Climate Derangement Syndrome

It’s the hysteria about climate change that poses the greatest threat to humanity.

By Brendan O’Neil

Climate change is going to be worse than the Holocaust. It will give rise to a global epidemic of gang rape. There’ll be murder, war, slaughter. Your friends will die. Your children, too. The carbon-fuelled heating of the planet will bring ‘human life as we know it’ crashing to a violent, fiery end. It will be nothing less than doomsday.

These are just some of the hysterical claims that have been made in the discussion around COP26. As world leaders private-jetted their way to Glasgow for the latest UN gabfest on how to save the planet from mankind’s dirt, hubris and avarice, there was a severe outbreak of Climate Derangement Syndrome. Prime ministers, bishops, princes and noisy greens all tried to outdo each other with their apocalyptic warnings. It has been a grim competition of catastrophes, an orgy of hyperbolic prophecies that wouldn’t look out of place in the Book of Revelation.

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Message of CLINTEL to National Politicians and World Leaders at COP26

1. Hard facts show that global warming is NOT catastrophic, and therefore, there is NO climate crisis. Stop your fear-mongering messages. Fear leads always to wrong decisions and above all, it destroys the minds of our youth. Instead, inspire them with a positive outlook!

2. The big climate picture tells us that we are slowly moving via ups and downs to the next ice age. The recovery from the Little Ice Age has been very beneficial for mankind and nature. Enjoy today’s relatively benign climate! Sometime in the future we will again move to a colder phase and ultimately into the next ice age. Continue reading “Message of CLINTEL to National Politicians and World Leaders at COP26”

Renewable Energy Crunch Comes To The UK

By Francis Menton

Anybody who looks with a critical eye at the madcap push toward increasing amounts of intermittent renewable electricity generation in the U.S. and Europe quickly realizes that eventually this has to hit a wall. But when will the crunch come? Theoretically, with 100% fossil fuel backup you can keep an electricity system of majority renewables functioning indefinitely, albeit with consumers bearing the unnecessary costs of two fully redundant generating systems. But then politicians pledge to reduce and then eliminate the fossil fuel backup, and by dates that are rapidly approaching. Backup plants get closed and decommissioned. For how much longer can this really keep going?

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The Last COP-Out

By Viv Forbes

For 26 futile years, the net-zero maniacs have wasted fuel, energy and taxpayer’s money to bite the hands that provide their food, energy, welfare and public sector jobs.

Led by EU and AUKUS dreamers, they destroy reliable energy from coal, oil, nuclear, gas and hydro while forcing us to subsidise net-negative dreams like solar, wind, wave-power, CCUS, hot rocks, pumped hydro and hydrogen. All such speculative ventures should be funded by speculators, not taxpayers.

COP-Out-26 illustrates to the realists of China, Russia, India and Brazil that the West has lost its marbles and is in terminal decline. For Scott Morrison to surrender Australia to these green wolves betrays an army of miners, farmers, truckies and workers in primary, secondary and tertiary industries that support him and his Canberra pack. Continue reading “The Last COP-Out”

PM Morrison should take some Aussie Coal to Chilly Glasgow

By Viv Forbes

The Saltbush Club, Australia’s defenders of coal, cattle and cars, says that PM Morrison should not attend COP26 unless he also takes some high-energy Australian black coal to show the energy-starved Europeans the best source of stored solar energy.

(In 2017, Scott Morrison took a lump of black coal into the Australian Parliament to show those members wearing green goggles what a real solar energy storage battery looked like.)

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By Viv Forbes

November’s Climate Alarm meeting (COP 26) should be shifted from Glasgow in Scotland to Reykjavík in Iceland.

Twenty-five previous meetings of this very expensive travel club have achieved nothing useful, having wasted millions of dollars while industries are destroyed, CO2 levels continue to grow and global temperatures go nowhere.

These climate tourists gather in plush hotels for parties, eats and drinks, propose more destructive energy policies for the Western World, agree to meet again, and then fly home.

Holding the next meeting in Iceland would give them three useful lessons. Continue reading “SHIFT COP 26 TO ICELAND”

Time for Truth-Telling in Glasgow

By Viv Forbes

For 26 long years the UN and their tame media have promoted their expensive annual climate carnivals. This month they will flock to Glasgow for COP 26 but they will not arrive on Shetland ponies, penny farthings or sailing boats – hydro-carbon energy will get most of them there and keep them warm and well fed.

These jamborees are designed to spread climate lies and green energy propaganda. Continue reading “Time for Truth-Telling in Glasgow”