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Month: September 2023
Alan Jones on the Ingratitude of Indigenous Activists
A Better Way
Kerry White spoke publicly at the Adelaide Convention Centre on June 23, 2023 about “The Voice” referendum. Transcript is below the video.
I am a Narrungga leader and Native Title holder. My grandfather, mother and extended family come from the Point Pierce Mission here in SA. I also have ties through extended family to the Utnamutna, Kaurna, Nukunu, Warlpiri and Pitjantjatjara Aboriginal people. l served on boards and committees, both Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal. My area of expertise is in health and small business, I have worked in both public and private sectors, including the Welfare system. I am going to share a few facts with you this evening.
Continue reading “A Better Way”What is this Referendum about?
Please review the link below to understand the two options.
This man is articulate and logically unravels what our Yes/No Referendum is about.
We Have the Voice Already
[You may need to unmute the audio.]
By Cliff Reece

Marcia Langton, the prominent ‘Yes’ campaigner, and key Voice architect accused ‘No’ voters of being either racists or plain stupid while speaking to a forum in Bunbury, Western Australia. And it was said with pure hatred on her face and in her voice.
She later claimed that she wasn’t referring to ‘No’ voters but only those promoting the ‘No’ case – presumably people like Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price and Nyunggai Warren Mundine. I don’t think either of them are racist or stupid – do you?
Her outrageous comments were then deleted from social media platforms just minutes after they were reported on Sharri Markson’s Sky News program.
By Cliff Reece

Indigenous Minister Linda Burney together with hate-filled racist Senator Lidia Thorpe and communists like Thomas Mayo and Marcia Langton together with activist Noel Pearson are leading the charge, vilifying everything relating to British colonialism.
Thorpe’s insane outburst at a Melbourne rally said it all when she screamed out to a cheering crowd: “This is a war! They are still killing us! They are still stealing our babies! They are killing our men! And they are still raping our women!”
Continue reading “BRITISH-AUSTRALIAN PUSHBACK AGAINST VOICE ACTIVISTS’ LIES!”James Cook … the Great Colonial Invader!
By Cliff Reece
James Cook is being demonized by activists as a coloniser and instigator of the so-called ‘invasion’ that took place from 1770. Is there any truth in their claims?

Some of you are probably already smiling as a result of my obviously humorous heading ‘the great colonial invader’ – it’s so preposterous that it’s hard not to laugh out loud !
And yet, that is exactly what so many ignorant and racially biased Australians consider him to be – and that appears to include our Prime Minister, Tony Albanese.
Continue reading “James Cook … the Great Colonial Invader!”Carbon Language: Error on a Global Scale

By Steve Goreham
Originally published in Master Resource.
Political and business leaders, educators, and the news media endlessly talk about “carbon.” Newscasters repeatedly warn about “carbon emissions” and “carbon pollution.” States and provinces announce “zero carbon” goals. The United Nations and environmental groups push for a “low-carbon” and a “carbon-neutral” society. But instead, they should all be talking about “carbon dioxide,” not carbon.
Labeling carbon dioxide “carbon” is as foolish as calling salt “chlorine.” Carbon and carbon dioxide (CO2) are completely different substances. The term “carbon” conveys an image of black pencil lead or soot, but CO2 is an invisible gas. It appears that CO2 is deliberately being misnamed to convey a negative image.
Continue reading “Carbon Language: Error on a Global Scale”CLIMATE INSANITY HAS TO STOP!
By Cliff Reece

The Australian Greens leader, Adam Bandt (pictured left), has called on his comrades to join disruptive climate protests to pressure the Albanese government into stopping the opening of new fossil fuel mines, saying he plans to personally participate in blocking the country’s largest coal port in Newcastle.
He said more people needed to “get in behind” groups that engaged in civil disobedience, naming Disrupt Burrup Hub, Rising Tide and Extinction Rebellion.