Climate Activists Are Wrong About Which Energy Source Reduces Air Pollution

By Steve Goreham

Originally published in the Washington Examiner.

Today’s media are filled with concerns about air pollution. But few people know which energy source has produced the greatest modern reduction in air pollution. The answer isn’t wind or solar energy.

During the 1950s, my grandfather had a coal furnace in his basement, like many homes in Chicago. Five days after a winter snowfall, the snow was covered with a visible black film of dust from coal furnaces. Our younger generation does not know the original reason for “spring cleaning.” Every spring, homeowners would wash their inside walls to remove coal dust.

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Carbon “facts” and Green Dream Believers

By John Mikkelsen

I’VE seen the light, the truth about “carbon pollution” in simple terms as explained by some Green Dream Believers and disciples of the new Climate Change religion.

So why am I still in the dark? I’ve always wondered how Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen, Greens leader Adam Bandt, the nowhere-near-independent Teals and a host of other climate change advocates keep banging on about “carbon pollution” and how we must eliminate it to save the planet while creating thousands of new Green Renewables jobs.

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Poisoning people to save the planet

By Ian Plimer. First published at The Spectator Australia:

The blades from environmentally friendly subsidised bird- and bat-chomping inefficient wind turbines have a short life and cannot be recycled. They weigh 10-20 tonnes, are 40-60 metres long, need to be replaced every 15 years or less and are composed of plastic, fibreglass, balsa wood and resins. Balsa wood is produced by chopping down Brazilian rainforests, in an environmentally friendly way of course. Fibreglass is impregnated with epoxy resins to increase blade strength and are made from petroleum. Previously blades were disposed of in Third World countries for a pittance until these countries ungraciously decided not to be the dumping ground for First World toxic rubbish. The wind industry was miffed and took to dumping used blades illegally until communities objected. Continue reading “Poisoning people to save the planet”