Michael Moore Presents: Planet of the Humans

Michael Moore Presents: Planet of the Humans – a Documentary directed by Jeff Gibbs.

This presentation is a bit long but is one of the few I have found worth every minute. It is a devastating exposé of the Green Energy story. Even if you do not listen yourself please spread this link around.

Viv Forbes

Here is Rafe Champions review:

Planet of the Humans is a hauntingly beautiful production, not being a film buff I can’t grade the camera work but I suspect it is gold standard – see the shots of rusting windmills, the desolate ruins of a gigantic billion dollar solar farm and the wasteland of tree stumps created to provide “sustainable” power from “biomass”. Moore himself hardly appears. And the interviews are pure gold!


Here is Jo Nova’s comment:

It’s like someone read all the major skeptic blogs in the world and turned them into a documentary.


2019-2020 South Pacific Blob and Antarctica Warming in February 2020

By Alvin Wong and Wyss Yim
Volcanoes Study Group, Hong Kong

Hot blobs beneath the sea surface formed by the release of geothermal heat through submarine volcanic eruptions and/or sub-aerially erupted hot volcanic materials including lava flows into the sea are an underestimated natural cause of ocean heat waves 1. Recent examples include the 2013-2016 North Pacific Blob 2,3and the 2018-2019 Southwest Indian Ocean Blob 4. The present study on the development of a blob in the South Pacific Ocean referred to as the 2019-2020 South Pacific Blob 5 has provided evidence to account for the observed recent warming in Antarctica including a new hottest temperature record on February 6, 2020 6 and heat wave conditions dramatically changing Antarctica in just 9 days 7.

Continue reading “2019-2020 South Pacific Blob and Antarctica Warming in February 2020”

Lessons from the West German Economic Miracle

After WWII Germany was devastated, its factories and infrastructure destroyed. A brilliant leader, Ludwig Erhard, seized an opportunity and literally overnight reformed the tax system to allow individual motivation to work its magic – the West German economic miracle resulted.

Read the extract from Understanding Personal and Economic Liberty by Ronald Kitching: https://saltbushclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/west-german-reform.pdf [PDF, 172 KB (the beginning of the first page is deliberately blank)].

Available from https://www.copyright.net.au/1/home/understanding-personal-and-economic-freedom.

Coming soon – the Oz-bat Epidemic

By Viv Forbes

PM Morrison warns of health risks from China’s wet markets.

He should also check Wuhan virus labs. And cull fruit bats in Australia.

Many Australian towns and parks are infected by millions of messy, noisy fruit bats that can carry three viruses dangerous to animals and humans – Hendra-virus (flu etc), Lyssa-virus (like rabies) and Nipah-virus (encephalitis).

Image Credit: Pixabay

These bats wear Green “Protected Species” badges, but unprotected humans are exposed to their noise, smell, droppings, virus dangers and damage to trees and orchards.

Do we want the next world plague to be called “The Oz-Bat Epidemic?

A few of the Australian towns coping with bat invasions:

And here is Ingham, North Queensland:

The Greenland Ice Sheet Might Disappear – Probably When Hell Freezes Over

By Dr. John Happs

The Greenland ice sheet is the second largest body of ice on Earth after the Antarctic ice sheet and to say that Greenland’s ice sheet is big would be an understatement. It is about 2,400 km long, 1,100 km wide and covers an area of around 1,710,000 square km. It has a volume of about 2,850,000 cu. km and ice cores have been taken from a depth of around 4 km.

The public read and hear only about Greenland’s short summer melting events with exaggerated media reports routinely providing alarmist messages. Continue reading “The Greenland Ice Sheet Might Disappear – Probably When Hell Freezes Over”

Bushfires in Australia – Royal Commission Submission

A submission to The Royal Commission into
National Natural Disaster Arrangements

Presented by Viv Forbes
On Behalf of The Saltbush Club

PDF version: https://saltbushclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/bushfire-enquiry.pdf

The Landscape and wildlife of Australia was shaped and then maintained by frequent mild burning for at least 40,000 years. This reality must be recognised and it dictates that there are only two futures for Australia:

A healthy safe landscape that maintains sustainable vegetation, wildlife and people. This requires that we re-establish the successful fire regimes of the past.


A dangerous and destructive landscape with too many people cowering in suburban and rural enclaves surrounded by a tinderbox of pest-ridden weeds, scrub and litter – a threat to trees, wildlife and property. This is today’s fire regime in Eastern Australia.

Our submission focusses on Bushfires. Continue reading “Bushfires in Australia – Royal Commission Submission”