr. Littleproud’s stewardship this Authority has grown to be a law unto itself and is repeatedly lying to both the people and the Government. As an example: ‘we had to drain Menindee Lakes, or the water would have been lost to evaporation.’ “We now have the wicked and…
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  • Topher Field: “The Dreadful Murray Darling Basin Plan”
    “Our farmers are in a drought... again. But this time it's different. Our rivers are full to overflowing as our government spends $13Billion of our dollars, buying up water and flushing it out to sea. Meanwhile, thanks to the price of water skyrocketing, our farmers can't afford to buy any to put on their crops or keep their cattle fed. What we have is a man-made drought, caused by the MDBA and its reckless buying of water for so called 'environmental' purposes.”
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  • “Electrify Everything” Policies Would Eliminate Gas Heating and Cooking
    By Steve Goreham Originally published in TheInvadingSea. Natural gas and propane serve as excellent low-cost fuels for heating and cooking. Last year, natural gas usage grew faster than renewables in the United States. But advocates of green energy policies would eliminate gas for heating and cooking. According to the US Department of Energy, since 2007, US consumption of natural gas increased by 31 percent, rising from 23 to 30 percent of US primary energy consumption. Gas displaced coal as the preferred fuel for electrical power plants. This is the primary reason why US carbon dioxide emissions fell 13 percent, the most of any major nation. Environmental groups call for society to "electrify everything." Their plan would eliminate all forms of…
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  • Another Blatant Lie: In Fact All Science Academies do not Support Global Warming Alarmism
    Dr. John Happs We often read statements such as:"All science academies support the notion of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming." In fact position statements about climate change from science academies and associations are usually made without debate or consultation with the wider membership. Of the international science bodies that have issued statements warning of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming, to my knowledge, not one has provided evidence showing that the majority of their members subscribe to those statements. Alarmist statements about climate change appear to represent the opinions of a mere handful of members. Academy officials are well aware of where their funding originates and the rank and file members could be blissfully unaware of alarmist, unsubstantiated statements released by their governing…
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  • Alarmist Over-reach
    For over 15 years the global warmists have become progressively more outspoken with their scare stories, and less careful with facts and science. But their latest tactics of promoting Extinction Hellions and exploiting a teenage Swedish Doomsayer represent alarmist over-reach. Ordinary people are becoming suspicious: “If their science is sound, why do they resort to media scare stories, traffic disruption, street rebellions, school truants, religious zealots and academic purging?” We are close to the peak of this global warming madness. Their models and forecasts have failed and consumers suffer soaring electricity cost and blackouts while tenured academics produce Play-School plans for 100% “Green” power. Climate sense is finally starting to ooze through the cracks in the stone wall built to…
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  • The Rebellion against Reason
    We don’t need rowdy Extinction Hellions on our streets – we need Education on Extinctions in our science academies, classrooms and media. Extinctions are natural events that close every chapter of Earth’s history - they remove species that can’t cope with competition or change. Better adapted species take their place. The rocks are Earth’s archives, recording past climates, extinctions, ice ages, droughts, planetary impacts and volcanic activities. There is NOTHING unusual about current conditions or trends except for today’s huge human population. (Dinosaurs also were very numerous and successful, but only remnants of their line remain today.) There are at least 17 major extinctions recorded in Earth’s archives. They are revealed by discontinuities in surface outcrops, and in drill logs…
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  • Eco-imperialists Impose a Biomess on Africa
    Instead of cutting forests and burning dung and charcoal, shouldn’t Africa have cheap electricity? By Duggan Flanakin China, India, Vietnam and other nations are using more and more oil, natural gas and coal every year to electrify and modernize their nations, create jobs, and improve their people’s health, living standards and life spans. Why in this day and age are the World Bank and other international institutions demanding widespread use of charcoal for heating and cooking in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA)? During the recent 2019 “climate week,” the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change touted increased reliance on biomass – which already comprises 60% of European “renewable” energy – as a tool in fighting climate change and stabilizing Earth’s never-stable…
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  • Greentopia
    They planned the Land of Make Believe. They wanted water without building dams, cheap reliable electricity without using coal or gas or nuclear power, transport without using petrol or diesel, food without farmers or fishermen, employment without factories, metals and motor fuels without refineries and bridges and buildings without cement and steel. Their countryside was uglified by paddocks of magic mirrors, forests of whirling bird-slicers and spider-webs of access tracks and power lines that delivered abundant electricity when it was least needed (and little at peak demand). But the taps went dry, cattle and crops died, batteries went flat, lights went out, seafood and rice came from Vietnam, metals were smelted and refined in China, trains were built in India,…
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  • Houston We Have a Problem: NASA’s Magnificent Record Tainted by its Climate Activists
    By Dr. John Happs The question must be asked: Why does an organisation with huge resources, impressive achievements and some of the best scientists available allow its reputation to be sullied by a handful of activists intent on spreading misinformation about catastrophic anthropogenic global warming? On the 21st July, 1969 an estimated 500 million people from around the world watched Neil Armstrong become the first person to walk on the Moon. Armstrong was followed to the lunar surface by Buzz Aldrin whilst Michael Collins monitored their movements from lunar orbit. [caption id="attachment_957" align="aligncenter" width="300"] NASA: Image in public domain[/caption] There have been many other impressive milestones reached by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) since it was established by…
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  • Fuel Stupidity Australia
    By David Archibald This article was first published on: Australia's fuel security position is parlous to the extent of being an existential threat. We signed up to the International Energy Agency treaty in 1979 but we are the only country that is delinquent with respect to our obligations under that treaty to hold at least 90 days of imports as stocks. In November 2018, Australia had 53 days of stocks. The Federal Liberal government intends to get to its treaty obligation of 90 days in 2026, so it says. The Department of Environment and Energy is conducting a Liquid Fuel Security Review and in April this year issued an interim report. From that report: Australia's oil supply is largely…
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  • Time to Hear from Sensible Adults
    by Viv Forbes, 3 October 2019 Climate alarm has fractured western societies into four main groups – the Silent Majority, the Red Green-ants, the Noisy Street Children, and the Wise Elders. The Silent Majority do the work of the nation. They pay the nation’s bills and taxes and only make their presence felt at election time. They despise most career politicians but many fear reprisals from Big Government or Big Business should they be seen speaking out. But when sufficiently aroused they toss out the chicken-littles and turn to leaders like Donald Trump, Jair Bolsonaro and Boris Johnson. The Red Green-ants are forever nibbling away at the foundations of free societies. They inflame and exploit naïve crusaders like the Noisy…
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  • Greta the Marionette: A Disturbed Child Cynically Manipulated by Green Zealots
    Dr. John Happs In the year 1212 tens of thousands of children from France and Germany set out to re-take Jerusalem from the Muslim inhabitants. According to a 13th century source, the Chronica regia Coloniensis ('Royal Chronicle of Cologne'): "Many thousands of boys, ranging in age from six years to full maturity, left the plows or carts they were driving, the flocks which they were pasturing, and anything else which they were doing. This they did despite the wishes of their parents, relatives, and friends who sought to make them draw back. Suddenly one ran after another to take the cross. Thus, by groups of twenty, or fifty, or a hundred, they put up banners and began to journey to Jerusalem." Of…
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  • Playstation Computer Modelling Says We Are All Going to Fry
    Dr. John Happs [caption id="attachment_909" align="aligncenter" width="382"][/caption] "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." Attributed (with some uncertainty) to: Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. There are now many frightened school children and quite a few worried parents because of what is taught in some classrooms and what they hear about impending climate-induced doom. We also have personal attacks on those scientists who oppose, with facts, the promoters of climate Armageddon. Some scientists have lost their jobs because they dared to speak out in defence of common sense and a lack of empirical evidence to show that our trivial emissions of…
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  • The Climate Change Hoax – Dr. Tim Ball
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  • There is no Climate Emergency, say 500 Experts
    AS THE LATEST U.N. climate summit begins in New York, a new, high-level global network of 500 prominent climate scientists and professionals has submitted a declaration that there is no “climate emergency”. The group has sent a European Climate Declaration with a registered letter to António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations. Professor Guus Berkhout of The Netherlands, who organized the Declaration, said: “So popular is the Declaration with scientists and researchers worldwide that signatories are flooding in not only from within Europe but also from other countries such as the United States and Canada, Australia and New Zealand.” The group’s letter warns the U.N. that “the general-circulation models of climate on which international policy is at present founded are…
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  • Electricity in Australia – Switching from Success to Failure
    By Viv Forbes, 23 September 2019 Our grandfathers built a low-cost reliable decentralised electricity supply for all states of Australia based mainly on black and brown coal-fields – Blair Athol, Callide, Ipswich, Sydney/Newcastle, Yallourn, Leigh Creek and Collie. Then our fathers built the mighty Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric scheme which provided water to irrigate the inland while generating electricity to help pay for it. Then in the years up to 1980, huge new coal-fired power plants were constructed in each State. And we discovered oil and gas in Roma, Bass Strait, Barrow Island, Timor Sea, and in coal and shale in many places. Coal and hydro gave Australia reliable low-cost electricity that was the envy of the world and supported primary,…
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  • Bushfire Sense and Nonsense
    Bushfires are normal events in this season in tropical and sub-tropical latitudes of the southern hemisphere – in Australia, Africa and South America. Even Captain Cook noted many fires in Eastern Australia in 1770, long before the era of “global warming” hysteria. What is unusual is the number and ferocity of recent Australian fires. Destructive bushfires need three things – a big load of dry fuel, hot dry winds and a point of ignition. A big load of dry fuel, close to towns and buildings, in this season, is a sign of gross mis-management (seen most commonly in public lands). That fuel should have been raked, dozed or burnt in safer weather conditions. Hot dry winds are not unusual in…
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  • 50 Years of Failed Eco-pocalyptic Predictions
    The Competitive Enterprise Initiative has compiled a great list of all the failed predictions of Environmental Apocalypses. These aren’t general predictions of things getting worse, but explicit predictions that something will have happened by a particular date. They include: Dire world famine by 1975 Everyone dead by 1989 A new ice age by the 21st century Oceans dead by 1980 US to have water rationing by 1974 US to have food rationing by 1980 Fossil fuel burning to drop temperatures to ice age by 1981 Maldives will be underwater by 2018 Famine by 2012 UK to be Siberian by 2024 Arctic will be ice free by 2013 If one did not have the hysterical predictions (which the authors rarely concede…
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  • A Sensible and Truthful Politician at Last: “Solar energy badly harms the environment. It must be taxed — not subsidized”
    By Sanjeev Sabhlok  Senior leader and overseas coordinator of India’s Swarna Bharat Party The Modi government has been shovelling scarce taxpayer resources into solar energy, with a further $6.5 billion promised till 2022. This is over and above indirect subsidies that people pay through higher electricity bills because of renewable energy certificates. And while Donald Trump did the right thing by walking out of the Paris Agreement, Mr Modi unthinkingly remains committed to it and Niti Ayog has been touting subsidised electric vehicles. Our party disagrees with this approach. First, because we oppose subsidies for any industry. But second, because we believe there is a strong case to impose Pigovian taxes on solar energy given the economic and environmental harm…
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  • Sea Level Alarm – a Nice Little Earner
    Dr. John Happs Despite alarmist claims of "catastrophic global warming", there is no empirical evidence to confirm that or any acceleration in global sea level rise. Notwithstanding this lack of evidence many people, often those with vested interests, still cling to the alarmist beliefs that catastrophic sea level rise is imminent. If you live on an overpopulated island with high unemployment, limited resources and were already dependent on aid from the outside world, there is one sure-fire strategy for bringing in extra money. This involves ignoring the lack of empirical evidence for any acceleration in global sea level rise or increase in extreme weather whilst taking the following steps: * Blame successful, developed nations such as Australia for producing (trivial)…
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  • Buckets of Icy Cold Reality
    Democrat presidential candidates and Green New Dealers need to face some hard energy facts Paul Driessen CNN recently hosted a seven-hour climate bore-athon. That climate cataclysms are real and already devastating our planet was not open to discussion. So host Wolf Blitzer and ten Democrat presidential contenders vied to make the most extravagant claims about how bad things are, and who would spend the most taxpayer money and impose the most Green New Deal rules to restrict our freedoms and transform our energy, economy, agriculture and transportation, in the name of preventing further cataclysms. Cory Booker opened the bidding at $3 trillion. Kamala Harris and Julian Castro raised it to $10 trillion. Bernie Sanders upped it to $16 trillion. Then…
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    "Ah, but I may as well try and catch the wind." (Donovan, 1973) By Dr. John Happs In reality there is no such thing as a universal measure of sea level because there is no fixed datum against which measured levels can be compared. Similarly, the term "Global Average Sea Level" is simply meaningless and claims that sea level is rising at an unprecedented rate worldwide are questionable, if not deliberately alarmist. The average depth of the world's oceans is around 4,000 metres and for anyone to claim they know that global sea level has changed by 2 or 3 cm over the last few years requires pure imagination, especially in light of the many factors that influence relative sea…
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  • Climate Change Stripped Bare
    By Maurice Newman Last July, the Prince of Wales warned global leaders they have ‘18 critical months’ to solve climate change and restore the balance of nature. This is the second such dire warning Prince Charles has given. In 2008 he forewarned, ‘the world faces a series of natural disasters within 18 months, unless urgent action is taken to save the rainforests’. Like his latest omen, the first was wildly exaggerated. No doubt the prince is well-meaning. Perhaps, like millions of others who harbour Malthusian or guilt instincts, Prince Charles is naturally attracted to climate change hysteria. Read more: (Registration/subscription required.)
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  • HUMAN-INDUCED CLIMATE CHANGE – A Geoscientist’s View
    Consultant geologist Dr Geoff Derrick was invited to present this talk to a conference held in Brisbane at the Pullman Hotel, 22-23 July 2019. The conference was organised and hosted by DANA, a New Zealand-based group of Forest Industry Advisors. The conference was titled “Innovations in the Australian Forest Industry Sector”, and featured 2 days of lectures and workshop discussion, followed by a half-day field trip to Woodchip export facilities at the Port of Brisbane. Here is a screen cap of the PowerPoint presentation, which has about 100 slides and was scheduled for about a half-hour from 5 to 5.30pm. Neither Geoff nor DANA quite knew what to expect, both of the subject matter of the talk, and the disposition…
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  • Woodside Greenballs Jo Nova
    Banned by Big Oil — Jo Nova’s Christmas speech for geologists cancelled by Woodside By Jo Nova: So much for being “funded by fossil fuels” — they not only don’t fund me, Big Oil won’t even let me speak In March I was invited to present the FESAus Christmas function in December this year. They’re the Formation Evaluation Society of Australia, a non-for-profit volunteer organisation for Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts. A niche technical club of experts. It was unpaid, but I was happy to help make it a fun and push some buttons. “Hot” graphs, cartoons and all. But in June, suddenly it became controversial to make jokes about climate change. Committee members started resigning, and dummy-spit declarations were made that…
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  • Use Canberra Water for Environmental Flow?
    By Ron Pike A notice to THE PRIME MINISTER OF AUSTRALIA and THE PEOPLE OF CANBERRA. A delegation of people from waterless western NSW is planning to come to Canberra to demonstrate to the people of the ACT how they are destroying lives and businesses across the Murray-Darling Basin. “We intend to drain Lake Burley Griffin as an environmental flow down the Murrumbidgee River. Just as the MDB Authority did with the Menindee Lakes. “Then to add more volume to this environmental flow we will also drain the Cotter dam. Just as the MDB Authority did with Keepit and Burrendong Dams. “Then when the people of the ACT have no water for basic needs we will try to get you…
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  • G20 Lemmings Trumped
    What happened at G20 in Osaka? Nineteen energy lemmings leapt over the Paris Climate Precipice but they were Trumped when one canny American owl declined to commit carbon suicide.
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  • The Failure of all their Dam Plans
    By Viv Forbes Malcolm Turnbull’s Murray Darling Basin plan has failed and must be abolished. We need to change the way we manage what is our most abundant renewable resource, and the only obstacle to this is politics. The immediate action must be to stop wasting water on “environmental flows” that are doing more harm than good. Then we need to build more dams and weirs; and restore natural flushing to the mouth of the Murray. If we do these things, there will be plenty of water for all MD basin needs and the environment will benefit hugely (in stark contrast to the scorched earth policy currently in play). Federal government meddling in state matters has made a huge mess…
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  • Trees, Fires, Climate and Carbon Dioxide
    By Jim Steele. Published in Pacifica. Tribune August 20, 2019 There are too many fear mongering politicians pushing an “existential climate crisis”. I find the climate history told by the trees far more trustworthy, and the trees are whispering there is no crisis. This summer I taught a class on the Natural History of the Sierra Nevada for San Francisco State University’s Sierra Nevada Field Campus. The first day we taught students how to identify the trees. Once students know their trees, they can easily see how tree species vary with elevation, temperature, moisture, and snow pack. They can see which species colonize open sunny areas and which trees need shade before they can invade. Old time naturalists used trees…
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  • Wasting Australia’s Resources
    By Viv Forbes Foolish politicians driven by extreme green ideology are wasting Australia’s resources. Australia’s nuclear resources are largely wasted. We have abundant geological potential for uranium and other nuclear fuels, we know how to explore and extract them, but with bans and restrictions that change every election, and approval processes that take either some years or forever, only three mines are operating. And Australia is the only G20 country to ban clean silent low-emission nuclear power. Australia’s waste and sterilisation of coal and oil shale resources is also an international disgrace. Solid hydro-carbon resources are very concentrated stores of value, but cannot be used without temporarily disturbing other resources such as soils, vegetation and stored water. Freehold land rights…
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  • U.N. Predicts Disaster if Global Warming Not Checked (Another failed disaster forecast)
    PETER JAMES SPIELMANN June 30, 1989 UNITED NATIONS (AP) _ A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000. Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of ″eco- refugees,′ ′ threatening political chaos, said Noel Brown, director of the New York office of the U.N. Environment Program, or UNEP. He said governments have a 10-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect before it goes beyond human control. Read more:
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  • Biofuels Baloney
    Burning forests to generate electricity is probably the worst green energy stupidity. It destroys forests, creates its own pollutants, is less efficient than coal to harvest, handle and burn and has a low heat value. If all factors are counted, it will take decades of forest regrowth to match the CO2 emissions of burning high-energy coal. Most coal-fired power stations are built on a coal field with reserves to last the life of the power station. The coal is mined efficiently, the fuel is of known quality and sizing and efficient repetitive methods are used to extract and prepare the coal and convey it continuously into the power station. The most infamous wood-burning power station in the world is DRAX…
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  • Now They’re coming after the Roast Beef of Old England
    by Christopher Monckton of Brenchley At Harvard, there was once a University. Now that once noble campus has become a luxury asylum for the terminally feeble-minded. Walter Willett, one of the inmates (in his sadly incurable delusion he calls himself “Professor of Nutrition”), has gibbered to a well-meaning visitor from Business Insider that “eating a diet that’s especially high in red meat will be undermining the sustainability of the climate.” Farewell, then, to the Roast Beef of Old England. So keen are we in the Old Country on our Sunday roast (cooked rare and sliced thickish) that the French call us les rosbifs. But the “Professor” (for we must humor him by letting him think he is qualified to talk…
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  • An Indian View of Climate Change Hysteria
    Looking behind the scenes of the well-orchestrated climate hysteria By Sanjeev Sabhlok Source: We know there is simply no basis for climate alarm. All “scientific” predictions have failed, life has survived happily with much higher CO2 in the past, the medieval warming period a thousand years ago was much warmer than today, the small temperature variations of the 20th century are easily explained by natural causes, and the IPCC reports confirm that there is no increase in extreme weather events and no economic harm from CO2. And yet the hysteria is increasing by the day. The “remedies” being suggested are becoming more extreme: it is no longer just about making energy so expensive that the poor can’t afford it,…
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  • The Green New Deal – Mark Morano
    Mark Morano talks about the brave new green world that is on its way.
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  • Tackling Climate Change
    By Dr D Weston Allen (MBBS, FRACGP) Aug 2019 Earth's complex climate is always changing, sometimes rapidly. Greenland's temperature rose ten degrees Celsius (10⁰C) in a single decade 11,500 years ago. Earth has been warmer than now and the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) level much higher than now for most of its 4.5 billion years. Natural sequestration over 200 million years reduced it ten-fold from 2,000 parts per million (ppm) to just 200ppm 2.58 million years ago when Earth entered the cold Quaternary ice-age. Milankovitch orbital cycles trigger interglacial warm periods such as our present Holocene. The Eemian interglacial was several degrees warmer than now. Warming oceans release CO2, helping plants thrive in a warmer and wetter world. Antarctic's Vostok…
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  • The Black List of Climate Sceptics
    by Craig Rucker People with the temerity to correct the record on climate change must be silenced. That's the outrageous point of a new study published in the journal Nature Communication. "The time has arrived for professional journalists and editors to ameliorate the disproportionate attention given to (climate change contrarians) by focusing instead on career experts and relevant calls to action,” the authors said. While the study’s goal is severely off base, it nonetheless produced two mathematical rankings CFACT is more than a little tickled by. According to a ranking of how often "contrarians," as the study labels us, are cited in the media, CFACT's Marc Morano is far and away the world's most effective climate communicator. Marc is number…
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  • Modern Transportation – A Miracle under Attack
    By Steve Goreham Originally published by WND. Modern transportation is amazing. Each day, millions of people fly, drive, or are transported across our world for business, pleasure or to see distant family members. These trips, which are powered by petroleum-based fuels, were all but impossible a century ago. But today, many of our leaders call for elimination of hydrocarbon-fueled transportation. Between 1840 and 1860, more than 250,000 people traveled by wagon train from Independence, Missouri to the west coast on the Oregon Trail. Horses and oxen carried the settlers on this 2,000-mile, six-month journey. Disease, attacks by Native Americans, and run-overs by wagons claimed the lives of more than 15,000 travelers. Today, a family can make this same journey in…
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  • Plant More Trees and Fly More Often – The Earth Needs More Carbon Dioxide
    By Dr. John Happs The 1997 climate treaty known as the Kyoto Protocol allows wealthy countries to count carbon storage in forests towards their targets for limiting greenhouse-gas emissions. We often hear about various environmental groups that are intent on planting as many trees as possible, supposedly to offset anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions. The Australian Government has described carbon offsetting as: "An activity, process, organisation, event, building or precinct is carbon neutral when its net greenhouse gas emissions (emissions) are equal to zero. To become carbon neutral, entities must calculate their emissions, reduce these emissions as much as possible, and then purchase and cancel carbon offsets or carbon credits equivalent to the remaining emissions. This process results in emissions…
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  • Ocean Thermal Expansion: In Theory and by a Simple Experiment
    Abstract: Temperature changes in the ocean water masses affect the vertical height of the water column by expansion at heating and contraction at cooling. The surface change is a function of the amount of heating and the depth of heating (or cooling). A heating of 0.55 °C as observed for the upper 100 m of the ocean surface would correspond to a sea level expansion of 9 mm. A heating of 2.0 °C would rise a 300 m water column by +10 cm, a 100 m water column by +3.5 cm and a 10 m water column by +3.5 mm. At the shore there will be no rise at all, as there is no water to expand, and the offshore…
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  • Alan Jones and Ron Pike on Why the Murray-Darling Basin Plan Must be Abolished
    Alan Jones and Ron Pike on why the Murray-Darling basin Plan must be abolished:
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  • Snowy Mk 2 – a Symptom of a National Subversive Malady
    By Bob Brock The lack of critical comment on the recently announced Snowy Mk 2 in the mainstream media is seriously disappointing, but perhaps understandable since it is not generally understood. The attraction of Snowy Mk 2 rides on the back of the iconic name of the truly heroic 1940s to 1970s Snowy Mountains Scheme that, with the St Lawrence Seaway in North America, was one of the world's great civil engineering projects of the 20th century. Snowy Mk 2 is an opportunistic plan to use that iconic name to gain public support for an expensive project to make the Government's flawed renewable energy policies workable. It has none of the nation-building qualities of its original namesake. The Snowy Mountains…
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  • “The Extinction Rebellion” in Australia
    March 2019 saw the first public actions from Extinction Rebellion in Australia. Declaration Day: XR Australia’s Demands that, “The Australian government and the media tell the truth about the climate emergency and honestly inform the public that we are facing a threat to human civilisation that imperils the life of most people on Earth.” (12) Associated groups in Australia include: Australian Greens, Victorian Socialists, Rail, Tram and Bus Union, Unionists for Refugees, Climate Justice, Uni Students for Climate Justice, School Strike 4 Climate, Greenpeace Australia, Counter-Act, Climate Justice, Stop Adani, Frontline Action on Coal, Greenpeace, Guardian Newspaper, Seed Indigenous Youth Climate Network, Australian Youth Climate Coalition (AYCC), Refugee Action collective, Socialist alternative, Greens members; Senator Adam Brandt, Senator Sarah Hanson Young,…
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  • Washington D.C. Conference Exposes ‘Climate Delusion’
    By Tom Harris & Dr. Jay Lehr 03 Aug 2019 The new president of The Heartland Institute, Frank Lasee, was not exaggerating when he described the 13th International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC13) as “the most important climate change and energy event of the year.” Speaking about the July 25 conference held at the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C., Lasee explained, “ICCC13 demonstrated that the Climate Delusion is not based on sound science or economics. It is wasting trillions of dollars and threatening our way of life, while propping up the drive for world socialism.” This was a common theme throughout ICCC13. The Climate Delusion, relying on bad science and misguided economics, is damaging America and threatening the world. The conference sold out with…
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  • The Climate Delusion
    By Jay Lehr, Ph.D. My life's work has always centered around science education, regardless of the subject at hand. In past times my work involved educating the public about the need for environ-mental protection, and I helped establish the Environmental Protection Agency in the Nixon years. We had dirty air and water and needed to clean it up. A few years ago the public was in panic about a possible nuclear disaster caused by a tsunami off the coast of Japan. Preventing overreaction by politicians wanting to shut down nuclear power based on misinformation was a challenge for me. But today, the most important issue for all of us here now is what we should call the Climate Delusion, a…
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  • Zero Emissions Australia?
    By Viv Forbes It may be possible for a perpetual committee of green bureaucrats to electrify Australia with a vast but flimsy spider-web of power lines connecting consumers to wind turbines, solar panels, lithium batteries and pumped-hydro batteries. In this wonder-world, electric scooters and mini-cars will be mandated and demand rationing will be imposed. But this costly, ramshackle UN dream-come-true will never be competitive with nearby industries in China, India and Japan using a powerful backbone of reliable low-cost nuclear, coal, gas and diesel power, decorated with bits of green tinsel to placate the energy commissars of the UN. These Asian tigers will get their coal from Mongolia, Indonesia and South Africa, their oil and gas from the Middle East…
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    By Dr. John Happs If you haven't already seen it, let me recommend the 1979 Monty Python comedy film "Life of Brian" where John Cleese plays Reg, spokesman for the People's Front of Judea. In trying to justify his opposition to Roman occupation, Reg desperately asks his colleagues: "Alright, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, fresh water systems and health, what have the Romans ever done for us?" It seems there are still quite a few Reggie-types around judging by the ongoing breast-beating about the Adani coal mine and the endless efforts from Green Reggies to ignore the benefits of coal whilst calling for the end of coal-mining worldwide. There is a…
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  • Never Have US Health Professionals Been So Foolish
    By Steve Goreham. Originally published in NewsBlaze. Last month, 74 US medical and public health groups released a "U.S. Call to Action," declaring climate change a "true public health emergency" that can be solved by "urgent action." The statement calls for a transition away from hydrocarbon energy and a move to a low-carbon economy. But actual weather and health trends don't support either the alarm or the demanded actions. The statement was endorsed by the American Medical Association, the American Heart Association, and the American College of Physicians. These and other organizations pronounced climate change the "greatest public health challenge of the 21st century." The statement proclaims that "extreme heat, powerful storms and floods, year-round wildfires, droughts, and other climate-related…
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  • Educating Kids to Debate Alarming Climate Claims
    Important new project provides videos and short non-technical issue briefs for students By Paul Driessen It’s time to challenge the steady diet of bias, false information and alarmism on climate change that students are fed in and outside of their classrooms. Science and public policy analyst Dr. David Wojick has launched an important new project to do exactly that. From kindergarten onward, our young people are repeatedly told that they, our wildlife and our planet face unprecedented cataclysms from manmade climate change, resulting from our fossil fuel use. The science is settled, they are constantly hoodwinked, and little or no discussion is allowed in classrooms. They thus hear virtually nothing about the growing gap between computer model predictions and satellite…
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  • Climatic Impacts of the Southwest Indian Ocean Blob
    By Wyss Yim The University of Hong Kong Patches of abnormally hot seawater beneath the ocean surface referred to as Blobs are naturally generated by submarine volcanic eruptions. A recent example is the North Pacific Blob1 which caused weird weather conditions accompanied by major ecological changes in the Pacific northeast including two years without winters in 2013 and 20142. This was featured as a 'heat wave' in the September 2016 issue of National Geographic and was used to support the anthropogenic global warming alarm. However, based on the study of available information including satellite and ARGO data buoy records, the release of geothermal heat from the Nishinoshima volcanic eruption 940 km south of Tokyo3 from March 2013 to August 2015…
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  • Brisbane too Hot to Handle?
    By Viv Forbes The warmist ABC recently trumpeted a forecast (from an unproven academic model) that global warming and urban heat will make Brisbane too hot for many residents within 30 years. But what about people in Darwin and Cooktown right now - should they migrate to Brisbane? Some reading: Global Warming will make Brisbane unliveable: Snow Blankets Southern Queensland: How to Turn Cooling into Warming:
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  • Rising Sea Levels – The Climate Debate
    By Daniel Fitzhenry March 2019 The seas and oceans to the east of Australia forms the largest body of water on Earth. This broadly connected vast body of water presents a genuine sea level. The Sydney Fort Denison Recording Station provides stable, accurate and genuine mean sea level data. The following table shows mean sea levels at 10 year intervals and these levels are related to Chart Datum which is at the lowest spring tide level. 100 YEARS OF MEAN SEA LEVELS AT FORT DENISON, SYDNEY: 1914 – 1.11 metres 1924 – 0.98 metres 1934 – 0.98 metres 1944 – 0.97 metres 1954 – 1.00 metres 1964 – 1.09 metres 1974 – 1.09 metres 1984 – 1.02 metres 1994 –…
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    Beneath the thin veneer of concern about all life on Earth, it would appear that many of those who claim to care for the environment actually do more harm than good. Many of the Green Zealots also have little regard for humans. Millions of lives could be saved if activist groups, such as Greenpeace and GE-Free New Zealand, did not oppose the genetically modified strain of rice known as “Golden Rice.” Scientists have produced “Golden Rice” to address Vitamin A deficiency and related deaths so common amongst the poor in developing countries. These are people who cannot afford to eat a varied and balanced diet that would give them the essential nutrients they need. The distribution and consumption of “Golden…
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  • Battery Storage – An Infinitesimal Part of Electrical Power
    Battery Storage-An Infinitesimal Part of Electrical Power By Steve Goreham Originally published in Energy Central. Large-scale storage of electricity is the latest proposed solution to boost the deployment of renewables. Renewable energy advocates, businesses, and state governments plan to use batteries to store electricity to solve the problem of intermittent wind and solar output. But large-scale storage is only an insignificant part of the electrical power industry and doomed to remain so for decades to come. Last month, Senator Susan Collins of Maine introduced a bi-partisan bill named "The Better Energy Storage Technology Act," proposing to spend $300 million to promote the development of battery solutions for electrical power. Collins stated, "Next-generation energy storage devices will help enhance the efficiency…
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  • Books that Tell a Different Story
    A compilation of books by Peter F Gill. “Searching for the Catastrophe Signal: The origins of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change” Bernie Lewin, GWPF 2017 ISBN 978-0-9931189-9-9 “Climate Change the Facts 2017” Multiple authors edited by Jennifer Marohasy, Institute of Public Affairs, Connor Court Publishing Pty Ltd., 2017 ISBN 978-0-909536-03-9 “Climate Change Delusion and the Great Electricity Rip-Off” Ian Plimer, Connor Court Publishing, 2017 ISBN 9781925501629 “Green Tyranny Exposing the Totalitarian Roots of the Climate Industrial Complex” Rupert Darwall, Encounter Books, 2017 ISBN 9781594039355 “Human Caused Global Warming- The Biggest Deception in History” Tim Ball, Tellwell Talent, 2016 ISBN 978-1-77302-130-0 “What Really Causes Global Warming? Greenhouse Gases or Ozone Depletion?” Peter Langdon Ward, Morgan James Publishing, 2016 ISBN 978-1-63047-798-1…
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  • How to Create a Country with no Heart? – Stack and Pack the Coast
    by Viv Forbes What has happened to Australia’s once-bipartisan policies favouring decentralisation? Why is every proposal to develop an outback mine, dam, irrigation scheme or a real power station now labelled “controversial” by the ABC and opposed by the ALP/Greens? This coastal-city focus and the hostility to new outback industry (except for wind/solar toys) has surely reached its zenith with the recent state budget for Queensland. The population of coastal and metropolitan Queensland is surging with baby-boom retirees, welfare recipients, grey nomads, tourists, overseas students, migrants and winter refugees. But the outback is dying with lagging industry and many aging farmers retiring to the coast. We are creating a country with no heart. This growing urban and seaside population needs…
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  • Australia’s Growing Dam Crisis
    “The food we eat the water we drink and the power we use for most of our endeavours, are available only because previous generations invested their know-how and money for the future. It is time this generation did the same.” - Ron Pike. Australia is a dry continent – that is a fact of geography and global climate. However, per head of population, we have abundant fresh water resources in rivers, lakes, dams, soils and underground. But we do not conserve enough of it, and much of what is conserved is wasted by foolish policies. Politicians welcome (and sometimes subsidise) population growth, migrants, refugees and tourists but they neglect or prevent water conservation. And green schemers and globalist politicians are…
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    By Dr. John Happs Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloro-ethane (DDT) is an organo-chlorine insecticide first synthesised in 1874 by the Austrian chemist Othmar Zeidler. Its insect-killing capacity was later realised by the Swiss chemist Paul Muller in 1939. Although it is readily absorbed through the exo-skeletons of insects, it is poorly absorbed through the skin of mammals. It kills insects by disrupting the transmission of electrical impulses between their nerve cells, causing them to fire spontaneously. Fortunately, DDT does not have the same impact on higher-order animals. DDT was widely used by the military during World War 11 to control malaria, typhus and body lice and in 1944 Winston Churchill acknowledged the huge benefits that DDT offered to so many countries, saying: "We have…
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  • Why Resources Aren’t ‘Natural’ and Will Never Run Out
    Why Resources Aren't 'Natural' and Will Never Run Out By Steve Goreham Republished with permission of The Washington Times. Last week, the World Wildlife Fund proclaimed May 10 to be Europe's "Overshoot Day," the day that Europe consumed its portion of Earth's resources for the year. The WWF, the United Nations, and universities continue to warn that modern society is rapidly depleting our natural resources. But instead, trends show that for all practical purposes, Earth's resources will never run out. The World Wildlife Fund proclaims August 1 this year as Earth Overshoot Day, where society will have used "more natural resources than the planet is able to produce in a 12-month period." They estimate that Overshoot Day for the United…
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  • The Great Aussie Election Failure
    More Green Regalia   It’s election time now in Australia, But their promises point to great failure. We need fair dinkum power and whopping big dams, But they offer us more green regalia. by Viv Forbes 15 May 2019.
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  • A View on Global Warming (video) – Dr Patrick Moore
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  • Costly wind power menaces man and nature
    By Dr. Jay Lehr and Tom Harris Wind energy can never replace fossil fuels, despite claims of environmentalists and advocates of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal (GND). It’s not environment-friendly either. Indeed, wind power is hampered by many limitations, including: * its intermittent and inefficient nature * insufficient sites with adequate, reliable wind * acreage required to erect turbines and harness wind * excessive expenses, many of them rarely mentioned * dangers to bird and bat populations * dangers to human health from light flicker and low frequency throbbing noise (infrasound). * costs, limitations, and health and environmental impacts of batteries and other back-up systems Read More:
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  • Nutting-out Nuclear: Why Cost & Reliability Mean Wind & Solar are No Match for Nuclear Power
    From "Stop These Things": If carbon dioxide gas is your poison, nuclear power is your antidote. STT promotes nuclear power, because it works. For those characters getting jumpy about our so-called climate ‘emergency’, nuclear power has the added benefit of being the only stand-alone power generation source that doesn’t emit CO2 during the process. Quite apart from its safety and reliability, there’s another very solid reason to promote nuclear power: and that’s cost. Of course, comparing never-reliable wind and solar with ever-reliable nuclear power, is no comparison, at all. But those that pump the purported benefits of wind and solar will continue to compare ripe, rosy apples with rotting oranges. Read the original:
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  • Long Way to Run: Warren Buffet Rejects All-Renewable Future With $10 Billion Bet on Oil & Gas
    From "Stop These Things": Australian voters just shredded the notion that the proletariat is wedded to heavily subsidised and chaotically intermittent wind and solar. Labor’s Bill Shorten sought to ram a 50% Renewable Energy Target down voter’s throats; a concept which the vast majority of them duly rejected. Sure, there were plenty of other issues that sank the Green/Labor Alliance. However, it should be remembered that 2019 was billed as the ‘Climate Change Election’, with wind and solar pitched up as the only panacea to what has now become a ‘climate emergency’. Read the original:
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  • The Day the Earth Moved
    By Viv Forbes 24 May 2019 The proposed Adani mine has been wading through a green swamp of political obstacles for nine long years. Other coal optimists have struggled to develop coal in the Galilee Basin for over 40 years. Federal Labor, State Labor and the Greens have taken turns to man the anti-coal barricades. In these bad new days, before anyone can open a mine they need multiple approvals, each one providing opportunities for do-nothing activists to raise new hurdles at every hearing. The whole process of judicial judgements and reviews, enquiries, objections, hearings and re-hearings has been a gold mine for lawyers and barristers and a bottomless pit into which mine optimists throw money. Nine years ago, Labor…
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  • Carbon Burial Lunacy
    By Viv Forbes Over the eons, nature has extracted billions of tonnes of carbon compounds from the surface and buried them in extensive beds of limestone, dolomite, magnesite, dead corals, sea shells, animal skeletons, methane hydrate and hydro-carbons. This process has been so efficient that plants today are semi-starved of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Luckily, burning coal, oil, gas, peat and wood and making cement and fertiliser is restoring some of this valuable plant food to the surface and atmosphere where plants can again extract it and thrive. This is called the Carbon Cycle. Wasting heaps of money and scads of energy trying to separate, compress and rebury this benign valuable plant food in pressurized carbon sequestration cemeteries is green lunacy.…
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  • The Australian Climate Alarm Election
    by Viv Forbes & Dr Geoff Derrick 22 May 2019 The ALP-Greens-ABC-GetUp-Turnbull-CFMEU-Fairfax alliance ran hard in Australia’s recent climate alarm election - they lost. So let us see no more anti-coal motorcades, hear no more climate propaganda and replace Pied Piper Street Processions with hard science education. The new government must also stop blatant promotion of green energy with targets, subsidies and carbon taxes, and focus on infrastructure catch-up. Forecasts of doom are frequent, and they fail just as frequently. Climate is always changing. Global cooling always follows global warming. Government policies that assume continuous global warming expose our society and economy to huge risks for no measurable benefits when that forecast proves disastrously wrong. Despite the election win, there…
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  • We Need a Power-Water Czar
    by Viv Forbes The Saltbush Club today claimed that the new Australian federal ministry resembled a giant bureaucracy with 52 ministerial positions selected mainly to look politically correct on sexual ratios, state representations and party factions but with no one charged with solving Eastern Australia’s critical water and electricity needs. The Executive Director of the Saltbush Club, Mr Viv Forbes, said PM Morrison needs to create a powerful new position with Ministerial power called “The Power and Water Czar”. “This Czar’s job would be to identify, define and remove all obstacles to quickly building one or more new dams to provide hydro power and water into the Darling River basin and to urgently facilitate more reliable coal-fired power in Eastern…
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  • A Basin Plan That Works For All
    By Ron Pike Background: The incursion of the Federal Government into the State’s constitutional right to the management of rivers and their water; was the result of sensationalist and mostly false claims made during the millennium drought. Emotional sophistry replaced truth and reason as it was claimed that our rivers were dying as the result of extraction by irrigators and lack of flow in the Murray was the cause of hyper salinity in the Coorong. Claims of dying river red gums, drying wetlands and species loss were repeated with graphic but mostly misleading detail. The Result: Is a Plan that that is costing Governments both revenue and credibility as regional communities across the whole MDB are regressing. The businesses that…
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  • Margaret Thatcher on Climate Change – The Lady Was for Turning
    By Dr. John Happs How many times have we heard or read that: 1. Margaret Thatcher had scientific training; 2. Margaret Thatcher was the food chemist who invented soft-serve ice cream; 3. Margaret Thatcher was always an ardent believer in catastrophic anthropogenic global warming. The first claim is factual in that Thatcher (1925-2013) studied chemistry at the women's Somerville College, Oxford. She specialised in X-ray crystallography and was later employed as a research chemist with BX Plastics in Essex. The second claim has no substance. Thatcher did not invent soft-serve ice cream and this fake news came from her parliamentary opponents who invented that particular political metaphor by claiming she discovered soft-serve ice cream "by adding air, lowering quality and…
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  • The Lemon Party
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  • Last Minute Interference by Al Gore and the ABC into the Australian Election
    by Viv Forbes, Executive Director, the Saltbush Club, Australia. The Saltbush Club today called for an enquiry into a last minute intervention by an American politician, Al Gore, into the Australian Election. The Executive Director of the Saltbush Club, Viv Forbes, said that in such a tight election race, the intervention of someone with the international stature of Al Gore, assisted by the climate activist Australian Broadcasting Commission, could easily change the result of the election. The Gore intervention was not subtle - he labelled the LNP government climate policy as ‘not credible’ and taking the country ‘in the wrong direction’. Becoming even more partisan, Gore praised the opposition Labor plan ‘as an extremely significant act of leadership on the…
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  • The Mad Mad Maths of Australian Emissions Targets
    By Viv Forbes. Most politicians live in a green fantasy-land where facts and numbers don’t count. They dream up fanciful figures for proposed cuts to industrial and agricultural emissions without any understanding of the remorseless growth of population. The Australian government has set a target to reduce Australia's greenhouse gas emissions by 27% from 2005 levels by 2030, just 11 years away. The ever-greener ALP opposition plans to cut emissions by a staggering 45% by 2030. Australia’s population is growing at 1.7% per year (higher than most other developed countries). At this growth rate, population will increase by about 50% from 2005 levels by 2030. If we did NOTHING about cutting emissions, and the economy stood still, the continuing rise…
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  • Freezing in Green Heaven
    Freezing in Green Heaven It was a night to celebrate the Green goals had been won. The last coal mine was firmly shut and all adored the sun. Their panels covered all the flats and turbines spiked the hills. The young got stoned on ethanol and oldies got the bills. The cows were freed from bails and yards and drilling was rejected. The rich folk got electric cars the poor got disconnected. But then the weather got quite cold the sun it hibernated. The power failed, no coal was mined, most folk refrigerated. by Viv Forbes, Australia. Further Reading: Green energy policies freeze out the poor:
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  • What Replaces Diesel?
    by Viv Forbes, Australia. Most farm tractors run on diesel. And every day hundreds of diesel trucks deliver food from farms and feedlots to processing plants and city cold rooms. In the brave new world of zero emissions, how do we power these trucks and tractors? They talk boldly of electric trucks. When an electric road train makes a round trip to collect cattle from a feedlot west of Dalby headed for Brisbane, where do they charge the batteries? [caption id="attachment_636" align="aligncenter" width="528"] The Faster She Goes, the More Power She Generates.[/caption] Further Reading: More on Electric Vehicles:
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  • Possum on the Barbie?
    by Viv Forbes, Australia. Greens want to replace ancient grasslands and modern croplands with trees. They worship eucalypt weeds while chipping away at the growing space for priceless plants like Mitchell grass, saltbush, mulga, buffel grass, lucerne, wheat, barley, oats and macadamia. To meet futile Kyoto and Paris climate targets, we are nibbling away grasslands, pastures, orchards and paddocks which feed cattle, sheep, people and kangaroos. In return we get green-sponsored carbon forests, scrub and woody weeds which harbour wild dogs, wild pigs, wild cats, possums, wait-a-while, rubber vine and lantana. In this bilious-green world, when steak is a rationed treat, shall we chuck another possum on the barbie?
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  • An Invitation From John Shanahan (All About Energy) – Call for Poems
    Dear friends and colleagues for sound energy, radiation science, nuclear medicine and climate science policies. I've been working for public education about sound energy and climate science for more than ten years. During that time two people sent me poems. Both poems are amazing, powerful and good for the public. 1) USA - High school student Mary Clair Birdsong about nuclear energy pioneer, Ted Rockwell. 2) Australia - Viv Forbes, Executive Director of the Saltbush Club - "Freezing in Green Heaven" - about wind, solar and coal energy This is an invitation to you to write a short poem about the problems we face regarding sound energy, radiation science, nuclear medicine and climate science. You can see what Mary Claire…
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  • Forget Mad Max – What About Mad Drax?
    Dr. John Happs The 1979 Australian action movie Mad Max was set in asociety teetering on the brink of collapse. The screenwriter James McCausland, reflecting on the 1973 oil crisis, speculated about the prospect of Peak Oil and the violence that might accompany the end of oil: "The ferocity with which Australians would defend their right to fill a tank. Long queues formed at the stations with petrol-and anyone who tried to sneak ahead in the queue met raw violence. ... George and I wrote the [Mad Max] script based on the thesis that people would do almost anything to keep vehicles moving ..." The notion of Peak Oil has been vigorously promoted by green groups and those vested…
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  • Politicians Lack Of Understanding About Electric Cars And Electricity Grids Is Shocking
    Dr. John Happs The latest announcements from political fairyland came from Bill Shorten with his vision that 50% of all new cars will be "electric" by 2030 and that each one would only take 10 minutes to recharge. To borrow a phrase from The Castle, somebody should: "Tell him he's dreaming." Better still, tell Bill to do a little homework on so-called electric cars and he will find that they are not electric cars at all. Well-intentioned environmentalists and a number of politicians such as Bill fail to understand that batteries don't continually create electricity. Rather they store electricity that has to be generated elsewhere by more often than not abundant, inexpensive, high energy-density, reliable hydrocarbon fuels. Bill also believes…
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  • Back to the Medieval Green World
    Greens dream of a zero-emissions world without coal, oil and natural gas. They need to think what they wish for. First there would be no mass production of steel without coke from coking coal to remove oxygen from iron ore. People could cut trees in forests for charcoal to produce pig iron and crude steels, but forests would soon be exhausted. Coal saved the forests from this fate. We could produce gold and silver without using mineral hydro-carbons and with ingenuity we could probably produce unrefined copper, lead and tin and alloys like brass and bronze. But making large quantities of nuclear fuels, cement, aluminium, refined metals, plastics, nylons, synthetics, petro-chemicals and poly pipes would be impossible. Making wind turbines…
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  • Flat Batteries
    Batteries sound great. But they have to be re-charged and replaced. That needs plastics, metals and electricity. After two still nights and three cloudy days how does green South Australia power their cities and industries AND re-charge/replace their batteries on intermittent wind/solar power without coal, oil, gas, diesel, petrol or nuclear? And after a week of cold cloudy weather? Giant flat batteries trying to re-charge small flat batteries? Only politicians could be so stupid. By Viv Forbes
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  • The Big Picture: 65 Million Years of Temperature Swings
    If you wonder where today’s temperature fits in with the grand scheme of time on Earth since the dinosaurs were wiped out, here’s the history. We start with the whole 65 million years, then zoom in, and zoom in again to the last 12,000 from both ends of the world. What’s obvious is that in terms of homo sapiens history, things are warm now (because we’re not in an ice age). But, in terms of homo sapiens civilization, things are cooler than usual, and appear to be cooling. Read More:
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  • Warming Came Before Coal
    If human use of coal and oil is causing the Modern Warming, what caused the Minoan Warming, the Roman Warming and the Medieval Warming, all of which were warmer than today? Every warm era was followed by a mini-ice age – a time of blizzards, iced rivers, starving stock, failed crops and hungry humans. Only fools would try to kill the warmth by reducing aerial CO2 plant food. And only idiots would destroy their reliable electricity supply in this futile crusade. By Viv Forbes
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  • Following Foolish Forecasts
    Well-trained meteorologists with mountains of real data and massive computers cannot forecast the weather more than a few days ahead. But make-believe academic “climatologists” using doctored data have created over 100 complicated computer models pretending to forecast global climate decades ahead. NOT ONE model has produced a correct forecast for 25 years. Yet we are prepared to trash our economy, inflate electricity costs and destroy heavy industry on the basis of these massaged models. Only politicians and green dreamers could believe such nonsense. By Viv Forbes
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  • Hydro-carbons Beat Biofuels on all counts
    Coal and oil are made from plants and animals that died millions of years ago when the atmosphere contained abundant carbon dioxide plant food. They are now very concentrated forms of energy which can be extracted from very small areas of land. Burning these natural hydro-carbons returns CO2 and fresh water to the atmosphere thus greatly assisting global plant growth. If we are lucky these extra gases in the atmosphere may also slightly delay the start of Earth’s next cooling cycle, but this looks unlikely. Ethanol and biodiesel are made from plants growing now - sugar cane, beets, palm oil and grains. Growing these crops requires large areas of land and valuable fresh water for irrigation. Growing bio-fuel crops extracts…
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  • Adani Double Standards
    Greens claim that the Adani coal mine in Queensland may force some desert finches to move a bit further out. What is the Green Solution to this possible minor environmental disturbance? – ban the mine. But every wind turbine continually chops up threatened birds and bats. A survey at one wind “farm” in Victoria found that 1,500 birds were killed in one year - wedge-tail eagles, falcons, kites, hawks and other birds as well as un-counted bats. There are 94 wind farms in Australia, each with its own avian graveyard. The Green Solution to this real environmental abomination? – pretend it is not happening. By Viv Forbes
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  • Sea Levels Scares in the Maldives
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  • A Diesel in the Shed
    A Diesel in the Shed. You can have your solar panels and your turbines on the hills; You can use the warmth of sunshine to reduce your heating bills. You can dream you’re self-sufficient as you weed your vegie bed; As long as you make sure to keep A diesel in the shed. By Viv Forbes
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  • Ocean Acidification
    OCEAN ACIDIFICATION IS A MYTH Cliff Ollier Honorary Research Fellow, The University of Western Australia Email: INTRODUCTION Climate alarmists believe the world is warming, and that this is caused exclusively by man-made carbon dioxide. 'Global Warming'' is now stretched to Climate Change'', but it must be stressed that carbon dioxide can only produce warming: the deceptive change of name does not change the alleged process. To demonise carbon dioxide further it is supposed to cause 'acidification' of the oceans. They claim that anthropogenic carbon dioxide causes the ocean to become more 'acid', which dissolves carbonate. This despite the fact that the oceans are alkaline, and have never been acid throughout their existence on Earth. We are implored to reduce…
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  • Ian Plimer GWPF Interview: The Climate Change Delusion and the Great Electricity Ripoff
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  • Racing to the Power Point in Birdsville
    When 2,000 electric cars towing caravans descend on the Birdsville races, where do they charge their batteries overnight? “Please take a ticket and join the queue?” By Viv Forbes
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  • Why Big Miners turned Green
    Big miners like Rio and BHP employ many geologists, chemists and physicists who can show that natural climate cycles have been occurring for millions of years. Why then are their boards pushing the man-made climate fable? It’s all about money. Wind turbines, solar farms and electric cars need humungous amounts of copper, steel, rare earths, lithium, silicon and aluminium for towers, transmission lines, charging stations, generators, motors, panels and batteries. This means higher metal prices and bigger profits, dividends and bonuses. All pretty simple. Viv Forbes
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  • Australian Federal election – How to Vote
    A personal opinion from Viv Forbes who takes responsibility for any electoral comment. 23 April 2019. This is not meant to be a statement of Saltbush Club policy - our members have enough sense and experience to make up their own minds. But I believe these guidelines will help to achieve Saltbush policies. It also explains the background for my how-to-vote opinions. A Quick Summary: Hold your nose as you enter the polling booth. Then - Make sure to cast a valid vote. Number all squares. Put the Greens last, everywhere, and the ALP just above them. In the Senate, vote below the line, number at least 12 squares and give preference to minor party or independent candidates of your…
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  • Electric Vehicles Emit More CO2 than Diesel Ones, German Study Shows
    When CO2 emissions linked to the production of batteries and the German energy mix - in which coal still plays an important role - are taken into consideration, electric vehicles emit 11% to 28% more than their diesel counterparts, according to the study, presented on Wednesday at the Ifo Institute in Munich. Mining and processing the lithium, cobalt and manganese used for batteries consume a great deal of energy. A Tesla Model 3 battery, for example, represents between 11 and 15 tonnes of CO2. Given a lifetime of 10 years and an annual travel distance of 15,000 kilometres, this translates into 73 to 98 grams of CO2 per kilometre, scientists Christoph Buchal, Hans-Dieter Karl and Hans-Werner Sinn noted in their…
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  • Magical Mystery Tour or Highway to Hell for Labor’s Big Red Bus?
    John Mikkelsen Pollsters stay at home on long weekends, but anyone watching Bill Shorten’s magical mystery tour on the big red diesel bus could be forgiven for thinking he took a turn down the Highway to Hell with his fumbling pit stop interviews during the opening week of the campaign. Prime Minister Scott Morrison focused attention on the costs of Labor’s tax, energy and climate change policies, and Shorten opened the door wide to accusations he lied about new taxes on superannuation. He repeatedly denied, then finally gave a firm undertaking to a Sky News journalist there would be no new taxes.  The next day he claimed he had “misunderstood the question,” admitted he ‘stuffed up’ and he should have…
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  • Tackling Climate Change with Renewables and EVs
    Dr D Weston Allen, MBBS, FRACGP, Grad Dip Phys Med Man-made climate change is real, but natural climate change can be worse and faster. Atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) gradually fell from about 3,000 parts per million (ppm) 200 million years ago to only 180ppm a million years ago, as carbon was naturally sequestered, and Earth became very cold, dry and dusty. Recurring orbital cycles trigger interglacial warm periods such as our present Holocene which began nearly twelve thousand years ago. Warming oceans release CO2, pushing atmospheric levels up over 280ppm, which helps plants thrive in a warmer wetter world. The previous interglacial about 120,000 years ago was much warmer than now. As temperatures fell over ten degrees Celsius (10⁰C) during…
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  • What is Agenda 21?
    UN AGENDA 21 (AG21) IN BRIEF (video 1, video 2) Graham Williamson – February 2013 AG21 is a foreign United Nations (UN) program aimed at controlling all aspects of people’s lives. It reduces or eliminates individual human rights such as private property rights (1, 2, 3, 4). AG21 is a UN program adopted by the Keating government in 1992, later ratified by the Howard government, & implemented by successive federal, state & local governments of all political persuasions ever since. In 20 years of implementation, neither of the two major political parties has declared AG 21 as official policy, nor given voters a democratic choice. Read the full document: [PDF, 435 KB]
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  • The Rising Sea Level Scare
    by Mike Bailey I am a retired Surveyor who spent his whole career (1965 to 2010) measuring and recording: Water depths, to enable safe navigation of ships and boats into harbours. Coastal features, such as shorelines and beaches, to monitor changes in depth that occur over time. Near shore constructions, such as sea walls, groynes wharves, piers and jetties and boat ramps to monitor their effect on the surrounding areas. In order for these depth measurements to have any coherence they have to be related to a common reference level. In Australia this common reference level or Datum is the Australian Height Datum (AHD). AHD is a mean sea level datum and was established by analysis of data from recording…
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  • US Hurricane Frequency vs. CO2 Concentration
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  • Historical Ice Sheet Thickness
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  • Climate Models vs. Observations
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  • How Weather and Climate Work
    By Viv Forbes Source: There are three big drivers of weather for any place on Earth: the latitude, the local environment, and solar system cycles. The biggest weather factor is latitude – are you in the torrid, temperate, or frigid zone? These climatic zones are defined by the intensity of heat delivered to Earth's surface by the sun. In the Torrid Zone, the sun is always high in the sky. It is generally hot, often moist, with low atmospheric pressure, muggy conditions, and abundant rain and storms, some severe. Places close to the Equator get two summers per year (just one long summer) and very little winter. Farther from the equator, there are two seasons: "The Wet" and "The…
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  • Climate Warming Reviewed
    “The Climate Study Group” intends to publish this advertorial in “The Herald Sun”, May 14th, 2019: [Select the image to view the PDF document.]
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  • Life Without Petroleum
    What is petroleum used for other than fuel for cars?
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  • It’s Time for us all to Recognize the 97% Con Game
    By Dr. Jay Lehr Source: We are confident that all of our readers have read or heard for a number of years that 97% of all scientists believe that mankind has played a role in changing the earth’s climate. While it should have been recognized long ago as an urban myth, one of those stories that hang around regardless of a lack of any supporting facts. Rarely a day goes that a global warming alarmists do not use it to promote their cause of enlarging government and reducing personal freedom through the promotion of fear about our future. Many articles have been written to refute this claim but they all dig into the statistical weeds. Common sense alone should…
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  • Commonwealth Budget For 2019/20 Won’t Save The Bacon
    By Des Moore In interpreting the budget it is important to realise the Coalition will face the election in May with electoral polling which indicates it is almost certain to lose. As such, apart from possibly indicating the Coalition’s budget as no more than a manifesto with which to start the election debate, the same applies to the manifesto which Shorten has announced. He is now further developing that by announcing yesterday the 50% compulsory electric cars by 2050, which has (rightly) been widely characterised as absurd. Shorten has also failed to indicate the costs of his environmental policies. This situation further widens the gap between the two parties on the issue of dangerous global warming which appears likely to…
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  • Earth Fools’ Day
    While Western civilisation has enjoyed the benefits of cheap, coal-fired electric power for barely more than a century, much of the Third World still struggles to cope with the capriciousness of an ever-challenging climate. So what do fools do to celebrate? They turn off the lights. May I suggest Earth Hour be more appropriately held on the first day of April. John McRobert, Brisbane
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  • Alarmists Destroy Their Credibility By Degrees
    Dr. John Happs It was in Lima, Peru that the United Nations (UN) travelling climate circus met in 2014 for COP 29 in its futile attempt to limit global carbon dioxide emissions which they blamed for (imaginary) global warming. Incredibly, national leaders were told that, by pledging to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions, global temperature could be limited to 2oC above the pre-industrial level. The Lima conference was attended by more than 10,000 delegates, flying in their ministerial jets with another 1,000 observers joining them. Collectively, they created a "carbon footprint" larger than any of the many previous climate jamborees. It was reported that: "Organisers rejected powering the village with solar panels on the grounds they were too unreliable, while…
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  • The Environmental Cost of “Renewable Energy”
    Monumental, Unsustainable Environmental Impacts of Green Energy Replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy would inflict major land, wildlife, resource damage By Paul Driessen Extract from: Solar panels on Nevada’s Nellis Air Force Base generate 15 megawatts of electricity perhaps 30% of the year from 140 acres. Arizona’s Palo Verde nuclear power plant generates 900 times more electricity, from less land, some 95% of the year. Generating Palo Verde’s output via Nellis technology would require land area ten times larger than Washington, DC – and would still provide electricity unpredictably only 30% of the time. Now run those solar numbers for the 3.5 billion megawatt-hours generated nationwide in 2016. Modern coal or gas-fired power plants use less than 300 acres…
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  • What Happened to Global Warming?
    By David Archibald The global warming hysteria was reaching a crescendo in the lead up to the climate confab in Copenhagen in 2009 when a civic-minded person released the Climategate emails, deflating the whole thing. Those emails, concocted from the fevered imaginations of the scientists involved. Nigh on 10 years have passed since then and we are currently experiencing another peak in the hysteria that seems to be coordinated worldwide. But why? Why now? The global warming scientists have plenty of time on their hands and plenty of money. Idle curiosity would have got some to have a stab at figuring out what is going to happen to climate. Do they see an imminent cooling and they have to get…
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  • The Great Generation
    by Viv Forbes My grandparents were part of the Great Generation. Toughened by wars and depression they were patriotic nation builders. Their monuments are long-term productive assets like the Mount Isa and Broken Hill mines, smelters and refineries, the Wollongong Steelworks, the Sydney Harbour Bridge, the transcontinental railway, the overland telegraph line, the Yallourn coal mines and Power stations, the Renison and Mt Lyell mines and railways, the Kalgoorlie Goldfields, the Weipa and Gladstone bauxite industries, Pilbara Iron, the Perth-Kalgoorlie pipeline, the Kidman Cattle Empire, the world's biggest merino flock, QANTAS, the Holden car, Southern Cross windmills, the Sunshine Harvester and a network of roads, railways, towns, power lines, ports and airports. The pioneers survived floods, droughts, bushfires and plagues…
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  • Meat or Lettuce? – the Diet Dictators
    Progressives Say No to Meat, But the World Thinks Otherwise By Steve Goreham Originally published in WorldNetDaily. Once again, meat consumption is under attack by progressive leaders. Politicians and the United Nations call on all of us to eat more plant-based foods and less meat and dairy products in the name of saving the planet. But it’s clear that most people across the world disagree. US Senator Cory Booker recently shared his “journey” to a vegetarian diet. Booker warns, “The tragic reality is this planet simply can’t sustain billions of people consuming industrially produced animal agriculture because of environmental impact.” The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) calls for a “great food transformation.” The UN states, “There are more of us,…
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  • Sustainable Development Goals Deception
      Government Releases Sustainable Development Goals Report Volume 2     Government Lying to the People About So Called ‘Non-binding’ International Agreements   By Graham Williamson March 2019 Background ‘Non-Binding’ Agenda 21 For a quarter of a century the Australian government, State governments, and local Councils, have been implementing the United Nations Agenda 21 program in Australia. Agenda 21 has been implemented on a bipartisan basis without the democratic approval of the people. But it is the persistent and pervasive government campaign to falsely convince the people Agenda 21 is ‘non-binding’ (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) and therefore innocuous, which is most alarming. Clearly, any deliberate attempt to force Australians to comply with laws which have…
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  • Priorities for Australia
    Poor policies are taking Australia into tough times. There are four priorities for the coming election. Firstly: Decimate the Foreign Green Snakes in the Grass. The climate/emissions obsession started with unelected foreigners in the UN and the IPCC who drafted deep green agendas to be imposed via elected Federal, State and Local governments. Australia must immediately withdraw from the Lima/Paris/Kyoto agreements, reject the 2030 Agenda, and repeal all the green tape they spawned. This costly mess creates no measurable climate or environmental benefits. Secondly: Build more Reliable Base-Load Power Stations. Green extremists want to destroy the carbon energy that powers our industries, supports our life style, funds our welfare and provides our jobs. They want to take us back to…
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  • The Year of the Pig
    This is the Chinese Year of the pig – appropriately it is the year we must remove the snouts of many pigs from the troughs kept full by tax payers and electricity users. An election year is the best time to put maximum pressure on all politicians. Soon we will have gone so far backwards in management of electricity, essential infrastructure, water, vegetation, bushfires, education and the climate war on hydro-carbons that recovery will be very difficult. Things are bad now but if the Limp-LNP’s or the ALP/Greens again get control of energy policy, what is now bad will get much worse. We are faced with either a confused calamity or a dreadful disaster. The Saltbush Club and its members…
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  • Energy Transition In France: Useless, Costly, Unfair
    A letter from Pierre Bouteille Dear friends from the English-speaking world, Just to keep you abreast of what is going on in France... You may have heard of the Yellow Vests, who triggered our president Macron into embarking on a "Grand Debate", mainly on the internet. It is mostly a closed questionnaire with circular arguments on the most surreptitious ways to shoehorn the energy transition, without offering to question its legitimacy in the first place. However, looking closely at the fine print, contributors like associations can still express an open opinion. On our side Rémy Prud'homme is an emeritus professor of economics, former consultant to the OECD, occasionally to the World Bank, and visiting professor at the MIT. As such…
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  • The Barrier Reef is Healthy
    The Barrier Reef is Healthy, but Some Academic Institutions are Rotten to the Core FORMER James Cook University Professor Peter Ridd will be in the Brisbane Federal Court next week attempting to get his job back. The case may be fought on legal interpretations of his obligation as a university employee to be collegial and discrete versus his right to academic freedom. This avoids the need to consider the two truths at the heart of this matter: 1. The Great Barrier Reef may be in good health, while 2. Our academic institutions may be rotten to the core. Read More: And listen to Peter Ridd’s story here:
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  • How to Turn Cooling into Warming
    by Dr. Jennifer Marohasy THIS last summer has been hot in Australia. But was it the hottest ever? Summer 80 years ago was arguably as hot, if not hotter. Back then more ferocious bushfires burnt larger areas. Yet Australia’s Environment Minister, Melissa Price, recently claimed this summer’s bushfires as a consequence of climate change. I grew up with stories from my late father of terrible bushfires – infernos – back in 1939. The Black Friday bushfires destroyed four times the area of farmland and forest as the devastating February 2009 fires – and twenty times as much as burnt this last summer. Ash from that bushfire fell as far away as New Zealand. My father described hot and hungry years…
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  • UN Indoctrination
    Indoctrinating Schoolchildren to Support the United Nations Global Agenda. Children Become 'Activists' in Support of UN Climate/Sustainability Agenda. Graham Williamson January 2019 (Summary version) Note: This analysis is in two documents: the summary below (and its PDF version here: un-education-summary [38 KB] and the full document here: un-education [PDF, 213 KB]. Australian Educational Standards Declining as the Curriculum Becomes Increasingly Politicised According to reports, Australia is now at the bottom of the list of wealthy countries when it comes to global educational standards. Evidence of political indoctrination of school students, or exploitation of children for political purposes, is extensive in Australia. With an emphasis on climate/sustainability activism, sexual orientation, gender expression, and gender identity, in current ALP policies, Australia is…
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  • The Imaginary Climate Crisis
    Tony Heller looks at past failed climate predictions.
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  • The Global Warming Movement and the Green New Deal
    by John Droz It is not about Climate, it is not about science – it is a political movement to totally transform our way of life. See here for the Background [PDF, 80 KB] of the US Climate Change 30± year history (and how the Presidential Committee on Climate Science fits in).
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  • Snow Job
    THE CLIMATE ALARMIST’S SNOW JOB Dr. John Happs Many readers will remember the famous predictions about snowfalls from Dr David Viner when he was a senior research scientist at the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia. (Yes – that’s the same CRU where Dr Phil Jones withheld climate data requested under Freedom of Information laws.) In March, 2000, Dr Viner confidently predicted that within a few years: “Winter snowfall will become a very rare and exciting event.” He added: “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.” Read the full document: [PDF: 663 KB]
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  • Constitutional Enquiry
    "The International Agreements Enquiry." An Enquiry into the Public Scrutiny and Democratic Foundations of Importing Laws via International Agreements Drafted by Graham Williamson and proposed by the Saltbush Club The Background Christiana Figueres is a world authority on global climate change and was the Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC from 2010-2016. Ms. Figueres is currently Vice-Chair of the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy. As former UNFCCC chief Christiana Figueres pointed out in regard to the UN's global agenda, the aim of the UN is to bring about a "centralized transformation" ... "one that is going to make the life of everyone on the planet very different." Figueres continues: "global society, is moving to the point where we…
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  • The Naked Truth of Agenda 21
    In their own words: UN “Agenda 21 stands as a comprehensive blueprint for action to be taken globally — from now into the twenty-first century — by Governments, United Nations organizations, development agencies, non-governmental organizations and independent-sector groups, in every area in which human activity impacts on the environment.” Ros Kelly, introducing AG21 to Australia, Australian Parliament, Wednesday, 26 May 1993, Hansard Page: 951 “Agenda 21 is a truly massive document—40 chapters covering matters as diverse as poverty, population, technology transfer, consumption patterns, forests, freshwater, pollution avoidance, transboundary air pollution, and radioactive waste. It is a blueprint or set of guidelines, not just for individual countries but, importantly, for the entire United Nations system as well as for individuals and…
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  • Land and Sea Go Up and Down
    By Pamela Matlack-Klein For decades now the IPCC and other alarmists have been threatening us with the ugly spectre of hugely accelerated sea level rise (SLR). Fortunately, none of their dire predictions have come to pass yet this has not caused them take a look at just how ludicrous their predictions really are. During this time, sea level has continued to putter along just as it has for the past 150 years, at a minuscule rate of about 1-1.5mm/year. This is a very tiny amount of SLR, not even noticeable by the average human. In fact, a person living on the coast of almost any country for 80 years would not notice any change in sea level, from childhood through…
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  • Alan Jones on The Paris Agreement, Energy Policy, Clexit and the Saltbush Club
    Interview with Viv Forbes, Executive Director of the Saltbush Club, Nov 29, 2018.
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  • The Battle for our Grasslands and Livestock
    By Viv Forbes, Albrecht Glatzle and others Grasslands and arable land cover just 10% of Earth’s surface but (with the oceans) they produce all of our food and fibre. But the productivity and health of our grasslands, farms and livestock are under threat from global warming alarmists and green preservationists. We are afflicted by climate crazies and methane madness. It is poor public policy that condones restrictions on grazing operations, or taxes on grazing animals, based on disputed theories that claim that bodily emissions from farm animals will cause dangerous global warming. New Zealand was the first cattle country to propose a “livestock fart tax”. Four hundred farmers then drove 20 tractors to the Parliament in Wellington waving placards and…
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  • A Wall of Blackouts
    by Jerry Ellis and Sir Rod Carnegie 20 February 2019 The Chairman of the Saltbush Club, Mr Jerry Ellis, today warned that Australia needs more reliable baseload power. “With the population and the economy growing, but with electricity availability and reliability in decline, we are racing headlong into a brick wall of blackouts. “Recession and disruption will probably follow, bringing to mind those memorable 1990 words of Paul Keating: ‘This is the recession we had to have’. Except in this case the recession will be self-inflicted. “Much of my working life was in the steel industry in the 1970s and 1980s. It operated 24x7, with large numbers of electric motors requiring a continuous supply of low-cost electrical power. Un-planned interruptions…
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  • Green Pests
    by Viv Forbes The Green pests are having a dream run in Australia. First Green Climatists destroyed reliable coal-fired power stations, trying to replace them with intermittent wind-solar toys and a giant $90M battery. Then a Green PM donated $444M of taxpayer money to discourage industry near the Great Barrier Reef. Then droughts helped Green water-wasters to kill rural industries from Townsville to Broken Hill. Then floods in the wild rivers of the north devastated much of what was left. Decades of Green opposition to new dams made both drought and flood disasters worse. Then Green mismanagement of parks, forests and grasslands helped fuel even more destructive bush fires. And recently a Judge used global warming propaganda to kill a…
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  • The Cubbie Scapegoat
    By Viv Forbes Cubbie Station cops the blame for all of the problems of the Darling River, particularly by green journalists, politicians, and residents of Menindee and Broken Hill. It is blamed for fish kills, lack of water for Broken Hill, irrigators’ problems etc – it is a wonder it is not blamed for the drought. So I decided to look into the matter, reading media and company reports, studying the geography and topography and having discussions with three people who have on-the-ground and inside experience (but no vested interest) in Cubbie. I have had no contacts whatsoever with the current owners or managers of Cubbie, did not visit the operation and have no shares in their operation. Cubbie Station,…
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  • The Rising Tide of Climate Lunacy
    By Viv Forbes A NSW judge has stopped development of the small Rocky Hill coking coal mine because the Commonwealth Government has signed the Paris Climate agreement which requires “rapid and deep reduction in GHG emissions”. Three things are of concern: Firstly, this decision has massive ramifications and must be appealed and overturned. Secondly, Australia must immediately withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement. Thirdly the Judge was so conflicted he should not have heard the case. He was previously Principal Solicitor at the NSW Environmental Defender's Office and has received an award for his environmental activism. If a project can be stopped because it adds to carbon dioxide emissions every development of coal, oil or gas in Australia can be…
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  • The Roar of Waste
    By Ron Pike Watching the Burdekin Falls Dam with around six metres of water going over the spillway following flood rains in the catchment, we must remember that this is not a rare occurrence. As far back as 1875 there are records of the Burdekin River rising over 18 metres in just a few hours and repeated reports of 1 to 6 metres of water above the bridge deck at Inkerman. Records of high river flows lasting weeks and months are not uncommon. Following a cyclone in December 1974 the river remained at flood height until April 1975. These flood flows can exceed 5 mega-litres per second (almost half a million ML every day). This is sufficient to fill our…
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  • Former BHP chairman launches fightback against renewable energy ‘madness’
    From 23/11/2018 Former BHP chairman Jerry Ellis has formed a new lobby group to highlight the huge costs and “unproven benefits” of renewable energy policies. The Saltbush Club has been launched with 200 founding members, including scientists, mayors, company directors, public servants and even former Queensland Premier Campbell Newman. Mr Ellis tells Alan Jones it’s a “public relations exercise” that is aiming to “change the public point of view on this”. He says it’s not Labor policies that are the issue, it’s all politicians. “The sad thing is it’s the result of a total lack of balance in the debate on this subject. “The blind following of so-called environmental objectives with an absence of any consideration for its economic…
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  • Another Endangered Species?
    By Viv Forbes Earth is a dangerous place. Of all the species that have ever lived, over 95% have already been extinguished by natural disasters. [caption id="attachment_389" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Just 15,000 years ago[/caption] Ice, not global warming, is the big killer and this recurring calamity often strikes quickly. Thousands of mammoths and other animals were killed by ice storms and their snap-frozen bodies are still entombed in ice around the Arctic. Just 15,000 years ago great ice sheets smothered the northern hemisphere as far south as Chicago, Moscow and London and all life had migrated towards the equator. This deadly ice had gripped Earth for about 50,000 years. Ice ages are also times of dry winds and drought as cold…
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  • Sea levels in and around Sydney Harbour 1886 to 2018
    By Dr G M Derrick Executive Summary There has been NO significant sea level rise in the harbour for the past 120 years, and what little there has been is about the height of a matchbox over a century. Along the northern beaches of Sydney, at Collaroy there has been no suggestion of any sea level rise there for the past 140 years. Casual observations from Bondi Beach 1875 to the present also suggest the same benign situation. A rush to judgement by local councils and State Governments by legislating harsh laws and building covenants along our coastlines now seems misplaced. The falsehoods and mendacity of the IPCC and climate alarmists should be rejected out of hand, and efforts be…
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  • The War on Beef – Are cows the culprits?
    by David Mason-Jones There is an old fake-science idea doing the rounds again at the moment. This is that cows are culprits in the global warming narrative. The problem, however, is that the scary image of cows destroying the planet with their carbon emissions doesn't fit with how the planet actually works. No cow alive today, nor any cow that has ever existed, nor any cow that will ever exist, can add single atom of carbon to the atmosphere that wasn't already there in the first place. At one point of the carbon cycle, it is true that cows emit carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) to the atmosphere, each of which contains one atom of carbon. This is a…
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  • Floodplains are Plains that Flood
    FLOODPLAINS ARE PLAINS THAT FLOOD - SURELY THAT ISN'T TOO DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND. Dr. John Happs The recent flooding in Queensland has led to the not unexpected hand-wringing and wailing from the usual doomsayers including those green zealots who spread alarm about climate change, extreme weather and how any flooding in Queensland is the direct result of our trivial emissions of carbon dioxide. Back in 2011 flooding in Queensland was declared the worst in 40 years with more than 26,000 homes impacted and, tragically, 16 people drowned. Green Party leader Bob Brown claimed that the coal mining industry was responsible and should pay for the Queensland flood damage. Seemingly unaware that major floods have always visited Queensland, Brown claimed that:…
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  • Darling River Fish Kill
    by Chris McCormack News Weekly, February 9, 2019 Was the recent mass fish-kill in the Menindee Lakes along the Darling River the result of drought or poor water policy in the Murray-Darling Basin? The mainstream media would have us believe that every drought is now the result of man’s burning of fossil fuels causing “dangerous climate change”. Meanwhile, the Greens are blaming a lack of “environmental flows” for the fish-kill. Read more.
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  • Curse Less and Dam More
    by Viv Forbes Water conservation peaked in Australia in 1972 – our last big dam was Burdekin Falls Dam in Queensland built 32 years ago. Elsewhere in Australia, water conservation virtually stopped when Don Dunstan halted the building of Chowilla Dam on the Murray in 1970 and Bob Brown’s Greens halted the Franklin Dam in 1983 (and almost every other dam proposal since then). The Darling River water management disaster shows that we now risk desperate water shortages because our population and water needs have more than doubled, and much of our stored water has been sold off or released to “the environment”. However, we regularly see floods of water being shed by the Great Dividing Range, most of it…
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  • Climate Change: What Do Scientists Say? Richard Lindzen Video
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  • Human Sacrifice to the Climate Gods
    97% of Aztec priests thought human sacrifice was necessary to end bad weather. Things are much the same today. Climate skeptic Tony Heller of Real Climate Science has pointed out parallels between Aztec sacrifices to stop bad weather and the modern global warming movement’s efforts to appease the CO​ 2​ gods. In 1450, Aztec priests encouraged people to sacrifice blood to the gods to end severe drought that was decimating corn crops. They ended up sacrificing thousands of people in a few weeks. Heller quipped, “Like the Aztecs, many scientists believe that sacrificial offerings are necessary to stabilize climate. But there are some key differences. 1. Aztecs correctly believed that the climate was controlled by the moods of the Sun.…
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  • Fish kill shows Murray-Darling Basin Authority failure
    by the Citizens Electoral Council Numerous dead fish now floating down the Darling River and in the Menindee Lakes is more evidence that the Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) has mismanaged the basin, as the CEC has long documented. So-called “environmental flows” since the MDBA’s notorious “Basin Plan” commenced in 2012 have flushed precious water into swamps and out to sea, and in the process caused riverbank erosion previously never seen. Now there’s no water left when it’s needed most! And the failure to build the Clarence River Scheme—which has been on the books in some form since at least the early 1920s—means that water from the flash flooding that hit the Clarence Valley in October 2018 did not get to…
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  • Unreliable Energy
    By Brendan Godwin The inclusion of unreliable energy sources such as wind and solar ("The Unreliables") in our supply grids is causing massive fluctuations in electricity dispatch costs from $50-$100/MWh to $14,000/MWh and up to $60,000/MWh in South Australia in the Jan 2019 heat wave (Judith Sloan The Australian Jan 29, 2019) and see the graph below. This ultimately falls on consumer bills. Additionally, the locations for all of these unreliable generation sites are far from current transmission networks and new transmission lines have to be built and footprint cost and capacity factors have to be taken into account. People pushing for "The Unreliables" don't factor these costs into their costings and neither do government pricing models. Nor do they…
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  • More Wind Power, Higher Prices, More Blackouts
    The narrator is Rafe Champion. He has an honours degree in Agricultural Science, a MA in Sociology and a MSc in the History and Philosophy of Science. For some years he was a consultant with the Clean Waterways Programme in the Sydney Water Board. He is working with the Five Dock Climate Realists to produce a series of videos on the impending power crisis.
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  • Climate Science and the Myths of Renewable Energy – Steve Goreham Video
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  • Brown Coal Electricity
    by Pat Lane, 2019 I have worked on the IT side of coal generation and mining in Victoria's Latrobe Valley for many years. [caption id="attachment_319" align="aligncenter" width="840"] Marcus Wong Wongm CC BY-SA 3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons. Yallourn Brown Coal Power Station Cooling towers on the left, emitting mainly steam, a natural gas and air. Exhaust towers on the right emitting mainly nitrogen, carbon dioxide and wisps of water vapour, all natural gases. See:[/caption] The first time I visited a black-coal-fired power station, I looked around and asked "Where is everything?" Brown coal stations are huge compared to their black coal cousins. There are two main reasons: Brown coal has very low energy content. Latrobe Valley brown coal has…
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  • Time to Drain the Energy Swamp
    The Australian electricity market has become a stinking swamp covered with a tangled net of treaties, laws, rules, obligations, prohibitions, targets, taxes and subsidies. The swamp conceals the rubble of demolished coal generators; another plant destined for destruction (Liddell) is gradually sinking into the green ooze. The swamp is slowly claiming paddocks of subsidised solar panels that, at best, only work for six hours per sunny day. The scene is uglified by spec-built regiments of ailing wind turbines that are often idle, but sometimes whirling madly. To distract the gullible media from this mess, big diesel generators charge a gigantic battery which pumps water uphill and then lets it run down again. A garbage dump of dead lithium batteries fills…
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  • Time to Crush the Green Ants
    Beware the Yellow Vests, Green Shirts and Steel-Capped Boots By Viv Forbes 20/01/19 For decades now we have watched Green-ants destroy Australia’s backbone industries. [caption id="attachment_304" align="aligncenter" width="213"] Image credit: Ching-Chieh Chuang at Shutterstock[/caption] Their incessant attacks on hydro-carbon energy have vandalised our electricity grid, destroyed heavy industry, inflated power costs and made blackouts inevitable. The last coal-fired power station built in Eastern Australia, the small Kogan Creek generator in Queensland, is now 12 years old. It is urgent that we build new coal-fired power on established coalfields with nearby transmission lines. However, Green dreamers posing as power engineers, their media lapdogs and spineless MP’s support scarring the hills with wind towers, plastering the flatlands with solar panels, and wasting…
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  • Practical Management of The Darling River: Ten Steps
    Practical Management of The Darling River: Ten Steps by Ron Pike Jan 2019. The management of the Darling River and its vast catchment must be vested with ONE authority; not six or seven as is the present case. We can for now call it "The Darling River Authority" (DRA). The Darling River and its catchment must be removed from the MDB (Murray-Darling Basin) Plan. There never was any need for water from the Darling to be tagged for use in SA. Management of flows in the lower Murray can come from much larger and more reliable sources. The DRA must be legally bound to manage the water in the Darling system on the following basis. First priority for available water…
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  • Stop The Climate Stupidity
    This is a presentation by David Archibald. Here are some of his conclusions: Yes the world has warmed and this was mostly due to the highest level of solar activity for 10,000 years. Most likely outcome is that we return to the climate of the 19 th century. Carbon dioxide is tuckered out as a greenhouse gas and its effect from here is minuscule. The level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere got dangerously low during the last ice age and the higher we can take it, the safer the world will be. There is no scientific reason to switch away from coal and other fossil fuels. Just one of the many charts in the presentation: Read the full document:…
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  • Global Warming is Nothing New
    by Roger Dewhurst There was the First Atlantic Warm Period about 7750 BC Second Atlantic Warm Period about 7000 BC First Saharan Warm period about 5800 BC Second Saharan Warm Period about 5000 BC Egyptian Warm period about 3200 BC Sumerian Warm Period about 2200 BC Minoan Warm Period about 1200 BC Roman Warm Period about 0 BC Mediaeval Warm Period about 1000 AD Modern Warm Period about 2000 AD All the warm periods prior to the current one have been warmer (in most cases substantially warmer) than the modern warming that we are having hysterics about. There have been five significant Little Ice Ages scattered between these warm periods. If you can explain how man-made carbon dioxide was the…
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  • The Darling River Fish Kills
    Who is KILLING THE DARLING RIVER? Or Why has the MDB Plan Failed? by Ron Pike As we watch the disturbing daily images of a dry Darling River, parched Menindee Lakes, millions of dead fish, and outback towns without drinkable water, both bush and city are screaming - Why? Who is responsible they ask? Name the scapegoats and brand them criminals is demanded. Any lesser response would be shameful, but some reactions, while understandable, are not rational. Before we look more closely at why and how these unacceptable events have occurred, we need to put to rest some misconceptions about this river and recent claims made by some aboriginal people that the Darling was previously a "Mighty River" that always…
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  • UN Global Pacts
    The Global Pact for the Environment Yet another 'non-binding' UN global pact upon which to base UN controlled global laws begins its journey through the UN system, supported by the Australian government. Graham Williamson January 2019 From January 14th-18th UN member countries met in Nairobi to begin negotiating the details of the Global Pact for the Environment. Initially agreed to by the Turnbull government, now being supported by the Morrison government, environmental activists, legal experts, and globalists, are hoping the Pact will address 'gaps' in global law, and eventually result in binding global laws which will enforce the provisions of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Climate Change Agreement. There is even a suggestion that these laws be made 'non-regressive'…
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  • Big Oil Fuels the Climate Campaign
    William Walter Kay BA LL B "Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket." E. Hoffer (1967) Big Oil is a driver and beneficiary of the Climate Change campaign. ("Big Oil" herein refers to eight Western-headquartered multinational oil and gas companies: ExxonMobil, BP, Shell, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Equinor, Eni and Total.) Big Oil is conflicted about the Climate campaign which, after all, began as a petroleum phase-out initiative. This petroleum phase-out, however, ambles along while the campaign's coal phase-out sprints forth. The main consequence of the coal phase-out, i.e. the switch from coal-fired to gas-fired electricity generation, has already blessed Big Oil with a trillion dollar windfall; and is only half completed. Big…
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  • Man-Made Wildfires
    by Viv Forbes Carbon dioxide must be an almighty gas – it gets blamed for almost every human disaster. Now we have the alarmist Climate Council blaming bushfires on carbon dioxide and global warming. Focussing on the wrong problem is doing more harm than good. It is disappointing to see respected firefighters like Greg Mullins now blaming “climate change” for more and worse bushfires, and now even promoting the misguided Climate Council. We have heat waves, dry spells and bushfires in Australia every year - bushfires were burning all up the coast when Captain Cook sailed by in 1770.  But today we know what causes dangerous fires. It needs deliberate political mismanagement to create disastrous wild-fires which destroy everything -…
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  • The Green Gardens of Eden Totally Destroyed by BAD BUSHFIRE POLICY
    By Anonymous If a tree burns in a forest does anyone care? 1,000,000 hectares of land was burnt in the Central Queensland bushfires in November and December 2018. To put that in the Qld Labor Party’s preferred unit of measurement - that’s 2 million Suncorp stadiums. The majority of the area burnt was national park or in what is classified as “remnant” vegetation. “Remnant” vegetation is basically State-sanctioned national park on privately held land. 105 individual fires burnt from Mackay in the north through to Bundaberg in the south. That’s 600km of bush fires. One fire burnt so intensely that it destroyed the Eungella National Park - a wet tropical rainforest. Scientists say it will take hundreds of years to…
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  • Forget Paris: 1,600 New Coal-fired Power Plants are Planned or Under Construction in 62 Countries
    Here's a small sample of how many coal plants there are in the world today. The EU has 468 plants building 27 more for a total of 495 Turkey has 56 plants building 93 more total 149 South Africa has 79 building 24 more total 103 India has 589 building 446 more total 1036 Philippines has 19 building 60 more total 79 South Korea has 58 building 26 more total 84 Japan has 90 building 45 more total 135 AND CHINA has 2363 building 1171 total 3534 Here come our AUSTRALIAN politicians that are going to shut down our 6 remaining plants and save the planet!! Source and read more:
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  • Keeping Heat Waves in Perspective
    The Great Heatwave of 1896 by Dr John McLean. This heat wave has the dubious honour of being the hottest EVAH. From the document: South-eastern Australia's 2014 heat wave in perspective "Anything under 110 [43.3C] is now beginning to be looked at as contemptibly cool." - 1896 In January 2014 parts of south-eastern Australia experienced a sever heat wave. For several locations the heat wave started around January 11 and lasted about a week then with just a few days pause returned and extended into the first week of February. Temperatures in Melbourne exceeded 40C (104F) on four successive days during the first period and temperatures were lower during the second period. In contrast Bourke, in northern New South Wales,…
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  • Global Warming Catastrophe (Song)
    by Travis T. & the Missing Heat This is a song adapting a poem from Clive James. The song is sung monotone, because failed doomsday global warming is just plain boring, and a boring subject for a song. The brass section is supposed to sound like someone laughing. And lastly, my name is derived from a famous quote of the climategate emails. Global Warming Catastrophe by Travis T. & the Missing Heat Source, lyrics and acknowledgement:
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  • Heatwaves are Nothing New
    Jo Nova reports on previous heatwaves in Australia:
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  • Ten Reasons for Australia to Exit Paris Now
    by Viv Forbes It is urgent that all Australian politicians understand the dangers in the Paris Climate Agreement. Here are TEN REASONS to EXIT PARIS NOW: The science is NOT settled - hundreds of scientists in Australia and thousands more throughout the world reject the theory that human production of carbon dioxide is driving dangerous global warming. And the 102 computerised climate models have always predicted more warming than has occurred. (They got it right once, 39 years ago.) [caption id="attachment_222" align="alignleft" width="471"] Source:[/caption] There is no unusual global warming. Since the last ice age ended there have been warm eras hotter than today’s modern warming – the warm peaks are getting lower, not higher. Climate has always changed…
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  • The Truth about Global Warming and Climate Models
    Dr. Patrick Michaels, director of the Center for the Study of Science at the Cato Institute, provides insight into the debate over climate change and the political games played to create policy. A revealing explanation of the climate models. Watch the latest video at Source:
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  • Comparison of the First Fleet Sydney Temperature Records with Modern Data, 1788 to 2018
    By Dr G M Derrick Executive Summary 1. Notwithstanding a data gap from 1791 to 1859, there appears to have been little or no change in the trends of monthly maximum and minimum temperatures for a period of 230 years, from 1788 to 2018, based on comparisons of two data sets—one recorded by First Fleet officer William Dawes, and one from the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM). 2. Gergis et al 2009, authors of a major study and compilation of the data, conclude that “Remarkably, the records appear comparable with modern day measurements taken from Sydney Observatory Hill, displaying similar daily variability, a distinct seasonal cycle and considerable inter-annual variability.” This runs counter to the climate alarmism normally published by these…
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  • Why we Need Saltbush
    By Maximilian Silverton (nom de plume) Experience over many years working as a consultant with large funds management and global financial services firms have given me a useful education in gravy trains. The world now resounds with dire warnings about what might happen if the ‘independent expert’ advice on Climate Change, from the UN especially, is not followed. We hear that the very survival of the planet is at stake. Well, maybe it is, or maybe not – but it does no harm to remember that we’ve heard this mournful song before. Forty years ago, it was called the ‘Energy Crisis.’ More recently there was something called Peak Oil. Now the world is awash in hydrocarbons. No matter, the message…
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  • Bushfires and Climate Change
    by Roger Underwood AM, Chairman of the Bushfire Front1 In a recent article in The West Australian newspaper, Murdoch University academic Dr Jatin Kala made the unequivocal statement that: “global warming caused by CO2 will cause extreme ... bushfires.” A similar assertion was made by Queensland Premier Palaszczhuk in the wake of recent destructive fires in Queensland. However, temperature is only one of the factors that influences bushfire behaviour, and its influence is negligible compared to that of wind strength and fuel dryness and quantity. No firefighter fears a bushfire on a hot day. Even on a day of 40 degrees, a bushfire burning under light winds in light fuels (for example, bushland subject to fuel reduction burning less than…
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  • Global Climate Reality
    "The Climate Study Group" published this advertorial in "The Australian", December 3rd, 2018: [caption id="attachment_192" align="alignleft" width="663"] [Select the image to view the PDF document.][/caption]
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  • Song: A Tax On The Air That We Breathe
    By Dennis Boothby Dennis is a retired cattle veterinarian, and beef cattle producer, and a Member of the Saltbush Club. Audio: [2:47] Lyrics: A Tax On The Air That We Breathe By Dennis Boothby When you wake every morning and you take your first breath Just two things are certain that’s taxes and death They want us to pay for those tree-hugging greens That’s why they want tax on the air that we breathe. They got tax on my cornflakes and tax on my juice They threaten more tax on the trucks carting food They’ve just upped the tax on my favourite beer And now they want tax on the air that we breathe. Get your hand off my…
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  • Ice Isn’t Melting in the Arctic and Antarctic, Yet Big Insurance Rate Hikes on Coastal Properties Loom for Purported Sea Level Rise
    By Thomas Lifson Global warming has a big problem: its predictions of doom have consistently failed to generate any serious pain. Yes, they blame hot weather in the summer in global warming, and if there are hurricanes, they must be caused by “climate change,” though when we have a year with few hurricanes, or, as in 2018 no tornadoes at all, nobody sings the praises of the benefits of “climate change.” But they’ve hit a gold mine with their predictions of island nations being sunk beneath the waves, and coastal communities (especially in rich countries) forced to be abandoned. Their institutional clout is considerable, as they have Big Science, Big Education, Big Government, and Big Business all on board with…
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  • 2GB Chris Smith Interview with Hugh Morgan 28 Nov 2018
    2GB Chris Smith Interview with Hugh Morgan 28 Nov 2018: [9:33] [Depending on your Web browser, this file may prompt to download, or play in your browser.]
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  • Predictions from 16 Years ago Prove Correct
    By Allan MacRae The Global Warming Crisis? The War on Fossil Fuels? Predictions from 16 Years ago prove correct. It is seldom that the climate alarmists will agree to debate, and when they do they usually lose. Allan MacRae has submitted some 2002 conclusions from one rare debate. In 2002, Astrophysicist Dr. Sallie Baliunas (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics), Paleoclimatologist Dr. Tim Patterson (Carleton University) and I co-authored a debate*1 with the Pembina Institute, sponsored by the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA). Our assessment was subsequently excerpted in several professional journals, as well as The Globe and Mail and La Presse national newspapers. In our rebuttal, we made eight statements, all of which are supported to date…
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  • The Murray-Darling Basin Scam
    When John Howard announced in January 2007 that he was going to take over control of the Murray-Darling Basin and provide $10 Billion to do so, he had no idea of how this would happen, what needed to be done or how the money would be spent. He was responding to a series of wildly inaccurate claims made by a sensationalist driven media unconcerned with truth or reason. This incursion of the Federal Government into the State’s constitutional right to the management of rivers and their water was driven only by politics in a run up to a Federal election. Sensationalist and mostly false claims were accepted and the fact that we were in a very long drought was no…
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  • Jo Nova – How to Destroy a Perfectly Good Electricity Grid in Three Easy Steps
    Jo Nova, a Director of the Saltbush Club, explains to a London audience at the Global Warning Policy Foundation: "How to Destroy a Perfectly Good Electricity Grid in Three Easy Steps"
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  • Climate Change Alarmism Is the World’s Leading Cause of Hot Gas
    Source: Even as anti-gas tax riots raged in France this week, naturalist David Attenborough warned a crowd at a United Nations climate change summit in Poland that “the collapse of our civilizations and the extinction of much of the natural world is on the horizon.” U.N. General Assembly President Maria Espinosa told the media that “mankind” is “in danger of disappearing” if climate change is allowed to progress at its current rate. Speakers, who flew in to swap doomsday stories, advocated radical changes to avoid this imminent environmental apocalypse. These days, “the point of no return” is almost always in view, yet always just out of reach. Sorry, but by now, this rhetoric is familiar. You can go back…
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  • Defrock the Wind Industry
    Source: DeFrock will be publishing correspondence, discussions and notes of direct experiences country Australians have had in dealing with the wind farm Commissioner. A wide systemic show of public neglect and ruthless dismissal of many wind farm complaints has led Andrew Chapman to write an email which supports people he knows in his community that are being negatively impacted by wind turbines. This email sent to the Commissioner, expresses much needed compassion and support towards the neighbours of wind energy projects being left in a state of abandonment. Those who remain unprotected from the nuisance noise and vibrations causing them direct physical harm. Commissioner accomplish these acts and show duty of care towards the suffering people in the rural…
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  • Why do Big Oil and Big Gas Support the War on Carbon Dioxide?
    By Philip Mulholland Put simply, because it both improves profits and also damages their main fossil fuel competitor, the coal mining industry. Coal is a solid fuel that can be dug out of the ground, loaded on to trucks, and transported to a power station for electricity generation. It is cheap to extract and easy to handle. Gas however is a difficult material to handle, it must at all times be kept contained and transported using specially designed pipelines. For overseas export of natural gas, tankers with cryogenic liquid containers are required. If you have a lot of gas to sell, then climate change is good for your company's bottom line in the following ways: You can correctly claim that…
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  • Murray-Darling Management Delivers the Worst of Both Worlds
    by Chris McCormack News Weekly, December 15, 2018 The current approach to managing the water resources of the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB) seems to be a classic case of “straining out gnats while swallowing camels”. The Federal Government plans to return an additional 450 gigalitres of water “to the environment” as part of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan (MDBP) via $1.4 billion of taxpayers’ money to buy farmers’ water allocations and increase water efficiency. Already, 2100 GL of water has been diverted away from agri­cultural production to “environmental flows” as part of the MDBP. A further 605 GL is being directed to the environment via water “savings measures”. Up to 70 per cent of water in reservoirs feeding the MDB is earmarked…
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  • Climate Summit Language Reveals Real but Hidden Agenda
    The goal isn’t saving Earth from climate disaster – it’s changing the world order. By David Wojick, PhD People complain all the time about UN jargon. But the technical language of the Katowice, Poland climate summit is actually very revealing. It is all about changing the world order. Words exist because there is something important to talk about. Words also embody basic beliefs. In this context, it is very useful that the ever-green Climate Change News has published a Glossary of the 32 technical terms they think are most important in Katowice. Analyzing this list tells us a great deal about what is really going on there this week. To begin with, not one word on the list addresses climate or…
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  • CO2 Emissions from Submarine Volcanic Activity and ‘Capture and Storage’ of CO2 in Carbonate Bearing Sediments
    By Jacob Rebek 7 December 2018 CO2 emissions from volcanic activity are orders of magnitude greater than those caused by humans burning fossil fuels. Submarine volcanic activity is orders of magnitude greater than subaerial volcanic activity but it was 'out of sight and out of mind' until results of studies of sea/ocean floor commenced in 1950's. Geologists are aware of importance of submarine volcanic activity in global CO2 'supply and demand' balance. However, climate scientists contributing to IPCC reports are still ignoring the importance of CO2 emissions from submarine volcanic activity. [caption id="attachment_142" align="alignleft" width="840"] Marie Tharp and Bruce Heezen created the first accurate map of the sea/ocean floor, a project they started in the 1950's. This map was published in…
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  • Saltbush Solar Activity Watch Established
    The Saltbush Club today announced the formation of the “Saltbush Solar Activity Watch” led by Mr David Archibald. The Executive Director of Saltbush, Mr Viv Forbes, said it was obvious to everyone except school teachers, the ABC, the Greens and the leaders of CSIRO that the sun is the main driver of weather and climate on Earth. “This giant ball of nuclear power in the sky beams solar radiation and exerts gravitational force on everything on earth. “These two solar forces, radiant heat and gravity, control our world. “Radiant heat on an inclined rotating Earth drives the winds and the ocean currents, produces rain and snow, powers cyclones and storms, and affects the cloud-forming cosmic radiation that hits the earth.…
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  • Tsunami of Evidence
    Another full moon, another associated high tide, another solar cycle of gravitational stresses on the Earth's crust, another major sub-sea earthquake in Indonesia, another volcanic eruption as Krakatoa poured another toxic mix of stuff into the sky - and another tsunami. And for every surface volcano, there are dozens of sub-sea eruptions pouring heat and chemicals into the sea. There is a strong correlation in this sequence of natural events. But man-made carbon dioxide has no effect whatever on the powerful internal forces which constantly change surface conditions on this restless planet. Politicians may huff and puff, but they cannot control the climate - all they can do is blow down our power stations. Are they stupid, or are we…
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  • The War on Carbon Fuels
    What fuels power the planet? Watts Up With That has produced a useful readable summary of energy consumption trends 1965 - 2017. This is the period covering the noisy war on carbon fuels and the massive subsidies and hype about wind and solar energy. Here are the trends in the country that uses the most energy in the world – CHINA: Another very revealing graph shows that the greater the proportion of renewable energy per capita, the higher the electricity cost. Compiled from the graphs in the article, here is a snapshot of what energy powered our world in 2017: COUNTRY CHIEF ENERGY SOURCES % Carbon Fuel vs % Renewables China coal, oil, hydro, gas 86-3 US oil, gas, coal, nuclear 83-6…
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  • What Supports Green Energy?
    by Dr Matthew Fagan Windmills are not in the State budget. They are not in the Federal budget. No foreign superpower is paying for them, no cartel of benign foreign investors is graciously fixing our previously adequate system. No. We are paying for these windmills, without our knowledge. Billions a year. Even if they make no sense at all, no one cares - these uneconomic monsters are being subsidized to operate. Look at the accounts of Hepburn Wind. Massively profitable and paid the world’s highest rates for electricity no one needs or wants. Still a single free windmill cannot be run at a profit so the owners are then then given another $800,000 cash a year just to exist. The…
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  • Stop Wasting our Dam Water
    The Saltbush Club has accused state and federal governments of wasting water often desperately needed everywhere west of Australia’s Great Dividing Range. The “Saltbush Water Watch” has been established to monitor government action and inaction and report on priorities. The Executive Director of the growing Saltbush Club, Mr Viv Forbes, said “From Adelaide to Longreach we have allowed green subversives to prevent new dam construction and to dictate the waste of water caught in existing dams.” “Without water conservation the Murray-Darling would turn back into a string of disconnected waterholes every big drought. More reliable fresh water has benefited humans and nature all along the river. “Luckily, Tim Flannery’s climate alarm forecast of endless drought has proved wrong, or this…
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  • Electricity in Australia – Expensive, Unreliable and Getting Worse
    How do electricity prices in Australia compare with USA? “In a study by Alex Robson, released last week by the University of Sydney’s United States Studies Centre, comparisons are presented between energy costs in Australia and the US. “The bottom line is that Australian households and businesses routinely pay two to three times as much as their US counterparts. Energy in the US also is more reliable and the pricing arrangements are more transparent. “In the past decade, average power prices in Australia increased in real terms by about 70 per cent for households and businesses. In the US, real electricity prices for households stay­ed essentially flat; those for indus­trial users dropped by 10 per cent. When it comes to…
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  • Water Wasters
    The Lifeblood of our Nation is Being Sucked Dry by Green Vampires. By Ron Pike December 2018 To View PDF version: Not content with emptying most of the dams in the north of New South Wales under the pretext of maintaining "environmental flows", and failing to store available water under the guise of "translucent flows," the Green bureaucrats managing our lifeblood are now in the process of emptying our major dams in the south. Hume Dam, the only dam on the Murray River and the major source of water for the whole Murray Valley, is now down to 40% of capacity (13th Dec 2018) and dropping rapidly. [caption id="attachment_100" align="alignleft" width="680"] Hume Dam[/caption] This vital storage provides the critical…
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  • Trump was right about “raking” Finnish forests
    Heavy machinery “rakes” Finland’s forest floors after tree cutting, greatly reducing fire risks By Mikko Paunio President Donald Trump was recently ridiculed for telling California Governor Jerry Brown that the Golden State should do as my country does. Trump critics laughed at what some called his “bizarre” claim that foresters in Finland “rake” areas that have been thinned or clear-cut, to remove leaves and other debris that could otherwise start conflagrations like the recent tragic fires in California. The Washington Post spread similar misinformation. The Los Angeles Times carried an article by Finnish “green” journalist Anu Partanen. “Finland to President Trump: We don’t rake the forest floor, but we do other things you should emulate,” the headline read. Late night…
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  • The Hoax of ‘Climate Change’
    By Allison Nichols Source: Obama knows. John Kerry knows. And Al Gore, the man who has made an enormous amount of money perpetuating the biggest hoax foisted on the human race, knows. Human-inspired "climate change" is a ruse. It is all a control-grabbing, land-grabbing, money-grabbing hoax. For instance, Al Gore, the king of carbon credits, whose home has a giant carbon footprint, and who flies all over the world in private jets, has raked in millions from his green investments and "sustainability research." This, after preaching (An Inconvenient Truth) that fossil fuel is the culprit in "global warming." The real inconvenient truth is that the earth's climate has been warming, cooling and dramatically changing since the beginning of time.…
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  • Come Clean on the UN COP24 Meeting in Poland
    Come Clean on the UN COP24 Meeting in Poland. By Viv Forbes The Saltbush Club today called on the Morrison Government to come clean on what additional burdens for Australians are being discussed at COP24, the UN climate jamboree now taking place in Poland. The Secretary of The Saltbush Club, Mr Viv Forbes of Australia, said that Australia will suffer badly from the destructive energy policies being promoted by the UN’s war on cheap, reliable hydro-carbon fuels. “Like the Trump supporters in USA, Brexit in Britain, Solidarity in Poland, the Yellow Vests in France and the new Brazilian government we do not support the UN energy plans and we fear their hidden agenda. “Australia’s backbone industries were built on cheap…
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  • Who Pays for all those Bird-Chopping Windmills?
    By Dr Matthew Fagan Windmills are not in the State budget. They are not in the Federal budget. No foreign superpower is paying for them, no cartel of foreign benign investors graciously fixing our previously adequate system. No. We are paying for these windmills, without our knowledge or agreement or legally. Billions a year. Even if they make no sense at all and no one cares. As for economic sense, they cost nothing to the ‘investors’ and then to make matters worse, these uneconomic monsters are being subsidized to operate. Look at the accounts of Hepburn Wind. Massively profitable and totally paid by us but owned by a Green group who are paid the world’s highest rates for electricity no…
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  • Students Strike for Climate-Change
    Last Friday (30 Nov 2018), 98.5% of NSW school students attended their respective schools, as normal. The other 1.5%, pre-arranged via digital-media to rally at Sydney's Martin Place... to protest Prime Minister Morrison's 'Inaction on Climate Change'. The two 14 yr-old girls who claimed to have organised the show, were 'foaming at the mouth' in disgust, that our PM was not doing enough to save them from a future of planet earth's doom and gloom and destruction... from the dreaded carbon-dioxide-molecule! What utter balderdash! As we know, CO2 is essential to plant growth... and the fellow-demonised carbon, is an an essential building block for all life-forms. We agree, land, sea and air pollution must be cleaned up. Witness the horrendous…
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  • The School Kids’ Strike
    Children used as Pawns by Global Warming Activists by Andrew Chapman Many people are genuinely interested in the natural environment. Unfortunately the nature conservation movement has been invaded by people wanting to capture this interest to push an agenda that has nothing to do with the appreciation of natural history or conservation of wildlife. The following letter from the Nature Conservation Council of NSW is a perfect example showing the lengths these people have gone to. In this instance it was met with a response by experienced amateur natural historian Andrew Chapman. Hi…………, I’ve just witnessed something truly incredible. More than 5,000 kids from across NSW converged on Martin Place as part of a national school strike for climate action.…
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  • Land, Animals and all that Gas
    By Rupert Gregg A recent study by Stephen Poore at Oxford making claims about land use and all that goes with it has had some publicity. Even an Oxford man can overdo things sometimes and here it is. Gosh those animals only provide 18 percent of calories and 37 percent of protein while taking up 83 percent of farmland and 60 percent agriculture’s greenhouse emissions. Something must be done, or not? Look around as you drive around through the vast tracts of land in the pastoral zones of Australia. Is it really a surprise that hundreds of thousands of hectares have grazing animals in numbers without a crop in sight? There are millions of hectares on the planet unsuitable for…
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  • The Green Energy Trap – Lessons from Germany
    Germany’s green transition in a blind alley By Oddvar Lundseng, Hans Konrad Johnsen and Stein Storlie Bergsmark Source: More and more people are about to realize, that supplying the world with stable energy from sun and wind only, will be impossible. Germany took on the challenge to show the world how to build a society based on green energy. They have now hit the wall. Germany has not reduced CO2 emissions over the last 10 years despite huge investments in green energy production capacity. Germany has installed solar and wind power to such an extent that they should be able to satisfy the power requirement on any day with sufficient sunshine and wind. However, since sun and wind are…
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  • No More UN Surrender to UN in Poland Next Month
    The UN Climate Alarmists plan to meet in Poland in December 2018. COP24 - the 24th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. URGENT: Please contact your local federal politicians to insist that: Australia must not agree to any new proposals for: world carbon taxes, carbon targets, more wars on coal or more UN interference in Australia’s business. Here is a well-produced video clip, made for Canada, but totally relevant for Australia: COP24 - Global Carbon Tax Law? Consequences for Canada and Democracy 
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  • Deluded and Dangerous
    By Michael Darby Greens want to make burning coal a crime. More than any other single factor, coal is directly responsible for the happiness, health and longevity of the residents of modern communities. Sadly, there are millions around the world who have been denied access to the benefits of coal. Our hearts go out to those folk who lack any or all of electricity, refrigeration, modern medicine, mechanized agriculture, mobility, illumination, education, communications, safe housing, secure employment and personal liberty. A noble aim of modern civilisations is to extend to the world’s less fortunate all the benefits of coal, supplemented where appropriate by other reliable sources of energy. 240 million residents of India have no electricity (Bloomberg 25 Jan 2018).…
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  • Hundreds of Consumers, Business people and Scientists say: “Get out of the Paris Agreement.”
    “The Saltbush Club” Skilled and Thinking Australians concerned at the huge costs and unproven benefits of the climate, energy and infrastructure policies on both sides of Federal Parliament. A new lobby group comprising scientists, farmers, consumers, small business and big business is urging both sides of Australian politics to put aside party interests and global agendas to focus on what's best for Australian business, workers, consumers and the environment. The Saltbush Club calls for Australia to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement and to cease financing or supporting the international bodies promoting it. It challenges the whole idea of a consensus on man-made global warming. Jerry Ellis, retired chairman of BHP, and Founding Chairman of the Saltbush Club says: "It…
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  • Introducing the Saltbush Club
    INTRODUCING THE SALTBUSH CLUB Members, Skills and Concerns "We have been listening to scare-mongers and panicky children for too long - it's time to listen to sensible people and grown-ups." November 2018 The Saltbush Club is an unplanned venture. Tapping a deep vein of public concern about the Paris climate agreement, it just grew. In about a month, with zero corporate or government support, a few lone individuals have attracted an imposing line-up of sensible people who are well informed on all aspects of the climate debate, and on the growing energy, water and infrastructure problems facing Australia. Many are only prepared to publicise their concern since they have been freed from corporate, academic or government restraints. They are now…
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