Federal Review of Fire and Biodiversity

The Bushfire Front Inc has produced a submission to the Federal government in relation to their inquiry into the impact of fire regimes on biodiversity in Australia.

The paper the government attached to the call for submissions was terrible. If this represents the level of impartial scholarship and understanding of bushfire science in the Commonwealth public service, then the country is in a worse position than I thought.

Please feel free to circulate this submission as you see fit. We regard it as a public document.

Roger Underwood
Chair, The Bushfire Front Inc

Submission document: https://saltbushclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/bushfire-front-submission.pdf [PDF, 170 kB]

One thought on “Federal Review of Fire and Biodiversity”

  1. I have written the following to Roger Underwood, author of the review:
    Dear Sir,
    I have just read your splendid review, and am appalled that it needed to be written to counter the Department’s unbelievably juvenile and unscientific ideas. So well done all of you for standing up for science.
    Did you get a reply?
    Best wishes
    Howard Dewhirst
    Burleigh heads
    QLD 4220

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