Vote ALP/Green for more Blackouts and more WASTED WATER
Saltbush Advice on Election Eve
By Viv Forbes
For ages now in SE Queensland, it has been cloudy, rainy and largely windless. No sun electrifies the solar panels, intermittent winds play with the prayer wheels, and backup batteries are going flat. For just a while on some afternoons, wind and solar produce a trickle of power. Gas and hydro try to help, but none of these can bear the whole power supply load.
But even on these gloomy days, our electric lights, fridge, stove, battery chargers and water pumps work. And down in the city (even on still nights) trains, traffic lights, fuel pumps, cold stores, hospitals and lifts keep working.
Check how this magic occurs:
OpenNEM: Queensland
When all else fails in the sunshine state, COAL KEEPS THE LIGHTS ON.
Those promoting “More Green energy” and their Millionaire Mates are supporting “More Blackouts”. Continue reading “Vote Green for More Blackouts”