Emissions Confusion

By Viv Forbes

What parallel universe are our politicians living in?

Their Net-Zero policy says we must reduce carbon dioxide emissions to induce global cooling.

Then their COVID closures and lockdowns destroyed the travel industry, thus slashing travel emissions. Success – one industry approaches their zero-emissions goal.

Are they pleased? No, those who were locked down yesterday are today promised Queensland government travel vouchers to visit Cairns. And the feds have already offered 50% air fare subsidies. All travel subsidies increase emissions.
And now three levels of government collaborate to promote another travel emissions extravaganza – the Queensland Olympic Games.

Maybe tourists will ride bicycles to Cairns and the Games buses, trains and planes will run on political hot air?

Do they want more or less emissions? We are confused.

Queenslanders paid to take a holiday:

Federal Travel Subsidies:

Brisbane bids for Olympic Games:

Zero Emissions Almost Here?

By Viv Forbes

Planes parked up, cruise ships anchored, airports deserted, tourists not touring, supermarket shelves bare, Disneyland shut, borders closing, motor races cancelled, no fans in the stands, smelters and factories closing, travel banned, oil and coal prices crashing, stock markets plunging, businesses closing, bankruptcies rising, hotels and motels unoccupied, politicians panicking, barbies cold – – looks like zero emissions is almost here.

Net-Zero by 2050? Albanese Goes for Broke

From: https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/doomed-planet/2020/02/net-zero-by-2050-albanese-goes-for-broke/

There’s no great mystery about what Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese’s net-zero-by-2050 emissions announcement last weekend will cost. The answer: trillions galore. How do I know? Because Dr Brian Fisher, former head of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, who has no political allegiance and no vested interest, last May in the run-up to the federal election costed a much weaker version of Albanese’s plan. These costs were astronomic: a maximum $540 billion by 2030. Continue reading “Net-Zero by 2050? Albanese Goes for Broke”

Zero Emissions Australia?

By Viv Forbes

It may be possible for a perpetual committee of green bureaucrats to electrify Australia with a vast but flimsy spider-web of power lines connecting consumers to wind turbines, solar panels, lithium batteries and pumped-hydro batteries. In this wonder-world, electric scooters and mini-cars will be mandated and demand rationing will be imposed. Continue reading “Zero Emissions Australia?”

The Mad Mad Maths of Australian Emissions Targets

By Viv Forbes.

Most politicians live in a green fantasy-land where facts and numbers don’t count.

They dream up fanciful figures for proposed cuts to industrial and agricultural emissions without any understanding of the remorseless growth of population.

The Australian government has set a target to reduce Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions by 27% from 2005 levels by 2030, just 11 years away. The ever-greener ALP opposition plans to cut emissions by a staggering 45% by 2030.
Continue reading “The Mad Mad Maths of Australian Emissions Targets”