Why I did not vote Green

By John McRobert

I didn’t vote Green [in the recent Queensland State election] because of their unrelenting and unjustifiable efforts to destroy the coal industry, the industry that afforded the lifestyle we all enjoy today; the industry that delivered the electrified railway system on which Greens generously offer cheap tickets to those close enough to use them, subsidised by the working country people unable to access this localised largess.

Greens promote free lunches for schoolchildren – what an abrogation of parental responsibility, what a logistical and legalistic nightmare. What are they thinking of?

Greens support subsidising rooftop solar panels, at the expense of everybody, rich or poor, in increased electricity costs. This is an unbelievable transfer of wealth from the homeless have-nots to the haves who own houses on which they can mount these imported, short-life toys that parasitically live off and undermine the efficiency of a once efficient coal-fired grid. 

It takes a good person to admit he was wrong, but in so admitting, can inspire others. The road to Damascus is an enlightening story.

Greens have the drive, may they soon see the light.

John McRobert BE (Civ)
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Pious Greenies Making Matters Worse

By Howard Dewhirst

ONCE upon a time in the West, anxious Greenies tied themselves to trees in the path of bulldozers to prevent the building of a new road, or dam, or anything that might improve the lot of human residents at the expense of nature.

By the 1970s, Tasmania’s industrial and residential development had spawned the construction of 40 or so dams to provide water and power, but by 1978 more were needed, and the Tasmanian Hydro Electric Commission announced its intention to build a new dam on the Gordon River below the existing Gordon dam. Two years later, 10,000 people marched in the capital Hobart to protest, and in 1981 Aboriginal cave art was discovered within the lake catchment area, further justifying the protest. Nevertheless, in the state election of 1981, not a single ‘No Dams’ candidate was elected. On December 14, 1982, UNESCO declared the South West Wilderness area of Tasmania a world heritage site, but the Tasmanian government ignored this, and strong Federal Government pressure, and continued with planning the new Franklin Dam.  

The Tasmanian economy was fading, which the dam would help counteract, but Wilderness Society protesters disagreed, and 1,200 were arrested for blocking construction. On July 1, 1983, the High Court in Brisbane gave the Federal Government the power to legislate on any issue in favour of an international treaty obligation, the newly elected Hawke government sprang into Greenie mode and 2,000 future jobs for the Franklin area went up in the smoke of victory, or defeat. The dam was not to be and the protesters went back to their city jobs, well pleased with themselves.

The proposed dam was small by fossil fuel standards, with a capacity of just 172 MW, compared to 2,000 MW (or 2 GW) from a conventional coal-fired plant; likewise, the planned reservoir behind the dam was much smaller than the footprint of the high-tension cables and towers needed to bring wind power from the crest of mountain tops, where so many are installed, to where it is needed in the cities. 

The Australian Green Party can be said to have emerged as a political force during the Franklin Dam protests, and was up and running when the next environmental challenge emerged, this time in Queensland. In 1983 a campaign was mounted to prevent the building of a coastal road through some of the last remaining lowland tropical rainforest in Australia. The road was to link the Daintree and Cape Tribulation areas with the village of Bloomfield, completing a road link to Cooktown further north. The forest had been logged since the 1870s and the bigger trees close to the coast were long gone, but much remained inland and today the Daintree Forest reserve covers 1200 sq km with significant amounts of pristine forest habitat. Blocking the construction of a 60 km long and perhaps 6 m wide road would have negligible impact on the already logged forest, and would encourage tourism as a replacement for logging. Nevertheless the struggle went on and protesters chained themselves to trees or half buried themselves in the ground to prevent construction.

The protest did not stop the road, but it demonstrated the passion of the green warriors to preserve any plant or animal in the ‘pristine wilderness’, regardless of any benefits to the humans who lived there. The driver for these protests was, and still is, an emotional one: to protect Mother Nature from the wickedness of the modern world. So it is even more surprising that these feelings seem to have vanished, with Greens supporting the construction of massive solar and wind factories covering hundreds of thousands of acres of agricultural and pastoral land and often pristine wilderness. Their aim of saving the environments they particularly love has morphed into saving the planet as a whole by insisting on Net Zero emissions of CO2.

However, as usual, they have not looked at the data. Australia’s emissions of CO2 from fossil fuels in 2022, were some 376 million tons, which may sounds a lot but is just 1 per cent of the global total of 34,374 million tons; even if these emissions were cut to zero, which cannot happen, what significant difference would it make? And if they would but look at the amount of CO2 sequestrated naturally by Australia’s truly enormous landmass, they would realise that we are already well past the Net Zero target.

To achieve their goal, they have mandated the closure of all Australia’s coal mines and coal-fired power stations, but again pay no attention to the data. In mid-February, one coal fired power station in Victoria was shut down by a spring storm, which also took out some high-tension power lines, which closed down another power station – and half a million homes and businesses lost power. Where was the mandated 20 per cent redundancy power back up? And could the renewables not do anything to help? Ah yes, batteries, I hear you say. When South Australia had a blackout in 2017 due to a power station shut down, the then biggest battery in the world was drained in less than five minutes.

The progressive closure of more and more of Australia’s manufacturing ability may be salve to the collective Greenies’ conscience, but they are kidding themselves if they think this helps the planet. All it has done is send the CO2 emissions overseas, mainly to Asia. The only way to cut Australia’s CO2 footprint is to immediately stop buying anything made in Asia, or anywhere else out of the country. So, no more iPhones, laptops, refrigerators, washing machines and tumble driers, TVs, clothing, gym equipment, X-ray, MRI and other medical equipment, motor vehicles, e-scooters and e-bicycles, ride on mowers and golf buggies, sports equipment, water and sewage pumps, windows and the thousand and one ‘everyday’ items that make the modern world function as it does, most of which can only be manufactured with or from crude oil, or coal. 

The Greenies would have us go back to the pre-industrial age of poverty and a short life span. Shouldn’t we try to stop them?

Howard Dewhirst has a BA Hons, Geology & Eng Lit, MA, Ancient History and a long career in international exploration for energy and mineral resources, using sedimentary and stratigraphic concepts based on real climate change.

Former Greens candidate now warns wind turbines are lunacy and a scam

Steve Nowakowski was a Greens candidate in Cairns in 2006. He was a co-founder of Rainforest Reserves Australia, and was hired as a photographer, but he didn’t like what he saw. Two years ago he was concerned at the environmental damage of the Emerald Wind farm, now he’s filming the destruction in the hope of stopping wind farms being built in Queensland. He’s calling it lunacy, and arguing we need nuclear power.

In a big leap, he even realizes the green groups are “colluding” with the government and the money making environmental vandals in the greatest land grab of the age. Mark my words, eventually this issue will split the Greens.

First Bob Brown former Greens leader, and now foot soldiers like Nowakowski and a few other conservationists are campaigning against wind turbines —  word is spreading…

Read more: https://joannenova.com.au/2024/01/former-greens-candidate-now-warns-wind-turbines-are-lunacy-and-a-scam/

Vote Green for More Blackouts

Vote  ALP/Green  for more  Blackouts and more  WASTED WATER

Saltbush Advice on Election Eve

By Viv Forbes

For ages now in SE Queensland, it has been cloudy, rainy and largely windless. No sun electrifies the solar panels, intermittent winds play with the prayer wheels, and backup batteries are going flat. For just a while on some afternoons, wind and solar produce a trickle of power. Gas and hydro try to help, but none of these can bear the whole power supply load.

But even on these gloomy days, our electric lights, fridge, stove, battery chargers and water pumps work. And down in the city (even on still nights) trains, traffic lights, fuel pumps, cold stores, hospitals and lifts keep working.

Check how this magic occurs:
OpenNEM: Queensland

When all else fails in the sunshine state, COAL KEEPS THE LIGHTS ON.

Those promoting “More Green energy” and their Millionaire Mates are supporting “More Blackouts”. Continue reading “Vote Green for More Blackouts”


Electric vehicles might be okay for suburb hopping in big cities, but I doubt there is a farm in Australia that would be able to run without any petrol or diesel. The Greens’ calls to ‘rapidly transition to electric vehicles‘ for their net zero economy by 2035 shows they have no clue of the energy requirements in transport, industry and agriculture.

Following is Malcolm Robert’s speech to the Australian Senate:

Greens Deliver US Security to China

By Paul Driessen and Dr. Ned Mamula

Excerpt from https://townhall.com/columnists/pauldriessen/2020/07/18/hold-china-accountable–or-give-it-even-more-control-n2572706

The United States is also beholden to China for metals and minerals in energy, aerospace, defense, telecom and other industries. Joe Biden, AOC, Democrats and environmentalist groups would not just shut down fossil fuel production, pipelines and fuels for power generation and manufacturing. They would effectively turn our energy systems, manufacturing, defense, livelihoods and living standards over to China.

Continue reading “Greens Deliver US Security to China”

The Looming Collision between Electric Vehicles and Green Energy

by Viv Forbes

Two green-dream fantasies are heading for a massive and costly collision.

Firstly they dream of generating all grid power from wind/solar propped up by battery storage (such as lots of giant Tesla batteries and pumped hydro).

Secondly they dream of replacing all petrol/diesel/gas cars, trucks and buses with electric vehicles, powered by more batteries. Continue reading “The Looming Collision between Electric Vehicles and Green Energy”

Green Policies Destroy the Forests

By Viv Forbes

Australia is a land of deserts, droughts, floods, bushfires, flammable forests and fire-prone grasslands – these conditions have developed since the start of the Holocene Warm Era about twelve thousand years ago.

All previous Australian bushies, both black and white, have recognised the key principle of fire management in Australia – you can have many small managed “cool” fires in early spring or a few unplanned disastrous “hot” fires consuming a heavy fuel load in hot dry winds in late spring. (Arsonists have other priorities and light their fires at these most dangerous times.) Continue reading “Green Policies Destroy the Forests”