Looking behind the scenes of the well-orchestrated climate hysteria
By Sanjeev Sabhlok
We know there is simply no basis for climate alarm. All “scientific” predictions have failed, life has survived happily with much higher CO2 in the past, the medieval warming period a thousand years ago was much warmer than today, the small temperature variations of the 20th century are easily explained by natural causes, and the IPCC reports confirm that there is no increase in extreme weather events and no economic harm from CO2.
And yet the hysteria is increasing by the day. The “remedies” being suggested are becoming more extreme: it is no longer just about making energy so expensive that the poor can’t afford it, it is now about removing meat from their diet as well.
So how is such an irrational project going so strong? Because it is a clever way to disguise the deep hatred so many of the elites have of the poor. After the Hitler debacle talking about eugenics is no longer welcome in polite company. Climate alarm provides a perfect cloak. It achieves the same goal while signalling virtue. Climate hysteria is driven by an amalgamation of the ideologies of Malthus, Marx, Hitler and social Darwinism.
That this is not about the environment becomes clear when we note that these people do not care about market-based remedies to save wildlife, remove waste and reduce chemical pollution. These people also viciously attack nuclear energy. If they cared about CO2 they would be desperate for nuclear energy, but their goals are obviously quite different.
Stephen Schneider, a key “scientist” in the climate alarm bandwagon explained how their “goals” are to be achieved. In a 1989 interview he said that “to reduce the risk of potentially disastrous climatic change” scientists “need to … capture the public’s imagination” by “getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have”. Straight from the Goebbels copybook.
Malthus is the father of this anti-poor ideology. Over 200 years ago he attacked the poor even though the world’s population was a tiny fraction of what it is today. After Hitler’s eugenic project left a permanent stink, the Club of Rome revived the idea under the guise of “optimal population”. Its goal: to cut the world’s population at least by two-third. A related 1980 “Global 2000 Report” wanted US population to be reduced by 100 million by 2050.
This has never been about reducing just any population. It has a specific goal to protect first the “white” rich and then a few of the other rich, while eliminating the poor, blacks and Indians.
Margaret Sanger’s goal was to “stop the multiplication of the unfit … the most important … step towards race betterment” (note the focus on “race”). She wanted the “bloodstream of the (white) race” to be as pure as possible. She was involved in a ‘Negro Project’ to limit, if not eliminate, black births. She also detested Indians, considering India’s population (then only 300 million) a “curse”.
Nothing would have pleased her more than the total wipe-out of all Indians. When she learnt that Nehru had agreed to her persistent proposal to start a birth control program in India, she was delighted: “I cannot imagine anything more blessed happening on earth”. In the minds of such monsters, it will be truly “blessed” when all of us Indians are wiped out.
Rachel Carson was the next prominent Malthusian. Her book, Silent Spring (1962) actively fought technologies that could improve the lives of the poor. She lied through her teeth about DDT and tried to stop it from being used to fight malaria which kills millions of poor Indians and Africans.
Next came Paul Ehrlich with his 1968 book, The Population Bomb. His hatred for humanity was revealed in the title itself. Not chastened by the total failure of all his predictions, he gloated in an interview in 2014 about the prospect that things could go so bad that humans will become cannibals. Nothing would please him more than the poor eating each other.
The specific issue of climate alarm originated as part of the Club of Rome of 1968 and its 1973 Limits of Growth report. One of the Club of Rome associates was a wealthy businessman, Maurice Strong who played a particularly insidious role in drumming up a range of anti-poor hysterias.
The Club of Rome’s influence led to the establishment of the United Nations Environment Program which elected Michael Strong as its head. Even though major climate scientists of the time were squealing about an impending Ice Age, he picked CO2 warming as his vehicle. After all, the best way to crush the poor is to choke their fossil fuel use.
He therefore drove the Action Plan for the Human Environment at Stockholm and Agenda 21 at Rio. This included the infamous Rio precautionary principle which underpins all anti-poor policy.
He had a revulsion for people. In his 2000 autobiography he dreamt of the day when two-thirds of the world’s population might be wiped out. A committed socialist, he outlined the plot for novel in a 1992 interview in which: “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”.
Strong was widely supported by thousands of influential like-minded people, many of whom are extremely powerful today: for instance, William Nordhaus, who received the Nobel prize in economics last year. In a major 1974 article Nordhaus cited the Club of Rome and said its concerns about “the carrying capacity of the environment” are legitimate and the concept of economic growth itself needs to be reviewed. He then started a life-long focus on CO2 and has long recommended a carbon tax without ever bothering to check whether CO2 is actually a pollutant.
The Club of Rome and its associate organisations remain active and operate behind the scenes. There is a powerful network of people determined to use climate alarm and anti-GM propaganda as instruments to curb agricultural productivity and choke energy use by the poor. Al Gore is perhaps the most well-known but the group includes innumerable “scientists” who are happy to fudge data. The Climategate emails demonstrate how these “scientists” operate in the shadows to distort facts and mislead the public.
Our party is keenly aware of the intense hatred these “white” elites have towards India’s poor. We won’t let them get the upper hand. Scientific debate won’t work with them. So we call upon the Modi government shut down the IPCC.
Hitler’s debacle with eugenics was commenced because many of the fittest Germans were killed during and after WW1 (800,000 were starved by the British naval blockade alone) and the population was full of people with genetic problems, and they would multiply.
Moreover, as a Catholic he was against eugenics originally until parents of a blind, deaf, dumb and deformed child, needing 24/7 care, wrote to him.
Your expose is a stark reminder that there are sinister organisations that are hell bent on willing to lie and cheat to fill their own coffers at the expense of the less fortunate. They must be outed along with there Organization but who will be listened to, who will bring this to a head
A future Fathers’ Day saga
After the son apologised because he had not visited his parents for several years because it was a two-day car trip, he asked why they moved to the coldest place in Australia. The father replied that he had made plenty of money working for international climate fraudsters, and when he retired it would have seemed strange if he moved to northern Australia where his children lived, because the father publicly predicted the climate there would grow ever hotter.
Anyway, at least because he retired early, he was not prosecuted by the International Weather Tribunal that sent the international climate fraudsters to live on an expanding glacier in Greenland. They were to be sent to Iceland but that country blocked their arrival because many of their leaders had already served criminal sentences there for previous banking issues. The ancient Vikings established settlements on Greenland, which was covered by ice, by fraudulently naming it Green-land, thereby deceiving the immigrants. It was deemed appropriate for the contemporary climate fraudsters who had cost the world trillions of dollars.
“Yes, happy father’s day. Next time bring some firewood, We’ve been fined because we chopped down most of our own trees but at least we received a rebate for returning CO2 to the atmosphere to save the planet from cooling!”
Actually, Goebbels stated that all propaganda will fail unless it is truthful. He was/is hated and feared by his enemies not because he was a liar but because he was truthful.
Liars are easily dismissed and ridiculed. If he had been a liar then his speeches and falsehoods would have been presented in our contemporary media on hundreds of occasions.