“Finding Porites” – Windsor Cinema Nedlands, Perth, 1st December 2022

By Jennifer Marohasy

It is often reported that the Great Barrier Reef is half dead, specifically that the corals are bleached, and the water quality is degraded with pesticides and plastics. If I didn’t know better, I might never want to visit a coral reef, lest I be confronted by this reality – apparently all our fault, because we drive cars.

Except the coral reefs on the way to Myrmidon made me feel so alive. Every day, I dived into crystal clear warm water, to be greeted by little fishes. Every day, I wondered if we would make it all the way to Myrmidon – an ancient and detached coral reef that juts out into the South Pacific Ocean on the eastern edge of the Great Barrier Reef.

I tell this story in my film Finding Porites.

If you live in Perth, you will be able to watch Finding Porites on the big screen with me at the Windsor Cinema in Nedlands on 1st December.  Tickets here: https://perthbleachedcolourful.eventbrite.com.au

This film premiered at the Majestic Theatre, Pomona, near where I live in Noosa, last year. It was then released by the Institute of Public Affair on the internet, to their YouTube channel. Just last week a new version, re-rendered to 24 frames per second to better suit for the Windsor Cinema on 1st December 2022, was upload by Stuart Ireland to his Vimeo channel, ’tis here: https://vimeo.com/766755037 .

Dr Jennifer Marohasy
Researcher & Writer

The Biggest Public Policy Disaster in a Lifetime

By Ian Plimer

The 27th COP event is preceded by breathtakingly shrill predictions of forthcoming disasters from speculated catastrophic climate change. Here are a few cold hard facts:

No one has ever proven that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming. For more than two decades I have been asking scientists for this proof. If proven, it would also have to be shown that natural carbon dioxide emissions, 97% of the annual total, don’t drive global warming. This also has never been done. Furthermore, if had been proven that human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming, there would be endless citation of the dozen or so seminal scientific papers demonstrating this proof. Instead, there is obfuscation and deafening silence.
Continue reading at Quadrant: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/doomed-planet/2022/11/the-biggest-public-policy-disaster-in-a-lifetime/

Living in the Latter Days

How to Defend Australia

By Viv Forbes

Australians are living in the latter days of the Anglo/American Empire.

For centuries now, world power centres have been moving west – from Mongolia, to Europe, to Britain, to North America, and now Asia beckons.

The Anglo/American Empire today resembles the decadent dying days of Rome. Europe is becoming a green energy wasteland, the British Empire died with Churchill, and America has dodderers and adolescents in charge. Australia plans to defend the outback with battery-powered Bushmasters (good for battlefields with plenty of power points). The new defence minister has restored “rainbow morning teas” (banned by Peter Dutton). And an Australian iron oligarch and green hydrogen speculator, Andrew Forrest, aims to de-power Xi Jinping by inviting him to the latest Climate Summit.

Every chapter of history ends with a flood of barbarians. Continue reading “Living in the Latter Days”

The UN’s Antonio Guterres: Misinformed About Climate Change Or Serial Liar?

By Dr. John Happs

[Originally published at: https://papundits.wordpress.com/2022/10/24/the-uns-antonio-guterres-misinformed-about-climate-change-or-serial-liar/]

“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the losers.” (Socrates: 470–399 BC)

António Guterres

António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres is a Portuguese politician and former secretary-general of the Portuguese Socialist Party from 1992 to 2002. He has served as secretary-general of the United Nations (UN) since 2017, being re-appointed to a second term in June 2021.

When it comes to climate change, UN officials have made their socialist intentions clear in that they want to use the issue of imaginary “catastrophic anthropogenic global warming” aka “climate change” aka “extreme weather” to bring about the collapse of industrialised nations, establish global governance and oversee the transfer of wealth from developed countries that have earned it to those developing countries that simply want it.

Continue reading “The UN’s Antonio Guterres: Misinformed About Climate Change Or Serial Liar?”