Brave German Teenager Speaks Out on Climate Change

YouTuber and climate realist, Naomi Seibt says she became “passionate” about the topic of climate change after she “looked into the science of both sides of the spectrum” and realised “what climate skeptics say” made “a lot of sense scientifically.”

Watch the video from Sky News:

See also Naomi’s presentation to The Heartland Institute in Madrid, Spain, the site of the UN’s COP25.

Brexit Done – Now for Clexit

By Viv Forbes
16 December 2019

Thanks to Boris Johnson, Brexit will now occur. And thanks to Donald Trump, the US will exit the destructive Paris Climate agreement. And the UN alarmists made little progress at the big climate-fest in Madrid.

It’s now time for Clexit (Climate Exit) – the great climate escape from all UN/IPCC alarmism and entanglements. Australia should join this rush for the exits.

Continue reading “Brexit Done – Now for Clexit”

A Message from Madrid – NO CLIMATE EMERGENCY

Media Release/Opinion Piece
7 December 2019

This week Clintel attended the Heartland COP 25 conference at the Marriott Hotel in Madrid. The hotel was full of champagne-drinking COP delegates who were clearly enjoying themselves (‘climate business model in action’). To be sure they were not disturbed by demonstrators, Clintel had a recording room somewhere at the back and we heard about its coordinates on the same morning.

Guus Berkhout was the first speaker at the event that was live-streamed from the Marriot Hotel. It was not an official COP25 event but a Heartland side-event with the aim to sound a different message to the world. Continue reading “A Message from Madrid – NO CLIMATE EMERGENCY”

The Counter Summit at the Failed COP25 in Madrid, Dec 2019

Skeptical Climate ‘Talking Points’ – 36 Page Report Released at UN Climate Summit in Madrid

Paper copies of the report were distributed at the UN Climate Summit in Madrid on December 10, 2019.

Read More:

Pelosi, Casten, and Dems: Wasting Taxpayer Money at the Madrid Climate Conference

Originally published in Energy Central.

By Steve Goreham

Fourteen Democrat members of Congress have arrived at the United Nations Climate Conference in Madrid. Speaker Nancy Pelosi leads the US delegation, which includes Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island and Representative Sean Casten of Illinois. However, there is little evidence that the conference will have any effect on the climate, but Ms. Pelosi’s delegation will spend a lot of taxpayer money.

Speaker Pelosi describes the delegation and the conference as an effort to “combat the existential threat of our time: the climate crisis.” More than 25,000 attendees and 1,500 members of the media have joined the conference. Continue reading “Pelosi, Casten, and Dems: Wasting Taxpayer Money at the Madrid Climate Conference”