By Dr Tim Fatchen

Now that the election is done, if not dusted, the Government and the cross-bench are committed to huge changes in a mere eight years in renewable power generation. Just taking the new Government promise and ignoring the much more spectacular demands of the Greens & Teals, it might look a big ask.

But it’s actually very easy to demonstrate, in a real and immediate sense, how successful such changes will be. Consider these two statements:

“To meet the climate change promise that Labor took to the federal election, the Albanese government must boost renewable energy to 82 per cent of supply by 2030” writes Graham Lloyd in The Australian (23/5, online).


“South Australia is at the vanguard of the global energy transition, having transformed its energy system from 1% to over 60% renewable energy in just over 15 years” states the SA Department of Energy and Mining. (https://www.energymining.sa.gov.au/growth_and_low_carbon/leading_the_green_economy)

Put simply, South Australia, right now, at 60% renewable–and the rest either gas locally or coal from interstate–is already close to the intended 82% of the Labor Government promise.

So let us use South Australia as a full-scale, real economy field test.

If we were to cut SA’s electrical extension cord to the eastern states, and thus cut out the evils of coal-fired generation–SA’s non-renewable being gas-fired–the State would become the practical demonstration of the renewable outcome sought by the Labor Government.

Think how many people this demonstration could reassure. And how “the vibe” could change enthusiasm for full conversion to renewables across the Nation.

Mind you, there are those who would argue that cutting the electricity interconnectors would be an extreme step, allowing no latitude for routine outages, and of course they would be correct: there needs to be some back-up electricity transfer possible. And there are times SA is exporting power.

So we must somehow remove the coal-fired component from any power entering SA. Quarantine for electrons, as it were.

Regrettably, our current understanding of physics does not yet allow us to separate the actual coal-generation electrons from those sourced via renewables. But it would be simple enough just to provide electricity to SA proportionate to that being generated by renewables only, with the contamination of coal generation thus removed pro rata.

To do so would provide such a simple demonstration, that it is difficult to understand why no-one has proposed it already. After all, week-long blackouts are but a distant memory now, best forgotten.

And of course, if against all expectations the field trial failed, and SA were again to be plunged into that forgotten powerless darkness, well, it’s only mendicant South Australia, and another submarine or two to build one day should sort that out.

South Australia

Dr Fatchen is a now-retired consultant ecologist and environmental project manager with research, academic and industry experience spanning four decades, effectively from the dawn of environmental regulation to the present.

He researched grazing systems in arid SA. A biologist/planner within the South Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service, he was a pioneer of National Park planning in South Australia. He was foundation Lecturer in Ecology and later head of the Department of Natural Resources at the then Roseworthy CAE, designing and running some of Australia’s earliest environmental and natural resources management courses at tertiary level.

For 30 years, he successfully consulted widely in Australia with international experience in India. He has had direct high-level experience of most aspects of natural resource management, with significant development and regional planning components. As well as a strong focus on mineral and petroleum development and environmental issues, his experience of environmental assessment runs the gamut of land management and infrastructure development.

Between 1966 and 1980, Dr Fatchen was an active volunteer firefighter on Adelaide’s rural-urban fringe, with upwards of 300 fires attended. He was also active in planning and base operation within the SA NPWS. So he has, indeed, held a hose.

The Bottomless Black Hole in the Great Barrier Reef

By Viv Forbes.

In 2012 Malcolm Turnbull snitched $440 million from taxpayers to “save the Great Barrier Reef”.

In 2022 Scott Morrison promised to pour another billion into the Barrier Reef Black Hole.

Then last week Anthony Albanese promised another $220 million “to save the reef from yellow-crazy ants”.

A million here, a billion there and pretty soon you are talking real money.

Clearly The Great Barrier Reef has a bottomless black hole that demands regular sacrifice of tax payers.

Or maybe the Crown of Thorns Starfish is now on a diet of dollars? Continue reading “The Bottomless Black Hole in the Great Barrier Reef”

Vote Green for More Blackouts

Vote  ALP/Green  for more  Blackouts and more  WASTED WATER

Saltbush Advice on Election Eve

By Viv Forbes

For ages now in SE Queensland, it has been cloudy, rainy and largely windless. No sun electrifies the solar panels, intermittent winds play with the prayer wheels, and backup batteries are going flat. For just a while on some afternoons, wind and solar produce a trickle of power. Gas and hydro try to help, but none of these can bear the whole power supply load.

But even on these gloomy days, our electric lights, fridge, stove, battery chargers and water pumps work. And down in the city (even on still nights) trains, traffic lights, fuel pumps, cold stores, hospitals and lifts keep working.

Check how this magic occurs:
OpenNEM: Queensland

When all else fails in the sunshine state, COAL KEEPS THE LIGHTS ON.

Those promoting “More Green energy” and their Millionaire Mates are supporting “More Blackouts”. Continue reading “Vote Green for More Blackouts”

Barrier Reef Scares


By John Happs

Already, millions of taxpayer dollars have been poured into “saving the Great Barrier Reef” scams schemes. On top of the $440 million the Turnbull government poured in to save the reef that doesn’t need saving, the Morrison government has promised $1 billion and not to be left out, Anthony Albanese if elected, would pour in $220 million.

Dr. Terry Hughes is the director of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies at James Cook University which, according to its website (2017), has a funding budget of $28,000,000 over 7 years. Little wonder that the centre wants to keep the “Great Barrier Reef is Dying” nonsense alive and the research funding flowing. Continue reading “Barrier Reef Scares”

Urgent Election Action

By Viv Forbes

Libs and ALP are both on the nose. It looks unlikely that either of them will hold a majority of seats. But if voters are not disciplined in how they vote, a bunch of deep greens posing as independents will grab enough seats to hold the balance of power.
This would be a disaster.

So voters must ensure that Liberals can form the next government, providing they have adult supervision. We explain why and how below.

Continue reading “Urgent Election Action”

How And Why The British Broadcasting Corporation Spreads Climate Alarm

Dr John HappsBy Dr. John Happs ~

Sir Humphrey Appleby (Cabinet Secretary): I have returned with the answer to all your problems. Global warming.

Jim Hacker (Prime Minister): I thought you were against it?

Humphrey: Everybody’s against it, Prime Minister. I suddenly realised that is the beauty of it. We can get a unanimous agreement with all of our European partners to do something about it.

Jim: But how can we do something about something that isn’t happening?

Humphrey: But it doesn’t matter what we think. If everyone else thinks it’s real, they’ll all want to stop it. So long as it doesn’t cost too much. So the question now is, what are we going to do about it?

Jim: But if it isn’t happening, what can we do about it?

Humphrey: Oh, there’s so much we can do, Prime Minister. We can impose taxes, we can stiffen European rules about carbon emissions, rubbish disposal. We can make massive investments in wind turbines. We can, in fact, Prime Minister, under your leadership, agree to save the world.

Extract from Yes Prime Minister:  2013, Episode 6, “A Tsar is Born”.


Why has the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) failed to tell the general public and politicians that, since 1998, more than 31,000 scientists, including geophysicists, climatologists, meteorologists, oceanographers and environmental scientists, signed the Oregon Petition, that rejects climate alarmism.  Included in the petition signatories were over 9,000 scientists with PhD’s?   Those more than 31,000 of scientists have supported the statements that: “The proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology and damage the health and welfare of mankind.”   And: “There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate.”   http://www.petitionproject.org/  

Why has the BBC failed to tell the general public and politicians that atmospheric carbon dioxide has never driven global temperature at any time over the last 500 million years?


Why has the BBC failed to tell the general public and politicians that there are now more than 1,300 peer-reviewed, published papers promoting skeptical arguments that demolish climate alarmism?


Why has the BBC failed to tell the general public and politicians that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is not an impartial body of the world’s best climate scientists? Rather it is a political/ideological group, spawned from the United Nations (UN) to persuade developed nations to de-industrialise and transfer their wealth to those developing countries that simply want it.


The full article is at:

Time to Vote for Change in Australia

by Viv Forbes of the Saltbush Club

Australian politicians have drifted a long way to the left since the days of Robert Menzies and Arthur Fadden. Starting with Gough Whitlam, Malcolm Fraser, Don Chipp and Bob Brown, there has developed a monotonous uniformity in main-stream Australian politics.

Over the years, a green slime has infected all major parties – they now differ in details but not in principle. This greening of politics has reached the stage when a politician like Malcolm Turnbull has trouble deciding whether to join the Greens, the ALP or the Leafy-green Liberals.

Continue reading “Time to Vote for Change in Australia”