Welcome the Warmth

By Viv Forbes

At dawn today (30th July) mid-winter in sunny Queensland, it was zero degrees on the lawn outside our kitchen and the small water tub for our chooks was iced over.

Every morning, as soon as it gets light, Judy puts a winter coat over her jamas, adds gloves, glasses, rubber boots, a beanie and a walking stick (icy grass is very slippery). She then trudges down the hill to check any new-born lambs and then lets the sheep out of their dingo-proof night-camp into their paddock for the day. As soon as they are let out, they dribble into a long line and, led by the wisest old ewe, they wend their way across the frosty flat and then make their way up the hill to the highest point facing the morning sun.

Continue reading “Welcome the Warmth”

The chronology of the Climate Change / Global Warming debate

By R. G. McKellar

Early Science.

The Swedish chemist Arrhenius published a significant advance toward the mathematical treatment of global climate in a paper published in 1896. Until that time the dynamics of a rotating planet with the familiar passing of daylight into night had defied scientists. Aarhenius devised a simplified model with the surface area of the Earth converted to a flat disc receiving solar energy at the rate of one-quarter of the incoming flux at the equator (at the equinox). All temperatures were treated as global averages—-a very difficult thing to do when most stations recording temperature were in the northern hemisphere & on land. The method employed an Ideal Atmosphere, which unfortunately did not include water vapour. Water vapour, by its volume, is the most important Greenhouse gas, and by its phase changes solid>liquid>gas>liquid>solid>gas, heat is extracted or released into the atmosphere.

Currently, all computer models use Arrhenius’ basic maths. Aarhenius arrived at the conclusion that there would be a welcome 3-4 degrees C of European warming in the 20th century—-a very high estimate ( versus ~1degreeC later observed), and much like that coming out of climate models from various universities and meteorological offices to this day. Interestingly, Aarhenius in a 1906 paper did acknowledge the importance of water vapour, but that was subsequently over-looked .

Continue reading “The chronology of the Climate Change / Global Warming debate”

Catastrophic Global Warming: It Must Be Hiding!

By Dr. John Happs 

Dr John Happs

We keep hearing that the planet is under threat because of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming and that our goal must be to limit that warming to 1.5oC or else! Serial alarmist Al Gore told us in 2006, that we had 10 years left before the Earth: “turns into a total frying pan.” 

https://www.climatedepot.com/2016/01/04/flashback-2006-algore-we-have-ten-years-left- before-earth-cooks/ 

This is the same Al Gore who displayed the Dr. Michael Mann fraudulent graph to say the planet is warming dangerously, when it isn’t. https://climateaudit.org/2015/03/15/brandons-ebook-on-the-hockey-stick/

It would appear that we have to put up with even more global warming scare nonsense from the United Nations (UN) Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, as he drones on about the imaginary climate crisis and how the planet is “in intensive care” and on “life support.” 

Maintaining the global warming hysteria, Guterres tells us, with no supporting evidence: 

With the planet warming by as much as 1.2 degrees, and where climate disasters have forced 30 million to flee their homes, we are sleepwalking to climate catastrophe.


Link to full article here:

Should You Really Be Alarmed About The Climate?

By Michael Spencer

Click the image above, or this link [PDF, 7 MB]: http://www.galileomovement.com.au/media/SaveThePlanet.pdf to access the full document.

Other files referenced by the document:
Reconsidering Climate Change http://galileomovement.com.au/media/ReconsideringClimateChange.ppsx [PowerPoint format, 113 MB]

Should You Really be Alarmed? http://www.galileomovement.com.au/media/ShouldYouReallyBeAlarmed.pdf [PDF, 20 MB]

Should You Really Be Alarmed Addendum http://www.galileomovement.com.au/media/ShouldYouReallyBeAlarmedAddendum.pdf [PDF, 19 MB]

Should You Really Be Alarmed Extra http://www.galileomovement.com.au/media/ShouldYouReallyBeAlarmedExtra.pdf [PDF, 21 MB]

Wikipedia’s Climate Change Bias: A Response

Dr John HappsBy Dr. John Happs

According to Wikipedia the scientific method involves careful observation, rigorous scepticism about what is observed … formulating hypothesis … testing and refinement etc.


A number of entries in Wikipedia appear to display an absence of the above principles when it comes to reporting about climate change, with little criticism of the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming (CAGW) narrative. Thus, we have excellent examples of why this online source should be closely examined for possible bias when providing information about climate change and influencing factors.


Close inspection suggests that Wikipedia has deleted a list of the many well-qualified scientists who have rejected the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming meme:


William Connolley was noted for promoting Wikipedia’s climate alarmist views whilst suppressing any rational, skeptical information that he didn’t like. Lawrence Solomon noted how:

He rewrote Wikipedia’s articles on global warming, on the greenhouse effect, on the instrumental temperature record, on the urban heat island, on climate models, on global cooling. On Feb. 14, he began to erase the Little Ice Age; on Aug.11, the Medieval Warm Period. In October, he turned his attention to the hockey stick graph.” 


Read the full article: https://papundits.wordpress.com/2023/03/09/wikipedias-climate-change-bias-a-response/

The Climate Religion

Woke Inc. author Vivek Ramaswamy said that the left’s climate religion “has about as much to do with the climate as the Spanish inquisition had to with Christ which is to say nothing at all.”

The Strive Asset Management Executive Chairman blasted climate extremists for their hypocritical “religious” agenda that has nothing to do with their supposed care for the planet and everything to do with the push for woke global equity.

“Here’s the dirty little secret about the climate religion: It has nothing to do with the climate and everything to do with making the West, and America in particular, apologize for its success, which it views as a sin,” Ramaswamy said on the Feb. 10 edition of Tucker Carlson Tonight.

Read the full article: https://climatechangedispatch.com/woke-inc-author-blasts-climate-extremist-religion-and-esg-crusade/

‘Chalming’ no one: Labor romances communism

By Alan Moran

Jim Chalmers is proving to be the most iconoclastic Treasurer since the Whitlam government’s Jim Cairns, a man who only joined the Labor Party after his application to join the Communist Party was rejected. Cairns spearheaded a previous assault on conventional capitalist economic theory and, like Chalmers, sought to borrow, spend, and regulate the nation into prosperity with fairness. Both Chalmers and Cairns came into politics with doctorates in economic history – that of Chalmers was a hagiography of Paul Keating, whose policies he now wants to reverse.

Read the full article at the Spectator: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/01/chalming-no-one-labor-romances-communism/

Problems in Climate Science

A destructive trail left by climate models.
Presentation to The Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia
Dr Howard Brady
Sydney 13th September 2022

Click/tap the link or image to download the complete presentation: https://saltbushclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/presentation-brady-howard.pdf (large PDF, 22 MB)

“Climate” by co-winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics

Dr. Robert B. Laughlin, Stanford University Physicist, Nobel Prize (shared) for physics in 1998, former research scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

Please remain calm: the Earth will heal itself — Climate is beyond our power to control…Earth doesn’t care about governments or their legislation.

You can’t find much actual global warming in present-day weather observations.

Climate change is a matter of geologic time, something that the earth routinely does on its own without asking anyone’s permission or explaining itself.

Excerpts from the article, What the Earth Knows, The American Scholar, June 2010: https://theamericanscholar.org/what-the-earth-knows/

The politics of climate: what a difference a war makes!

By Alan Moran

President Trump, in July 2018, warned Europe about the dangers of relying on Russian energy. For this he was ridiculed, as illustrated by the supercilious faces of the German delegates.

Global investment markets have noticed that the world has changed.

Read more: https://www.regulationeconomics.com/so/97N-XsOQr?languageTag=en/main#/main