An attempt to understand the mind-set of climate alarmists/activists who believe that our politicians can now control climate & droughts & perhaps even prevent bushfires.
By Graham Williamson, November 2019
Updated December 2019
No Link Between ‘Climate Change’ & Droughts
According to Professor Andy Pitman:
…this may not be what you expect to hear. but as far as the climate scientists know there is no link between climate change and drought…….there is no reason a priori why climate change should make the landscape more arid……So the fundamental problem we have is that we don’t understand what causes droughts. Much more interesting, We don’t know what stops a drought. We know it’s rain, but we don’t know what lines up to create drought breaking rains.
Climate Change is a Trillion Dollar Opportunity
As Dr Peter Holt notes,
At the World Economic Forum…….The challenges of climate change were presented as an economic opportunity equating to AUD7.45 trillion over the next two decades.
According to Julie Bishop’s 2030 Agenda, we must Become ‘Agents of Change’ for the UN
The UNs 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, signed by former Foreign Minister Julie Bishop in 2015, explicitly emphasises the role of children as agents of change dedicated to the UNs global agenda:
What we are announcing today – an Agenda for global action for the next fifteen years – is a charter for people and planet in the twenty-first century. Children and young women and men are critical agents of change and will find in the new Goals a platform to channel their infinite capacities for activism into the creation of a better world.
Children Granted ‘Agent of Change’ Certificate by UN
In 2017 the UN produced official guidelines, Guiding Principles for Supporting Young People as Critical Agents of Change in the 2030 Agenda, while this was followed by the UNs International Agents of Change Conference for “students….….who have made the pledge to become global citizens, or Agents of Change.” Participating students were granted a certificate.
So many farmers and others in this country are currently in such dire need, and yet many young people seem to be thoroughly dedicated to imported foreign agendas dictating that climate and droughts are now controllable by our politicians. It is the purpose of this presentation to explore the basis for this climate activism/alarmism, particularly in regard to scientific validity.
Read the full document: [PDF, 444 KB]
Thought provoking article. Conjures anger at how our institutions have indocrinated the millinial generation based upon UN ‘agenda 21’ principles. A quick browse through The ‘Training Manual’ link “Empowering students for just societies – A handbook for primary schoolteachers” in Graham’s summary, enables me to envisage the justification philosophy of the XR, AntiFa, school students Friday strikes etc. Scary stuff that isn’t going to end anytime soon.
When global cooling becomes obvious these zealots will realise they have been tricked. Let’s stand back and watch.
No one ever comments on the fact that volcanoes are the biggest producers of carbon dioxide and that 40 to 60% of the gases that are emitted is CO2. So much for scientific knowledge, and if it is supposed to be heating the planet, then why is Mars, which has an atmosphere of carbon dioxide, so cold.