Flat Batteries

Batteries sound great.

But they have to be re-charged and replaced. That needs plastics, metals and electricity.

After two still nights and three cloudy days how does green South Australia power their cities and industries AND re-charge/replace their batteries on intermittent wind/solar power without coal, oil, gas, diesel, petrol or nuclear?

And after a week of cold cloudy weather?

Giant flat batteries trying to re-charge small flat batteries?

Only politicians could be so stupid.

By Viv Forbes

2 thoughts on “Flat Batteries”

  1. >” After two still nights and three cloudy days how does green South Australia power their cities and industries AND re-charge/replace their batteries on intermittent wind/solar power without coal, oil, gas, diesel, petrol or nuclear?”

    Long distance interconnectors to coal-fired power in other States, of course.

    Oh, and rolling area power losses planned deliberately, with the areas chosen on their track record of voting, or not, for the Govt of the day.

  2. View it as year 7 science experiment Viv
    By naive & ignorant ideologues.
    But when it blows up in their faces
    Real awareness and knowledge
    Will be gained.
    But others will pay the cost.
    Umm ?

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