Dr Benny Peiser who heads up the London based The Global Warming Policy Foundation, is visiting Australia and speaking at three major events in Sydney 26 April, Brisbane 27 April and Melbourne 28 April.
With Lord Lawson, Benny Peiser launched the GWPF in 2009 in the run-up to the Copenhagen Climate Summit. It provides a platform for educational research and informed debate on measures to cut greenhouse emissions and thereby limit anthropogenic climate change.
Dr Peiser has written extensively on domestic and international climate policy and has appeared on numerous media outlets to contest global warming alarmism and demonstrate the cost of policies being proposed to address it.
His visit is especially timely given the European – indeed global – energy crisis and the key issues of energy and the environment that are prominent in the Australian federal election campaign.
Links to the three events and their booking particulars are on the following Web site: https://www.regulationeconomics.com/so/05N-u-oTk/#/main
Why has Dr Peiser views not been aired on the major media in Australia ie Radio, Tv & Newspapers?
Does the Media not want debate on this Issue?
We need more people who have an understanding of these issues to come forward with these findings & tell it as it is.