Greens to Blame

By Viv Forbes

Congratulations to Graham Lloyd (Aus 12 Nov) for pointing out that Greens are responsible for the incendiary state of the Australian countryside.

And shame on those same Greens for continually riding their climate alarm hobby-horse.

There is nothing new about droughts, heatwaves or fires in Australia. What is unusual is the scale and ferocity of recent bushfires caused by Green worship of trees and locked up land, and their opposition to hazard reduction burn-offs.

Some Reading:

Journalism’s Ashes:

Fire and folly:

Bushfire policy:

“We saw either smoke by day or fires by night.” – James Cook as he sailed past eastern Australia in 1770.

“In the whole country (Australia) I scarcely saw a place without the mark of a fire.” – Charles Darwin 1836.

Viv Forbes has science and financial qualifications and long experience in mining, farming, weather cycles, bushfires and politics in Australia. He was an active member of the Mt Walker bush fire brigade for about 25 years. He remembers the terrible Millennium drought and he and his wife fought bushfires of those days on their property at Rosevale. He now has no vested interests in any black or green energy industries except as a consumer.

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