By Viv Forbes
What parallel universe are our politicians living in?
Their Net-Zero policy says we must reduce carbon dioxide emissions to induce global cooling.
Then their COVID closures and lockdowns destroyed the travel industry, thus slashing travel emissions. Success – one industry approaches their zero-emissions goal.
Are they pleased? No, those who were locked down yesterday are today promised Queensland government travel vouchers to visit Cairns. And the feds have already offered 50% air fare subsidies. All travel subsidies increase emissions.
And now three levels of government collaborate to promote another travel emissions extravaganza – the Queensland Olympic Games.
Maybe tourists will ride bicycles to Cairns and the Games buses, trains and planes will run on political hot air?
Do they want more or less emissions? We are confused.
Queenslanders paid to take a holiday:
Federal Travel Subsidies:
Brisbane bids for Olympic Games: