The “anti-Greta” Thunberg debuts on Fox News with a message of hope for young people

From Watts Up With That:

It is nice to see this. Unlike high-school dropout Greta Thunberg, Naomi Seibt is an accelerated student and has a background in science and psychology. She received a degree in BA (Business Administration).

She went to St. Mauritz School and won first place in the youth competition research in physics. She graduated from high school at the age of 16 in 2017. She has now been engaged by The Heartland Institute to reach out to young people around the world.

She was a guest Thursday, February 27 on “The Daily Briefing with Dana Perino” on the Fox News Channel, the top-rated cable show in its time slot in the United States. She was invited on the program to talk about her work as a “climate realist” in her native Germany, where climate panic has taken hold among her generation, and the speech she will give at CPAC 2020.

Said Naomi: “I hate to see so many young people panicking about climate change” when they haven’t done their own research on the science.

“They don’t really know what they are talking about. They are so fearful about the future, and I want to give them back their hope.”


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