By Cliff Reece

According to Greens leader Adam Bandt, opponents of the Albanese government’s absurd renewables-only strategy are putting lives at risk.

Bandt has lashed the food distributors of Australia for questioning Labor’s renewable energy strategy and claimed they are “putting Australian lives at threat by backing more coal and gas.”

Marxists have always been good at promoting their twisted ideology via propaganda that’s based almost entirely on lies – and Bandt and his Watermelon Warriors (green on the outside/ red on the inside) are no exception.

They work on the basis that everyday Australians are so dumb that we will believe everything they tells us.

His latest rant relates to the Albanese/Bowen government’s bizarre renewables-only energy policy.


Life-Threatening Cold – Mini Ice Age Coming?

By Dr Mark Sircus

All of America, not just the Deep South, has been reeling under the effects of this deadly Arctic blast. Peter Sinks, located just 20 miles northeast of Logan, recorded a temperature of minus 55 degrees Fahrenheit on Monday night, solidifying its claim as one of the coldest locations in the lower 48 United States.

The data is now in plain sight, and hundreds of millions of people’s cold experiences are too embarrassing for anyone to examine as extreme cold invades the U.S. It is impossible to imagine the world boiling these days, but not so difficult to imagine it freezing. No matter what you call it, Siberian Express, Polar Vortex, or Blue Norther, it is frigid air we are talking about. Cold air because it is cold. Not because it is hot or because of any name given to it. We have record cold, not record heat. You have to have a high school education to understand this.

Scientists noticed something surprising: a sudden change
from very warm conditions in the late 1300s to unprecedented
cold conditions in the early 1400s, only 20 years later.

Blue Northers feature a sharp downward crash in temperature – often 40 degrees or more in minutes – accompanied by strong, chilly north winds. In these cases, one could go from wearing t-shirts and shorts outside to needing a winter jacket. Blue Northers can move at forward speeds of 40 mph or faster, making the trip from the Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico in less than two days. Temperatures are touching 30 degrees below normal, with historic blizzards blanketing the Gulf Coast and paralyzing the region.

Global warming proponents are probably freaking out with all this cold and probably trying to tie this record-breaking freeze to their beloved theory. It was about uniform planetary warming for decades: ‘forever hotter.’ Real-world observations have refused to cooperate, leaving hundreds of millions in the northern hemisphere in the cold. It’s more like a billion cold souls.

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The Blue Snow

The North American Winter of 1886-1887

An extract from “The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt “(1979) a biography of United States President Theodore Roosevelt

The haze which had hung over the Badlands all autumn rose to high altitudes in late October, causing weird “dogs” to glow around the sun and the moon. Then, late on the afternoon of 13 November, it turned white and began to sink again, very slowly, cushioned on the dead still air. Only when it touched the Elkhorn bottom, and sent an icy sting into the nostrils of the cattle, did the whiteness prove to be snow—snow powdered so fine and soft that it hovered for hours before settling.

That night the temperature fell below zero, and a sudden gale came down from Canada, blowing curtains of thicker snow before it. By morning the drifts were piling up six or seven feet deep, and the air was so charged with snow that the cattle coughed to breathe it. Some cows stupidly faced north until the blizzard plugged their noses and throats, asphyxiating them.

Continue reading “The Blue Snow”