Books that Tell a Different Story

A compilation of books by Peter F Gill.

“Searching for the Catastrophe Signal: The origins of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change” Bernie Lewin, GWPF 2017 ISBN 978-0-9931189-9-9

“Climate Change the Facts 2017” Multiple authors edited by Jennifer Marohasy, Institute of Public Affairs, Connor Court Publishing Pty Ltd., 2017 ISBN 978-0-909536-03-9

“Climate Change Delusion and the Great Electricity Rip-Off” Ian Plimer, Connor Court Publishing, 2017 ISBN 9781925501629

“Green Tyranny Exposing the Totalitarian Roots of the Climate Industrial Complex” Rupert Darwall, Encounter Books, 2017 ISBN 9781594039355
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How to Create a Country with no Heart? – Stack and Pack the Coast

by Viv Forbes

What has happened to Australia’s once-bipartisan policies favouring decentralisation? Why is every proposal to develop an outback mine, dam, irrigation scheme or a real power station now labelled “controversial” by the ABC and opposed by the ALP/Greens?

This coastal-city focus and the hostility to new outback industry (except for wind/solar toys) has surely reached its zenith with the recent state budget for Queensland.

The population of coastal and metropolitan Queensland is surging with baby-boom retirees, welfare recipients, grey nomads, tourists, overseas students, migrants and winter refugees. But the outback is dying with lagging industry and many aging farmers retiring to the coast. We are creating a country with no heart.

country with no heart

Continue reading “How to Create a Country with no Heart? – Stack and Pack the Coast”

Australia’s Growing Dam Crisis

“The food we eat the water we drink and the power we use for most of our endeavours, are available only because previous generations invested their know-how and money for the future.
It is time this generation did the same.”
– Ron Pike.

Australia is a dry continent – that is a fact of geography and global climate.

However, per head of population, we have abundant fresh water resources in rivers, lakes, dams, soils and underground. But we do not conserve enough of it, and much of what is conserved is wasted by foolish policies. Continue reading “Australia’s Growing Dam Crisis”


By Dr. John Happs

Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloro-ethane (DDT) is an organo-chlorine insecticide first synthesised in 1874 by the Austrian chemist Othmar Zeidler. Its insect-killing capacity was later realised by the Swiss chemist Paul Muller in 1939.

Although it is readily absorbed through the exo-skeletons of insects, it is poorly absorbed through the skin of mammals. It kills insects by disrupting the transmission of electrical impulses between their nerve cells, causing them to fire spontaneously. Fortunately, DDT does not have the same impact on higher-order animals.

DDT was widely used by the military during World War 11 to control malaria, typhus and body lice and in 1944 Winston Churchill acknowledged the huge benefits that DDT offered to so many countries, saying: Continue reading “GREEN ZEALOTS AND INSECT-BORNE DEATHS”

Why Resources Aren’t ‘Natural’ and Will Never Run Out

bauxite and aluminium
Why Resources Aren’t ‘Natural’ and Will Never Run Out
By Steve Goreham

Republished with permission of The Washington Times.

Last week, the World Wildlife Fund proclaimed May 10 to be Europe’s “Overshoot Day,” the day that Europe consumed its portion of Earth’s resources for the year. The WWF, the United Nations, and universities continue to warn that modern society is rapidly depleting our natural resources. But instead, trends show that for all practical purposes, Earth’s resources will never run out. Continue reading “Why Resources Aren’t ‘Natural’ and Will Never Run Out”

Costly wind power menaces man and nature

By Dr. Jay Lehr and Tom Harris

Wind energy can never replace fossil fuels, despite claims of environmentalists and advocates of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal (GND). It’s not environment-friendly either. Indeed, wind power is hampered by many limitations, including:

* its intermittent and inefficient nature

* insufficient sites with adequate, reliable wind

* acreage required to erect turbines and harness wind

* excessive expenses, many of them rarely mentioned

* dangers to bird and bat populations

* dangers to human health from light flicker and low frequency throbbing noise (infrasound).

* costs, limitations, and health and environmental impacts of batteries and other back-up systems

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Nutting-out Nuclear: Why Cost & Reliability Mean Wind & Solar are No Match for Nuclear Power

From “Stop These Things”:

If carbon dioxide gas is your poison, nuclear power is your antidote. STT promotes nuclear power, because it works. For those characters getting jumpy about our so-called climate ‘emergency’, nuclear power has the added benefit of being the only stand-alone power generation source that doesn’t emit CO2 during the process.

Quite apart from its safety and reliability, there’s another very solid reason to promote nuclear power: and that’s cost.

Of course, comparing never-reliable wind and solar with ever-reliable nuclear power, is no comparison, at all. But those that pump the purported benefits of wind and solar will continue to compare ripe, rosy apples with rotting oranges.

Read the original:

Long Way to Run: Warren Buffet Rejects All-Renewable Future With $10 Billion Bet on Oil & Gas

From “Stop These Things”:

Australian voters just shredded the notion that the proletariat is wedded to heavily subsidised and chaotically intermittent wind and solar.

Labor’s Bill Shorten sought to ram a 50% Renewable Energy Target down voter’s throats; a concept which the vast majority of them duly rejected.

Sure, there were plenty of other issues that sank the Green/Labor Alliance. However, it should be remembered that 2019 was billed as the ‘Climate Change Election’, with wind and solar pitched up as the only panacea to what has now become a ‘climate emergency’.

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