The SunCable Gambit

By John McRobert

Refreshing to read Nick Cater’s exposé of the SunCable gambit ‘Sun sets on renewables superpower fantasy’ (The Australian, 26/8/2024). The ‘green tick’ given to the project had the usual weasel-word caveats of strict conditions to completely avoid important species such as the greater bilby and critical habitat. But clearing and cladding with imported glass panels 12,000-hectares of land, would be more devastating to native wildlife and ecosystems than a wildfire, and with far greater long-term damage inflicted on the landscape and our economy.

One might ask what has this fanciful project already cost the Australian taxpayer in subsidies and so-called ‘carbon credits’?

2 thoughts on “The SunCable Gambit”

  1. Greetings John McRobert. Auditors use a green pen to note items of interest whilst they examine documents, but financial auditors have no expertise in examining non-financial evnvironmental and social matters included in ‘triple bottom line’ theory that was previously used to politically influence financial reporting. Triple Bottom Line theory was meant to stealthily impose regulations on us without our prior approval through political process.

    Auditors and accountants are required to demonstrate independence from such external political influences. Remember how political activists previously disrupted board meetings until the Corporations Act made the activists liable to the same heavy penalties as ‘de facto’ and ‘shadow directors’ if they succeed in coercing directors?

  2. And greetings Primustultorus.
    Good comment.
    How can Auditors and Accountants remain independent from external political influences when a new political overlay has just been imposed over the International Financial Reporting Standards? This suffocating imposition being stealthily brought in under the socialist ‘Soak the rich’ vote-catching mentality (only the top 250 companies have to initially comply – but the poison pill is that they have to demand all of their myriad suppliers to account for an unmeasurable thing called a ‘carbon footprint’.

    But not to worry, here is an easy compliance guide.

    This is mass suicide and based on a hoax that carbon dioxide controls the climate and that we can therefore control the climate by accounting for and pretending to control this trace, life-essential gas that is at historically low levels in the atmosphere.

    All of this for net-zero effect on a cyclical climate that controls atmospheric CO2 that is dependent on and does not control water and surface temperatures. Hopefully the climate change hoax will be exposed when President-elect Trump again walks away from the Paris Agreement, and Auditors and Accountants can again concentrate on the company finances, sleeping soundly in the knowledge that the bigger their unmeasurable ‘carbon footprint’ the greater their contribution to their company investors, society and life on this minerals-and-energy rich planet.

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