By Ron Pike

It was the succinct Ronald Reagan who gave us the quote:

“A Government Department is the nearest thing to eternal life we will ever see on earth.”

This quote became very relevant to me in recent weeks as I have been discussing the failed Murray-Darling Basin Plan with several members of Parliament and specifically with advisors to Federal Water Minister, Keith Pitt. Continue reading “WHEN THE MINISTER DOES NOT MINISTER”

Can the Plan Rally

A Convoy to Canberra protesting the Disasters caused by the Murray Darling Basin Plan.

On Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd December 2019, people from across the Murray Darling Basin will be converging on Canberra to tell Federal politicians face to face that the Basin Plan is an absolute disaster. Both Federal and State Water Ministers know the devastating impacts of the man-made drought, that has been created  by Basin Plan government policies, but will do nothing to halt the destruction immediately.

On every level the Basin Plan is failing. Continue reading “Can the Plan Rally”

Time to Sack the “Minister for No Water”

The Minister for Wasting Water, DAVID LITTLEPROUD, must resign.

The Saltbush Club today called for the immediate resignation of Mr. David Littleproud from his position as Minister for Water on the grounds of incompetence in his management of the Murray-Darling Basin Authority.

The call was made by Mr Ron Pike, the Saltbush Club Water Adviser with a lifetime of experience and information on Murray Darling Basin water supply, storage and use. Continue reading “Time to Sack the “Minister for No Water””

Topher Field: “The Dreadful Murray Darling Basin Plan”

“Our farmers are in a drought… again. But this time it’s different. Our rivers are full to overflowing as our government spends $13Billion of our dollars, buying up water and flushing it out to sea. Meanwhile, thanks to the price of water skyrocketing, our farmers can’t afford to buy any to put on their crops or keep their cattle fed. What we have is a man-made drought, caused by the MDBA and its reckless buying of water for so called ‘environmental’ purposes.”

The Failure of all their Dam Plans

By Viv Forbes

Malcolm Turnbull’s Murray Darling Basin plan has failed and must be abolished.

We need to change the way we manage what is our most abundant renewable resource, and the only obstacle to this is politics.

The immediate action must be to stop wasting water on “environmental flows” that are doing more harm than good. Then we need to build more dams and weirs; and restore natural flushing to the mouth of the Murray. Continue reading “The Failure of all their Dam Plans”

The Darling River Fish Kills



Why has the MDB Plan Failed?

by Ron Pike

As we watch the disturbing daily images of a dry Darling River, parched Menindee Lakes, millions of dead fish, and outback towns without drinkable water, both bush and city are screaming – Why?

Who is responsible they ask? Name the scapegoats and brand them criminals is demanded.

Any lesser response would be shameful, but some reactions, while understandable, are not rational.

Before we look more closely at why and how these unacceptable events have occurred, we need to put to rest some misconceptions about this river and recent claims made by some aboriginal people that the Darling was previously a “Mighty River” that always flowed.

It wasn’t. After discovery by English explorers Stuart and Hume in 1828, history kept at Menindee tells us it was bone dry there at least 48 times up to 1960 – something that no doubt also happened for hundreds of years before.

The paddle steamer NILE on the dry bed of the Darling River, near Bourke, about 1898. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository

Continue reading “The Darling River Fish Kills”