Tipping Points

By Graham Pinn

The Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) describes a tipping point as a “critical threshold beyond which a system reorganises, often abruptly, and/or irreversibly”. Their examples include melting polar ice with sea-level rise, increasing extreme weather events, and release of methane from thawing permafrost; currently nine potential such events have been identified, none currently occurring.

When initially discussing such events, the IPCC believed a temperature rise of 4C would be necessary for these events to occur, this figure was progressively revised down, to a 1.5C rise making them more probable, the latest figure is 1.5 – 2.5C. When looking back, to what we know has occurred historically, even the concept of temperature increase depends on the starting point.

Continue reading “Tipping Points”

Let Them Eat Bugs

By Viv Forbes

They started a war on our cattle
Which led to a hell of a battle.
Our burgers are now made of crickets,
And buying real beef needs their tickets,
Imprinted with silly Green prattle.

Real Food for Thought:

The Battle for our Grasslands and Livestock:
(There is a cartoon there which you may use.)

Let them Eat Bugs:


Viv and Judy Forbes breed meat sheep, eat beef, lamb and pork, and feed crickets to their insect-eating hens.

PM Morrison should take some Aussie Coal to Chilly Glasgow

By Viv Forbes

The Saltbush Club, Australia’s defenders of coal, cattle and cars, says that PM Morrison should not attend COP26 unless he also takes some high-energy Australian black coal to show the energy-starved Europeans the best source of stored solar energy.

(In 2017, Scott Morrison took a lump of black coal into the Australian Parliament to show those members wearing green goggles what a real solar energy storage battery looked like.)


Continue reading “PM Morrison should take some Aussie Coal to Chilly Glasgow”

The “anti-Greta” Thunberg debuts on Fox News with a message of hope for young people

From Watts Up With That:

It is nice to see this. Unlike high-school dropout Greta Thunberg, Naomi Seibt is an accelerated student and has a background in science and psychology. She received a degree in BA (Business Administration).

She went to St. Mauritz School and won first place in the youth competition research in physics. She graduated from high school at the age of 16 in 2017. She has now been engaged by The Heartland Institute to reach out to young people around the world. Continue reading “The “anti-Greta” Thunberg debuts on Fox News with a message of hope for young people”

Brave German Teenager Speaks Out on Climate Change

YouTuber and climate realist, Naomi Seibt says she became “passionate” about the topic of climate change after she “looked into the science of both sides of the spectrum” and realised “what climate skeptics say” made “a lot of sense scientifically.”

Watch the video from Sky News:


See also Naomi’s presentation to The Heartland Institute in Madrid, Spain, the site of the UN’s COP25.

Do these Bankers Really Care about the Poor?

By Dr. John Happs

If you want to witness cases of scientific illiteracy, selfishness and hypocrisy, look no further than the attitudes, actions and comments from a number of banking personnel. When it comes to uninformed opinions about climate change and the lack of concern about delivering affordable energy to the poor in developing countries, some of them appear to have no equal.

Judge for yourself. Continue reading “Do these Bankers Really Care about the Poor?”

Alarmist Over-reach

For over 15 years the global warmists have become progressively more outspoken with their scare stories, and less careful with facts and science.

But their latest tactics of promoting Extinction Hellions and exploiting a teenage Swedish Doomsayer represent alarmist over-reach.

Ordinary people are becoming suspicious: “If their science is sound, why do they resort to media scare stories, traffic disruption, street rebellions, school truants, religious zealots and academic purging?” Continue reading “Alarmist Over-reach”

Time to Hear from Sensible Adults

by Viv Forbes, 3 October 2019

Climate alarm has fractured western societies into four main groups – the Silent Majority, the Red Green-ants, the Noisy Street Children, and the Wise Elders.

The Silent Majority do the work of the nation. They pay the nation’s bills and taxes and only make their presence felt at election time. They despise most career politicians but many fear reprisals from Big Government or Big Business should they be seen speaking out. But when sufficiently aroused they toss out the chicken-littles and turn to leaders like Donald Trump, Jair Bolsonaro and Boris Johnson.
Continue reading “Time to Hear from Sensible Adults”

Greta the Marionette: A Disturbed Child Cynically Manipulated by Green Zealots

Dr. John Happs

In the year 1212 tens of thousands of children from France and Germany set out to re-take Jerusalem from the Muslim inhabitants. According to a 13th century source, the Chronica regia Coloniensis (‘Royal Chronicle of Cologne’):

Many thousands of boys, ranging in age from six years to full maturity, left the plows or carts they were driving, the flocks which they were pasturing, and anything else which they were doing. This they did despite the wishes of their parents, relatives, and friends who sought to make them draw back. Suddenly one ran after another to take the cross. Thus, by groups of twenty, or fifty, or a hundred, they put up banners and began to journey to Jerusalem.” Continue reading “Greta the Marionette: A Disturbed Child Cynically Manipulated by Green Zealots”