The Green Gardens of Eden Totally Destroyed by BAD BUSHFIRE POLICY

By Anonymous

If a tree burns in a forest does anyone care?

1,000,000 hectares of land was burnt in the Central Queensland bushfires in November and December 2018.

To put that in the Qld Labor Party’s preferred unit of measurement – that’s 2 million Suncorp stadiums.

The majority of the area burnt was national park or in what is classified as “remnant” vegetation. “Remnant” vegetation is basically State-sanctioned national park on privately held land.

105 individual fires burnt from Mackay in the north through to Bundaberg in the south. That’s 600km of bush fires.

One fire burnt so intensely that it destroyed the Eungella National Park – a wet tropical rainforest. Scientists say it will take hundreds of years to regenerate. 1000’s of years of biodiversity – gone in a large, black, hot, plume of smoke.

The Premier of Queensland and her sycophant followers claimed that the fires were caused by climate change and had nothing to do with their ideologically driven vegetation and national park policies. Continue reading “The Green Gardens of Eden Totally Destroyed by BAD BUSHFIRE POLICY”

Forget Paris: 1,600 New Coal-fired Power Plants are Planned or Under Construction in 62 Countries

Here’s a small sample of how many coal plants there are in the world today.

    • The EU has 468 plants building 27 more for a total of 495
    • Turkey has 56 plants building 93 more total 149
    • South Africa has 79 building 24 more total 103
    • India has 589 building 446 more total 1036
    • Philippines has 19 building 60 more total 79
    • South Korea has 58 building 26 more total 84
    • Japan has 90 building 45 more total 135
    • AND CHINA has 2363 building 1171 total 3534

Here come our AUSTRALIAN politicians that are going to shut down our 6 remaining plants and save the planet!!

Source and read more:

Keeping Heat Waves in Perspective

The Great Heatwave of 1896 by Dr John McLean.

This heat wave has the dubious honour of being the hottest EVAH.

From the document:

South-eastern Australia’s 2014 heat wave in perspective

“Anything under 110 [43.3C] is now beginning to be looked at as contemptibly cool.” – 1896

In January 2014 parts of south-eastern Australia experienced a sever heat wave. For several locations the heat wave started around January 11 and lasted about a week then with just a few days pause returned and extended into the first week of February. Temperatures in Melbourne exceeded 40C (104F) on four successive days during the first period and temperatures were lower during the second period. In contrast Bourke, in northern New South Wales, experienced 21 successive days above 35C (96F) and seven successive days above 40C (104F) in the second period.

As hot as these conditions were they were still lower than during January 1896 when a hot spell gripped New South Wales.

Read the whole document: [PDF, 370 KB]

Global Warming Catastrophe (Song)

by Travis T. & the Missing Heat

This is a song adapting a poem from Clive James. The song is sung monotone, because failed doomsday global warming is just plain boring, and a boring subject for a song. The brass section is supposed to sound like someone laughing. And lastly, my name is derived from a famous quote of the climategate emails.

Source, lyrics and acknowledgement:

Ten Reasons for Australia to Exit Paris Now

by Viv Forbes

It is urgent that all Australian politicians understand the dangers in the Paris Climate Agreement. Here are TEN REASONS to EXIT PARIS NOW:

  1. The science is NOT settled – hundreds of scientists in Australia and thousands more throughout the world reject the theory that human production of carbon dioxide is driving dangerous global warming. And the 102 computerised climate models have always predicted more warming than has occurred. (They got it right once, 39 years ago.)
  2. models

    Continue reading “Ten Reasons for Australia to Exit Paris Now”

The Truth about Global Warming and Climate Models

Dr. Patrick Michaels, director of the Center for the Study of Science at the Cato Institute, provides insight into the debate over climate change and the political games played to create policy. A revealing explanation of the climate models.


Comparison of the First Fleet Sydney Temperature Records with Modern Data, 1788 to 2018

By Dr G M Derrick

Executive Summary

1. Notwithstanding a data gap from 1791 to 1859, there appears to have been little or no change in the trends of monthly maximum and minimum temperatures for a period of 230 years, from 1788 to 2018, based on comparisons of two data sets—one recorded by First Fleet officer William Dawes, and one from the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM).

2. Gergis et al 2009, authors of a major study and compilation of the data, conclude that “Remarkably, the records appear comparable with modern day measurements taken from Sydney Observatory Hill, displaying similar daily variability, a distinct seasonal cycle and considerable inter-annual variability.”

This runs counter to the climate alarmism normally published by these authors.

Full article: [PDF: 2.6 MB]

Why we Need Saltbush

By Maximilian Silverton (nom de plume)

Experience over many years working as a consultant with large funds management and global financial services firms have given me a useful education in gravy trains.

The world now resounds with dire warnings about what might happen if the ‘independent expert’ advice on Climate Change, from the UN especially, is not followed. We hear that the very survival of the planet is at stake. Well, maybe it is, or maybe not – but it does no harm to remember that we’ve heard this mournful song before.

Forty years ago, it was called the ‘Energy Crisis.’ More recently there was something called Peak Oil. Now the world is awash in hydrocarbons. No matter, the message always seems to be the same: the workers of the wicked West must be made to pay for their sins with billions of dollars in higher prices and new taxes.
Continue reading “Why we Need Saltbush”

Bushfires and Climate Change

by Roger Underwood AM, Chairman of the Bushfire Front1

In a recent article in The West Australian newspaper, Murdoch University academic Dr Jatin Kala made the unequivocal statement that: “global warming caused by CO2 will cause extreme … bushfires.” A similar assertion was made by Queensland Premier Palaszczhuk in the wake of recent destructive fires in Queensland.

However, temperature is only one of the factors that influences bushfire behaviour, and its influence is negligible compared to that of wind strength and fuel dryness and quantity.

No firefighter fears a bushfire on a hot day. Even on a day of 40 degrees, a bushfire burning under light winds in light fuels (for example, bushland subject to fuel reduction burning less than 2-3 years ago) is relatively easy to control. On the other hand, even on a day of relatively mild temperature, a bushfire burning in heavy fuels under gale-force winds will be almost impossible to control. Continue reading “Bushfires and Climate Change”