Energy Transition In France: Useless, Costly, Unfair

A letter from Pierre Bouteille

Dear friends from the English-speaking world,

Just to keep you abreast of what is going on in France…

You may have heard of the Yellow Vests, who triggered our president Macron into embarking on a “Grand Debate”, mainly on the internet. It is mostly a closed questionnaire with circular arguments on the most surreptitious ways to shoehorn the energy transition, without offering to question its legitimacy in the first place. However, looking closely at the fine print, contributors like associations can still express an open opinion.

On our side Rémy Prud’homme is an emeritus professor of economics, former consultant to the OECD, occasionally to the World Bank, and visiting professor at the MIT. As such he is our chief economist within the steering committee of the French Climato-Réalistes. He came up with the attached “ENERGY TRANSITION IN FRANCE: USELESS, COSTLY, UNFAIR”, initially in French of course. See: [PDF, 346 KB]

We thought you may like to know that we Froggies are enduring the same attacks as everywhere in the western world and that we like to voice our concern.

Sympathetically yours,

Pierre Bouteille, on behalf of the French Climato-Réalistes

The Barrier Reef is Healthy

The Barrier Reef is Healthy, but Some Academic Institutions are Rotten to the Core

FORMER James Cook University Professor Peter Ridd will be in the Brisbane Federal Court next week attempting to get his job back. The case may be fought on legal interpretations of his obligation as a university employee to be collegial and discrete versus his right to academic freedom. This avoids the need to consider the two truths at the heart of this matter:

1. The Great Barrier Reef may be in good health, while
2. Our academic institutions may be rotten to the core.

Read More:

And listen to Peter Ridd’s story here:

How to Turn Cooling into Warming

by Dr. Jennifer Marohasy

THIS last summer has been hot in Australia. But was it the hottest ever? Summer 80 years ago was arguably as hot, if not hotter. Back then more ferocious bushfires burnt larger areas.

Yet Australia’s Environment Minister, Melissa Price, recently claimed this summer’s bushfires as a consequence of climate change. I grew up with stories from my late father of terrible bushfires – infernos – back in 1939. The Black Friday bushfires destroyed four times the area of farmland and forest as the devastating February 2009 fires – and twenty times as much as burnt this last summer. Ash from that bushfire fell as far away as New Zealand. Continue reading “How to Turn Cooling into Warming”

UN Indoctrination

Indoctrinating Schoolchildren to Support the
United Nations Global Agenda.
Children Become ‘Activists’ in Support of
UN Climate/Sustainability Agenda.
Graham Williamson
January 2019 (Summary version)

Note: This analysis is in two documents: the summary below (and its PDF version here: un-education-summary [38 KB] and the full document here: un-education [PDF, 213 KB].

Australian Educational Standards Declining as the Curriculum Becomes Increasingly Politicised

According to reports, Australia is now at the bottom of the list of wealthy countries when it comes to global educational standards. Evidence of political indoctrination of school students, or exploitation of children for political purposes, is extensive in Australia. With an emphasis on climate/sustainability activism, sexual orientation, gender expression, and gender identity, in current ALP policies, Australia is rising to the top of the UN indoctrination rankings.

Global UN Values and ‘Dumbing Down’ of Students Replace Australian Values in Schools

Through the UN Agenda 21 agreement agreed to by the Keating government in 1993, and consolidated by the Howard, Rudd, and Gillard governments, Australian politicians have long been dedicated to destroying traditional Australian values and replacing them with imported ‘global’ values approved by the UN. Education, and our children, have been at the forefront of this anti-Australian campaign. Fear has always been a popular tool used by the UN to achieve their goals as far as indoctrinating children is concerned. Continue reading “UN Indoctrination”

Snow Job


Dr. John Happs

Many readers will remember the famous predictions about snowfalls from Dr David Viner when he was a senior research scientist at the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia. (Yes – that’s the same CRU where Dr Phil Jones withheld climate data requested under Freedom of Information laws.)

In March, 2000, Dr Viner confidently predicted that within a few years:

“Winter snowfall will become a very rare and exciting event.”

He added: “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.”

Read the full document: [PDF: 663 KB]

Constitutional Enquiry

“The International Agreements Enquiry.”

An Enquiry into the Public Scrutiny and Democratic Foundations of Importing Laws via International Agreements

Drafted by Graham Williamson and proposed by the Saltbush Club

The Background

Christiana Figueres is a world authority on global climate change and was the Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC from 2010-2016. Ms. Figueres is currently Vice-Chair of the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy.

As former UNFCCC chief Christiana Figueres pointed out in regard to the UN’s global agenda, the aim of the UN is to bring about acentralized transformation” … “one that is going to make the life of everyone on the planet very different.”

Figueres continues: “global society, is moving to the point where we are going to need more and more global governance muscle… Climate change… is only the first of the major, major planetary challenges that we are being given, almost as a playground… to go into that playground and exercise our global governance capacity”

Read the complete document: constitutional-enquiry [PDF, 85 KB]

The Naked Truth of Agenda 21

In their own words:


Agenda 21 stands as a comprehensive blueprint for action to be taken globally — from now into the twenty-first century — by Governments, United Nations organizations, development agencies, non-governmental organizations and independent-sector groups, in every area in which human activity impacts on the environment.” Continue reading “The Naked Truth of Agenda 21”

Land and Sea Go Up and Down

By Pamela Matlack-Klein

For decades now the IPCC and other alarmists have been threatening us with the ugly spectre of hugely accelerated sea level rise (SLR). Fortunately, none of their dire predictions have come to pass yet this has not caused them take a look at just how ludicrous their predictions really are.

During this time, sea level has continued to putter along just as it has for the past 150 years, at a minuscule rate of about 1-1.5mm/year. This is a very tiny amount of SLR, not even noticeable by the average human. In fact, a person living on the coast of almost any country for 80 years would not notice any change in sea level, from childhood through retirement.

Given that the majority of people tend to live in coastal zones, it is baffling how anyone can give credence to any of the wild claims of METERS of SLR by the end of this century. A rise of 0.30m would be very obvious if it occurred in a matter of just a few years. But when it is spread out over 100 years, with the natural ebb and flow of the tides, it just looks like business as usual. Continue reading “Land and Sea Go Up and Down”