Where is George Orwell?

Where is George Orwell?

The notion that the world’s fate hinges on four one hundredths of one per cent of a gas that has never been known to force anything more than a champagne cork was imaginative, but absurd; that this could be parlayed into a realistic attempt by the UN to acquire a Sovereign State – and thereby political relevance – is truly frightening.

George Orwell, where are you when we need you?

Douglas Panther
Lightning Ridge

Freezing in Green Heaven

Freezing in Green Heaven

It was a night to celebrate
the Green goals had been won.
The last coal mine was firmly shut
and all adored the sun.

Their panels covered all the flats
and turbines spiked the hills.
The young got stoned on ethanol
and oldies got the bills.

The cows were freed from bails and yards
and drilling was rejected.
The rich folk got electric cars
the poor got disconnected.

But then the weather got quite cold
the sun it hibernated.
The power failed, no coal was mined,
most folk refrigerated.

by Viv Forbes, Australia.

Further Reading: Green energy policies freeze out the poor:

What Replaces Diesel?

by Viv Forbes, Australia.

Most farm tractors run on diesel. And every day hundreds of diesel trucks deliver food from farms and feedlots to processing plants and city cold rooms.

In the brave new world of zero emissions, how do we power these trucks and tractors?

They talk boldly of electric trucks. When an electric road train makes a round trip to collect cattle from a feedlot west of Dalby headed for Brisbane, where do they charge the batteries?

transport cartoon
The Faster She Goes, the More Power She Generates.

Further Reading:
More on Electric Vehicles:


Possum on the Barbie?

by Viv Forbes, Australia.

Greens want to replace ancient grasslands and modern croplands with trees. They worship eucalypt weeds while chipping away at the growing space for priceless plants like Mitchell grass, saltbush, mulga, buffel grass, lucerne, wheat, barley, oats and macadamia.

To meet futile Kyoto and Paris climate targets, we are nibbling away grasslands, pastures, orchards and paddocks which feed cattle, sheep, people and kangaroos. In return we get green-sponsored carbon forests, scrub and woody weeds which harbour wild dogs, wild pigs, wild cats, possums, wait-a-while, rubber vine and lantana.

In this bilious-green world, when steak is a rationed treat, shall we chuck another possum on the barbie?

barbie cartoon

Flat Batteries

Batteries sound great.

But they have to be re-charged and replaced. That needs plastics, metals and electricity.

After two still nights and three cloudy days how does green South Australia power their cities and industries AND re-charge/replace their batteries on intermittent wind/solar power without coal, oil, gas, diesel, petrol or nuclear?

And after a week of cold cloudy weather?

Giant flat batteries trying to re-charge small flat batteries?

Only politicians could be so stupid.

By Viv Forbes

Warming Came Before Coal

If human use of coal and oil is causing the Modern Warming, what caused the Minoan Warming, the Roman Warming and the Medieval Warming, all of which were warmer than today?

Every warm era was followed by a mini-ice age – a time of blizzards, iced rivers, starving stock, failed crops and hungry humans.

Only fools would try to kill the warmth by reducing aerial CO2 plant food.

And only idiots would destroy their reliable electricity supply in this futile crusade.

By Viv Forbes

Following Foolish Forecasts

Well-trained meteorologists with mountains of real data and massive computers cannot forecast the weather more than a few days ahead.

But make-believe academic “climatologists” using doctored data have created over 100 complicated computer models pretending to forecast global climate decades ahead.

NOT ONE model has produced a correct forecast for 25 years.

Yet we are prepared to trash our economy, inflate electricity costs and destroy heavy industry on the basis of these massaged models.

Only politicians and green dreamers could believe such nonsense.

By Viv Forbes

Hydro-carbons Beat Biofuels on all counts

Coal and oil are made from plants and animals that died millions of years ago when the atmosphere contained abundant carbon dioxide plant food. They are now very concentrated forms of energy which can be extracted from very small areas of land. Burning these natural hydro-carbons returns CO2 and fresh water to the atmosphere thus greatly assisting global plant growth. If we are lucky these extra gases in the atmosphere may also slightly delay the start of Earth’s next cooling cycle, but this looks unlikely.

Ethanol and biodiesel are made from plants growing now – sugar cane, beets, palm oil and grains. Growing these crops requires large areas of land and valuable fresh water for irrigation.
Growing bio-fuel crops extracts CO2 from the atmosphere but burning them quickly puts it back. This is a zero-sum game that does nothing positive for the environment or the climate.

Coal and oil are thus more enviro-friendly than biofuels. It is environmental desecration to lock-the-gate on coal, oil and gas while supporting policies that waste land, food crops and water for motor fuels.

Speculators should be free to make biofuels but these should not be subsidised or mandated.

By Viv Forbes