All Sheep and Cows are Green



As a youngster in a post war London I was brought up on lamb and anchor butter from New Zealand.

My first dabble into TV commercials was with WOOLMARK NZ, in what became a successful attempt to slow down the ingress of synthetic fibre into the carpet market. I still meet sheep farmers around the world who greet me their thanks and a pint of beer.

I still delight in your butter and lamb which I can buy in my local supermarket, the latter at half the price of the local product sold in our village butchers shop.

What a strange world we live in now bombarded with the rhetoric of food miles let alone tourist miles. Continue reading “All Sheep and Cows are Green”

Meat or Lettuce? – the Diet Dictators

cow face
Progressives Say No to Meat, But the World Thinks Otherwise

By Steve Goreham

Originally published in WorldNetDaily.

Once again, meat consumption is under attack by progressive leaders. Politicians and the United Nations call on all of us to eat more plant-based foods and less meat and dairy products in the name of saving the planet. But it’s clear that most people across the world disagree.

US Senator Cory Booker recently shared his “journey” to a vegetarian diet. Booker warns, “The tragic reality is this planet simply can’t sustain billions of people consuming industrially produced animal agriculture because of environmental impact.”
Continue reading “Meat or Lettuce? – the Diet Dictators”