Trees, Fires, Climate and Carbon Dioxide

By Jim Steele. Published in Pacifica. Tribune August 20, 2019

There are too many fear mongering politicians pushing an “existential climate crisis”. I find the climate history told by the trees far more trustworthy, and the trees are whispering there is no crisis.

This summer I taught a class on the Natural History of the Sierra Nevada for San Francisco State University’s Sierra Nevada Field Campus. The first day we taught students how to identify the trees. Once students know their trees, they can easily see how tree species vary with elevation, temperature, moisture, and snow pack. They can see which species colonize open sunny areas and which trees need shade before they can invade. Old time naturalists used trees to identify “life-zones” where different species of mammals, birds, insects and other plants can be found. Furthermore, when you listen to the trees, you can see change.

The class explored forests along the North Yuba River. Free from politics, trees tell us about changes in fire frequency, logging, climate change and ecosystem resilience. Photographs taken during the late 1800s during California’s gold rush days, revealed the total devastation of local forests. Gold miners needed wood for heating and cooking, for their metal forges, and for timbers to reinforce their mines. They needed wood to build flume boxes that altered river courses to expose riverbeds. Flume boxes also carried water from high to low elevations where giant water cannons completely washed away hillsides in their search for gold.

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Tackling Climate Change

By Dr D Weston Allen (MBBS, FRACGP) Aug 2019

Earth’s complex climate is always changing, sometimes rapidly. Greenland’s temperature rose ten degrees Celsius (10⁰C) in a single decade 11,500 years ago. Earth has been warmer than now and the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) level much higher than now for most of its 4.5 billion years. Natural sequestration over 200 million years reduced it ten-fold from 2,000 parts per million (ppm) to just 200ppm 2.58 million years ago when Earth entered the cold Quaternary ice-age.
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Never Have US Health Professionals Been So Foolish

By Steve Goreham. Originally published in NewsBlaze.

Last month, 74 US medical and public health groups released a “U.S. Call to Action,” declaring climate change a “true public health emergency” that can be solved by “urgent action.” The statement calls for a transition away from hydrocarbon energy and a move to a low-carbon economy. But actual weather and health trends don’t support either the alarm or the demanded actions.

The statement was endorsed by the American Medical Association, the American Heart Association, and the American College of Physicians. These and other organizations pronounced climate change the “greatest public health challenge of the 21st century.”

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The Big Picture: 65 Million Years of Temperature Swings

If you wonder where today’s temperature fits in with the grand scheme of time on Earth since the dinosaurs were wiped out, here’s the history. We start with the whole 65 million years, then zoom in, and zoom in again to the last 12,000 from both ends of the world. What’s obvious is that in terms of homo sapiens history, things are warm now (because we’re not in an ice age). But, in terms of homo sapiens civilization, things are cooler than usual, and appear to be cooling.

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How Weather and Climate Work

By Viv Forbes


There are three big drivers of weather for any place on Earth: the latitude, the local environment, and solar system cycles.

The biggest weather factor is latitude – are you in the torrid, temperate, or frigid zone? These climatic zones are defined by the intensity of heat delivered to Earth’s surface by the sun.

In the Torrid Zone, the sun is always high in the sky. It is generally hot, often moist, with low atmospheric pressure, muggy conditions, and abundant rain and storms, some severe. Places close to the Equator get two summers per year (just one long summer) and very little winter. Farther from the equator, there are two seasons: “The Wet” and “The Dry.” The Torrid Zone produces many equatorial rainforests and also contains some deserts. Most people dream of vacations or retirement in the warm zone.
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Alarmists Destroy Their Credibility By Degrees

Dr. John Happs

It was in Lima, Peru that the United Nations (UN) travelling climate circus met in 2014 for COP 29 in its futile attempt to limit global carbon dioxide emissions which they blamed for (imaginary) global warming. Incredibly, national leaders were told that, by pledging to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions, global temperature could be limited to 2oC above the pre-industrial level.

The Lima conference was attended by more than 10,000 delegates, flying in their ministerial jets with another 1,000 observers joining them. Collectively, they created a “carbon footprint” larger than any of the many previous climate jamborees. It was reported that:

Organisers rejected powering the village with solar panels on the grounds they were too unreliable, while efforts to hook the site up to the national grid – which is half-fed by renewable energy – failed due to technical problems.”

Electricity was supplied to the conference by diesel generators since the available renewable hydro-power couldn’t cope. Curiously, no electric or hybrid vehicles were used by attendees and bicycles were largely shunned due to dangerous driving conditions. Transport came from 300 diesel-powered cars.

Oh the irony!
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What Happened to Global Warming?

By David Archibald

The global warming hysteria was reaching a crescendo in the lead up to the climate confab in Copenhagen in 2009 when a civic-minded person released the Climategate emails, deflating the whole thing. Those emails, concocted from the fevered imaginations of the scientists involved.

Nigh on 10 years have passed since then and we are currently experiencing another peak in the hysteria that seems to be coordinated worldwide. But why? Why now? The global warming scientists have plenty of time on their hands and plenty of money. Idle curiosity would have got some to have a stab at figuring out what is going to happen to climate. Do they see an imminent cooling and they have to get legislation in place before that is apparent?
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Stop The Climate Stupidity

This is a presentation by David Archibald. Here are some of his conclusions:

  1. Yes the world has warmed and this was mostly due to the highest level of solar activity for 10,000 years. Most likely outcome is that we return to the climate of the 19 th century.
  2. Carbon dioxide is tuckered out as a greenhouse gas and its effect from here is minuscule.
  3. The level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere got dangerously low during the last ice age and the higher we can take it, the safer the world will be.
  4. There is no scientific reason to switch away from coal and other fossil fuels.

Just one of the many charts in the presentation:

Read the full document: [PDF, 5 MB]

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Global Warming is Nothing New

by Roger Dewhurst

  • There was the First Atlantic Warm Period about 7750 BC
  • Second Atlantic Warm Period about 7000 BC
  • First Saharan Warm period about 5800 BC
  • Second Saharan Warm Period about 5000 BC
  • Egyptian Warm period about 3200 BC
  • Sumerian Warm Period about 2200 BC
  • Minoan Warm Period about 1200 BC
  • Roman Warm Period about 0 BC
  • Mediaeval Warm Period about 1000 AD
  • Modern Warm Period about 2000 AD

All the warm periods prior to the current one have been warmer (in most cases substantially warmer) than the modern warming that we are having hysterics about.

There have been five significant Little Ice Ages scattered between these warm periods.

If you can explain how man-made carbon dioxide was the temperature driver for these events please go ahead and tell me.

Until you do there are, for me, better explanations, principally the magnetic field of the sun.

Roger Dewhurst

Roger is a retired geologist who spent much of his life studying climate history written in sedimentary rocks.
