by Roger Dewhurst
- There was the First Atlantic Warm Period about 7750 BC
- Second Atlantic Warm Period about 7000 BC
- First Saharan Warm period about 5800 BC
- Second Saharan Warm Period about 5000 BC
- Egyptian Warm period about 3200 BC
- Sumerian Warm Period about 2200 BC
- Minoan Warm Period about 1200 BC
- Roman Warm Period about 0 BC
- Mediaeval Warm Period about 1000 AD
- Modern Warm Period about 2000 AD
All the warm periods prior to the current one have been warmer (in most cases substantially warmer) than the modern warming that we are having hysterics about.
There have been five significant Little Ice Ages scattered between these warm periods.
If you can explain how man-made carbon dioxide was the temperature driver for these events please go ahead and tell me.
Until you do there are, for me, better explanations, principally the magnetic field of the sun.
Roger Dewhurst
Roger is a retired geologist who spent much of his life studying climate history written in sedimentary rocks.