Waiting for Wind

By Viv Forbes

Australia’s elected appeasers
Push mad energy plans, just as teasers.
But while coal powers Asians
And nukes help Caucasians
Dumb Aussies sit praying for breezes!

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China Loves Coal more than Wind:

Electricity generation in China:

China’s Coal output Surges:

U.S. electricity generation by energy source:

The Green Road to Blackouts:

After Wind Speeds Dropped, UK Electricity Prices Rose 10,000%:

How Weather and Climate Work

By Viv Forbes

Source: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2018/04/how_weather_and_climate_work.html

There are three big drivers of weather for any place on Earth: the latitude, the local environment, and solar system cycles.

The biggest weather factor is latitude – are you in the torrid, temperate, or frigid zone? These climatic zones are defined by the intensity of heat delivered to Earth’s surface by the sun.

In the Torrid Zone, the sun is always high in the sky. It is generally hot, often moist, with low atmospheric pressure, muggy conditions, and abundant rain and storms, some severe. Places close to the Equator get two summers per year (just one long summer) and very little winter. Farther from the equator, there are two seasons: “The Wet” and “The Dry.” The Torrid Zone produces many equatorial rainforests and also contains some deserts. Most people dream of vacations or retirement in the warm zone.
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