By Dr. John Happs
[Originally published at:]
“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the losers.” (Socrates: 470–399 BC)
António Guterres
António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres is a Portuguese politician and former secretary-general of the Portuguese Socialist Party from 1992 to 2002. He has served as secretary-general of the United Nations (UN) since 2017, being re-appointed to a second term in June 2021.
When it comes to climate change, UN officials have made their socialist intentions clear in that they want to use the issue of imaginary “catastrophic anthropogenic global warming” aka “climate change” aka “extreme weather” to bring about the collapse of industrialised nations, establish global governance and oversee the transfer of wealth from developed countries that have earned it to those developing countries that simply want it.
Maurice Strong
Maurice Strong, another self-confessed socialist, organised the first Earth Summit, called The Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. He later organized the first UN Earth Climate Summit (1992) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and, as the UNEP boss, he organised the first international expert group meeting on climate change.
Strong was the driving force behind the push for global governance by the UN when he suggested a world tax on monetary transactions of 0.5% which would have given the UN an annual income of $1.5 trillion. Strong made clear the UN’s goal:
“We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrialized civilization to collapse.”
The UN attempted to persuade developed nations to provide climate compensation to the tune of $100 billion a year by 2020 with a commitment to pay 1.5% of their GDP annually.
Paragraph 33 of annex 1 reads:
“By 2020 the scale of financial flows to support adaptation in developing countries must be [at least USD 67 billion] [in the range of USD 70-140 billion] per year.” govt/
Fortunately, not all politicians were fooled by the UN’s goals. Canada’s former Prime Minister Stephen Harper said:
“Kyoto is essentially a socialist scheme to suck money out of wealth-producing nations.”
Hans Joachim Schellnhuber
Dr. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, a long-standing member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), wants to link “sustainability” with global governance, saying:
“Neither transitions nor transformations will be manageable without novel forms of global governance and markets… “
Dr. Ottmar Edenhofer was co-chair of the IPCC’s Working Group III and lead author of the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report released in 2007. Edenhofer doesn’t even try to hide the UN’s goal of financial control, saying:
Ottmar Edenhofer
“The climate summit in Cancun — is not a climate conference, but one of the largest economic conferences since the Second World War.”
Edenhofer revealed how climate alarm would be used by the UN to extract money from developed nations, saying:
“We redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy.”
In an interview with Swiss newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung (Nov. 14, 2010) Edenhofer confessed:
“One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore.”
Economist Dr. Dan Mitchell reflected on the main goal of Figueres and the UN as being to:
“Make the world look at their right hand while they choke developed economies with their left.” trillion-alexandria-ocasio-cortez/
Timothy Wirth is head of the UN Foundation which lobbies for hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to help under-developed countries fight imaginary global warming. He said:
“We have got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.”
Connie Hedegaard
Another UN official, Connie Hedegaard said she doesn’t care about scientific facts or that people would face higher energy costs:
“Let’s say that science, some decades from now, said ‘we were wrong, it was not about climate’, would it not in any case have been good to do many of the things you have to do in order to combat climate change?”
Hedegaard doesn’t seem to care about the millions worldwide who are already suffering and dying because they can’t get access to an inexpensive, reliable electricity supply. Callously, she added:
“I think we have to realise that in the world of the 21st century for us to have the cheapest possible energy is not the answer.”
I doubt that Hedegaard or Antonio Guterres would worry too much about expensive electricity either since his net worth is estimated at several million dollars and, as UN General Secretary, Guterres takes home more than $220,000 per annum.
Christiana Figueres
When Christiana Figueres, was head of the UNFCCC, she stated that the goal of the UN was never about preventing ecological calamity. Rather, it was about changing the global economic model.
Figueres freely admitted:
“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.”
“Our aim is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism.” aim-is-not-to-save.html
Figueres went on to say that democracy is getting in the way of the UN’s objectives. to-destroy-capitalism/
These UN objectives became “The Cause” that drives the catastrophic anthropogenic global warming scam, but first, the UN had to convincingly demonise atmospheric carbon dioxide and persuade a largely scientifically-challenged population and pliant politicians that the trivial amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide (400 ppm) was the root cause of “imaginary” climate chaos. The UN knew that the drama-seeking media would eagerly assist them and it mattered not that atmospheric carbon dioxide has never driven global temperature at any stage over the last 500 million years. See for instance: influence-on-earths-temperature/
To bring all this about, the UN established a Commission on Global Governance and this is seen as central to global control:
“Regionalism must precede globalism. We foresee a seamless system of governance from local communities, individual states, regional unions and up through to the United Nations itself.”
So what lengths are the UN officials prepared to go to in order that their global governance and socialist goals are achieved? It would appear that the current secretary-general of the United Nations, António Guterres is quite prepared to ignore facts, or remain ignorant about them, in order to promote the needed climate alarmism.
It appears that Guterres is prepared to go to any lengths to persuade gullible western politicians to destroy their economies by paying huge sums into the UN’s climate fund whilst closing down their efficient, reliable power plants and industries. The UN would have governments install inefficient, unreliable solar and wind sources of electricity.
Guterres monotonously tells the world (for the nth time) that this is the last chance we have to save humanity from imaginary catastrophic global warming and he is clearly prepared to be economical with the truth whenever the opportunity arises.
Guterres implies that any problem such as wildfires, floods, cyclones, hurricanes, pollution, disease, changes in sea ice and ocean temperatures, are all the result of human-induced global warming or climate change.
In 2019 Guterres expressed his disappointment about the failure of the climate summit (COP25) in that:
“The international community lost an important opportunity to show increased ambition on mitigation, adaptation & finance to tackle the climate crisis. But we must not give up, and I will not give up.”
In fact, every climate summit so far has failed to meet the UN’s ridiculous goals:
Marc Morano replied to Guterres:
“Please give up. Controlling the climate is Futile. Be honest. What you and the UN really seek is controlling people and economies.”
In December, 2020 Guterres continued with his alarmist nonsense:
“We are facing a devastating pandemic, new heights of global heating, new lows of ecological degradation and new setbacks in our work towards global goals for more equitable, inclusive and sustainable development… To put it simply, the state of the planet is broken.”
“Air and water pollution are killing 9 million people annually.”
Guterres appears not to know that the air we breathe and the water we drink are cleaner than ever because of the economic growth driven by energy-dense, affordable fossil fuels. Sadly, many people are dying in developing countries because they have to cook indoors by burning wood or even animal dung since they don’t have access to an inexpensive, reliable electricity supply.
Guterres appears not to know that climate-related deaths have declined dramatically:
Guterres said:
“The carbon dioxide they absorb is acidifying the seas…”
Guterres appears not to know that there is no ocean or sea on the planet that is even slightly acidic, with no prospect of that ever happening.
In 2020, Guterres said:
“We are facing a devastating pandemic, new heights of global heating, new lows of ecological degradation and new setbacks in our work towards global goals for more equitable, inclusive and sustainable development.”
Except that current temperatures are not unprecedented or unusual:
Guterres continued with the agony:
“Humanity is waging war on nature. This is suicidal. Nature always strikes back – and it is already doing so with growing force and fury as biodiversity collapses, species risk extinction, deserts spread and forests are lost.”
Guterres appears not to know that the number of species in the world is unknown and that more than 80% of all species on land and over 90% per cent in the seas still remain to be discovered, described and catalogued. The number of mammal extinctions in the past 500 years or so is around 1.4%.
Well-respected ecologist Dr. Daniel Botkin has completely rejected the UN’s claim that many species are at risk. He says the assertion that a large fraction of species face increase extinction risks is contradicted by overwhelming evidence to the contrary. He pointed out:
“It has been clearly shown that models used to make these forecasts, such as climate envelope models and species-area curve models make incorrect assumptions that lead to erroneous conclusions, over-estimating extinction risks.”
“Since 1968 I have published research on theoretical global warming, its potential ecological effects, and the implications for people and biodiversity. I have spent my career trying to help conserve our environment and its great diversity of species. In doing so I have always attempted to maintain an objective, intellectually honest, scientific approach in the best tradition of scientific endeavour. I have, accordingly, been dismayed and disappointed in recent years that this subject has been converted into a political and ideological debate.”
Intellectual honesty is one thing that Guterres appears to lack when he says:
“Coral reefs are bleached and dying.”
Except that coral reefs are expanding and are not being threatened by climate change:
Guterres needs to know (perhaps he does) that coral reefs are thriving and are now prolific – even in places where atomic bombs were exploded in the 1950’s:
Guterres also needs to know (perhaps he does) that Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) has reported that deserts are not spreading as Guterres implies. In fact, deserts are greening as a result of increased carbon dioxide levels that have boosted green foliage across the world’s arid regions over the last 30 years. It is well documented that desert areas are receding around the world.
Guterres observes correctly that some forests are under threat but, despite losses in some parts of the world (4% globally over the last 30 years), forests still make up around 31% of the Earth’s total land area, spanning 40.6 million km² and the good news is that re-forestation is now taking place in many parts of the world.
Europe and Asia had significant overall forest growth with Oceania showing no change in forest cover whilst North and Central America saw a slight decline in forest cover:
Guterres needs reminding that it was coal that saved the forests of England and Europe in the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries from total destruction when timber was exploited for fuel and building materials.
Guterres also needs reminding that it was coal that saved whales from extinction as the demand for whale oil fell with the increased use of coal gas for heating and lighting. Whales were hunted and slaughtered for their oil, once widely used for lighting lamps in England, the USA and across Europe.
The UN’s attack on coal and oil has led to an energy crisis in Europe, leading to more wood being burned to heat homes and for cooking. With winter approaching, more Europeans will be burning more wood:
Whatever happened to that inexpensive, reliable power the UN promised from wind and solar sources? The people in Spain, Germany and the UK will tell you.
We also have forests being destroyed to service the demands for inefficient and polluting biomass energy. Dr. Mike Holland points out that:
“More than 1,300 deaths a year are linked to air pollution from 27 biomass burning power stations in the EU. Other health impacts include more than 20,000 cases of bronchitis, hundreds of hospital admissions for respiratory and cardiac conditions and nearly two million restricted activity days, including 240,000 lost working days across Europe.”
Justin Catanoso reported:
“For three years, European forest advocates have courted public opinion and lobbied the EU parliament to stop spending billions annually to subsidize the burning of wood for energy — a process ultimately dirtier than coal — and to reject the EU’s official designation of woody biomass as a renewable, zero-emissions energy source on par with wind and solar.”
In 2021, Guterres and EURACTIV falsely claimed that human climate change, caused by anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions, was contributing to global hunger.
Guterres needs to know (perhaps he does) that empirical evidence demonstrates that just the opposite is the case. In fact, increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide and the gentle warming up to the end of the 20th century are key factors in the decline of global hunger and malnutrition.
Guterres continues to spread lies about food shortages when evidence collated by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) show that crop production and yields in most countries, and globally, have set records over the past few decades with fruit, grain, and staple crop production all having increased as atmospheric carbon dioxide levels have increased.
In March, 2022 Guterres lamented that nations were simply not stepping forward with the kind of finance the UN was hoping for. He complained that, despite the many Conferences of the Parties (COPS), nations were building more coal-fired power stations and increasing their carbon dioxide emissions. He said:
“The goal to limit future warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius, highlighted in the Paris Agreement on climate change, and driven home in last November’s COP26, gathering in Glasgow, is now on “life support” and “in intensive care.”
“Last year alone, global energy-related CO2 emissions grew by six per cent to their highest levels in history.”
Commenting on the 2022 report from the IPCC, Guterres warned that this was “a code red for humanity” and must signal the death knell for coal. Fortunately, Guterres did give us another of those “last chances.”
In the same year, Guterres criticised Australia for not keeping up with the “climate efforts” of other G20 nations although he didn’t tell us what those “climate efforts” were. He branded Australia a “holdout” for refusing to do more to cut greenhouse gas emissions this decade, saying:
“A growing number of G20 developed economies have announced meaningful emissions reductions by 2030 – with a handful of holdouts, such as Australia.”
Eventually it will dawn on Guterres that the “Death Knell” for coal is not likely to happen since countries and states such as Germany, Spain, UK, Texas and California have now experienced the complete failure of inefficient, unreliable wind and solar power sources. Consequently, the global demand for coal and gas is now accelerating to prevent winter deaths and the closure of industries. Guterres has finally acknowledged that:
“Countries could become so consumed by the immediate fossil fuel supply gap that they neglect or knee-cap policies to cut fossil fuel use.”
Yet he continues with the nonsense of urging countries to:
“Put the pedal to the metal towards a renewable energy future.”
In 2022, The New York Times reported how António Guterres claimed that “the world is committing suicide if there is no collective action on the alleged climate emergency” and how humanity “faces collective suicide over the climate crisis.”
There is no evidence of any climate crisis but the statement from Guterres was mischievously timed to coincide with recent heat waves experienced in Europe at that time.
Data clearly show that heat waves are not increasing in frequency or intensity as Dr. Cliff Mass points out:
“If global warming was producing extreme heatwaves in our region, such as the event last week, there would be a long-term trend towards more extreme high temperatures. A single event does not reflect climate, only a trend or changes in long-term average do.”
Guterres appears not to know the difference between climate and weather, as defined by the World Meteorological Society (WMO):
“Climate is an average of weather over 30 years and any short-term weather event lasting a few hours or days, be it a hurricane, cold snap or a heat wave is weather and not climate.”
Guterres also appears not to know that temperatures recorded in cities are unreliable because of the Urban Heat Island effect due to more buildings, roadways and waste heat that exaggerate recorded temperatures.
More recently, Guterres took full advantage of the tragedy of the Pakistan floods where 1,400 lives were lost and many thousands made homeless. He demonstrated that he has only a nodding acquaintance with the truth when he promoted more lies/exaggerations about such floods being the direct result of imaginary global warming and attributed that and recent flooding to anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions, saying:
“We have all seen media images of the extraordinary destruction. I can only imagine the power and ferocity of the water as it bore down on villages, roads, bridges and everything else in its path. It was clearly terrifying – a wall of water.”
He added:
“No country deserves this fate, but particularly not countries like Pakistan that have done almost nothing to contribute to global warming.”
Except that floods have not increased in frequency or intensity according to peer-reviewed, published papers.
Had Guterres actually applied a little due diligence he would have found that the waterways coming from the Himalayas have always been susceptible to extreme floods and future floods will occur without any “imagined” human-induced global warming.
Dr. Jim Steele points out that:
“Since 1850 Pakistan has experienced 7 major droughts and 6 major floods. And it is common local knowledge that summer monsoons always cause flooding in some rivers somewhere in Pakistan.”
The Pakistan Meteorological Department had forecast higher-than-average rainfall in the country and warned of flash flooding. They reported how “this information fell on deaf ears, including the country’s media.”
Moetasim Ashfaq, a climate scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the US, confirmed that:
“La Niña, which has persisted for three consecutive years now, likely played a role in the excessive rainfall this year over Pakistan.”
Of no surprise, Kashmala Kakakhel, a climate finance specialist who was on the executive committee of the UN’s Green Climate Fund commented that:
“Since the very beginning in the early 1990s, vulnerable countries have been calling on developed countries to provide financial assistance to help them address the consequences of climate change that go beyond what people can adapt to. Such proposals have been continuously snubbed by the developed countries.”
Karachi is one of the world’s largest cities with a population of more than 20 million people and it is well known that it faces frequent floods due to continuing construction on flood plains, despite warnings about the consequences.
Pakistan Environmentalist Arif Hasan commented:
“Looking at the rainfall figures, I can say with certainty that the present floods have nothing to do with climate change. Not even minor. The figures keep going up and down. There is no regular pattern. We’ve had periods of far more intense flooding during the devastation of 2010. It rained frequently during the 70s. Karachi’s Lyari river frequently overflowed previously, but the city didn’t drown.”
Hasan added:
“The area never flooded before; now it does. Why? Because the Defence Housing Authority (DHA) converted the floodplain into a residential area.”
“Other contributing factors are scores of encroachments in the form of informal settlements. When it rains heavily, many of these are inundated because they are built on floodplains. The most recent case is of Saadi Town which was completely submerged in 2013 and all but disappeared.”
In his report:
“Indus Basin Floods: Mechanisms, Impacts and Management”
Akhtar Ali, noted that:
“Pakistan suffered from 21 major floods between 1950 and 2011—almost 1 flood every 3 years. These floods have killed a total of 8,887 people, damaged or destroyed 109,822 villages, and caused economic losses amounting to $19 billion. On average, the annual flood damage from 1960 to 2011 was about 1% of the mean annual GDP. The devastating 2010 flood caused the highest damage of all in terms of economic costs: about $10 billion.”
Pakistan is situated on the edge of a monsoon region where the rainfall pattern is extremely variable from year to year and influenced markedly by weather events such as La Nina which led to major flooding in 2010. Heavy rain resulted from two tropical storms crossing from the Bay of Bengal and there is no evidence that tropical cyclones are getting more frequent or intense in the Indian Ocean. Consequently, there is no evidence that last month’s rainfall had anything to do with anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions.
In the “State of the Pakistan Climate 2021” we find this chart of annual rainfall:
We can see that the 7-year moving average has changed little since the 1980s, fluctuating up and down, but with no long-term trend and there is no evidence that the gentle warming to the end of the 20th century has led to more extreme rainfall although we can be confident that alarmist news outlets, such as the British Broadcasting Corporation will say otherwise:
Dr. Noman Ahmed, head of the department of architecture at the NED University of Engineering and Technology said:
“People who reside there or are thinking of moving into DHA reclaimed area should think twice. DHA Phase 8 alone is about 4,000 acres, the bulk of it from reclamation. To do it scientifically is very expensive. Instead, quicksand and marshy areas were consolidated by simply dumping and compacting earth. That’s not good enough. In any seismic activity, cracks may appear in buildings and infrastructure with serious consequences. Yet, now they’re thinking of reclaiming even more!”
“The biggest problem is that politicians are not aware and don’t inform themselves. It is ignorance and the lack of desire to know. They don’t see it because it doesn’t happen to them. The planners, the best informed, have no independence. If they assert themselves, they can be sacked or transferred to doing nothing of consequence. So, they keep quiet to retain their jobs or leave for jobs elsewhere.”
Facts, as provided by the above experts, have never deterred Antonio Guterres from mischievously attributing the recent Pakistan floods to the trivial level of atmospheric carbon dioxide and imaginary catastrophic global warming. Guterres ignores climate data that show floods have not increased in frequency or intensity, insisting that:
“As our planet continues to warm, all countries will increasingly suffer losses and damage from climate beyond their capacity to adapt. This is a global crisis. It demands a global response.”
Pakistan’s climate change minister, former journalist Sherry Rehman, was also quick to point to carbon dioxide emissions from developed countries. She ignored the problems associated with flood plain development, saying:
“Global warming is the existential crisis facing the world and Pakistan is ground zero – yet we have contributed less than 1% to [greenhouse gas] emissions.”
“Rich countries must pay for climate breakdown affecting Pakistan.”
“As you can see, global warming hasn’t gone down – quite the opposite. And there is only so much adaptation we can do. The melting of glaciers, the floods, drought, forest fires, none will stop without very serious pledges being honored.”
Rehman clearly hasn’t consulted the peer-reviewed, published literature that shows no link between the above natural disasters and carbon dioxide emissions.
Facts have never bothered Antonio Guterres since his prime mission has always been about de-industrialising and taking money from developed nations to give it to developing countries under the guise of climate compensation. He continues to make wild, unsubstantiated statements such as:
“It is fifty years since the United Nations convened the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. But since then, few of our promises on the environment have been honoured.”
“The window to prevent the worst impacts of the climate crisis is closing fast.”
“Last year, global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions grew by 6 per cent when they should be falling. Let me be blunt: most national climate pledges are simply not good enough.”
“We are witnessing a historic and dangerous disconnect: science and citizens are demanding ambitious and transformative climate action. Meanwhile many governments are dragging their feet.”
“The only true path to energy security, stable power prices, prosperity and a liveable planet lies in abandoning polluting fossil fuels, especially coal, and accelerating the renewables-based energy transition. Renewables are the peace plan of the 21st century.”
Perhaps governments are dragging their feet because more than 1,300 peer-reviewed papers have now been published in support of skeptical arguments against climate alarmism:
Perhaps governments are dragging their feet because they know that a vast majority of scientists reject climate alarmism as espoused by Guterres with more than 4,000 scientists, including 70 Nobel Laureates having signed the Heidelberg Appeal to say there is no climate emergency:
More than 31,000 scientists, including geophysicists, climatologists, meteorologists, oceanographers and environmental scientists have now signed the Oregon Petition to say there is no climate emergency:
Dire predictions from Guterres and other climate alarmists never eventuate and those years they have promised to bring Armageddon come and go. Undeterred by the failure of their silly alarmist deadlines, the climate doomsters simply move their dates for disaster further into the future.
The public and especially children should be told the truth, that life continues to improve with more people being lifted out of poverty than at any other time:
They should be told that people are now living much longer and are healthier:
They should be told that climate-related deaths have declined dramatically:
They should also be told not to believe any of the alarmist climate nonsense that comes from people such as António Guterres and others who have a vested interest in convincing politicians and the general public that there is a climate emergency. They say that climate doom is coming and only paying huge sums of money to the UN can save us. They also say that industries and businesses have to be shut down since they mostly depend on reliable energy sources such as coal and natural gas.
Frankly Antonio, I’d rather believe this character:
Dr. John Happs M.Sc.1st Class; D.Phil. John has an academic background in the geosciences with special interests in climate, and paleoclimate. He has been a science educator at several universities in Australia and overseas and was President of the Western Australian Skeptics for 25 years.
Gutierrez, Strong, Schellnhuber – the three clowns the UN manages.