Climate Miracle – 8 years to develop, 3 months to write – gives you clear proof, in non-scientific language, that climate alarmism is based on fraudulent pseudoscience.
Alice’s dog Toto pulled back the curtain so everyone could see the fraudulent Wizard. Climate Miracle pulls back IPCC’s curtain so everyone can see IPCC’s climate fraud.
Climate Miracle is a beautiful 6”x 9” paperback book, only ¼ inch thick. You will be proud to keep it on your desk. Its eight short chapters total only 70 pages. You may have to stop and think in a few places but that will be to your benefit.
Climate Miracle teaches you how to think which is something many PhD scientists never learned. Truth is simple. Lies are complicated.
Climate Miracle explains the carbon cycle. It shows graphically IPCC’s claimed human carbon cycle that is the basis of all climate alarmism. Then Climate Miracle shows graphically how IPCC’s claimed human carbon cycle is dramatically different from IPCC’s natural carbon cycle. This difference reveals the fraud that they kept hidden from you.
Climate Miracle is my gift to you. It is a gift of truth, knowledge, and power.
If you would like to thank me buy and read Climate Miracle.
Ed Berry, LLC, is a business solely owned by me. Like all businesses, it needs an income to pay its expenses. Climate Miracle is its first product that can provide the necessary income.
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Ed Berry, PhD, Physics