Has CSIRO Passed its Use-by Date?

Letter to the Western Australia Chief Scientist, by Dr John Happs

10th February 2022

Dear Professor Klinken

I would like to respond to your talk on ABC radio (9 th February 2022) in which you appeared to promote the idea that the planet is warming as a result of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions, resulting in a number of climate-related extremes.

Now retired from academia and consulting work, I have respectable qualifications in the geosciences (M.Sc. 1st Class; D.Phil.) including climate and paleoclimate and feel confident about providing opinions in these disciplines. Additionally, it is always prudent these days to add that I have never been employed by, or have had any financial interest in any energy provider. Perhaps of more significance, I have followed, with increasing concern the climate change debate and politicization of the issue since the inception of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988.

Despite the media parroting the false impression that most scientists support climate alarmism, the vast majority of scientists do not.

Continue reading the whole document: https://saltbushclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/happs-csiro.pdf [PDF, 1.5 MB]

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