An Answer that Cannot be Questioned?

By David Brennan

I attended the IPA’s book launch of Climate Change The Facts 2020 at Sunshine Beach last week.

Jennifer Marohasy, the editor, came up with the following quotation which was new to me:

Better a question that cannot be answered than an answer that cannot be questioned.

Attributed to Richard Feynman, American theoretical physicist (1918-88), but may not be an entirely original thought by him.

It does rather sum up the state of contemporary climate science, does it not?

If you would like to buy a copy of Climate Change The Facts 2020 go here:

David Brennan

One thought on “An Answer that Cannot be Questioned?”

  1. Feynman stated “Better a question that cannot be answered than an answer that cannot be questioned.”

    There’s something worse. In 2014 I wrote a 7,000 word paper that provided answers to many of Feynman’s questions (and I did not need 500 Feynman diagrams to explain them). Still haven’t been able to get it peer-reviewed perhaps because my answers are too simple.

    -Worse, a question that has been answered but cannot be acknowledged (like the solar cycle explanation for climate change) –

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