By Dr. John Happs

We keep hearing that the planet is under threat because of catastrophic anthropogenic global warming and that our goal must be to limit that warming to 1.5oC or else! Serial alarmist Al Gore told us in 2006, that we had 10 years left before the Earth: “turns into a total frying pan.” before-earth-cooks/
This is the same Al Gore who displayed the Dr. Michael Mann fraudulent graph to say the planet is warming dangerously, when it isn’t.
It would appear that we have to put up with even more global warming scare nonsense from the United Nations (UN) Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, as he drones on about the imaginary climate crisis and how the planet is “in intensive care” and on “life support.”
Maintaining the global warming hysteria, Guterres tells us, with no supporting evidence:
With the planet warming by as much as 1.2 degrees, and where climate disasters have forced 30 million to flee their homes, we are sleepwalking to climate catastrophe.
Link to full article here: